What's everybody doing today?

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I wormed the goats today. They both weigh right at 34 pounds at a year old. Not sure if they will get much bigger or not. Listed 3 pairs of jeans on eBay and two of them sold today. Unusual, but good!
Going to make cloud bread tomorrow, cook bacon for more hot bacon dressing and do laundry. Tomorrow afternoon is game day at the Church. So I will go to that.
So far today we have decided to start deep cleaning the house for our real estate inspection later in the month, we also do it regularly room by room every 3 months anyway as I am allergic to dust.

We started off in the kitchen and DH cleaned the old metal stove alcove in the kitchen, we compacted our plastic bags we use for garbage bags and threw out empty plastic bottles we were not using. Both of us removed everything on the top of the fridge, freezers and pantries and wiped over the containers and on top of everything and put it all back. Then I cleaned the outside of the fridges and freezers, glass cupboard near the sink and the outside of all of the pantries and kitchen cupboard doors and DH cleaned the ceiling and walls behind the kitchen stove where it gets a little greasy from cooking.

Done spring cleaning for the day and will do a bit each day. This afternoon DH is having a minor op and then we will go and get a few groceries that are on special at our local supermarket that is on our next shopping list anyway.
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Well...hello!! You could of stopped by my place and bought a 2000 Jeep Wrangler! Come back!

But we are already passing Truth or Consequences! I didn't realize that we were going into Abq or I would have sent you a message. For some reason I thought Rio Rancho was south of there. We already have a Wrangler,I wanted something a bit bigger. Getting groceries is a pain with the wrangler even with the back seat removed.
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You'll need another one anyway...you have kids that'll be driving soon enough!

This one is for me and there isn't room on the trailer for another one.:) Besides, one kid has a Bug and the other will get the Mazda. The youngest just finished the classroom part of drivers ed. Guess I gotta take her to get her permit.:eyeballs:
Went and test drove this Beast today...
Man o man what a vehicle...
2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser.. Modified to the max.
Where is all that snow? you got 6 or eight inches right?

Going to get cold here, hard freeze tonight and the next couple... I knew better than to set out anything in the garden... ;)
Did a tad of grocery shopping this afternoon and picked up 8 months worth of mouth wash and 2 dips on half price special, some flour, citric acid and a couple of tins of tinned mangoes. With the half price specials, $10 off for supermarket rewards I had earned and a further 5% off using our roadside assist grocery card we spent $38.02 and saved $46.90. I love it when we save more than we spend on the total. We then dated all the groceries and put it all away.

Also picked up DH's pain medication for the month on a bulk script which saves us $70.40 if we purchased them separately by the boxes.

DH has had his minor op put off till Thursday as there was not a spot in the theatre rooms there until then. They did however take some more swabs and sent it away to be analysed to try and determine what bug it is causing DH's skin complaint.
So far today we have decided to start deep cleaning the house for our real estate inspection later in the month, we also do it regularly room by room every 3 months anyway as I am allergic to dust.

We started off in the kitchen and DH cleaned the old metal stove alcove in the kitchen, we compacted our plastic bags we use for garbage bags and threw out empty plastic bottles we were not using. Both of us removed everything on the top of the fridge, freezers and pantries and wiped over the containers and on top of everything and put it all back. Then I cleaned the outside of the fridges and freezers, glass cupboard near the sink and the outside of all of the pantries and kitchen cupboard doors and DH cleaned the ceiling and walls behind the kitchen stove where it gets a little greasy from cooking.

Done spring cleaning for the day and will do a bit each day. This afternoon DH is having a minor op and then we will go and get a few groceries that are on special at our local supermarket that is on our next shopping list anyway.
The only minor surgery is when it's on someone else!
Oh...there are way too many people here, I'm with you on that. You'd have to tow it, wouldn't trust it 10 hours! But the price could be right if you're this way again.
Off to work I go in a little while. Our son had filled up his larger incubator and a few have hatched this morning. Cute little peeps
Oh...there are way too many people here, I'm with you on that. You'd have to tow it, wouldn't trust it 10 hours! But the price could be right if you're this way again.
Off to work I go in a little while. Our son had filled up his larger incubator and a few have hatched this morning. Cute little peeps
It's only a 4 hr drive 1 way. Then you have to add in potty breaks and lunch/dinner and just trying to navigate through ABQ.
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@gumpy The surgeon's sending me to a Pain Specialist to see if we can better pinpoint where all the pains are coming from and try cortisone shots to see if they help. He says he doesn't think I need surgery at this point but maybe eventually. But then again if the shots don't help,he might. He also says he treats 1 pain at a time,which I think is BS.
Had a hellish trip to and from the big smoke for my physio appointment.

