What's everybody doing today?

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Lunch time, went to the pantry, nothing? What, while son was here I sent him to pickup stuff lots of times, there should have been lots of canned lunch stuff... Went to his room, there was a pile of grocery bags of canned goods. I started pulling them out, sorting, and dating each. There must have been 3 months worth of canned goods in there..... gaah Well that gives me somthing to do this evening, sure changes what needs to be on the old shopping list. Kids, what more can I say...
Yesterday, finished drilling the holes in the ceiling to do the counter lights...
Decided that the lawn was a week overdue for mowing. Got out the mower and snapped the throtle cable....gaah So, I grabbed some cord, tied the throtle wide open and did the job almost non-stop (cord came loose 3 times).

Talked with one of my hunting buddies, He has a real high end archery rig (way out of my budget) that is top end fast. He noticed the cables are coming apart. It will be 6 weeks before they can get the new cables....... This bow is 1 year old!!! Sure it's super fast, shoots flat as a board, but if you need to change cables every year, what's the point? Add in the 4 digit price tag and I'm like, just give me that 499 average special....

I only have 2 hours left before work. I need to do recycling, trash, and a load of laundry. Took wife to the foot doctor on Tuesday, he trimmed some of the dead off one of her toes, Tuesday night she is like, my foot's bleeding. Her shoe was soaked, the sock was soaked.... I treated the bleeding and then I soaked what I could in hydrogen peroxide to get the stains out, now I am machine washing the socks and her dress (it got it along the hem), have to hand scrub the shoe (at $200 a pop, I not letting it go, just have to clean it real well then dry and polish).

Well, daylight's approaching, have a great day.

Hope the wifes foot heals and doesn't ge infected.
Not sure salt is what it used to be but it saved my arm and life in 1959. I opend a can of corned beef,cut my hand ,infecrion, red streaks of blood poisoning all the way up to my shoulder.Dr said it had to be aputated.
Mama was to meet him at hospital,she didn't he called police she hid us out in motel room and soaked my hand in very hot table salt water for a couple fays I remember the laying in bed in pain and seeing the poison flowing out of my horribly swollen hand and knotty pine walls in room.
No surgery ever happend and still have limbs in tact,I have turned to salt water soaks since if see slightest hint of infection.It works. Of course in some cases antibiotics is best treatment.
Hope the wifes foot heals and doesn't ge infected.
Not sure salt is what it used to be but it saved my arm and life in 1959. I opend a can of corned beef,cut my hand ,infecrion, red streaks of blood poisoning all the way up to my shoulder.Dr said it had to be aputated.
Mama was to meet him at hospital,she didn't he called police she hid us out in motel room and soaked my hand in very hot table salt water for a couple fays I remember the laying in bed in pain and seeing the poison flowing out of my horribly swollen hand and knotty pine walls in room.
No surgery ever happend and still have limbs in tact,I have turned to salt water soaks since if see slightest hint of infection.It works. Of course in some cases antibiotics is best treatment.

Thanks, She has had issues with her feet for about 10 years. She has no feeling in them and will bump her foot in the night, then it gets ugly.... The doctor has had to cut several toes back.. When he does they need to bleed quite a bit to clean out everything. Once that stops, it becomes my job to clean, and maintain the wound. It is a pain, this time it just bled more that usual.

Because of all her issues I generally keep a foot-locker full of medical supplies. Last Christmas time I was washing one of my skinning knives and became distracted, stabbing myself in the wrist. It was squirting with pulses, I dropped everything ran up to the footlocker, dumped stuff over it, put on a dressing, wrapped it all up with gauze, and drove myself to the ER. Doctor said, this is a pretty good dressing, you did it with your left hand? Yea, I get a lot of practice....
Thanks, She has had issues with her feet for about 10 years. She has no feeling in them and will bump her foot in the night, then it gets ugly.... The doctor has had to cut several toes back.. When he does they need to bleed quite a bit to clean out everything. Once that stops, it becomes my job to clean, and maintain the wound. It is a pain, this time it just bled more that usual.

