Haertig, sorry to hear you're in quarantine. I hope your mom is doing ok. My uncle & his wife live in an assisted living place where they have their own apartment but have communal areas and help on hand in case of emergencies. My aunt had botched knee surgery from the VA a few years back & it led to her being disabled. They chipped a bone & damaged a nerve-- left one leg shorter than the other. She gained so much weight that putting her on anesthetic was risky & she didn't want to go through a repair surgery after what happened the first time. She later had to have some other kinds of surgery but her heart stopped more than once during the procedure & she had to be resuscitated. My uncle says she's on so many pain killers she can barely function, so he's taking care of her now.
@zannej I busted out laughing when I read about your cat. I've never heard anybody call their cat a D-bag before...
It suits him. LOL. His name is Mewlatto. He's a fluffy black & white kitty. We rescued him as a kitten & he never quite got along with the other cats. He was sort of a troll-- always swatting other cats when they walked by. We took to calling him "********* mew" and "douche douche". He actually answers to both. Even mom now calls him douche douche to call him over. It's hilarious hearing her saying that in a very sweet tone & he just lets out this high pitched sweet meow in response, flicks his fluffy tail, and reaches toward people with his paw. He's started to tolerate other cats, but he still tries to avoid them if he can. Every once in awhile he'll let another cat snuggle up with him, but he prefers people. He loves to be held and petted.
Wednesday around 3am the power went out. I called the automated line for the power company to report the outage. Sometime after 7am the power came back on for a few minutes & then went out again. We didn't get a callback to ask us if we had power so I assumed they were still working on it. Thunderstorms make me sleepy so I slept until around 10am. Storms lightened enough for me to go outside with my cellphone (as the landline phone ran out of power). I had one bar of signal but was able to call the automated line to report the outage. The system indicated it was a new ticket so apparently they thought they'd restored the power. I asked for a callback to confirm. We couldn't cook & didn't want to open the fridge so my brother & I went to the post office & to a local business to get some food. They have really good beef stew with rice there. We brought that home. I ate about 1/3 of it before feeling full & set the container in the microwave. Around noon I called the power company again-- message this time said open ticket. Sat around the house with the cats waiting until after 5pm. Finished my stew, called the power company again. Called my friend & asked if he knew anyone I could call directly to light a fire under someone's behind to get my power back on, but he didn't know anyone. He said we could come over to his place so we could have running water and air conditioning. Mom was in a bad mood & didn't want to go & didn't want us to leave. Another hour or so & she wanted food. I got her something out of the pantry & she told my brother and I that we could go visit our friend while she napped in her room (her room is the coolest in the house & our rooms were too warm so we were overheating). We went over to our friend's house & hung out with him. One of the people staying there just got out of the hospital for kidney infection. She was tested for Covid while there & was negative. We discussed home repairs. She & her boyfriend are fixing up our mutual friend's house that burned in 2016 so they can live in it & are staying with that friend because their home burned to the ground in December. They are helping our friend with renovating his house while they are staying there.
My friend asked me what size cabinets he needed (bc I did the calculations & research to find the cabinets that would fit). I sent him links to the ones he would need & told him prices. I had him put a level on the ceiling to see where the lowest spot was so we could determine where the bottom of the wall cabinets would be. I had previously sent him a drawing I did in Sketchup of what the cabinets would look like when finished. I got some pictures of his bathroom now that it is fixed up more. He got vinyl plank flooring in, took out a wall, and moved his washer & dryer over. It looks good. I got some pics of it to put in my archive of the progress.
We visited with the kittens that were born recently. They are being kept in a doll's bassinet. There are two solid black ones that we like. My brother picked one that is very mellow and held him. He was petting him & the kitten was so happy he rolled on his back for belly rubs. He was peddling his little feet in the air and curling his paws up while being petted with a finger. It was adorable. Around 8pm my brother went to McDonalds and grabbed food for me because I was too tired to drive. Waited until around 10pm & called Mom to check on her. I'd set up a phone that didn't need to be plugged in to power to operate so she could call if she needed something. Called the power company again & they said it was still an open ticket. My friend was getting irritated with the power company, but was glad we were over with him.
Mom called sometime just before 2am to say the power was back on & we could come home. Just in time because the kitten got hungry so my brother put the kitten with his mother and siblings in the bassinet. Got home after 2 & racked out for 12 hours. Mom woke me sometime after 2:30pm & wanted food. I zombie crawled out of the room & made her a quesadilla with chicken, then back to sleep until after 8pm when she was hungry again. Got her some chicken cordon bleu and waited for her to finish eating to see if she wanted something else, then went back to bed. Woke up around 4am but am still trying to wake myself up enough.
If my friend's unemployment check lands today, we're going to the store to get unfinished wall cabinets for his kitchen. We've discussed it and the plan is to get them to his house, lay out a drop cloth & set them up so I can stain them thoroughly, wait long enough to do 2nd coat and do that, then put them up. Then I'll clean up & do touch-ups on the rest of the cabinets & when they are dry I'll do a coat of poly over all of them. I'll stain & poly the the toekick trim (which should be cut & dryfitted first) before installation. I've also offered to do some painting at the other house when they are ready for it.
Once the bathroom is fixed up enough I'll be painting the ceiling & walls in there too.
My friend is going to grab me a repair flange for my toilet & help me pull the toilet to fix the flange in my mother's bathroom sometime this week/weekend as well. I think I'll have him help me put the new toilet in. I've got a toilet lift to make things easier. He's used it several times moving his own toilet & he loves it. Hopefully it will work well on our toilets. It lifts them at an angle so water doesn't spill out of the trap and dump on the floor and it makes it easy to line the toilet up over the flange properly before setting it- even has two sticks that go over the bolts to help guide the toilet in to place correctly.
I'm babbling again. LOL. Right now I'm curled up with the cats and Princess.