My hips (both sides) have taken to dislocating when I inadvertently rotate my legs outwards.
There's a very loud "click" and a extreme stabbing pain deep in the buttock.
There isn't a click when they decide to go back in and the pain does eventually ease.
The joys of lax joints and cartilage damage because of my EDS.
They're getting worse though and it happens more often if I'm sitting down or in the act of standing up.
Once I'm up I tend to be better and the pain tends to ease off quicker.. Getting there is the issue.

I am very excited about getting my new dehydrator and new seed order.
I'm been binge watching Mrs. V's YT videos on how to use good quality zip lock bags and short lengths of drinking straws
to vacuum seal dehydrated food.
Using zip lock bags are a lot cheaper than the "proper" vacuum seal rolls and I can't wait to practice.
I've kicked all my bags of sugar out of the chest freezer and put them into vermin proof buckets
and I filled the space with bags of frozen veggies that I'm going to dehydrate.
Did I mention I'm excited yet?
Yeah.....maybe!??!! *grins*
@gumpy The surgeon's sending me to a Pain Specialist to see if we can better pinpoint where all the pains are coming from and try cortisone shots to see if they help. He says he doesn't think I need surgery at this point but maybe eventually. But then again if the shots don't help,he might. He also says he treats 1 pain at a time,which I think is BS.
That's what they started doing. My daughter took a tumble from her bike and had pain in her knee and elbow and the bone Dr told her to pick which one hurt more and he'd look at that one and she had to come back the next week to look at the other. I was certain her arm was broken but her knee didn't look right either. I pitched a huge fit any made him look at both because I wasn't going to have her walking around with a broken bone for a week. Turns out the arm was broken and the knee cap was dislocated. She left with a cast on her arm and a brace on her knee.
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Had a hellish trip to and from the big smoke for my physio appointment.

My hips (both sides) have taken to dislocating when I inadvertently rotate my legs outwards.
There's a very loud "click" and a extreme stabbing pain deep in the buttock.
There isn't a click when they decide to go back in and the pain does eventually ease.
The joys of lax joints and cartilage damage because of my EDS.
They're getting worse though and it happens more often if I'm sitting down or in the act of standing up.
Once I'm up I tend to be better and the pain tends to ease off quicker.. Getting there is the issue.

I am very excited about getting my new dehydrator and new seed order.
I'm been binge watching Mrs. V's YT videos on how to use good quality zip lock bags and short lengths of drinking straws
to vacuum seal dehydrated food.
Using zip lock bags are a lot cheaper than the "proper" vacuum seal rolls and I can't wait to practice.
I've kicked all my bags of sugar out of the chest freezer and put them into vermin proof buckets
and I filled the space with bags of frozen veggies that I'm going to dehydrate.
Did I mention I'm excited yet?
Yeah.....maybe!??!! *grins*
My right hip would do that while I was pregnant with my oldest. It HURTS!!
My right hip would do that while I was pregnant with my oldest. It HURTS!!

All the hormones that soften the ligaments for birth also soften all the other ligaments in the body so you're actually in more risk of dislocating something when you're pregnant than when you're not.

And, YES, it hurts.
It happening over a dozen times a day depending on how many times I have to move or get up.
It takes it's toll.
That's what the be started doing. My daughter took a tumble from her bike and had pain in her knee and elbow and the bone Dr told her to pick which one hurt more and he'd look at that one and she had to come back the next week to look at the other. I was certain her arm was broken but her knee didn't look right either. I pitched a huge fit any made him look at both because I wasn't going to have her walking around with a broken bone for a week. Turns out the arm was broken and the knee cap was dislocated. She left with a cast on her arm and a brace on her knee.
Good for you.
I explained to him all the places in my legs I had pain and he said they were caused by all 3 of my bad vertebraes but sometimes if he fixes the first one it'll make the other 2 areas caused by the other 2 vertebraes feel better,I thought how would it if you didn't fix them?? These doctors anymore just like to bring you back all they can as if they don't already have enough money.
Finished a short story and posted it in the Library.

Read it so many times looking for typos and grammar errors my eyes crossed!
Gonna check it out!

@gumpy The surgeon's sending me to a Pain Specialist to see if we can better pinpoint where all the pains are coming from and try cortisone shots to see if they help. He says he doesn't think I need surgery at this point but maybe eventually. But then again if the shots don't help,he might. He also says he treats 1 pain at a time,which I think is BS.
More trips=more revenue for him! In all fairness though, they can only give you so much cortisone at a time. To much is bad for you.

