What's everybody doing today?

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Today we didn't get much done at all and nothing that was planned.

We were purchasing items and business cards for the RSL club that they need and DH had the previous treasurer come over to show him how to enter all the financials into MYOB for the club as he is the treasurer.

DH did manage to soak the whites overnight, put a load on in the washing machine and hung it to dry on the clothesline. He then put potash on 5 garden beds and I watered it in from saved grey water from the washing machine. As my pay came in I paid another extra payment on the home loan and allocated funds into bills, groceries and other accounts.

Tonight's dinner will be the other half of our homemade chicken, capsicum, champignon, tomato and cheese pizza.
Been to the doctor this morning.
That went well for the most part.
Had a seizure while in the MRI machine.
The MRI tech went whiter than white when I told him I was having seizure.
But all other tests went well.
The whole purpose for these tests were because the seizures were changing somewhat.
All during the seizure I saw the prettiest shade of violet, not purple but violet.
Tentatively the right knee replacement is scheduled for January.
See the Neurologist again next month.
Will have to reschedule MRI again before 14th August 2019.
Kind of tired so Strawberry and I are going to take a little nap for a while.
I make Pico de Gallo all the time, Peanut. Goes on everything. I use whatever tomatoes I have, and turns out fine (Bite of the Rooster).
Went out to breakfast, then grocery shopping. Granddaughter came with me and we went to the Walmart and there is the same shortage sign there and empty shelves on a lot of product. I bought some store brand canned stuff. Went to Dollar Tree, and the store was 1/4 empty. Granddaughter noticed right away. Then went to Krogers and were surprised at the price of pasta and Walmart, too. $1.49 to $1.69? Lettuce and celery are ridiculously priced right now. Did get a bargain on Roma tomatoes at 50 cents a lb, so they will go in the dehydrator. Bought 20 lbs. Need to go into work for awhile.
Why the shortages?
We were out of service for 4 days over the holiday weekend. It was wonderful and much needed. Returned home Sunday evening then up and at 'em bright and early yesterday. 10-11 hr days for me both yesterday and today; 12+ hr days for hubby. Trying to catch up at home now but it's time for bed.
@timmie hope your eyes are feeling better by now.
Woke up this morning and things went a rather strange nice way. The neighbour who is selling her property had a friend come over with a tractor to put in her driveway through the front of the house. Both of us looked at each other and I said to DH as we have all that rocky soil that was raised in the back yard from the grape yard enclosure could you ask him to get rid of that and level it and put it over the back fence to fill in the lower ground near the creek. He did that and we offered to pay him for his time and fuel but he said no that is fine happy to do it and said you can shout me a beer instead. What a blessing that was as it would have taken us much digging and taking many wheelbarrows back and forth full of soil :) . He is doing more work next door tomorrow and put gravel on the driveway and offered to take out a star picket that is cemented in in the back corner of the yard for us if we loosen it and he took out the other one today too.

DH then paid our tithe online as it was his payday and after that we cut all of the drip irrigation pipe for the garden beds to length and DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped them and put them away.

Tonight's dinner will be rump steak and steamed peas, corn and capsicum.
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Getting a Malware bug off the computer. Apple OS using Safari. Web Browser "locks up", can't search or nothing. This morning I declared war! Using my iPad to do "how to" online searches, delete scripts, preferences and after two hours the tide of the battle has turned! I can now make "Malwarebytes" as my default web page, down load their software........install and .............. nuked that malware bug right off the face of my computer!

Turns out a false Adobe upgrade that I allowed was a mask for the bug "Weknow.ac"
Strawberry and I are up.
I'm dressed, including teeth.
We have been outside several times to take care of her business.
Getting ready to storm here.
Sky is turning black, humid as all get out.
Going to be typing up my minutes from last months VFW meeting.
Got this months meeting tomorrow night.
Unpacked several more totes, got those items put away.
Strawberry is asleep in the recliner, snoring.
Still haven't figured out where I'm setting up my sewing area.
Oh, well, sewed for years on kitchen table.
Can do it again.
Will have Grand daughter tomorrow for awhile.
Haven't seen her since her birthday, couple weeks ago.
Have knitting and crochet class tonight too.
Everybody have a good day, morning, evening, and night.
Take care.
Got pork roast, potatoes, carrots, celery, sweet peppers, mushrooms going in the crock pot too.
Got fresh pan of tea steeping on the stove.
Getting a Malware bug off the computer. Apple OS using Safari. Web Browser "locks up", can't search or nothing. This morning I declared war! Using my iPad to do "how to" online searches, delete scripts, preferences and after two hours the tide of the battle has turned! I can now make "Malwarebytes" as my default web page, down load their software........install and .............. nuked that malware bug right off the face of my computer!

