What's everybody doing today?

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Today I'm going to clean up the dog pen, and get Dugan's new home ready .

Called already, to let them know I'm coming to get him. They're excited.

Gotta put the last diesel barrel in the truck , to fill up while price is down.
Stop somewhere and get some dogfood and treats.

So , gonna be a little busy today.
Y'all need me , holler loud.

Yesterday we went shopping and to a doctors appointment.

I had a biopsy done on a suspected skin cancer on my arm and we needed to top up on some items we had used from our stockpile that no longer have purchase restrictions on them and we managed to pick up a lot of specials which was good.

Today I started off with stain removing some clothing and repeated for two loads of washing and DH did the same on his load and we hung them on the line to dry. Whilst there I was hanging out the washing I went through the peg basket and threw out all the broken ones and ones that had decayed with age into the bin.

DH washed the dirty dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped the dishes in and put them away. We then went through the walk in pantry and updated our perpetual shopping list with items that had been used for our next shop. We also purchase dated, rotated and put away the groceries we purchased yesterday in the walk in pantry room.

I cleaned off the kitchen table which seems to be a dumping ground for everything when we get home and put fresh towels and floor mats in the bathroom to replace ones that were washed. Then moved onto deep cleaning the 2 bathrooms and toilet for the week and I do do quick swish and wipes in between during the week too. DH also emptied the kitchen recycling into the wheelie bin outside.

DH brought the 3 loads of washing in off the clothes line. We made the bed with fresh sheets and then folded up 3 loads of clean laundry and put it away. I fed the cat and then watered the vegetable garden beds with the drip irrigation system and hand watered the potted fruit trees with saved rainwater from runoff from our shed in barrels.

Upon hearing a few of our church families are in dire straights we have decided to go through our food pantry in the next few days to see what we can spare and donate to our Bishop to distribute to those in need. We stockpile for us and a bit extra for those in trouble too both in our church and anyone in the public we find in need too. We have one box our RSL president gave us from food hampers that were left over from the drought hampers we gave out to veteran and local families (he knew we are involved in welfare with our church) so we will take that to our bishop as well to distribute. Between the RSL and us we are hoping to help a couple of families even a bit through this tough time.

Tonight's dinner will be bacon and egg sandwiches.

My Sewing you've been busy. :thumbs:
Did oldest son's laundry up.
He's signing lease on his new apartment this afternoon.
He will cleaning over there tonight.
He has maybe 2-3 truck loads of stuff to move.
Most of that is grand daughter's toys, clothes and stuff.
He's planning on getting up early to move part of his and grand daughter's things before he picks her up in the morning.
I'm running few errands for him this morning.
Will be picking up apartment warming gift for him and grand daughter.
Noodles for her, towels, wash clothes for both.
So this weekend , my apartment will get deep clean, when I'm able to move around in it again.
He's undecided if he's leaving the 55 inch TV that is in my living room.
And pick him up a 65 inch TV from Wal*Mart.
Doesn't matter to me one way or the other.
I had a 32 inch TV in living room, and 22 inch TV in the bedroom.
And I still have both.
Been working on masks.
Been working on cross stitch quilt top, about half done with second block.
Will have to cook something today for supper tonight.
As it is chilly here thinking vegetable soup.
Just resting right now.
Coffee kinda taste funny.
But it could just be me too.
I'm cold.
Finally finished off that homemade version of chef spinach salad.
That lasted 4 days, kept adding stuff that needed used up.
Everybody have great day.
Got my electric bill while ago.
It dropped by half wahoo!
It's a big $48 dollars this month.
Gas bill will average out to be about $35.25
Whittling down the expenses.
Watered what few plants we have and about to turn compost and start getting soil ready for Fall planting before it gets too hot. Have to re-plant melon seeds,others didn't last in this draught I guess or bad seeds maybe little of both.
On my way to the department range to do some shooting (aka boom therapy). Then I am going to drop off 150 rounds of 9mm and some ear/eye protection for my son who is going to go out and do the same. The tech school he goes to has a law enforcement program with an indoor range, but its available to all students to use. Even though the school is closed they are keeping the range open, but only 3 people at any one time (socially distanced) and by appointment. He has a 3-4pm time slot.
I had to work in our storage room today. Though we are in isolation, I have been ordering extra supplies for what I and my wife think are real hard times coming. Ah, it was a lot of extra supplies.
So we have been getting supplies shipped in every day. The most boxes received in one day was 11. I have been cramming stuff unto the storage room floor. Well the floor was full and today we got another two boxes so I had to do some clean up and arranging. Everything is now up on shelves and I see we have room for more :)
She would love you, slurp you.
She loves to hunt, moles, voles, snakes.
She only digs when she's after those.
She goes on point without command.
She loves to run.
But she keeps knocking me down.
This last fall, I was lucky didn't break anything.
And she's a seizure service dog, but she likes to bark.
She's quite loveable.
She need someone much younger than me who likes to run.

