What's everybody doing today?

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I hope you don't mind me sticking my two cents in here. "Dead Nuts" is an old rifle factory term. When the bore machines were set up perfectly, they would apply locking nuts (called "dead nuts" or "dead sets") to keep it that way. So, when a rifle barrel was made on such a machine, it was made "to dead nuts". It became a reference to the quality of build and accuracy of the rifle.

Good info Rosco. Heard that term for years, never knew where it came from.
I hope you don't mind me sticking my two cents in here. "Dead Nuts" is an old rifle factory term. When the bore machines were set up perfectly, they would apply locking nuts (called "dead nuts" or "dead sets") to keep it that way. So, when a rifle barrel was made on such a machine, it was made "to dead nuts". It became a reference to the quality of build and accuracy of the rifle.
Thank you. I did not know that. It’s awesome! Now it’s completely appropriate when I say that. 😂
@phideaux that rack is huge! Interesting colors.
When we were traveling around a few years ago we were in eastern KY and saw info on elk.
You can do a quick search, there are several places elk can be seen, as well as hunted.
I'd rather shoot them with a camera but if I'm hungry, will eat.
He shot him on the pond bank to his left.
He said after he shot him , he just set there for a while and a bigger one came right to the same spot.

I've seen some big ones.

I've set on my front porch and watched them grazing and playing on my gun range.

I saw 2 8pointers near here the other day. I wasn't the only one who saw them. That one is darker looking. Does that vary with diet, location, or what? My friend told me the ones he takes down usually feed off acorns in the woods. I didn't even know they ate acorns. Others eat off corn. Which tastes better, do you think?
I saw 2 8pointers near here the other day. I wasn't the only one who saw them. That one is darker looking. Does that vary with diet, location, or what? My friend told me the ones he takes down usually feed off acorns in the woods. I didn't even know they ate acorns. Others eat off corn. Which tastes better, do you think?

I think age affects their coloring a lot.
That one was an eldeer.

I'm not sure about diet.

But I have the only pond around , so they are always coming around.

I use to put out mineral blocks for them, but haven't done that in a few years.

I'm up late again. Went to the store & post office. Cooked meals for Mom. Watched videos on how to build sheds. Tomorrow (later today) I need to clean the pantry & kitchen. My brother went with me to the store & I drove slowly past some Pokemon Go spots for him to catch whatever Poke things he was trying to catch. There are 2 spots near one another-- at a gazebo where a gas station used to be and down the road at a church we call "The Church of Bad Drivers" as we've nearly been in wrecks with several of the people coming out of there-- they don't look before pulling out, they make right turns from the left lane, they don't look before changing lanes, etc.

I played Elder Scrolls Online for awhile.

Hadn't seen one of my cats in awhile so I went out and called him. He yowled back at me and came running. He climbed up me and sat on my shoulders and he's currently sleeping on my arm.
Gotten a lot of little stuff done so far tonight.
Got some cleaning done on the travel trailer but still finding it impossible to find sheet for the odd size bunks and bed in it. Getting pretty frustrated. Found some I could easily modify to fit on amazon but when I got to checkout they wouldn’t be here until 2nd week in oct. Grrrr
replacement fan blade for the bathroom fan (turned it on and it literally blew into pieces) is the smallest we could find shaft wise and doesn’t fit. Sigh. Going to have to find the entire unit I guess.
Deer bags sewn and ready. Going to order a bit more muslin and make a few more just in case.
Trying to figure out a way to save our younger trees but be able to put the gosts/sheep in to do the seed eating for me. Coming up blank without getting crazy and expensive.
Smoke is thick but ash isn’t horrible at the moment. Time to go take care of some hornets nests on the roof of the trailer while it’s cool out
So far have done shopping (2 stores) and put everything up, need to pick in the garden, then I need to get to HD for some plywood... If I can get to where I'm working inside by noon I will be happy :)

I did see that W-M has a small freezer in stock..... But where do I put it and can I get the bosses approval.....

Now days, when I grocery shop I make a point to never look at the receipt, it'll spoil your appetite ;)
Hey phideaux! How is the wife doing? I hope she is doing better.... I know you carry a heavy load... You are a great example and we are pulling for you. :)

We are making it thru each day , one day at a time and counting them down to Thursday 8/27 , when she will go in and have the surgery for the second try at crushing the stone.
She has run thru the full course of both antibiotics, and the pnuemonia is good we think.
She still experiences pain before it's time for another Norco.
Trying to stay ahead of the pain.
She's weak and tired.

We got to go Monday 8/24 to hospital for covid test. Then no contact till Thursday.

I'm trying to keep her as comfortable as possible.

We are doing ok.
This will eventually be over and we can get back to normal life.

Thanks for asking.

Well, I got a nice batch of okra, some beets, carrots, onions, peppers, and salad out of the garden. Made it to HD and got plywood and drywall (now I have almost everything I need to finish the kitchen). I was shocked; the plywood that I bought today was almost twice as expensive as it was in May.... :( Wife is putting up her herbs, she has 3 drawers full now and 2 boxes left to unpack. She asked me, "do you have duplicates of everything?" "No, I only have 2 or 3 of the things I need...."

