What's everybody doing today?

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Went to town today for a couple things: 5 stops and 4 1/2 hrs later I returned home. Saw several with heaped carts and shelves on the bare side (TP). Still reasonably stocked but still couldn’t find the pizza sauce Hubby likes or wool socks for me but wasn’t going to make more stops.
I’m learning how to knit my own socks but am pretty slow - have half of one sock done. If I can make my own, one less reason to go to store.
Hello everyone just touching base to let you know I am okay and thank you all for your prayers and well wishes :) .

DH will get discharged later this afternoon and we will take off home tomorrow morning.

He is still very disorientated/confused and could be 3 - 6 months before he comes right again and I will have to watch out for seizures for up to 6 months. Think caring will be rather demanding at the moment for a while but will pop in when I have the time to chat.

Just to give you an idea he has tried to escape the hospital because he thought I was coming to visit at night but the nursing staff stopped him, one day he had 3 showers, and yesterday had to rescue him after he climbed into through adjustable barriers a construction zone at the hospital because he saw a seat.

Hopefully not much mischief he can get up to on the farm when we get home. Will have a 3 hour drive ahead of us tomorrow to get home and will stop for breaks.
Keep well. Hopefully being home will help him get back to himself. Hugs to you 💕
Hope the cat gets it. If not, throw some tomcat mouse killer cubes in there and shut the door.
I already threw the posion in there. The cat was hollering to get out so I let her out . I didn't want her to claw up the plastic. She's usually trying to find a way in...

I love homemade cranberry sauce. Even eat it with ham. I made a bunch last year and canned it. And I've got a bunch of cranberries in a freezer. I like it chunky, though.

I love cranberry sauce but can't eat the chunky stuff. I guess its a texture thing.
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A busy 3 days... Helping the boys with cattle when I could. I got all prescriptions filled for 1 month+ for the folks and me. Finished filling my pantry, it's well stocked for 30+ days even if I have to feed my folks. Today I got 150lbs of chicken feed and 100lbs of dog food. Tomorrow I have to top off a couple of gas cans then I'm set for the election or any riots that may follow. I really don't care about riots... I like to go through my check lists occasionally, modify for any changes if needed, a practice run at being prepped.

I have to pickup my chainsaw and buy a weedeater tomorrow. I went to the big town to do this Saturday (and get groceries... and deliver eggs, nine cartons). But... a town of 100,000+, the only small engine repair shop in town... They are CLOSED on Saturday afternoons! Really? I really dislike my state sometimes... All sorts of weird business closures by type on certain days. Every town is a little different.
Granddaughter came in yelling...she was putting the dogs to bed and a possum on our porch eating the cat food. JayRod and Kev are in the rocker watching it. So the dry food will have to come in late in the day.
Made butter, buttermilk for my cousin, filled the dehydrator with apples, cleaned house, talked to my sis because it's her birthday. Quiet Sunday.
.... Quiet Sunday.

Like you and @UrbanHunter your preparedness can be seen in your"just another day".

For my part I organized the lego lounge and started the store from which they can shop for parts. They are the next generation that will carry us beyond the current turmoil.

I pray that God gives me the guidance to walk his path and do his will.


@Backpacker I'm glad the vet visit went well. It's never fun when pets are sick. Seizures can be pretty awful. Long story short- someone poisoned my dogs a few years back & I filmed the seizures to show the vet-- it was so bad it made the vet cry.

@SheepDog congratulations to your son for getting his first house! I hope your back feels better soon.

@snappy1 I hope the thyroid meds adjustment works for you.

@Weedygarden pets really do have a special place in our hearts. I still mourn some that died when I was a child. Had a 16-year old cat who died trying to protect me from a hunting dog. It still breaks my heart when I think about it. I've lost quite a few to cancer over the past decade as well. Drugs are a terrible thing. My best friend's late father told me how he got addicted to drugs in the first place. A well-respected church-going boyscout leader type first gave them some gateway drugs & then got them on to harder stuff. Used them as mules. Had them breaking in to doctor's offices to steal pills, etc. He was smart enough to make sure he never got caught with the stuff on him & he was active enough in the community & church that nobody believed the boys when they pointed the finger at him. It lead to a lifetime of drug use for many of the boys. Some are still in and out of prison but many are dead. Overdoses & other health issues. My friend's father died of heart failure at 46.

