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I saved the life of a young possum tonight, a tick eater, one of the few natural predators of ticks. About 11pm I went looking for an armadillo that has been making a mess around my elderberry bushes. :mad:

My big shepard found this possum and tried to kill him but I stopped it. This possum is probably less than 10 months old. :)
I saved the life of a young possum tonight, a tick eater, one of the few natural predators of ticks. About 11pm I went looking for an armadillo that has been making a mess around my elderberry bushes. :mad:

My big shepard found this possum and tried to kill him but I stopped it. This possum is probably less than 10 months old. :)View attachment 4961

Now I am going to show my ignorance (again). I did not know Possum's were good and ate ticks. I thought they were in the varmint category. I will have to rethink my future interactions with them.
Went for a long tiring drive. It's very rare to find a senior allied health professional with a teachable spirit.
I was also able to help instruct not only her but two of her students about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which I'm always
very, very happy to do.

Bless you child, I have to instruct every new doctor I see on my rare illness. Did I give you the link to a Colorado herbalist with EDS? I think I did... let me know. :)
Now I am going to show my ignorance (again). I did not know Possum's were good and ate ticks. I thought they were in the varmint category. I will have to rethink my future interactions with them.

They also have more fat per pound than any north american creature, even more than bears! They have been a popular menu item for centuries... :D
They also have more fat per pound than any north american creature, even more than bears! They have been a popular menu item for centuries... :D

Okay that tends to follow with Tank-Girl. On the circle of life. Raise Guinea fowl and eat both. Still removes the ticks but get a little fat in the diet and protect the birds. Thanks for the update on the fat content, another item I did not know.
@txcatlady praying for you as a fellow carer here and hope you are able to sell your property and downsize, is your DH paying the house mortgage and other bills ?. I know how tiring it can be and I get tired too, try and take some time out for yourself to do something you like. To be honest DH and I were not on the same financial page when we first met so it took time, patience and making goals together to get there and there were a few spirited debates but we got there eventually.

@Amish Heart praying your DH's procedure will go well without a hiccup and he recovers well.

@Tank-Girl so glad you now have a good surgeon who sounds like they know what they are doing as well as a good physio you can work with too.
Spent a day at the hospital with husband. One more long, long day tomorrow......
Hospitals need a day care center for adults! That way we would be occupied vs preoccupied.

Went for a long tiring drive to the big smoke for another surgeon's visit.

He's decided that he doesn't want to put in the twelve hole malleable plate to fuse my shoulder because he thinks that my humerus bone will shatter where the plate stops
because of my lack of bone density and the sheer number of screw holes needed to hold it in place.
I'm still going to get a ton of 4+ inch surgical stainless steel lag screws ( at lest 8) fusing the whole shoulder joint.
He will have the malleable plate ready and prepped though because my condition being what it is it's always best to be prepared for a curve ball.

Kerin (my surgeon) has 2 of three anesthetists to train in administering the nerve block required for the procedure.
He's also opting for a synthetic bone paste to pack the decorticated surfaces that he is fusing together and the lag screw sites.
Bone graft material harvested from my own skeleton isn't an option because there simply isn't any point in replacing
faulty material with faulty material.

I am truly enjoying my new physio that Kerin organised for me.
It's very rare to find a senior allied health professional with a teachable spirit.
I was also able to help instruct not only her but two of her students about Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which I'm always
very, very happy to do.

When I had spinal fusion they had to use bone from the bone bank for the same reason. It still didn't fuse.

They also have more fat per pound than any north american creature, even more than bears! They have been a popular menu item for centuries... :D

Hello everyone and we are having a quiet day today as we worked our whatooties off yesterday and the day before getting the firewood and kindling off the veranda and under the house.

Here is what we have done so far picked up the remaining bark off the grass at the side of the house from the firewood throwing , sometimes there is something therapeutic about throwing firewood to get rid of a bit of pent up anger :D , cleared up the remaining sticks and bark from the front and side of the veranda and put them under the house, and I vacuumed the front veranda to get rid of all the firewood dust etc after sweeping it.

DH has put a load of washing in the washing machine and brought it back in and this evening we will wash up the dishes, wipe and put them away and maybe fold up two loads of washing.

@Amish Heart the real estate guy was only here to inspect and get advice from the builder on what repairs needed to be done to the cottage foundations but it was not an inspection although he likes to try and lord it over everyone. Our real estate inspections here are once every 16 weeks, the new guy they trained up is somewhat unreasonable in his expectations and could be classified as almost military police like in his actions IMHO. We have emailed them to keep a weeks worth of firewood on the veranda as it is not logistically possible with DH's injuries to walk downstairs every time we want firewood for the fire. If he says no I am seriously thinking of a firewood suppository for him which is why DH will deal with the little treasure on inspection times as he is much calmer than myself who will be less than subtle with him. Up until now we haven't had a problem with any of the other real estate inspections with different people in their real estate office, this guy gets my redhead hackles standing on end. Each time he keeps suggesting to me we should repair fences and other things we have not damaged and are literally falling apart with age that are not our responsibility but the property owners to maintain, which I point out to him in no uncertain terms.
Yep I can have a rant too @txcatlady ;D and sometimes it feels good as well :LOL:.
Nothing as exciting as everyone else but I have been trying to lighten our load for our next move. No prospects yet but I am looking and packing. I have been making our meals from our short term food storage and pantry foods so we don't have to move as much. So far I have emptied 2 of the three pantry cabinets and the built-in cabinet is 90% empty of tinned goods.

I am trying not to place any orders for homeschool materials until after the move and we know if we can get Roo into the private school at our church. I did purchase another smaller gun safe. My thought was we are moving and if I get it now it would be easier to hide that we have it during the move (moving blankets and boxes are good camo).

