What's everybody doing today?

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I BBQ'd on my new pellet smoker/grill that my son bought me for Father's Day. None of the stores had thick steaks so I had to grill some of the tri tip we bought last month.
Steaks were a little over cooked, about med instead of med rare. Had steak, baked potatoes, shrimp, corn on the cob, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers from the garden, and homemade banana ice cream for dessert. Overall it was a good 4th.
My neighbors will be lighting fireworks and shooting their guns until midnight and our dogs hate it. So no sleeping till they are done. I'm still not sure why illegal Mexicans celebrate America's Independence.
Today we started off the morning with putting on the last section of the garden enclosure shade cloth roof and that is now done and took about 1.5 hours. It was a lovely cool and breezy day to do it. While DH was wiring on the shade cloth I weeded one of the garden beds.

This afternoon we went and had our date day at the RSL club and had a few soft drinks and a game of pool. DH being the treasurer discussed the purchase of pool cues, chalk and tips with the president and he was extremely happy with the low price I paid for the 6 pool cues, the rest and star, the chalk and the replacement pool cue tips. He is also picking up on the book work down there from where the last treasurer left off. There were a lot of bills that were left unpaid and he has now paid them so it is all up to date. Apparently the last 3 treasurers down there have been less than efficient which is now evident.

Tonight's dinner will be for DH cabanas and cheese on crackers and for me sour cream and smoked oysters on crackers.
Watched the fireworks last night in night in the small town near my kid's house. Pretty impressive for that tiny town.
I brought my wheeled string trimmer/mower and we cleaned up around this kids place, Friday we do our other kids place.
Rivers here are all running hard from the continued snow melt. Taller mountains still snow covered. Very good hay crop here with first cuttings done now. A lot of field irrigation going on here currently.
We too watched fireworks last night. A nice showing for a small town in SE Iowa. The night before, we watched a private display that was simply amazing! Today is going to be getting back to packing and getting ready for the big move to the homestead. I also need to get out and look at the tomatoes, and of course water. The last two days were filled with 50% chances of rain that never quite materialized.
After I made breakfast we stacked the pellets in the pellet shed.
Ugh it was and still is nasty humid and now its hot to go with it
We had a storm roll through yesterday evening about 6pm. Didn't help with the weather any but it did shut down the fireworks display so they're trying again this evening. It did help with watering the garden so I won't have to yet.
Hubby finished the new siding on the back deck. Looks good. he also got rid of another window we didn't want anymore.
he still has the railing to put up and then I can get the deck back together again.
It looks good with the new decking and the new siding ( I like the different color decking lol)
house remodel 001.JPG
house remodel 002.JPG
house remodel 003.JPG

Hubby is in town now buying clips for the railing he has to put up and heading to the bank
I have dishes to do and a shower to take
Leftovers for supper
Pups had a box turtle this morning but we got it away from them. lol They are the most curious dogs we've ever had and they get bored easily too I've noticed. Have to keep them occupied with new "toys" a lot. Bella likes ropes and Bandit likes balls lol
Had my semi annual doctor appointment this morning with blood work. Will get results Monday. Stopped at a yard sale and picked up a new pair of Skechers for $2 that I just listed for $44. Swept the house and have been writing drafts for eBay this afternoon. Going to water the garden in a bit and then go through pantry and do a list to stock up on oats, flour, sugar, vinegar etc.

And got 2 and a half cases of pint jars for $10 total.
New refrigerator was delivered this morning. I used this opportunity to do some deep cleaning in the kitchen. The recycling bin and the trash bin are full with more to go. I was drenched from sweat by the time it was all over with the door being open and the current high humidity. Still have some work to do moving stuff from the small fridge over to the new one. Waiting for the ice maker to do some ice that gets thrown away before I use some.
Pink eye is the worst. I send kids home with it right away and then Lysol everything. They usually get it during allergy season, and also cold season. Nose runs. They wipe it with their hands, rub their eyes. Yuck. I've had it a time or two. Grandson had it last year when he splashed duck muck in his eye when changing the ducks wading pool water. They really need to put the drops OTC. Pain to have to get a prescription for it. Make sure you throw out any eye makeup Terri
Pain to have to get a prescription for it. Make sure you throw out any eye makeup Terri

I don't wear makeup. I'm allergic to most of it so I don't even try.

They usually get it during allergy season, and also cold season.

