We have trapped 4 skunks and 2 possums in the last 2 weeks. We do not let them stay on this side of the dirt. They also eat cat food and chickens. They are not welcomed here, ticks or not.
@txcatlady praying for you as a fellow carer here and hope you are able to sell your property and downsize, is your DH paying the house mortgage and other bills ?. I know how tiring it can be and I get tired too, try and take some time out for yourself to do something you like. To be honest DH and I were not on the same financial page when we first met so it took time, patience and making goals together to get there and there were a few spirited debates but we got there eventually.
I pay all but house pmt, his truck pmt and his insurance. I can't pay those so we will probably go back into collections. we sold 12 acres in the fall and that put us in okay position for the time being. however, tractor repairs and bull dozer repairs kinda kicked us backwards and he insisted on buying hay from his brother. Our utility bills went haywire in January and February. Cut off our land line yesterday as it wasn't working consistently. I put 4 tires on his dually two weeks ago and front tires about 5 months ago. He did buy a bull. The cows are mine. since the tires cost $1000.00 this month and his meds in January were $1083.00, I may ask to have the bull. Otherwise, he may sell it just to make 1 month payments like he did all his other cows. We have never been on the same page financially. He still smokes 2 packs aday and buys lotto tickets or he asks me to pick them up and is mad that I work so much. I am okay, just get tired. Thanks
@Amish Heart praying your DH's procedure will go well without a hiccup and he recovers well.
@Tank-Girl so glad you now have a good surgeon who sounds like they know what they are doing as well as a good physio you can work with too.
Another satellite tv repair guy came out today and things got really complicated, not the day for it but oh well! He was good at his job. He installed a new satellite dish on the roof. I asked him if he would clean the gutters while he was up there.
This new dish had to be pointed at a different satellite. This negated all the customizations I had done to my sat box and the one in my dad’s house, yeah! An hour of redo’s for me.
For the past month my cell phone has been alerting me every time I turned it on that there was a software update and I needed to connect to a wi-fi device. I’d been putting this off because I didn’t have time to shop for a router.
As the tv guy was finishing up he said “We offer a router for $30 in case you want to down load movies”. Done! He set the router up an even set up my phone to connect to it. He left and then I noticed the first problem. The lighting wasn’t good and there is a jumble of cables on the back of my desktop. He forgot to plug the ethernet cable from my Dtop into the back of the router, I’ll give him a pass, took me all of 10 seconds to check then plug up the cable.
Then I noticed the second problem. My cell phone kept giving me two messages on wake up. 1. Do you want to connect to a wi-fi device? 2. You are connected to a wi-fi device.
So, a half hour on the land line with AT&T to get the confused cell phone back on track. Then I got the long-awaited software update installed.![]()
I've spent the last 4 days sitting in the hospital with my dad. He is having open heart surgery in the morning. He's always lived a very clean physical fit lifestyle. He is 69 and doesn't look a day older than 50. This is the 3rd heart attack in as many months in my immediate family. Started with my father in law then me and now my dad 2018 thats just about enough!
You are right! That is about enough! I pray all goes well with your dad's surgery in the morning!
I've spent the last 4 days sitting in the hospital with my dad. He is having open heart surgery in the morning. He's always lived a very clean physical fit lifestyle. He is 69 and doesn't look a day older than 50. This is the 3rd heart attack in as many months in my immediate family. Started with my father in law then me and now my dad 2018 thats just about enough!
Sure hate to hear that your dad has got to have that surgery,
But , sounds like he is in good health otherwise.
I'm sure the prognosis is good for hm.
We will say a prayer for him and your family , and the surgeons tomorrow morning.
If you get a minute , let us know how he is doing tomorrow.
Huge, long tiring, painful day.
I finally brought my dehydrator! YES!!
I came good after a rest and drove home and had a lay down.
hospital with my dad. He is having open heart surgery in the morning. 2018 thats just about enough!
This is not good. We are all armchair physicians here. Please get yourself seen to about that about as immediately as possible, the next time it happens you might not be messaging us. PLEASE.Huge, long tiring, painful day.
Had to stop a tried not to panic as I had huge pain in my chest just right of mid-line ..my heart squeezed very tight and then beat very slowly and laboured for about twelve beats.
I came good after a rest and drove home and had a lay down.
I've spent the last 4 days sitting in the hospital with my dad. He is having open heart surgery in the morning. He's always lived a very clean physical fit lifestyle. He is 69 and doesn't look a day older than 50. This is the 3rd heart attack in as many months in my immediate family. Started with my father in law then me and now my dad 2018 thats just about enough!
This is not good. We are all armchair physicians here. Please get yourself seen to about that about as immediately as possible, the next time it happens you might not be messaging us. PLEASE.
Tank-Girl, I think you just got sent a message, take time to take care of yourself. NOW....
I wised up and drove myself to the ED to get checked out.
They're organising for a cardiologist to fit me with a holter monitor to see what my heart is doing.
I got a scare and YES I'm taking it as a warning.
I deeply appreciate your prayers.
Thank you.
@hashbrown praying for your Dad for tomorrow and hope all goes well. Hashbrown how is your health going after the heart attack ?
@Tank-Girl good to hear you had your heart checked and have an appointment with a cardiologist too.
Wow! A lot of people are sick and hurting!
@hashbrown and father
@Peanut (already on prayer list)
If you aren't on my prayer list you are now, for healing and safety.
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I didn't see this! Your body gives you warnings, I had them for the last year and was too damn stubborn to acknowledge them. Please stay on this!