...Plumber stayed till almost 7 last night. ...
Evidently your Plumber is self employed!
...Plumber stayed till almost 7 last night. ...
Prayers Peanut.Dad has really gone down hill the past week… Today they inserted a feeding tube directly into his stomach…He just wasn’t eating, they had to do something…
A quiet day for me, kept an eye on the sump pump all day, no issue so far. Lite showers continue off and on. I’m unsure if I’m going down to stay with dad all night. Mom said he sleeping like a rock from the sedation of the procedure. Maybe I’ll go down… Have to be there before 9pm when the front door is locked. After that I have to go through the ER and get a pass. I don’t want to drag a cot and blanket through the metal detector. All the security people know me at this point, just a pain if I don’t get there before 9.
At 6:30pm I’ll know if there is a sitter… I’ll decide then.
Hope all is well!Just sitting here crocheting a green and blue baby hat.
It's number 7.
Will be starting baby receiving blankets this weekend to match part of the hats.
Also will be making receiving blankets out of flannel{kittens in pj's, frogs surfing} to go along with baby hats for the local Mennonite Church mission.
I'll see you all in a few days, got some stuff coming up, need to take care of business.
Good job dad!Had a little trouble today or at least Jake did. The intermediate school bully decided to try Jake out in the hall this afternoon by slapping him. Jake is only 11 years old but he is already way more man than boy its been a personal goal of mine to teach him to protect himself since he could walk. So from what I understand between classes this kid ran up and jumped up in the air and slapped Jake. The teacher said it was unbelievable how fast Jake took him out he said it was like he knew what he was doing. I was expecting this to be a lot worse than it was the other kid got suspended for a week and Jake walked. The teacher actually said he would give him a character award if he could. View attachment 34752
She took care of business fast.Hope all is well!
Personally I hope this is not I should expect in the Spring.Wow @Sewingcreations15 seems lots of water around here. We had flash flooding around here. Many bridges and roads completely gone, you and your ark adventure, and I think Jim (@phideaux ) might be growing gills. Stay safe and dry.
... The head workguy hired the plumber, but needs to fire him. He asked me today if I would talk to him. I told him that was his job. ...
... Lots of rain still on the way so I'll be up until the wee hours checking the sump pump. ...