Waiting for doctors to come.
And breakfast.
And breakfast.
Waiting for doctors to come.
And breakfast.
We are having a torrential downpour!!! Supposed to get 3/4" by evening with flood warnings all over and phone calls from robots telling us to use caution when driving etc.Checke on few plants ,pitiful, the drought is terrible and soil soaks up water fast.
Talked to dauhter this morning, things settled down or she has become confortably numb,one or the other.
Doing little straightening up after last few days of arranging things.
My sight is not improving and seeing blank spots in ceetain light as day moves along. Did a number o nmy knee on bed today, can't see sides,over or under now.
But at least I feel better and BP is ok.
Dogs are getting a bath now. TIC'S are terrrible, something about a draught they thrive in. Walking to mailbox always gurantees a tick as does going in tall grass in yard.
Hens are going further into wood s for free ranging now,good thing Pretty Bird 'crow' keeps and eye on them. He chased off another hawk this morning.
Jim keep improving and get back home to soul sister aka wife,and Doogan
Do does the Eliquist make you more eloquent? And the Armidone sounds like something you'd use to polish the vette. Hope they work well for you and you're home and happy quickly!!!Happy day .
I got out of ICU, into a room.
Got all the cables and plugs removed, even got rid of one IV .
Feeling pretty good, all test results are coming back good.
Looks like the new meds are working.
I'll be on Eliquist forever, and a drug callArmidone to keep my hesrt in rythm and stop it from speeding up.
One more night here, monitoring everything....shooting for tomorrow as an escape date.
They said the blood clots will absorb in a couple weeks.
Should be good as new soon.
Looking forward to tomorrow..
Happy day .
I got out of ICU, into a room.
Got all the cables and plugs removed, even got rid of one IV .
Feeling pretty good, all test results are coming back good.
Looks like the new meds are working.
I'll be on Eliquist forever, and a drug callArmidone to keep my hesrt in rythm and stop it from speeding up.
One more night here, monitoring everything....shooting for tomorrow as an escape date.
They said the blood clots will absorb in a couple weeks.
Should be good as new soon.
Looking forward to tomorrow..
We are having a torrential downpour!!! Supposed to get 3/4" by evening with flood warnings all over and phone calls from robots telling us to use caution when driving etc.
I knew it ! Prayer works even for heathens like me,dancing chickenI bet thats going to be one happy dog to see you.![]()
I resemble that remark.
Heathens need prayer too.
After walking and video, I had to go to town to open an account for eBay since their rules are changing. Don't want them in my normal account. Stopped at Kroger for local sales and a thrift shop, then home.
That's all for today. My hip has been hurting so I started taking glucosamine again. Time to back off the mega walking and exercise for a day or two.
Snap hope your hip heals up soon.
Basically it has been 2 years since we have had any rain to speak of. Some parts of florida do get rain now and then but not us. Funny thing is we have had several thunder storms with lots of lighening & thundr but not a drop of rain.Don't temember seeing that in my lifeime,who knows?
Mr. @phideaux if that's what we get, we'll take it. Hate to hear of anyone having to be on medications indefinitely, that is me too. Don't harass the nurses too bad now, ya hear?
Thanking Him above for divine intervention and resolution. We don't always get what we want but you are an inspiration to many.
OK Blues Man you know that YoungBlood ain'tI am already on a few meds for life...a couple more ain't gonna be a big deal..I'll take if I get to spend a few more years with my wife and kids.
The nurses.
I got to be the luckiest guy in the world ...or maybe not...my heart was running at 170 bpm when I came here...
Why does every nurse have to be 24-26 years old, long silky brunette or blonde, shaped like a Coke bottle, and talk like an angel.
And all single.
Gotta get home
I am already on a few meds for life...a couple more ain't gonna be a big deal..I'll take if I get to spend a few more years with my wife and kids.
The nurses.
I got to be the luckiest guy in the world ...or maybe not...my heart was running at 170 bpm when I came here...
Why does every nurse have to be 24-26 years old, long silky brunette or blonde, shaped like a Coke bottle, and talk like an angel.
And all single.
Gotta get home
He better hope Mrs. Blues don't see him or she may put him in a temporary resting state and slow it back down real quick,haha.I think they do that to get your heart pumping. lol "Glad you doing better".![]()
Glad that things are looking up, Jim
Hope your house is not floating, LL. Sounds like a soup and old movie night. We're in the 80's again. Husband is out in the sun topless. He is getting his Vitamin D. His Covid test came back negative, and he went to pulmonary rehab. The kids finished what was considered on line school, and I'm having them pack up the computer. I'm tired of it being on all the time. The workguys came for the rainspouts and other projects, but just came to look again. Didn't do any work. Mom called and asked if I called her, and I managed to get more work done in the garage. Called an old friend and found a home for boxes and boxes of brass, and tons of beer jugs. We don't have room to take all of this. He'll be by Saturday.
