What's everybody doing today?

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Not doing a dang thing as of yet.
Will be making a dozen mask for a former co worker by Sunday.
Was working on queen size quilt block number #2.
Will work on that in the morning, mask in the afternoons.
My son gave me heads up on the former co worker.
She was trying to make mask so they could get coffee.
They were running low on groceries too.
So will be making up care package out of my pantry for them.
But I have no extra coffee.
She's been out of coffee for just about a week.
Oh, there is some lady on EBay selling masks made out of polyester fabric.
I'm using fabric out of quilt stash fabric 100% cotton.
And charging big bucks for her masks too.
See I help other people to not just Veterans.

But I need a lazy inactive dog .. ;)

She would love you, slurp you.
She loves to hunt, moles, voles, snakes.
She only digs when she's after those.
She goes on point without command.
She loves to run.
But she keeps knocking me down.
This last fall, I was lucky didn't break anything.
And she's a seizure service dog, but she likes to bark.
She's quite loveable.
She need someone much younger than me who likes to run.
She would love you, slurp you.
She loves to hunt, moles, voles, snakes.
She only digs when she's after those.
She goes on point without command.
She loves to run.
But she keeps knocking me down.
This last fall, I was lucky didn't break anything.
And she's a seizure service dog, but she likes to bark.
She's quite loveable.
She need someone much younger than me who likes to run.

On her needs ...
She missed both with me
I'm older than you....
I can not run.

Well, I'm gonna be busy today.
Going to the shop and gonna make some Wood Bee traps..going to see potential family member ,Dugan the doggie.

Wife needs to stop in to DG for some milk.

If I have any time left I'll be moving some firewood or finishing the Bee traps.

So if y'all need me .....holler loud.

Jim, I hope the new dog works out. It always makes me happy when people adopt. I feel sad for all the dogs in shelters. Wish we could take more, but it's not really feasible. Don't want to upset the balance with the current pets. If we get another dog it will have to be cat-friendly. Yesterday I was a total zombie. Couldn't think straight, kept drifting off when trying to use the computer, felt light-headed, stumbled around, & at one point I couldn't even form actual words. My cat tapped my face to get my attention and I mumbled incoherently at her. She realized I was out of it and gave me a strange look, then turned & walked away. My mother made herself sandwiches because she realized how exhausted I was & noticed how I was stumbling & losing my balance when I brought her some water. Just an off day. I feel better today. At least I can form coherent thoughts. Still a bit tired though. I'm going to try to do some stretches & exercising before I start cooking stuff. I need to catch up on cooking & make stuff so we can have leftovers later.

Just called my doctor's office to get a prescription extended for 90 days so I won't have to go back as often to fill it. Also sent my well-wishes to the staff there. Hoping they will stay healthy.
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Jim, I hope the new dog works out. It always makes me happy when people adopt. I feel sad for all the dogs in shelters. Wish we could take more, but it's not really feasible. Don't want to upset the balance with the current pets. If we get another dog it will have to be cat-friendly. Yesterday I was a total zombie. Couldn't think straight, kept drifting off when trying to use the computer, felt light-headed, stumbled around, & at one point I couldn't even form actual words. My cat tapped my face to get my attention and I mumbled incoherently at her. She realized I was out of it and gave me a strange look, then turned & walked away. My mother made herself sandwiches because she realized how exhausted I was & noticed how I was stumbling & losing my balance when I brought her some water. Just an off day. I feel better today. At least I can form coherent thoughts. Still a bit tired though. I'm going to try to do some stretches & exercising before I start cooking stuff. I need to catch up on cooking & make stuff so we can have leftovers later.

Just called my doctor's office to get a prescription extended for 90 days so I won't have to go back as often to fill it. Also sent my well-wishes to the staff there. Hoping they will stay healthy.

Glad your doing betttter Zanne.
Passed my online training for "Role of the Skywarn Spotter" and "Skywarn Spotter Convective Basics".

Printed out my certificates of completions for the Skywarn classes.

Sent a email to the local Skywarn coordinator to ask, "Now what?".