Because of all her issues I generally keep a foot-locker full of medical supplies. Last Christmas time I was washing one of my skinning knives and became distracted, stabbing myself in the wrist. It was squirting with pulses, I dropped everything ran up to the footlocker, dumped stuff over it, put on a dressing, wrapped it all up with gauze, and drove myself to the ER. Doctor said, this is a pretty good dressing, you did it with your left hand? Yea, I get a lot of practice....

Bless her heart glad you have it under control for now. Urban there is so much going on now times are rough enough without illness joining in,huh?. Yake care and in our prayers.
I'm just sitting on a bench at the mall. Officially, I'm waiting for my daughter to get done with her eye appointment. What I'm actually doing is watching all the pretty moms walk by. After she's done with the eye doctor we'll go grab some tacos somewhere. I'd say it's a good day so far...
Any day with tacos is a good day :)
Not sure but may have a computer virus, imagine that! Can't loa pics and a member here name comes up on my user name on another site. I unplugged for for awhile and didn't help with picture loaing but can post now.
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Drove almost an hr each way for husband to see a new pulmonologist, and to go through lung capacity testing. Testing lady was good. The doctor was horrifying and we couldn't wait to get out of there. Didn't know why my husband was there. First appt to establish a pulmonologist. Didn't pull up the records we had sent, even the tester did that. Argued with us, then told my husband to shut up out of the blue. Total whacko.
I pulled up some dr online reviews, and sure enough. Two other people recently complained about the same thing. Should of looked at them before. We'll be looking for a new pulmonologist.
Quacks with a god complex abound...
Yup. Had a specialist like that a couple years ago when I had a UTI. Said the practitioner that referred me was "just a clinic doctor" and generally acted like I was an idiot. I told him straight up he was useless and that I wouldn't ever be back. The look on his face was priceless...
Yup. Had a specialist like that a couple years ago when I had a UTI. Said the practitioner that referred me was "just a clinic doctor" and generally acted like I was an idiot. I told him straight up he was useless and that I wouldn't ever be back. The look on his face was priceless...
Way to go.!
And they tell me "I'm point blank blunt".
Might be but it cuts down on the BS quite a bit.
Chores done. All water buckets and troughs have been flushed to get the ash out of them.
Went to town and got a lot of supplies today. Was up way early but really felt the need to make it happen with all that’s going on. Grabbed another fire extinguisher for the travel trailer (it only had a little one in it) just in case we end up going hunting. We have them in all the vehicles already but with all the fires another one won’t hurt. Spent way more than I had hoped but better to have extra and be prepared. Freezers are topped off again. Only thing they had a limit on was TP and PT.
Really wish the tractor was back. hate not having the ability to make fire breaks.
Decided to buy an anniversary card this year. Just don’t have the energy to make one. Got hubbys anniversary present packaged up and ready for this weekend. Nice to know it’s done and no scrambling.
Pretty much everyone has gone to bed on here so sweet dreams everyone!! Hope y’all have a wonderful Thursday!

Looks like your doing ok considering the circumstances , and hope you and your hubby have a great aniverary.:heart::thumbs:
I fired a doctor after he told me that he was going to control my pain...
I asked him how he would know what level my pain level was at and how he would know if I needed relief.
He told me that he wouldn't prescribe opioids or opiates and he would use other things.
He put me on gabapentin and I had a critical reaction to it. The next time I saw him, he opened with,"Oh, you're the one that doesn't like gabapentin... I told him that I was going to find a real doctor that actually listens to his patients.
On the way out I told the receptionist that I would not accept a bill from the quack.
I never got a bill.
Learning a new crochet stitch.
So I can make a "Swiffer" type cover for my Swiffer.
Been told several times today that particular stitch would make a cute hat or baby blanket.
Hmmm, nope learning new stitch for the Swiffer cover.
Strawberry has been walked several times.
Dishes are done, kitchen is cleaned.
Laundry is sorted of sorts.
Sipping coffee working Swiffer cover.
Might work on grand daughter's blanket later.
With her pain and all.
Went to hospital today for wife's pre-op for the kidney stone surgery next Thursday.

After I went for labs and back home.
2 trips, 40 miles each way.

Gotta go back Monday for covid test.

Been a long day.

Her pain is so severe , she's taking Norco every 4 hours.
The pain shifts from left to right , back and forth.

Be glad when they help her .