It is hard to thin out our crap rather than prep and store.
Nothing as exciting as everyone else but I have been trying to lighten our load for our next move. No prospects yet but I am looking and packing. I have been making our meals from our short term food storage and pantry foods so we don't have to move as much. So far I have emptied 2 of the three pantry cabinets and the built-in cabinet is 90% empty of tinned goods.

I am trying not to place any orders for homeschool materials until after the move and we know if we can get Roo into the private school at our church. I did purchase another smaller gun safe. My thought was we are moving and if I get it now it would be easier to hide that we have it during the move (moving blankets and boxes are good camo).

It is hard to thin out our crap rather than prep and store.

Good luck with finding a place and the move.

When I moved into our current home getting the cache of guns & ammo from my old place to the new place was a chore and a half. I did so mostly under the guide of remodeling materials. Worked pretty well too. Now of course I have to either never move again or sell most of the guns with the house. ;D
I saved the life of a young possum tonight, a tick eater, one of the few natural predators of ticks. About 11pm I went looking for an armadillo that has been making a mess around my elderberry bushes. :mad:

My big shepard found this possum and tried to kill him but I stopped it. This possum is probably less than 10 months old. :)View attachment 4961
They eat Carrion.......That's enough for me to dislike them. They eat any eggs laid on the ground as well, such as Turkey, Quail, Dove Etc......I started eradicating them and the population of my Dove, Quail, And Turkey has increased substantially every year....
I've eaten possum when I was real young and don't remember what it tastes like. Coon on the other hand I like! I used to coon hunt a lot and always brought them home. I especially like it roasted and barbequed. Roasted with carrots and tators is good too.
View attachment 4993
My neighbor is a trapper. He sells a BUNCH of Coons to the native Floridians. Seems that is the traditional Thanksgiving/Christmas Meat the have for the Holidays.....
I went to town today. I had to replace my windshield, the old one was really dirty. :D Naw, it cracked during the severe cold in jan. Stopped at WM. I bought some outside chairs. My front porch sittin’ needed an upgrade. A few groceries then stopped at Ts for chicken feed. They had the chicks in the tubs. I think I need to raise another half dozen chicks this year. My hens are about to turn 2 and are still laying good but will probably slow down by the fall. I’ll check Ts again in a couple of weeks to see if they got ISA browns in, didn’t have them today.
The poor man's got too much wrong with him. We just go in a number of times a year to re evaluate and change meds, and he has some lung procedures done. He is supposed to have surgery in about a month, but not in Denver, at home. We are being referred to a better than Albuquerque surgeon in Denver about the cyst in his spine area. Will meet with him maybe the next trip to Denver when he gets more lung stuff done. This trip we saw the lung specialists, surgeon, heart doc, sarcoid expert, allergy doc, cardiologist, and some more I'm forgetting. He's all tired out now and ready to go home.
The poor man's got too much wrong with him. We just go in a number of times a year to re evaluate and change meds, and he has some lung procedures done. He is supposed to have surgery in about a month, but not in Denver, at home. We are being referred to a better than Albuquerque surgeon in Denver about the cyst in his spine area. Will meet with him maybe the next trip to Denver when he gets more lung stuff done. This trip we saw the lung specialists, surgeon, heart doc, sarcoid expert, allergy doc, cardiologist, and some more I'm forgetting. He's all tired out now and ready to go home.

I'm sure sorry to hear all this. EVERY time I think that I have it rough, God puts someone in my path that makes my problems minuscule next to there's! Y'all are a brave couple and have my admiration.
You're still on my prayer list!


(Thanks to @Sentry18 for the above!)
Very busy yet productive day today and we started off nice and early this morning at 6am as we had the builder coming to repair the front veranda and support beam and without notice we had the plumber come to repair yet another leak under the house in the never ending leaking mains water pipe.

Here is what I did today in no particular order -
- Stain removed 2 pairs of white socks with our homemade stain remover and put a load of washing on in the washing machine and hung it out and brought it back in.
- Raked the collected grass from mowing the lawns in a neat pile in the back yard behind the shed to get ready for more grass clippings to add to the pile.
- Swept the front veranda after the veranda repair and the kitchen, toilet and laundry from bringing in grass from outside.
- Emptied the kitchen normal bin and recycling bin into the wheelie bins outside.
- Trench composted some more vegetable peelings from the kitchen into one vegetable garden bed to amend the soil a bit.
- Trimmed the basil plants that were flowering and put the clippings on the lawns.
- Pulled spent sweet corn plants from two gardens and put them on the back paddock lawn.
- Weeded a 4.5mt garden bed.
- Hand watered newly sprouting turnip and brown onion seeds.
- Picked 2 large cucumbers from the gardens for household use.
- Now have the drip irrigation system turned on to water the vegetable gardens.

DH did do-
- A mowing and edge trimming job for our neighbour earning $50 and then mowed our lawn too again after over 2 " of rain.
- Picked 2 more cucumbers to give to our next door neighbour as we had excess.
- Put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine.

Together we did this afternoon -
- Separated out tomato seedlings growing too close together and transplanted them at correct spaces.
- Separated and replanted silverbeet seedlings growing too close together and planted some more in areas where they didn't come up.
- DH spade edged 2 garden beds and removed the grass from one garden bed and removed the grass from the other.

Tonight's plans are we are going to make the bed with clean sheets and fold up the final load of washing for the week and then DH will make dinner and we will have nice warm showers.

Hope everyone had an equally productive day :) .
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Glad you are back at the hotel and ready to come back home and another round of medical appointments are over for now. Hopefully the new surgeon can do something with the growth your DH has on his spine and alleviate some of the pain your DH is in and alleviate the pain.

Travel safely and take your time getting home and praying your DH recovers quickly from the procedures.
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