What's everybody doing today?

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you are indeed a very fortunate man
I have witnessed some nasty tornados but we don’t get them where we are now. Seen some horrific flooding including canoeing in the backcountry when all the bridges washed out. Been surrounded by forest fires. Experienced earthquakes. Stood in falling volcanic ash. Blizzards. Been in force 5 hurricanes. Seen avalanches up close. Walked in minefields. Been held up by knife and gun. Watched friends on fire. Been through a bus hijacking. Survived a bad parachute landing, more car crashes than I care to count. And more. No tsunamis. Witnessed murder victims and accident victims die. Lots of near misses. Frost bite on many parts of my body, sunstroke.I guess the good lord isn’t done with me yet. Toxic chemical Inhalents including cyanide. Broken numerous bones. I guess I must be a fortunate man
I have witnessed some nasty tornados but we don’t get them where we are now. Seen some horrific flooding including canoeing in the backcountry when all the bridges washed out. Been surrounded by forest fires. Experienced earthquakes. Stood in falling volcanic ash. Blizzards. Been in force 5 hurricanes. Seen avalanches up close. Walked in minefields. Been held up by knife and gun. Watched friends on fire. Been through a bus hijacking. Survived a bad parachute landing, more car crashes than I care to count. And more. No tsunamis. Witnessed murder victims and accident victims die. Lots of near misses. Frost bite on many parts of my body, sunstroke.I guess the good lord isn’t done with me yet. Toxic chemical Inhalents including cyanide. Broken numerous bones. I guess I must be a fortunate man
I would say that you've gone through several angels!!!
I think we are staying home and watching our service via live stream. Jim just gets so uncomfortable sitting upright. I can't navigate in the aisles well enough to go get my own communion items. Plus, I would hate to run over someone or thing on my little scooter. Or worse, crash and burn.
I think we are staying home and watching our service via live stream. Jim just gets so uncomfortable sitting upright. I can't navigate in the aisles well enough to go get my own communion items. Plus, I would hate to run over someone or thing on my little scooter. Or worse, crash and burn.

We watch church from home from time to time and keep our own communion supplies on hand. I love having the option to watch services from the living room when we have sicks kids or are buried in snow.

This morning 3 or 4 of the younger kids are singing so we have to front and center. Plus it's baptism Sunday so around 15-20 people will be climbing into the pool. Always fun to watch and be part of.
They aren't immune to orthene and DE doesn't work at all. I know, I have seen that first hand. It works for worms but not ants.

That's weird because I have destroyed carpenter ant nests and sugar ant infestations with DE. It gets carried back to the nest and kills all those exposed to it. I have also used some home-made mixtures to kill ants and roaches. 1 part peanut butter or sugar mixed with two parts boric acid will also kill an ant nest. I can't, in good conscience, give you the recipe for what I used to eradicate the roach infestation in a home I purchased but I will tell you that it kills EVERYTHING. We cleared the house of everything alive except for one ivy plant that we forgot. When I set off the chemical reactions we sealed the house and left for a week. When we got back There was at least an inch of dead roaches on the floors throughout the home and the ivy was very dead too. I will tell you that the generated vapor is absorbed into the body as sugar but it is a chlorinated ester that replaces sugar and oxygen at a cellular level. As far as I know if something is alive and metabolizes sugar or oxygen to stay alive this stuff will kill it. It was a few years before we even saw flies or spiders in that house. The roaches never came back.
Well, the response to an active shooter class is not at the Church and is fairly far away as well as there is a $25 fee I did not know about. So it's out. This morning, I was told that I could be used even if I did not go to the class so I guess I will find out next week. Didn't sleep well last night so glad to stay home the rest of the day anyway. Have to do some eBay photos and want to make some hot bacon dressing for a wedge salad tonight along with turkey leftovers.
I taking a break for awhile. I'm sick to mind body and soul about the news and things I can't do a thign about.

A lot of us here are sick and old I know I am, so why in the heck do I bother to make myself sicker? Instead of venting I inserting . So what if the nation is falling apart, why not enjoy whats left of it.
I taking a break for awhile. I'm sick to mind body and soul about the news and things I can't do a thign about.

A lot of us here are sick and old I know I am, so why in the heck do I bother to make myself sicker? Instead of venting I inserting . So what if the nation is falling apart, why not enjoy whats left of it.

I read an unattributed quote the other day that said "If a problem can be solved, there is no reason to worry about it. If it cannot be solved, there's no point in worrying about it".

Hope you get out and have some fun today.
Hope you 2 are ok. Do you have a storm shelter near by? Are you going to have one put in?