Drove almost an hr each way for husband to see a new pulmonologist, and to go through lung capacity testing. Testing lady was good. The doctor was horrifying and we couldn't wait to get out of there. Didn't know why my husband was there. First appt to establish a pulmonologist. Didn't pull up the records we had sent, even the tester did that. Argued with us, then told my husband to shut up out of the blue. Total whacko.
I pulled up some dr online reviews, and sure enough. Two other people recently complained about the same thing. Should of looked at them before. We'll be looking for a new pulmonologist.

Pandemic must be getting to him too. My goodness its bad on the nerves to be in this new world, if its nto the panny,its gangs.They fires,floods ,etc,etc,etc.
I have fired all my dr.s since lFeb, not seen a single one since one went crueinf around in my heart and he yelledat me too " be still I'm in your heart" twice! I'd like to be in his for a few minutes, not kill him just implant one of his own tools. And then stick him on that damn drug from hell Plavix.
I fired a doctor after he told me that he was going to control my pain...
I asked him how he would know what level my pain level was at and how he would know if I needed relief.
He told me that he wouldn't prescribe opioids or opiates and he would use other things.
He put me on gabapentin and I had a critical reaction to it. The next time I saw him, he opened with,"Oh, you're the one that doesn't like gabapentin... I told him that I was going to find a real doctor that actually listens to his patients.
On the way out I told the receptionist that I would not accept a bill from the quack.
I never got a bill.
I had a Neurologist who prescribed seizure medicine and the number 1 side effect was seizures.
We couldn't tell if I was having the seizures or if the medicine was making me have the seizures.
He also changed the dosage higher every 2 weeks, couldn't get used to the dosage because it was always changing.
Got angry one day, told him I wan't taking that crap anymore.
He told me He couldn't honestly be my neurologist if I wouldn't take the medicine he prescribed.
Told him point blank "Don't let the door hit you in the a*** on the way out" .
I saw that clinic's Chief of Staff pronto.
Got new neurologist that day.
Registered complaint against old neurologist (he was receiving kickbacks from medicine company).
Came off that medicine, lost bunches of weight, inches all over, several shoe sizes too.
Haven't had a large seizure in 3 years now.
Before that lived under death threat it seemed like "Grand Mall Seizures".
Now been downgraded to "Petite Grand Mall Seizures"
I see my neurologist, cardiology for the swelling of feet, ankles,knees on Tuesday of this coming week.
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With her pain and all.
Went to hospital today for wife's pre-op for the kidney stone surgery next Thursday.

After I went for labs and back home.
2 trips, 40 miles each way.

Gotta go back Monday for covid test.

Been a long day.

Her pain is so severe , she's taking Norco every 4 hours.
The pain shifts from left to right , back and forth.

Be glad when they help her .

I hope they get her some relief soon.
Don't forget to take care of yourself.
Our thoughts are with you
With her pain and all.
Went to hospital today for wife's pre-op for the kidney stone surgery next Thursday.

After I went for labs and back home.
2 trips, 40 miles each way.

Gotta go back Monday for covid test.

Been a long day.

Her pain is so severe , she's taking Norco every 4 hours.
The pain shifts from left to right , back and forth.

Be glad when they help her .

Praying for you both Jim.
Hopefully they help with the pain sooner than later.
With her pain and all.
Went to hospital today for wife's pre-op for the kidney stone surgery next Thursday.

After I went for labs and back home.
2 trips, 40 miles each way.

Gotta go back Monday for covid test.

Been a long day.

Her pain is so severe , she's taking Norco every 4 hours.
The pain shifts from left to right , back and forth.

Be glad when they help her .


Me too and also glad y'all live in a sane area where mostly good dr.s reside. I checked the census up ther and if we were younger it would be on our destination list of places to be. Down here its all liberals.
I have a young doctor, well in her 30's and she knows to listen.
When they start doing appointments again we are going to have a talk about pain meds... I haven't renewed my prescription since 3/17 because of the problems associated with getting into the clinic pharmacy. If I was cattle I would have a vet and they make house calls!
That's assuming you don't get the imported doctors from India and Africa, it would be nice if they could at least speak American.....