She is still talking about the lady from church who ran out of TP and sent an e-mail out to EVERYONE wanting someone to fix her problem. I said, yea and we are about to see round 2 of this thing, South Korea is having relapses, as schools open they are having problems, come Halloween I expect to see us back at square 1. I wonder how many people learned their lesson back in April, May, and June?

She then asked do we have TP? 10 or 12 bales, every time I order your unsalted mixed nuts online, I order a bail and the shipping is free! :)
Hearing about crazy wood prices here, too. We haven't done our add on to the house, so it's going to raise the cost. Granddaughter is cleaning off the big porch, and doing the windows. Coming in here every so often and screaming about a big black spider. Running to the garage to get the killer spray. Neighbor kids are helping. Going to take the Ranger to the little salvage store, but need to get husband off his butt. Mad at the vacuum cleaner. I think the belt broke, so that means I have to read the manual to find out how to put another one on.
What am I doing today?

Not much...

Went to the store first thing this AM. They still had organic PB so got a doz more jars (plastic). Came home, got supper in the oven slow roasted BBQ pork loin 😋, processed 2 batches of tomatoes in pint jars, made a batch of pink plum jelly, ironed hubby’s work shirts, scrubbed bathroom and did dishes. My brother and SIL will be here this evening so looking forward to seeing them. Sitting for a few minutes before I have to be busy again.
Jim- hang in there- will keep praying 🙏
@UrbanHunter Hubby was just saying HD has had record profits this year. They didn’t have their spring sale and instead raised prices. They were one of the big businesses that didn’t have to close when folks still wanted to shop.
@Amish Heart That’s funny. I told my daughter when she was pretty young, if there was a spider just use the vacuum. We’d be crawling into bed and I’d hear the vacuum 😂. In her defense, she was ultra sensitive to spider bites and they seemed to love her.
When we emptied out the Kitchen for demolition, the son placed everything under the kitchen table in the living room. I have been pulling out boxes of dishes, pots n pans, and mix who knows what. Tonight it feels like I pulled my right arm out of socket. I not sure if it was the plywood, the sheet rock, or the dishes, but something did a number on me... I'm going to take a couple of Tylenol and hope it eases by tomorrow.

Tomorrow is someones birthday, so it means a special meal and peach cobler with icecream....
Happy Birthday, Urban!!!!
What's your special meal going to be? You share the same bday as little granddaughter, and our oldest son, her father. But we haven't heard from him since after she was born. He'll be 35 tomorrow, and she will be nine. Hope your arm feels better. We are planning to pick up my mom after lunch, and granddaughter wants to get a double dip at Braums, then home with my mom in tow. The kids are going to the neighbor boy's bday party (Levi, the cussing boy who is turning 8). I'll be cooking brats, hotdogs, sauerkraut, and we're bringing it all to my cousins for a big party for little granddaughter. Both granddaughters will be making a "geode cake" tomorrow to bring. I don't know what that'll look like, but I picked up special chocolate pebble rocks and rock candy for it.
Went for a short (2-hour) hike up the hill behind the house just for the exercise. Found a few scrub oak trees that have some acorns on them so this fall I should be able to harvest some.
This afternoon I made a simple holster for one of the revolvers I recently bought. I looked in my holster box first but found nothing to fit that one so I had to make one.
Reloaded a few cartridges and then called it a day.
LadyLocust, those look like the jars my late elderly friends had. I love the one full of marbles. I used to collect marbles. I have a bunch of them somewhere. I am a bit of a hoarder so I collect all sorts of weird things- bullet shells, random bits of metal, tiny springs, metal thumbtacks, marbles, stamps, and all sorts of weird things.

I spent most of the day watching videos on how to build sheds, build custom doors, & install metal roofing. I'm taking notes of techniques I like and think would be good to use.

Other than that, I used the Publisher's Clearing House app to play some of their scratch off games. I once won $10 so I figure it doesn't hurt to play them from time to time. It's free so it doesn't cost me anything but time.
Got all potatoes and sweets dug yesterday and set to cure. Neighbor gave me more apples and a gallon of muscadines.
Up at 4 am this morning. Have a crock pot full of Pumpkin Applesauce cooking that will be canned later. Will make grape juice to can with the muscadines.
And I thought I would have nothing to do today! LOL

I think my thumb is still getting better but taking longer. I will be glad to get off the prednisone so I can sleep later and start losing weight again.
I'm resting today.
Strawberry and I have walked this morning.
Strawberry and dog walker walked this morning too(0600 hours) before she goes to work.
Two more days then school starts here, on Tuesday.
Have had oldest grand daughter several days, hence why I'm resting.
Jim, we're still watching your's and her's favorite movie"How the Grinch Stole Christmas".
Sipping on my second pot of coffee, listening to the silence.
Oldest grand daughter is a chatterbox, she's the exact opposite of her daddy.
Got a dab of dishes to do up.
Finished crocheting my "Swiffer" cover, my goodness that works wonderfully.
Started my second one already, still using up oldest grand daughter's yarn basket.
So they will be colorful.
Making up oldest grand daughter new washcloths and hand towels to use at Granny's house.
Which I might add she loves.
Prayers for everybody who needs them
Hope everybody gets to feeling better.
Amish Heart tell little grand daughter belated Happy Birthday.

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