Ok so I lost part of my vision and some times its worse than others but that stroke is no excuse for this horrible posting.I just had to correct 4 typos in that one sentence above.
So If I keep messing up without asking hubby to help or not posting till its corrected I will not post it anymore. I get blank spaces and shadows sometimes.
I think I lost part of my mind along with my sight.I just read one of my post and it made me sick.What the hell is wrong with me? I read over this several times and got closer to the keys which helps. I will change or stop. When I read over I don't see errors guess because I wrote it and mostly know what I said.
Some kind of mental block, but I apologize for being so lazy, I may still mispell words though.
I don't think anyone is judging your posts. Typos happen, it's ok. I have a friend on another forum who had a brain tumor removed when she was in her early 20s so she sometimes misspells words or uses the wrong words & I've gotten used to it. This isn't college or an English class. This is for recreation & doesn't need to be formal.
Good evening! This morning, I was at Walmart at 6:50 am and was 4th in line. They were keeping a good count of folks going in and out. They had everything I needed and looked for. I saw toilet paper, but wasn't there for that. Then to Dollar General for a few things I get there and then Tractor Supply for dry dog food and chicken wire.
Got home and wiped everything down and put away, then went for my walk. Didn't do much of anything the rest of the day. That Walmart run exhausts me!
The Walmart near me doesn't open that early. I think it's not open until 7:30 or 8am & it closes at 8:30pm. When the shutdown ends it will return to shutting down at midnight and reopening at 6am (well, it's supposed to open then-- usually doesn't open on the dot, might have to wait 15 to 30 minutes for them to unlock the doors).
Another day of yard work.
I ordered a semi-dwarf Bartlett pear tree from Stark Brothers in Missouri and it came yesterday after I had already spent a few hours in the yard. I will work on digging the hole to plant it in today. I have another Bartlett pear that has never done well, and part of the reason is that it was damaged shortly after I planted it. It has produced about 30 pears every year, but I want to get another one going.
So many weeds to dig out! I dig out about a 5 gallon buckets worth every day.
I was able to get some more 5 gallon buckets for free yesterday to plant potatoes in. I will need more, but this helped!
The French Provincial dining room table that I got from an alley a couple weeks ago continues to get worked on. I have 3 of the legs and the top sanded. I am going to sand the last leg today and then spray paint all the legs. I am painting them a cream color, close to the color of the wide Victorian trim in my house. After the legs are all painted, I will attach them to the top and then paint the top. Every time I sand, I get covered in dust and have to change clothes because it will not come out.
My parents got a French Provincial bedroom set back in the late 60s/early 70s that my Mom still has. It's beautiful stuff.
Would love to see a photo of your table,
@Weedygarden .
I have a headache, hope it's just allergies. I should be working on planting stuff.
I 2nd the request for pictures.
My allergies haven't been as bad, but kidney stones have been bugging me a bit. I woke up late on Saturday, but I was still able to go over and help with painting at a friend's house. The friend who owns the house had kidney stones too. The friend who is fixing the place up (not the one who owns it) has a very sweet girlfriend who was worried about me & wanted to bring me water & cranberry gel caps. It got hot so we all had to take breaks & we discussed the plans for the kitchen cabinets. I was supposed to go back today but I forgot my thyroid meds yesterday & was exhausted today. Worked out ok because the friend had a migraine so no work was done on the house. Still waiting for the other friend's check to land so we can go get cabinets. I'm eager to get the new cabinets and stain them. The friend working on the other house thought that the ones I stained previously had been professionally done so that made me happy.
Anyone know a trick to keep a roll from sliding off a paint roller? I had to keep smacking the end to knock it back on & it was annoying. I had a glove on so it didn't get on my hands, but it was still pissing me off. I used a brush on the cabinets.
I remember when he got the first batch of cabinets & my friend said "Hey, what are you doing this week?" and then suggested that I would be painting cabinets. I had already volunteered though. I find it relaxing. Need to figure out when he wants to go to the store so I can schedule a pickup at Samsclub for more water.
My brother made some red beans with bacon & they are so good. He was nice and didn't add any pepper (since I'm allergic). My mother griped about the bacon, but that just means more beans for me. LOL.
Poor Princess is going to have to dive under the covers in her nest tonight rather than climb under the covers with me. Right now she's lying up against my legs.
Last night Mom misplaced the remote control for the TV and we both looked for it with flashlights all around & couldn't find it. She needs the remote to switch to HDMI3 so she can use the tv as her computer screen since her monitor went kaput. I woke up very early this morning & decided to look. Just happened to notice her mouse was on top of her desk & the remote was on the mouse pad on the tray under the desk. She was happy when I told her I found it. She's been playing some kind of gem game on a 55" screen.