Are you kidding the clinic I went to 'note the "went" looked like a meeting at the UN. The one American was a flaming liberal. And the females WOW! One acted like she was going to do a pole dance for hubby in her chair had he short dress on her was pilled up she was moving around like a horny snake [ not kidding ], something about those chairs do strange things to these toons. The radiologist with more tatoos than any gangster did a little number in his chair too he was telling me how he would admiinster the radions while Richie Rich inserted the stents, thats plural one wasn't good enough they ain't buy one get one free.
This guy jumped up into chair feet first in a squatting position telling mr he didn't want me to die as he kept bouncing up an down standing squat on top of some wrapped syringes! Don't ask me why wrapped syringes were i n that damn chair !:dunno::confused2: . We decided it was past time to go so told nurse to take out the IVs an he caught us leaving,chased us down the street waving test results said my heart muscle was dying and I probably would nor make it home. saying I was going to die if I left.
Nobody in the universe could make up a lie like this! I just wish we had of recorded it. Hubby said what the hell is wrong with htose people he never sewn so many crackpots in one building.There is more hant what I'm saying too.
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This afternoon I spoke with the wife and she was telling me that she want her Herbs in 1 place in the kitchen. They used to be on 3 double-decker lazy-Susan’s, so one place is good... Then she said put them in the pantry as close to the stove as possible, makes sense... In the deep drawer? Now I'm scratching my head... that drawer only has a high front, not sides or back, when I was making them, I put my tools in one and they slid out the back....

Now, I'm an engineer by trade, and have spent my life doing things that can't be done.... so I stop and go stare at the drawer. The solution was to nest 2 shallow drawers inside the deep drawer, now when she opens the deep drawer she can see the taller herbs, then she can open either of the two shallow drawers where the rest of her herbs are laying on their side with the labels facing up at her.... easy peasy

To make it work, I did have the modify the rail placement and the door fronts vertical alignment, they are very close together (credit card thickness apart), but they fit and they work. We will have to make soft drawer pulls so everything stay's nested nicely.

Now, she has a friend from church over, they are in the process of organizing the kitchen..... Me, I'm hiding in the basement... Anytime there is more than 1 woman in the kitchen it is no longer safe for "MAN" Kind.....
I know what I said is almost impossible to beleive and most don't beleive it, maybe this will at least make you wonder if it is possible for medical professionals could really act like I told you. Well here are some of them protesting alt right speaker at UF mecial school.

Emory University Mediial college was one of the most prestigious universitys in the world. Some of the finest doctors in the world graduated from there.
Now its like a clinic in a third world clinic.

Emory medical students in the streets protesting ' racism!

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Starting to think ' just maybe' yet?

This is what I'm doing today, wishing I had a dr. but being blue eyed old southern woman can be dangerous to your health ,Ive seen it live and having an apt on this day is not good idea. They can't hide it as well once they are all hyped up at protest against " certain" people.
See those old hags in video, they are the profesors and dangerous to your health.

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Are you kidding the clinic I went to 'note the "went" looked like a meeting at the UN. The one American was a flaming liberal. And the females WOW! One acted like she was going to do a pole dance for hubby in her chair had he short dress on her was pilled up she was moving around like a horny snake [ not kidding ], something about those chairs do strange things to these toons. The radiologist with more tatoos than any gangster did a little number in his chair too he was telling me how he would admiinster the radions while Richie Rich inserted the stents, thats plural one wasn't good enough they ain't buy one get one free.
This guy jumped up into chair feet first in a squatting position telling mr he didn't want me to die as he kept bouncing up an down standing squat on top of some wrapped syringes! Don't ask me why wrapped syringes were i n that damn chair !:dunno::confused2: . We decided it was past time to go so told nurse to take out the IVs an he caught us leaving,chased us down the street waving test results said my heart muscle was dying and I probably would nor make it home. saying I was going to die if I left.
Nobody in the universe could make up a lie like this! I just wish we had of recorded it. Hubby said what the hell is wrong with htose people he never sewn so many crackpots in one building.There is more hant what I'm saying too.

Everything she said above is true, I was there and seen with my eyes and ears.
Actually worse than she is saying. Some things she's not even telling, not that's not enough .
I still can't believe some of our visits to some these control freak quacks.

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