Now you hope you never get to use your training :)

Our area activates the "skywarn net" on 2 meters when it might be needed, not sure if there is one in your area or not. Our local NWS also has an email and phone number, it may have been provided in your training.
Picked up the stuff that blew down/into the yard from the last storm, put more ties on the canvas gazebo tarp so it won't blow off as easy, changed the house banner flag and spread my pollinator/flower seeds from OPN :) Native Prairie Grass Seed & Wildflower Seed Mixes | OPN Seed

The more flowers I have, the less I mow :)
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Went and visited Dugan the pup.
Yeah right, he is at least 70 lbs, and no 1/2 Lab,
Great looking Walker Coon Hound. He is more like 1 year old not 1 1/2.
Very easy going, very playful

We can't decide.

Went and visited Dugan the pup.
Yeah right, he is at least 70 lbs, and no 1/2 Lab,
Great looking Walker Coon Hound. He is more like 1 year old not 1 1/2.
Very easy going, very playful

We can't decide.
View attachment 39887


How could you not love that face!? aww....He looks like a huggy baby
Made breakfast
Did the dishes
I got caught up on laundry and some other chores today
Hubby finished the decking. Next up the rails
Just been doing the inside chores and reading
Listening to the radio
Gotta set the coffee maker and then hit the sack
We had snow this morning. Small flakes but it was snowing pretty good. Then the sun came out and it melted. Didn't really add up to anything. Not even a coating.
Freeze warning tonight
I successfully prepared beef stroganoff & only started to fall over twice (lost my balance but caught myself). My brother decided to take mom's car and go over to a friend's house without asking. He hasn't come back yet. He needed the friend's help for something involving his phone & he wanted to use the friend's internet (since he has unlimited & faster speeds). We paid the friend's internet bill for the month since he hadn't gotten unemployment yet. Mom is slightly peeved that he didn't ask permission to take her car, but she was in a better mood after I fed her.
I'm still feeling better. When this muck all clears up, I'm going to take some dark chocolate candies to the clerk at my doctor's office (I found a candy she loves) and give her a hug. She's a sweetheart.

I wanted to work on my bathroom today but my tools are at my friend's house. I've asked my brother to bring them home, but we'll see if he remembers.
How could you not love that face!? aww....He looks like a huggy baby

He is a beautiful pup.
So playful, yet easy going.

I'm not real knowledgeable about Walker Hounds, but a little research has helped.

We are going to Foster him for 2 weeks, and if it works out for him and us...we can then adopt him.

Went and visited Dugan the pup.
Yeah right, he is at least 70 lbs, and no 1/2 Lab,
Great looking Walker Coon Hound. He is more like 1 year old not 1 1/2.
Very easy going, very playful

We can't decide.
View attachment 39887

I think that decision has already been made soon as you a accept it you can start enjoying the new family member.:)
Well, I'm gonna be busy today.
Going to the shop and gonna make some Wood Bee traps..going to see potential family member ,Dugan the doggie.

Wife needs to stop in to DG for some milk.

If I have any time left I'll be moving some firewood or finishing the Bee traps.

So if y'all need me .....holler loud.


Good looking Pup Jim. Not familiar with the breed, but he looks great.
If you don't mind would you share your design on the wood bee traps? I need to build some of them myself.

Today worked, had a Dr visit over the phone. We tried to do a video visit, but I couldn't get my phone camera to work with their system. I stayed on the phone with a couple of their workers and tried a bunch of stuff, never did get it working. Did the phone call and took care of business. Refills for 90 days coming. I do have to go by the office tomorrow for a blood draw. But they have moved the lab to one side of the building with it's own entrance from outside. And had 2 hour segments on 3 days for folks who aren't sick to come in, totally away from any sick folks. Dr told me they had no problems with spreading anything yet. THey ask a bunch of questions about sickness, travel, exposure to others. I don't feel bad about having to go by. Dr said he was sceptical of a tele visit before the CV. But now thinks he may start recommending this for well visits. I told him my expereince with the video teleconferences we are doing at work and how well those are working out.

Wife went to a grocery store in the bigger town near us, mainly to look for meat. She got 10lbs of burger, 2 big roast, 3 lbs of smoked sausage, 3 lbs of chicken. Also got some produce and fruit. She was surprised at how much stuff they were out of. No yeast, produce was limited. Beef was limited depending on what quality you wanted. But she was able to get us a good stock on meat. She's also got an order placed at another store to pick up Saturday. We mainly wanted this today to bump up our meat stocks. Gonna continue with that for the next few weeks in case meat does get short supply. Thats our week point.