Doc said it was probably from my allergies. They have been bad this week.
Woke up late this morning to a knock at the door and our cat growling like a rottweiler as she does if she hears the front gate opening at any time. We looked her up and it appears she may be a Siamese/Mackeral cross thus the dog like growling and sonaring us with her sorrowful meow. Turns out it was our wood splitter that turned up so we moved it under the back deck to keep it out of the weather.

I put on a load of washing in the washing machine, hung it on the line and put potash on 3 more garden beds. DH watered the potash in with the saved grey water from the washing machine. I then set off the grey water from the sullage pit and watered in some fertiliser and lime I had put around one of the mulberry trees.

DH then got together all of the paperwork he had and sectioned it into month format in display folder sleeves and then rang the previous treasurer to get him to show him how to enter everything into MYOB as well as the computer password.

This afternoon we put together the 20 tonne log splitter with much grunting and groaning as we had to turn it a few times to assemble it and it weighs 128 kg when assembled . It looks good and now we just have to get the motor oil for it to try it out. We will be going into town in about 10 days for other appointments so we will get it then.

Tonight's dinner will be a mince and vegetable stir fry that will likely last us tonight and tomorrow night.
Adventures… Yesterday I had taco’s planned for dinner. I had also planned to make my first batch of “Pico de Gallo”. Simple and straight forward unless you make a genetic mistake. The pico sauce recipe called for plum tomatoes so I bought some roma tomatoes. Technically I was right in that roma’s are a sub-species of plum tomatoes.

However, as I soon realized most plum tomatoes are 1/3-1/2 the size of a roma. My proportions were all wrong but the basic flavors were there, not a total disaster.

This morning I wanted a small meat snack. I decided to fry up half a single serve pack of spam. Then I discovered spam and pico de gallo are a match made in heaven. I fried up the other half and covered it with pico, my new favorite condiment, talk about yummy!

After breakfast I harvested enough Monarda fistulosa to make a pint of tincture. It should have been harvested 2 weeks ago but my health has been wack-a-doodle since memorial day.

This morning I also watched Day 1 of the Tour de France. I watch this bicycle race every year... Sort of like a nascar race... waiting for the big crash, There is usually one every day. There were 3 crashes today, took out about 25 riders at least temporarily. Sort of amazing, 100 or so guys are riding at 40mph, inches from each other. One person screws up and there is a terrible out break of Road Rash! :D
Good morning all,' one of them kinda mornings when you can't open your mouth without a song jumps right out of it.':lil guy:

Ok then maybe its one of these type mornings,:D

I crawled out of bed fighting to gain consciousness against a relentless alarm clock. Words flowed out of my mouth but this is a family friendly forum, and I am trying to eliminate those words from my vocabulary. The fullness of my bladder argued with the creaking and popping of my knees, winning out and dragging me mercilessly to the washroom. After that the dog needed to do our morning walk of the property perimeter and finally the mercy of a good cup of coffee
Adventures… Yesterday I had taco’s planned for dinner. I had also planned to make my first batch of “Pico de Gallo”. Simple and straight forward unless you make a genetic mistake. The pico sauce recipe called for plum tomatoes so I bought some roma tomatoes. Technically I was right in that roma’s are a sub-species of plum tomatoes.

However, as I soon realized most plum tomatoes are 1/3-1/2 the size of a roma. My proportions were all wrong but the basic flavors were there, not a total disaster.

This morning I wanted a small meat snack. I decided to fry up half a single serve pack of spam. Then I discovered spam and pico de gallo are a match made in heaven. I fried up the other half and covered it with pico, my new favorite condiment, talk about yummy!

After breakfast I harvested enough Monarda fistulosa to make a pint of tincture. It should have been harvested 2 weeks ago but my health has been wack-a-doodle since memorial day.

This morning I also watched Day 1 of the Tour de France. I watch this bicycle race every year... Sort of like a nascar race... waiting for the big crash, There is usually one every day. There were 3 crashes today, took out about 25 riders at least temporarily. Sort of amazing, 100 or so guys are riding at 40mph, inches from each other. One person screws up and there is a terrible out break of Road Rash! :D
Sort of like this?

Woke up late this morning to a knock at the door and our cat growling like a rottweiler as she does if she hears the front gate opening at any time.

We have a Maine Coon that growls when somebody knocks :) The dog barks too, but I find the cat is more terrifying to people :)

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