Thus far this week I took my friend to the store to pick out his wall cabinets for his kitchen. Mom was going to come along & sit in the truck but she wasn't feeling well so she gave me her wallet with her military ID. Showed it to the clerk & let him know she stayed home. Clerk remembered us & said he understood why she stayed home & applied the discount. We were supposed to get two 24"x30s, a 24"x30 corner cabinet, & a 27"x30 end cabinet. But my friend got excited when he saw a microwave cabinet & called his fiance to measure the wall to see if a 30" wide one would fit. There's about 55" so a 30" wide would fit. It was also taller but my friend was OK with that because the microwave would be easier to reach. I was trying to get all of the dimensions to make sure it would work but my friend distracted me with a joke about how women always worry about inches & size. We started laughing so I forgot to measure the depth.
Stopped at KFC to get something for his fiance. He was getting constant phonecalls from people & he got one while we were at KFC drive-through. Found out later it was my mother calling to ask something & to complain that my brother wasn't responding when she called him. Now, this is important because I was expecting my brother to get food for her & I thought there was no rush in me getting home. My friend completely forgot to tell me that it was her & that my brother wasn't getting food for her.
We swung by HomeDepot to get paintbrushes, drop cloths, & screws to secure the cabinets to the wall. I grabbed a couple burgers from McDonalds just before we got to his house (it's around the corner) and ate because I hadn't eaten yet. Once I finished we got the drop cloth (well, really a sheet of plastic) down on the kitchen floor, got the cabinets set up with bottom side up, & I stained them. Finished the staining around 8pm.
Called Mom to check on her & she was irate. She wanted me to feed her. I said that I just finished staining the cabinets & they would take an hour or so to dry to be able to do a 2nd coat. She misunderstood my intentions & wouldn't let me finish my sentence. She hung up in a rage while I was saying that I could come home & cook for her and then go back to do the 2nd coat & asked her what she wanted. That's when I realized she'd already hung up but my phone hadn't caught on yet. I had my friend call her to see if she'd say what she wanted. She didn't yell at him but she griped about me & hung up. She's never hung up on him before. He then mentioned that he forgot to tell me she'd called earlier & apologized. I told him it was no big deal & she'd calm down once I fed her. I grabbed some whoppers from Burger King & brought them home. At first she yelled at me & said she wasn't going to eat them. I explained how I hadn't known about her call because our friend forgot to tell me & that if I'd known, I would have come straight home. She ate the Whoppers & then I got her something else (can't remember what) & she calmed down.
My brother wanted to go with me bc we thought the cabinets were going up that night & he could help. Got the 2nd coat of stain on and got some spots I missed. Then we held our kittens that we will be adopting when they are old enough. Two adorable solid black kittens- 1 male & 1 female. My brother likes the male so the female is mine. The male loves belly rubs & already recognizes his name. When my brother said something that sounded similar, the kitten looked at him. His is named Namir and mine is Temjin. They are adorable.
Everyone was too tired to get the cabinets up so we ended up leaving around 2am (my brother didn't want to put his kitten down). Got home & I racked out until 4:30pm. Got up and was going to cook for Mom but she was angry that I was in the bathroom when she called me. I asked her what she wanted & she said "I want fish but you won't cook it for me!!" I said "Yes I will, what kind of fish do you want?" She ignored me. I tried to ask a few more times but she wouldn't even look at me. I stood there about 5 minutes before going to see my brother & asking him to ask her what she wanted. Instead of going in there, he used the phone. She didn't know I was in the room & could hear so she lied & said that I refused to cook for her. She also claimed that she had told me what type of fish, but when pressed said that she'd asked for tilapia loin last week so I should have known that's what she wanted. My brother actually got up and cooked it for her. I brought it to her and she calmed down.
She later asked for some Kale salad. Then she said she wanted me to get her some of the shrimp alfredo. I cooked it for her & she said "No, I wanted you to buy it at the store!" Oops. So, I went to the store to get milk, wood filler, meat, frozen meals, stroganoff mix, polyurethane, more decking screws, & the shrimp alfredo. They were out of the shrimp alfredo. Stopped by my friend's house with the wood filler to fill in some holes that were bugging me. One of the cabinets had a knot that had come out in production & it looked like a cockroach after staining. There were a couple more spots that looked like ants & spiders. I filled them in & tried to leave, but she wouldn't stop talking to me & mentioned she was supposed to clear the counter off so my friend could fix the lower cabinets properly. I realized she couldn't do it by herself (she can't lift the microwave or air fryer). So I helped her relocate stuff, put the air fryer on top of the fridge, set the microwave out of the way, and helped her wipe down the countertop.
My friend leveled & straightened his lower cabinets & put in the uppers. His fiance called me after midnight to say my friend was having trouble with something on the cabinets & wanted me to help. So I went over to see what the problem was. He got it fixed while I was on my way. Got there & decided to get a stepstool and cover the filler patches as well as do some touch-ups & clean the cabinets up.
I'm not planning to leave the house again until Monday when we go to get the 30"x30" cabinet. I want to go in the morning so I can get the staining done early & get home.

R? Got yelled at by Mom, stained some cabinets, held adorable kittens, and got some groceries.
This is Namir

This is Temjin
This is the cabinet with the knothole that I patched

This is a pic my friend took after I did touch-ups

This is a Sketchup version of the plan (I didn't use actual measurements for the pantry doors- I just guessed so they aren't the right size)
Once the last cabinet is up I'll post the picture for comparison. They ended up having to be lower than in the sketchup file because the ceiling dipped more than anticipated.