Walked around the place today, mainly to check my fruit trees. We've had heavy frost last 2 nights. But it doesn't look like it hurt anything. Most trees already have small fruit on them, blooms are mostly or totally gone already. The only thing up in the garden is cabbage and they don't mind frost.

Good Day Tater
Good looking Pup Jim. Not familiar with the breed, but he looks great.
If you don't mind would you share your design on the wood bee traps? I need to build some of them myself.
@Bacpacker , easy to make .
I made 5 today in about 2 hours. Shoulda been 1 hour.

I'll do a thread with some pics

Carpenter bees are a pain but they pollinate all my pecan trees. For a long time I didn't realize it. Now I put up with some of their shenanigans with some limits. In fact they pollinate many things honey bees don't. I'd watch what they pollinate before declaring war, just a thought.

Had a busy day, got dad home from the nursing home was the biggy. Exhausted but still have several loads of laundry to do tonight.
Carpenter bees are a pain but they pollinate all my pecan trees. For a long time I didn't realize it. Now I put up with some of their shenanigans with some limits. In fact they pollinate many things honey bees don't. I'd watch what they pollinate before declaring war, just a thought.

Had a busy day, got dad home from the nursing home was the biggy. Exhausted but still have several loads of laundry to do tonight.
They swarm me, I don't pollinate...plus they are literally destroying my tractor shed.
My shed is 14' deep a 22' wide , and when it's warm out , I'm betting there are at least 100 of them flying in my face.
I have nothing for them to pollinate. @Peanut But thanks for the tip, because someone else might.

Carpenter bees are a pain but they pollinate all my pecan trees. For a long time I didn't realize it. Now I put up with some of their shenanigans with some limits. In fact they pollinate many things honey bees don't. I'd watch what they pollinate before declaring war, just a thought.

Had a busy day, got dad home from the nursing home was the biggy. Exhausted but still have several loads of laundry to do tonight.

Peanut is it a visit or is he home for good? either way I hope yall both enjoy it.
Yesterday we went shopping and to a doctors appointment.

I had a biopsy done on a suspected skin cancer on my arm and we needed to top up on some items we had used from our stockpile that no longer have purchase restrictions on them and we managed to pick up a lot of specials which was good.

Today I started off with stain removing some clothing and repeated for two loads of washing and DH did the same on his load and we hung them on the line to dry. Whilst there I was hanging out the washing I went through the peg basket and threw out all the broken ones and ones that had decayed with age into the bin.

DH washed the dirty dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped the dishes in and put them away. We then went through the walk in pantry and updated our perpetual shopping list with items that had been used for our next shop. We also purchase dated, rotated and put away the groceries we purchased yesterday in the walk in pantry room.

I cleaned off the kitchen table which seems to be a dumping ground for everything when we get home and put fresh towels and floor mats in the bathroom to replace ones that were washed. Then moved onto deep cleaning the 2 bathrooms and toilet for the week and I do do quick swish and wipes in between during the week too. DH also emptied the kitchen recycling into the wheelie bin outside.

DH brought the 3 loads of washing in off the clothes line. We made the bed with fresh sheets and then folded up 3 loads of clean laundry and put it away. I fed the cat and then watered the vegetable garden beds with the drip irrigation system and hand watered the potted fruit trees with saved rainwater from runoff from our shed in barrels.

Upon hearing a few of our church families are in dire straights we have decided to go through our food pantry in the next few days to see what we can spare and donate to our Bishop to distribute to those in need. We stockpile for us and a bit extra for those in trouble too both in our church and anyone in the public we find in need too. We have one box our RSL president gave us from food hampers that were left over from the drought hampers we gave out to veteran and local families (he knew we are involved in welfare with our church) so we will take that to our bishop as well to distribute. Between the RSL and us we are hoping to help a couple of families even a bit through this tough time.

Tonight's dinner will be bacon and egg sandwiches.
Being lazy...finishing my cup of coffee, need to let the dogs out, husband fed. Breakfast for the kids made, and supervising their schoolwork. Real Estate person to come this afternoon, so I have a lot of cleanup and putaway to do this morning, if she's doing photos, which I think she is. Then she's working up her selling price and contracts and stuff and we'll meet a different day for that. Bummer all the renovations weren't finished, but don't really care at this point. She just sold a home up a road from us. Not sure how she will do home tours, so this will be interesting.

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