Turns out a false Adobe upgrade that I allowed was a mask for the bug "Weknow.ac"

Thats why I love my Kasperskys.
Your post reminds me I have to run a deep scan on the hubby's laptop. I don't know what sites he goes to but I've done had to get rid of 3 different malwares and trojans from the thing in the last 2 years. smh
Stopped at Subway. The guy ahead of me ordered the garlic, steak and provolone on chibatta bread. Then he said the bread was to small, he wants the long one so the girl changed it. Then he wanted the provolone and swiss but didn't want to pay the extra. Then he got upset because there was no pepperoni....
I said enough with the video games today go find yourself a project! So he made himself a knife with an an antler handle out of an old file. Not bad for an 11 year old, not bad at all!



Dad has been talking about fishing again. It took me 3 weeks but I tracked down the only Cane Pole for sale in my county, $9. It was rigged but left in the sun for months, line was bad. I got new line and hooks, have weights...

Found a place to fish 1.5 miles down the road... a pond full of bream, no turtles or catfish... going to catch us a mess of bream one evening real soon.

Edited to add... got my knives sharp a few weeks ago with my new sharpening kit. Tonight I started cleaning rifles with my new gun kit.
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Just regular daily chore and life stuff for the past few days. Today, went to thrift stores, VA clinic, picked up copy of my lab work at my docs, and then Walmart for a few things. Did some eBay photos and then Church tonight for women's Bible Study. Going to fill up gallon jugs with water tomorrow before the tropical storm hits. We are about 100 miles inland but that doesn't mean the electric and water won't go out.
Went to Wal-Mart to get some ice cream and out of curiosity checked the canned veggie isle. We have the signs....View attachment 11381

This harkens to my complaint the other day about only stocking shelves with 5lb bags of this or that... no small items at Wally. I first began seeing this about a year to a year and a half ago and it's just getting worse.

I have no idea how severe this is or the source.

Peanut, is your cane pole good or do you need another?

The pole is fine. I think what happened is that this gas station/mini-mart had poles hanging horizontally at the top of their main front windows. Because of the metal canopy over the gas pumps they were protected from the sun except for a few months in deep summer. Then they got sunlight for a couple or 3 hours sun through the window each day in late afternoon.

This caused the line to degrade... No, the pole is fine, just needs new line. I may go in the pole business, can't believe I'm the only person who needed one. I have a great source for river cane. My family has been cutting running bean poles there for decades...

Bean Sticks 01.jpg
Bean Sticks 02_v1.jpg
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Today we went out into the garden to try and loosen the star picket that is cemented right at the back of the property. We got that accomplished and our friend with the tractor came over to try and remove it but sadly the thing is dug to china and it won't budge but the concrete cracked on the first half. We will cut it with a hacksaw and bury it the way it is.

We then noticed him and a mate were trying to level gravel on the driveway with spades (a difficult way to do it) so we took over our large leveling hoes to make the job a bit easier and helped them finish it. We came back inside and DH made another batch of homemade stain remover and I stain removed some clothing and hung it on the clothesline to dry. DH ran the saved grey water outside and watered the ornamental spider, canna and calla lilies.

Tonight's dinner was (reduced salt) spam and egg toasted sandwich and my dessert was a tin of mango slices.
This harkens to my complaint the other day about only stocking shelves with 5lb bags of this or that... no small items at Wally. I first began seeing this about a year to a year and a half ago and it's just getting worse.

I have no idea how severe this is or the source.

Our WM doesn't have much of the bulk stuff. I have to go to the local store for the large bags of salt, sugar and tomato sauce.
After getting today’s guests fed and off for the day my lovely bride and I took off to a local lake.its only 12 k as the crow flies but 45 minutes+ by road. Put in four hours fishing, brought back a couple meals of brook trout and rainbows. There are so many fresh water shrimp in the lake that flesh of the fish looks like fine salmon. Fishing was okay but not up to its usual level. Lots of acrobatics when we hit a fish, they put up a great fight and give an awesome show.

We watched rainstorms circle all around us but other than a couple sprinkles we had no rain. In fact I think I might have a little sunburn.

Saw a couple deer, a black bear and a plethora of small critters and birds. Watched a pair of loons courting (the birds not my wife and me), it made for some awesome water dancing. Going to kick back and relax now for a while..
Sewing...stain remover recipe, please.
Youngest daughter is having 6 impacted wisdom teeth dug out early tomorrow morning. I'm her designated driver. She'll be staying at our place a few days. Stocked up on soft foods for her. I'll get her situated after surgery, have granddaughter wait on her, and I'll have to get to work. Only 6 more working days to go.

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