I went to get one of my trucks smoged for renewal. Gotta love all the taxes and fees in this state

. I did find out our smog shop can do transfers (I have a “new“ truck to transfer) but it costs an Extra $50. They don’t know when DMV will be open again so I guess I have no choice. I hear there’s some sort of temporary online system but I don’t trust that at all. I’ve seen how well they handle these type of things. Glad the fee will go to one of our local businesses at least.
Was absolutely blown away and saddened by what I saw while driving through our little towns. Absolutely no social diatancing. 2 masks total (3 if you counted me) TONS of people out and about. I saw no concern for touching faces or sanitizing Surfaces. I definitely can not say it looked different from normal. Its so sad to see our little town turn just as bad as the big cities.