@UrbanHunter I one day aspire to be able to make even one shelving unit. I'm actually trying to figure out how to do one of those narrow cabinet spacer pull-outs around 3". I'm currently researching the drawer slides. I've seen center mount recommended. Someone showed how she & her husband built one using centermount slides & there is a mechanism to make it pop open by pushing on the drawer face. Not sure if it's built in to the slide or not. I'm hoping she will respond to my question.

@Patchouli my nearest neighbor almost ended up like the biker father. Guy is a piece of work. Stalked, harassed, and beat his wife. She couldn't go anywhere without him showing up pounding on doors looking for her. She lost jobs bc of it. One day his oldest son had enough & told him if he laid a finger on her ever again, he'd blow his brains out. I haven't seen the wife in years so I think they are divorced now. Sorry to hear the figs didn't work out. We had a fig tree that produced fruit for years but suddenly stopped the year my father died. A whole bunch of our trees stopped bearing fruit that year and many of them died.

@MoBookworm1957 That was very sweet of you. I have an appreciation for people who help out others-- particularly when they help out veterans. My father was from the era where veterans were treated like absolute garbage when they returned home from Vietnam. There is this stigma with it that I hope is going away.

@Grimm That is a great way to teach history. It makes it much more interesting.

@Amish-Heart I think it takes 2 weeks for them to get in the overseas military votes so they need to wait on those to get the full tally. That as some incredibly inappropriate & unprofessional behavior from the teachers. I still remember havinga 2nd grade teacher who was nasty to kids with Republican parents. She only gave candy to kids with Democratic parents-- and I was apparently the only Republican kid in the class. That sort of thing should never happen in schools. I liked my history teacher in high school. Despite being a flaming liberal he was kind to all of the students & never tried to humiliate or embarrass anyone. He'd had a kid at his school commit suicide bc another teacher humiliated her in front of the class & he didn't want that to ever happen again. I've had teachers of both political leanings who were unprofessional bullies though. I got on the bad side of a teacher for calling out her racist bullying of a black girl over the pronunciation of the girl's name. Teacher started fabricating excuses to send me to the office after I told her she was being unprofessional & rude & shouldn't be a teacher or have access to children. I was a feisty kid. LOL.

@Terri9630 be careful with the rat poison and cats. We lost one of our sweetest cats to rat poison bc he caught a mouse that had eaten the poison.

Today I reheated leftovers for lunch & made TV dinners later. I cleaned the litterboxes-- not a fun job with 16 cats. Water had dripped from the waterer into the kittens' litterbox so it was a disgusting mess. Had to take it outside & spray it off after scraping it out. Then I had to scrub it with lysol wipes. Kitties were excited about fresh litter. I picked up trash & helped my brother take trash out. He's designated Sundays as trash day & I'm hoping he will stick to it. I will do what i can to support him in it so it will get done. Other than that, I listened to music & did some drawings in MSPaint.

