I dug my last post hole, and set my last post , about 5 years ago.Thanks, up for some fencing?![]()
But thanks for asking.
I dug my last post hole, and set my last post , about 5 years ago.Thanks, up for some fencing?![]()
I dug my last post hole, and set my last post , about 5 years ago.
But thanks for asking.
Congrats Terri. There is 17 acres beside of us I'd love to have, I'd settle for the 5 acres right beside of us. But it's not for sale.
Amish so happy you got a good offer. Timing is perfect too.
That's what happened with this land. The "boys" had it appraised and surveyed after they inherited it 8yrs ago and then pretty much forgot it. We had our realtor contact them and make the offer and they said yep as long as we cover closing costs.I've asked the guy a couple times. I think he plans to leave it to his kids when he passes. They don't even live out here anymore. He's just leased it to a guy for hay.
My daughter's was Frosty & she cried everytime Frosty melted.Called my dad to wish him Happy Father's day.
Call lasted approx. 55 seconds.
He hung up on me again.
Had the grand daughter today, her dad had to work.
Pretty good day with grand daughter, Strawberry and Granny.
We cleaned out refrig, swept the floors, sat a table with our coffee and visited.
Yes, she drinks coffee, straight up black(2 tablespoons coffee, rest is water) in her little enamel ware blue cup.
We made several salads up for the coming week for Granny to eat.
Fixed lunch, sang songs, had to have a little more coffee(same as above for her).
She wanted Granny to hold her while we watched "How the Grinch stole Christmas".
We watched Grinch 3 times.
Jim, that's her favorite movie.
Moved her to my bed when I was sure she was in deep sleep.
Granny laid down beside her for a minute.
We slept for 3.5 hours.
All in all good day.
I dug my last post hole, and set my last post , about 5 years ago.
But thanks for asking.
Snappy - You've been dealing with that hip a while - hope it's healing.
Good talkin to you today Jim.
...Found a package on the hood of one of my vehicles ... from Samsclub & saw it was for another person (they keep dropping her packages off at my house by mistake). Drove out to drop it off at her house ...
I had an interesting chat with my 401K Administrator. I planned on making a partial withdrawal for an upcoming project. Admin said I couldn't without my employer's permission. Interesting. I've been retired for a year and they let me last year soon after my retirement.
I called my former employer. They "sent the paperwork" soon to the 401K Admin soon after my retirement. Employer discoverd the 401K Admin failed to "check a box" on their end.
Recalled my 401K Admin. I would like to make a partial withdrawal...I'm not allowed to because my account is no longer classified as a "Group plan" (because thew box has been checked) but is now classified as an "Individual" plan. I'm given three option: I can withdraw the entire amount which would make my federal tax obligation due immediately and up two tax brackets, roll it over to a IRA with the Admin or leave it. I thanked the Admin and told them I wasn't happy, if I'm not allowed to do a partial why was I allowed to do so last year?" Admin doesn't know but will check up the food chain to see if they would grant me a second exception. 2 to 3 days they will have an answer for me.
In a few minutes I'm leaving for my appoint with the Credit Union that handles 80% of my business. My intent is to open a IRA with the Credit Union. Then call the my 401K Admin to have them close my account with them my transferring 100% of my 401K to the Credit Union IRA. Stockmarket has rebounded, I've recovered the paper profits from the China Flu scare, time to move the funds into a less aggressive (low risk) fund anyway.
Good point. I need to call Samsclub to tell them I don't like getting packages from someone who lives 3 miles away. I didn't want her package to get rained on & it occurred to me after I took it over that Samsclub might not know they misdelivered. I'll have to find her number & call her so she can call Sam's to tell them they keep getting the wrong address & neither of us are happy about it.If folks aren't allowed to suffer from the consequences of their failed action they will have no reason to correct themselves. A few calls to Sam's Club, Driver returning a few times to retrieve misdelivered packages could provide them with a learning opportunity to start delivering to the correct address?
Any ideas on how to keep grapes alive? My sister saw a neighborhood person has grapes thriving but hers are dying & she doesn't know what the neighbor is doing differently.Ha Ha. Yes, full sun tomatoes in Albuquerque means partial sun. Everything here benefits from partial sun unless you want to see your plants burn to a crisp.
Have no idea what I'm doing today. I should empty out our chest freezer and see what's in it.
I hope Strawberry can lose some weight. My vet charges $50 just for an exam (not including shots, nail trimming, medicine, etc).Took Strawberry to vet for annual shots, weight, diet, toenails trimmed.
Cost $50.
New diet,new food $49.
Strawberry weights 22.3 pounds.
Vet says kinda chunky, hence new diet.
Healthy weight(15-18 pounds), metabolism diet.
Walking we have been doing is good, but don't do it extreme weather.
Okay, beings I have tendencies to faint if I get to hot.
New feeding schedule:
1/3 cup of new dog food at 0730,second feeding at 530 pm.
Monday my grand daughter will be 3.
Waiting on paperwork for Strawberry's status as Service Dog for me, updating it.
Strawberry is my emotional support for anxiety,panic,depression,seizure service dog.
Same here.
Wish you were a little closer , we'd get together.
Talked to the wife last week about getting in the car one day , point it east, stay on backroads and just bum around.
If I do , and make it over to your area, I'll holler.