I wonder if she could tire out a border collie. My oldest has one that will exhaust everyone, human and k9, on the property.
It seems to me that dogs are still in rowdy puppy phase, like troublesome teens, when that young, 18 months.
Dugan looks like a big boy. He probably won't have to do much to wiggle into your big heart. He may be so happy to have a home he'll lay by your front porch rocker.
I'm sure he'll have his moments. He looks like he's looking for territory to defend.
Good luck!
This morning, I walked, then weeded in front garden, looked over my Pre used lids for dog food canning coming up, and then wrote 3 eBay drafts. Still have to take the photos and then I am done for the day (more or less)

About a week and a half ago I bought more potatoes to use as seed potatoes, since only 3 had come up in the garden in about 2 and a half weeks. So as of today, 30 have come up and I will figure out where to sneak plant another box of starts. Better too many, than not enough!
Today I'm going to clean up the dog pen, and get Dugan's new home ready .

Called already, to let them know I'm coming to get him. They're excited.

Gotta put the last diesel barrel in the truck , to fill up while price is down.
Stop somewhere and get some dogfood and treats.

So , gonna be a little busy today.
Y'all need me , holler loud.


I knew it ,see how predictable you are soul man with the big heart.And not to forget that special wife of yours too.
I had to work in our storage room today. Though we are in isolation, I have been ordering extra supplies for what I and my wife think are real hard times coming. Ah, it was a lot of extra supplies.
So we have been getting supplies shipped in every day. The most boxes received in one day was 11. I have been cramming stuff unto the storage room floor. Well the floor was full and today we got another two boxes so I had to do some clean up and arranging. Everything is now up on shelves and I see we have room for more :)

Good for her and you'll be glad later on ,better safe than sorry. Hubby just had a few weeks of lessons and me trying not to say " I told you so"now eat your damn porrage and let me eat mine in peace.
Darn it, I haven't even stopped to eat today.

Got the dog pen in order , all cleaned up,
Got the diesel drum loaded on truck,
Got the big dog kennel loaded on truck.
After I washed the truck . It was so covered in yellow pollen...it was embarrassing.

Drove 40 minutes to get Doogan. That took 3 minutes ...social distancing makes for quick business.

Stopped on the way back , filled truck and barrel with little cheaper diesel. $2.29 gal.

Stopped at DG , grabbed bag of dog food, treats and some canned food.

Got home put up the dog , he went right in to his new house , went to sleep on his fresh straw.

I put the diesel up on rack.

Then took him out to introduce him to the farm and my shop
He did great..minds really good.
Run his butt off along side the golf cart.
He found an old rubber gloves in the shop ..shredded it in less than a minute...don't know why.



Good day..
I gotta work with him on wanting to rear up on me.

He can't be doing that.

Gotta eat.

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This morning I took the frontend loader down to the pole barn. I had the bushhog hooked up already, was going to need it also. There was a pile of bush left over from 2 summers ago. The grtnephew never got around to burning it. He'd been adding to it, sort of... Instead of throwing scrap onto the pile he'd throw stuff at the pile... there is a difference.

Then there were the tree tops he skidded up fall before last. He sold a few loads of firewood out of them. He didn't put the left over wood into a pile, he left it where it dropped.

This is where he had feed troughs for the cattle. I've been cringing ever since knowing a cow or calf was going to step wrong sooner or later and break a leg.

I used the front end loader to re-pile the first pile and create a 2nd pile from the left over tree tops.

I also pulled all the feed troughs up beside the gate and turned them upside down... So they won't collect water and start to rust out over the summer.

At least now it looks tidy, the troughs will last longer and a cow wont break a leg.

This afternoon I took the weedeater around my chicken pen. I patched the fence in a couple of spots. I now have it almost ready to turn the 12 chicks I've raised into the main pen. I still need to drag a couple of fence panels up to the corral, get them away from the chicken pen. A raccoon could use them like a ladder and get in with the chickens.

Now I'm going to sit and rest a while...
That mutt is really strong.. surprised me how strong he is
Pulls me around like a toy I ain't itty bitty.

Whatever possessed him to destroy that old glove I haven't a clue

His feet are bigger than my hands.