Still working on my shop but thought I would show a couple pics.
View attachment 5274 View attachment 5275 View attachment 5276 View attachment 5277
Beautiful shop!! I love it!
Good for you.
I explained to him all the places in my legs I had pain and he said they were caused by all 3 of my bad vertebraes but sometimes if he fixes the first one it'll make the other 2 areas caused by the other 2 vertebraes feel better,I thought how would it if you didn't fix them?? These doctors anymore just like to bring you back all they can as if they don't already have enough money.
I don't read too much talk here about chiropractors. I have never had occasion to use one but quite a few friends use them as needed and my NH used to see this little old German guy who would really tweak the spine.
We went to a new group after the German passed away (he was very old) and they wanted to sign hubs up with a 6 month contract and weekly visits. He opted out of that, found another one to go to that was so so. Where we live now there are a few to choose from.
So sorry for all the troubles of aging.
Gonna check it out!

More trips=more revenue for him! In all fairness though, they can only give you so much cortisone at a time. To much is bad for you.

Beautiful shop!! I love it!
I understand that but he's not doing the cortisone shots,he's sending me to another doctor up there,I was talking about him treating 1 pain at a time,not the guy giving me shots. I've got 3 vertebrae in a row I'm my lower back giving me trouble and 2 in my neck,why can't he do all three in my lower back in 1 surgery and the 2 in my neck in another instead of 5 different surgeries is what I'd like to know?
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I don't read too much talk here about chiropractors. I have never had occasion to use one but quite a few friends use them as needed and my NH used to see this little old German guy who would really tweak the spine.
We went to a new group after the German passed away (he was very old) and they wanted to sign hubs up with a 6 month contract and weekly visits. He opted out of that, found another one to go to that was so so. Where we live now there are a few to choose from.
So sorry for all the troubles of aging.
a semi regular chiropractic visit keeps my pain levels more manageable. It took a lot of visits initially to get me straightened out after a series of vehicle accidents in the early 90s. I don’t think I’m overstating when I say I would have been wheelchair bound without chiro care. Like everything else there are good ones and bad ones, and every person’s body responds differently. I have seen maybe a dozen chiropractors over the years only two of who could do me any good. Yet some that could not manipulate me properly worked great for my wife.

Numerous chiropractors said I have the flexibility of a plank and am very difficult to adjust. I need a strong forceful adjustment whereas my Mrs needs a more gentle touch,

Something else that has helped over the years is the judicious use of a percussion massager.
I don't read too much talk here about chiropractors. I have never had occasion to use one but quite a few friends use them as needed and my NH used to see this little old German guy who would really tweak the spine.
We went to a new group after the German passed away (he was very old) and they wanted to sign hubs up with a 6 month contract and weekly visits. He opted out of that, found another one to go to that was so so. Where we live now there are a few to choose from.
So sorry for all the troubles of aging.
I've been seeing a Chiropractor since 1982,if it wasn't for him I'd have had to have surgery back then. This time I went to him for 2 months straight and he wasn't making any headway,he even said there wasn't much else he could do. Me and him both have noticed over the years it was gradually getting worse and it's too far gone for him to be able to do much with it now.
@Patchouli I have also used chiropractors and sports injury therapists who do a cross between massage and chiropractic work. The ones I have found best are the ones that deal with the football teams as they tend to be more able to manipulate backs better. The sports injury therapist worked the best for my back and I have never had my back go out since after having a few initial consultations and then follow ups about once every couple of years after that. I had a shoulder injury that was fixed with a chiropractor and have not had any problems since but I do have the occasional pain and weakness in it but not so much as before treatment when I simply could not use one arm because of it.

@The Innkeeper I am the same as they say manipulating my back is like wrestling with a crocodile as they say I have very developed and strong muscles for a woman. The guy that dealt with the football players told me he sweated twice as much with trying to manipulate me compared to a professional football player.

In combination with chiropractic work it is also good to combine exercises that will strengthen the muscles around whatever damaged area you have in your body as it will hold you around the injured area more and prevent it from going out so often.
@Tank-Girl so excited that you have got your dehydrator you must let me know how it works :) . I know I appreciate things more when I have to save hard for them.

Not good that your hips are dislocating it is indeed painful, have you learnt how to put them back in position yourself ?, if not you can ask a specialist and they will show you. I have one kneecap that dislocates every now and again and I have been shown and can put it back in place when it happens.