Home tonight.MoBook are you back?
What in tarnation is going on around here?
I just gone for short flip flop.
Jim's in the hospital.
Meerkat hurt her knee.
Snappy's hip is hurt.
Just reading forums trying to get caught up before the weekend.
I'm home tonight but will be home tomorrow too.
Will be gone most of Friday, be back Saturday, Sunday.
Be gone again on Monday.
Eating homemade chicken vegetable soup.
Still reading reports.
Sorry to hear your husband has defective repair parts. It's bad enough that he had to go through getting that all put in, but to have it be defective is a big kick in the teeth.Thank you Zanne and yes it was nice of hubby to dance it hurts him to back up aka walk or step backwards. The 3 cages and 2 rods they put in are defective and crooked,you can see it on xrays plain as day 'barbaric,imo but he had no feeling at all from waste down but pain, or control of bowels or kidneys,so what do you do?.
He also doesn't like to drive where his arms are always up and out,but he is basially fit considering.
I think that Amish Desk is beautiful! I bet ot really cost a lot though.
Sounds like it would work great for my BIL's Corvette then. My truck can be cleaned up & the paint on it is pretty good BUT it's very hard to get & keep clean because we have no indoor garage areas. It's exposed to pollen, dust, leaves, & bugs constantly. Plus cats like to climb on it. I'm sure if I put that stuff on my cats would jump on the truck.Surface has to be free of contaminates. A good base is necessary.
It's really made for clearcoat finishes.
I have used it on my glass and synthetics.
There are many brands on the market...but I been using Meguiars products for many years I think they are the best product and price.
They do the holding the package thing where I live. If it rains they won't even deliver at all but they have legitimate reason. Roads aren't safe when they flood, are full of pot holes, and up until recently most of them were unpaved. My personal road is still unpaved so they don't like doing down it. The drivers have admitted to me they deliver to my area last so they don't jostle their packages as much. That's fine with me, but it sucks when they wait a few days & I need something asap. Usually if there is a delay I talk to them about letting me meet them in town to pick it up, but they don't always inform me. It's against their policy to not deliver some stuff on time but they don't care. My BIL used to work for FedEx in Albuquerque area & he told me about the rules there & said there was one place they weren't allowed to deliver to after dark- Meadow Lake neighborhood of Los Lunas. One of their drivers got carjacked there. I believe it may have been the incident my father told me about where a Chinese assassin (I know, sounds like a fiction but was no joke) attacked/killed the driver, stole the uniform & the truck, and used the guise to infiltrate the local prison to find a political prisoner inside to murder him. His location wasn't supposed to be known, but some ******** in the press leaked that the inmate was being held there. By political prisoner, I mean it was someone who filed for asylum from China bc he was a political rival of the powers in China & they wanted him dead. Might have been 2 separate incidents though. My memory is fuzzy on a lot of stuff now.Your post made me chuckle and I thank you for that. It reminds me of my on going war with fed ex around here. my UPS driver is a distant kinfolk. Like a 7th cousin removed or something. We call it dog kin. anyway. Bubba is cool I never have any problems. My USPS mail person is my wifes Brothers,wifes Brothers wife and next door neighbor. No problems there. THEN we have the fed ex dude that is a total fug up. He stopped out in the street and dumped off my smoker. then left. I was like WTH? He literally kicked it out the back of the truck in front of my house in the street.
I called fed ex and yelled for about 5 minutes.
I have figured out that fed ex will HOLD your package a day or 2 and wait till they have more packages to deliver in your area if you are rural. I have caught them doing that.
Ah, the bureaucracy of the bean counters. Back when my father was a relatively new OIC (officer in charge) of an INS unit, he was informed that his office area didn't meet OSHA standards for minimum space requirements. He consulted engineers & found the blueprints to identify a non-loadbearing wall. He then contacted higher ups to have the wall removed. They told him they would get to it in 6 months. OSHA told him they would fine him for every single day that the space was too small & he couldn't just up & move. He told the higher ups that, but they didn't care (they would have penalized him/taken disciplinary action for his office getting fined but still wouldn't do anything to prevent it). So he got a sledgehammer, took the wall down himself, then called the higher ups to say there was a huge pile of debris & they needed to have their maintenance people come clean it up asap. They weren't happy about it, but it saved them $ on hiring contractors & the office wasn't getting fined.I do know that BIL needed a 5 gallon bucket. I told him to go to home depot and buy one. BUT BIL said he had to fill out a requisition then turn it in. He said 3 months later some dude went to home depot and bought a bucket