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At least I am not the only one.

My Dad used to say "You don't have to shovel rain, but then again not a lot of people drown in snow".
during the season we average a couple of snowmobilers/back country skiers a month killed in avalanches throughout the province. That’s close to drowning
I went on a grocery run myself this afternoon, only spent about $190. The real work started when I got back home. I was having trouble finding room in the fridge for a few items. I started finding “mystery” containers. I decided to clean out the fridge. I found 9 mystery containers in total. :oops:

When I found a package of spoiled mushrooms at the back of the bottom shelf I was no longer “cleaning out” the fridge but “cleaning” the fridge. I got everything cleaned, even took out the veggie crisper and cleaned underneath it.

My fridge is 27 years old and I’m expecting it to die any day. I’ve been shopping the lowes/homedepot websites for a new one. I have 2 picked out as probable’s. :)
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@gumpy floods, tornados aren’t you just the lucky one?
For us last year it was flooding in the spring followed by forest fires. If our snow pack melts slow this spring we should be okay but if it warms too fast we will see flooding again. We Are well above the 200 year flood mark, but many in this community are right along the river
Hanging out in the basement - under a tornado warning. Got some scared critters with us (they don’t like the sirens).

Man, it is one long line of storms. Hate to see what the morning brings across a lot of states...

You stay safe too. When we lived in tornado country I slept in the basement. Those darn things like to visit at night.
It just cleared us! It got rough about 20 miles from here but all we got is rain/wind.
Y'all keep your heads down!
You stay safe too. When we lived in tornado country I slept in the basement. Those darn things like to visit at night.
Yes they do! Our only heat source is a wood stove (upstairs) and it’s mighty chilly down here right now! We need a better long-term solution.
It just cleared us! It got rough about 20 miles from here but all we got is rain/wind.
Y'all keep your heads down!
View attachment 4569
Sirens shut down - looks like the tornado warning is over. :woo hoo:
Still have flooding to contend with, but the house should be okay. Might lose a shed down the creek, but I didn’t like that old thing anyway. ;)
I have witnessed some nasty tornados but we don’t get them where we are now. Seen some horrific flooding including canoeing in the backcountry when all the bridges washed out. Been surrounded by forest fires. Experienced earthquakes. Stood in falling volcanic ash. Blizzards. Been in force 5 hurricanes. Seen avalanches up close. Walked in minefields. Been held up by knife and gun. Watched friends on fire. Been through a bus hijacking. Survived a bad parachute landing, more car crashes than I care to count. And more. No tsunamis. Witnessed murder victims and accident victims die. Lots of near misses. Frost bite on many parts of my body, sunstroke.I guess the good lord isn’t done with me yet. Toxic chemical Inhalents including cyanide. Broken numerous bones. I guess I must be a fortunate man

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