Probably build one after the house is done. The house will be able to withstand a pretty big wind with the straps and braces I'm putting in it. The house won't be underground though. Storm house will.(if I can find enough dirt on these rocks to bury it!)
Got most of the duck run finished. We did a triangle, using existing 5 and a half foot walls. Then chain linked the side not on the wall. So it's a triangle, 26 feet by 26 feet by 40 feet. Just need to finish the posts in the middle and put the top on (chicken wire and tarp). Baby ducks come in on 3/14, and of course they'll be inside for awhile, so I have time to tweak it, add some plants and their little pools.
After church today,I went for a 4 hour walk through the woods. I was looking for deer sheds but I saw a few bucks with horns still. I guess I'm a couple of weeks early. Very peaceful walk.
a four hour walk in the woods sounds good, but any sheds will be under the snow. I stepped off the path in the back yard today and sank up past my waist.
Probably build one after the house is done. The house will be able to withstand a pretty big wind with the straps and braces I'm putting in it. The house won't be underground though. Storm house will.(if I can find enough dirt on these rocks to bury it!)
You have said that the house in on a big rock. How close do you think you can find a place to put in a storm cellar?
You have said that the house in on a big rock. How close do you think you can find a place to put in a storm cellar?
We had to go over 400' away to find enough dirt to put in field lines for septic tank. That's to far! I guess I'll have to build a concrete bunker of some kind and fasten it to the rock!
Went out to the property. No wind damage. The garage/barn had a creek running through it (in a manner of speaking), so we trenched and diverted the water flow. The house is another story - significant roof damage and leaking inside. We always knew the house might not be salvageable - now the scales are tipped more in that direction.

Spent time taking down fencing (we’re combining three tracts, some of the old fencing doesn’t serve our purposes), and getting a better idea of where to place the garden, orchard, coop, etc.

Took a hike and found a guy and his four dogs hunting rabbits on our land. That was way fun. :rolleyes:
Went out to the property. No wind damage. The garage/barn had a creek running through it (in a manner of speaking), so we trenched and diverted the water flow. The house is another story - significant roof damage and leaking inside. We always knew the house might not be salvageable - now the scales are tipped more in that direction.

Spent time taking down fencing (we’re combining three tracts, some of the old fencing doesn’t serve our purposes), and getting a better idea of where to place the garden, orchard, coop, etc.

Took a hike and found a guy and his four dogs hunting rabbits on our land. That was way fun. :rolleyes:

@goshengirl Bummer about the roof leak. Did you show the rabbit guy the nearest exit
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I guess I'll have to build a concrete bunker of some kind and fasten it to the rock!

Just build it on a rock and have someone bring in several dump loads of scrap soil with logs etc. Usually dump truck companies have to pay to dump it in a land fill. Tell them you'll let them dump a few loads for free. ;)

Cover up your storm cellar for nothing but a little shovel work. I've a cousin down the road slowly filling up a ravine next to his house this way... hasn't cost him dime!
sounds like it will be raised beds for gardening
The cedar logs are cut to make the borders of 2ea 20'x5' raised gardens. Also built and planted a strawberry patch!

Just build it on a rock and have someone bring in several dump loads of scrap soil with logs etc. Usually dump truck companies have to pay to dump it in a land fill. Tell them you'll let them dump a few loads for free. ;)

Cover up your storm cellar for nothing but a little shovel work. I've a cousin down the road slowly filling up a ravine next to his house this way... hasn't cost him dime!
Great idea! I'll check it out.
Hello everyone and still raining here today too with a few breaks in between we have had another 4.8mm of rain today which is welcomed to quench the dry ground here.

I started off the morning with putting a load of washing the washing machine and when it finished I hung it on the clothes line to dry and managed to just get it in before the rain hit. In between rain DH spade edged around 2 herb, rose and berry gardens and we pulled the grass encroaching around the garden beds and in the garden beds themselves too.

After a bit of a break we half filled the trailer with dirt that was previously dug out from when we put in our water tanks and filled in large divots in the back paddock lawns.

Tonight's tea was homemade pancakes with cream and or golden syrup, and butter and dessert was ice cream and homemade chocolate fudge sauce.
Back from a four state car trip from helping the Son and daughter-in-law get enough remodeling finished so they could move. AND to see the grand kids. On the way home checked into a motel as a storm warning (thunderstorm and tornado) was issued. Just got our luggage carried into our room before the rain started pelting the windows. Wife worried over the weather warnings, Motel was concrete wall construction and I figured it was safer then driving in it so I went to sleep.

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