Yesterday, finished drilling the holes in the ceiling to do the counter lights...
Decided that the lawn was a week overdue for mowing. Got out the mower and snapped the throtle cable....

So, I grabbed some cord, tied the throtle wide open and did the job almost non-stop (cord came loose 3 times).
Talked with one of my hunting buddies, He has a real high end archery rig (way out of my budget) that is top end fast. He noticed the cables are coming apart. It will be 6 weeks before they can get the new cables....... This bow is 1 year old!!! Sure it's super fast, shoots flat as a board, but if you need to change cables every year, what's the point? Add in the 4 digit price tag and I'm like, just give me that 499 average special....
I only have 2 hours left before work. I need to do recycling, trash, and a load of laundry. Took wife to the foot doctor on Tuesday, he trimmed some of the dead off one of her toes, Tuesday night she is like, my foot's bleeding. Her shoe was soaked, the sock was soaked.... I treated the bleeding and then I soaked what I could in hydrogen peroxide to get the stains out, now I am machine washing the socks and her dress (it got it along the hem), have to hand scrub the shoe (at $200 a pop, I not letting it go, just have to clean it real well then dry and polish).
Well, daylight's approaching, have a great day.