Run the leash under one of the front legs and stop that pulling. Ours use to do it and it stops her. She gets frisky and under the leg it gose.
Jim, Doogan is adorable. I hope he works out for you. He probably viewed the gloves as some sort of prey or toy. He'll need some good chew toys. I recommend toys without stuffing that he can gnaw on and shake.

Mo, I hope you warm up & hope your son's move into the apartment goes well.

I'm trying to remember what other people said, but my mother called an interrupted my train of thought. Fedex came to the door thinking we had a package for them to take but we didn't. Might be some miscommunication with Viewsonic. We are trying to RMA her monitor because it is defective, but they didn't send us a message saying to box it up yet, so it might have been something for the neighbor.

I need to go pick up my thyroid meds, get more water, get more stroganoff mix, etc. Got my tools back, but slept until after 2pm & my vision is very blurry from allergies so no working on the bathroom today. I'll have to make another trip up to Samsclub soon to get stuff my mother likes that we ran out of. I wish we had more room in the freezer. We really need to clean out stuff we're never going to eat that has been in there for years. I'm bad about procrastinating. LOL.

My brother has a cold again-- he blamed me for it. Not sure how when he's the one who's been going out more & he's the one who brought a cold home from work in March to begin with. He then tried to blame the house for it (house wouldn't be so messy if he'd help with cleaning). I need to wipe the counters down again.

Fippy used to get excited about going to the post office (he likes to ride in the truck) but now he gets excited about my mother going to the living room to watch TV. She asks him if he wants to watch TV and he grunts, spins in circles, and wags his tail at superspeed. The leftover tortolini was starting to turn so I fed it it to the dogs.

I'm hoping I'll have more energy tomorrow.
Youngest son was having problems programming his two new Baofeng UR-5 radios. I've have the programming cable and software so he mailed them to me. I programed both, confirmed one before boxing them up and mailed them back to him. Son called. One of the Baofengs does weird things, like key the mike and the flashlight LED flashes instead, its toast. I send him one of my backups so during the 2020 toilet paper crisis he and DIL could have emergency communications (as was his intent).

March 31st I went online to order a replacement for the one I had sent the son. Found a deal, two UR-5s with the extended batteries for $50 total. Order forecasted to be delivered May 19 to June 10. Last tracking update was April 7, "Package arrived at a carrier facility."

They were in my mailbox today! Both tested 10-4, programed and are presently charging.
Run the leash under one of the front legs and stop that pulling. Ours use to do it and it stops her. She gets frisky and under the leg it gose.
Glove me tender, Glove me sweet
Never let you go
You have made my life complete
And I Glove you so! 🤪

I finally Tied the long horse lead to the golf cart.
Then he started pulling the golf cart.

The guy at the shelter said he ain't more than a year old.
He seems to be smart.

That's like a pony pulling a pony cart.
Survived a real estate agent walk through. She'll have a pkt of info for us next Thursday. Husband says we stay till the house sells. Ha Ha. Real estate agent says they send a photographer when the house is nearly empty. Another ha ha. I was just the tour guide. We'll see how this works out. I guess I'll go get boxes tomorrow and just keep boxing.
I let him run around in the shop for about an hour with me talking to him.
He never stopped going..busy busy. Unless I said come, then he would come by me to pet him.
Never once did he go to the door until I stood up and ask him if was ready to go. He went right to the door and set down waiting for me to come open it...I too think he's fairly smart.

He sure ripped into that old glove though.

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Jim, sounds like you could hook a plow to him if you need. LOL. I had a dog with that much energy before. She loved to run around in the field. She realized real quick she got in trouble for killing our ducks, so instead of killing them she decided to plant them. We were in the field and found a duck buried up to it's neck between two stalks of corn, quacking away. Dog was trying to garden. We dug it up, saw it had no injuries, and put it back in the pond. Reinforced the fence after that so the dog couldn't get in. We took her for a walk to the river once when we were meeting up with some friends. They were in a boat fishing. Dog jumped in the water & swam right up to them. I miss that dog, but wouldn't have an energy for one like that these days. My dog, Princess, is about what I can handle. She runs around outside for a bit and then comes in and she will just sit on the couch or sit on the bed. She likes to sit on laps or climb on people's shoulders from the back of the couch, but for the most part, she's low maintenance.
Worked this morning. About mid afternoon hubby asked if we should go for a drive and see if we could find any morales. We didn’t find any but it was sure nice to smell mountain air and not see loonies. Also, I now know its spring - heard the chirppies- that’s tadpoles in human language - sure sign of spring. Got home and got the two side plots smoothed out and ready to plant. Tomorrow is supposed to be a good day to plant flowers and Sunday greens so will see what I can get done. Hubby want to go work on the mountain house tomorrow. I think I would like a day home.

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