Tomorrow I have to get bloodwork for a doctor's appointment later in the week. I've developed a phobia of needles due to some bad experiences. It's completely irrational and the waiting is the worst part. I've been anxious all week about it and the closer it gets to the time I get more anxious. The phobia seems to be getting worse & I wish I could make it go away. It hasn't even hurt last few times I've had blood drawn but my brain still remembers the few bad experiences & the waiting really gets to me.
Went to town today for a couple things: 5 stops and 4 1/2 hrs later I returned home. Saw several with heaped carts and shelves on the bare side (TP). Still reasonably stocked but still couldn’t find the pizza sauce Hubby likes or wool socks for me but wasn’t going to make more stops.
I’m learning how to knit my own socks but am pretty slow - have half of one sock done. If I can make my own, one less reason to go to store.
I like wool blend socks. Costco sells them in the fall until they run out, and they are always out before Christmas. If you have ever had Smart Wool, they are similar. They sell 6 pairs for less than $20, men's and women's. I order them online. I got 6 pair one year, and then was so thrilled that I tried to order another package of them. They were already sold out. So the next year, I ordered two packages. Last year and this year, I ordered another package each year. They are well made, comfortable, warm, and fit well.
It's a chilly day here.
I'm tired, but it's my fault.
I think Sparky told me when I mentioned I was legally 3 times 21.
That he leveled up instead of getting older or younger depending on your mindset.
So I have been leveling up with a 9 year old whom is having a hard time dealing with seizures.
He and I have the same neurologist.
So our neurologist teams up people to help some adjust better.
So I have been playing video games again with this child.
This does several things: we play on Doctor's website.
This way he know who's doing the exercises and who isn't.
It also helps him see who needs a buddy or pal to talk to about the frustrations they are dealing with at the moment.
But back to the leveling up.
I am currently on level 259 of 500.
My little buddy is on level 300 of 500.
Considering the fact I haven't been playing video games in 2 years.
I'm impressed with my progress.
Good morning everybody.
It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood.
Mainly because the neighbors aren't up as of yet.
Strawberry has been walked.
She's snoozing at the moment.
I'm sipping coffee, reading forums.
Plants have been water.
Trash has been taken out.
Just got a dab of dishes to do this morning.
Dust out the floors, dust furniture.
Laid out pork chops for supper.
Sewing, glad DH will discharged today.
Hopefully he will heal faster when he gets home.
Might get a nap this afternoon.
LadyL, haven't tried to knit socks yet.
But it's on my list to do.
Will work on baby Reign's blanket for Christmas.
Hope to get it done by Thanksgiving.
Then I will work on making towels and washcloths for my usage.
Might make me blanket or sweater( haven't made a sweater before).
Everybody have a good day.
Went to town today for a couple things: 5 stops and 4 1/2 hrs later I returned home. Saw several with heaped carts and shelves on the bare side (TP). Still reasonably stocked but still couldn’t find the pizza sauce Hubby likes or wool socks for me but wasn’t going to make more stops.
I’m learning how to knit my own socks but am pretty slow - have half of one sock done. If I can make my own, one less reason to go to store.

That is :cool: LadL I bet socks are a challenge.
Beach trip in your future, Meer?
Just got home from the big city. Husband had an appt there to get a shot in his spine. Twins are home doing chromebook school, and little one is at school. Needing coffee then I'll get some stuff done. Will be baking granola to go with the homemade yogurt I have. Have more butter to do. Have some baking mixes to put in glass half gallon jars. Made a quart of salt free taco seasoning for husband. Don't feel like painting, but maybe tomorrow.
I like wool blend socks. Costco sells them in the fall until they run out, and they are always out before Christmas. If you have ever had Smart Wool, they are similar. They sell 6 pairs for less than $20, men's and women's. I order them online. I got 6 pair one year, and then was so thrilled that I tried to order another package of them. They were already sold out. So the next year, I ordered two packages. Last year and this year, I ordered another package each year. They are well made, comfortable, warm, and fit well.

If you shop ebay you can find the Smart Wool socks at deep discounts brand new. They are discontinued colors but who cares what are on your feet as long as they are warm!

I like the Costco ones too but they get holes faster than the Smart Wool.

That reminds me I need to darn some socks this week...
If you shop ebay you can find the Smart Wool socks at deep discounts brand new. They are discontinued colors but who cares what are on your feet as long as they are warm!

I like the Costco ones too but they get holes faster than the Smart Wool.

That reminds me I need to darn some socks this week...
Thank you. I have never looked for them on ebay. I will look. I used to wear Smart Wool until I found these on the Costco website. I saw Smart Wool socks last week at REI, and I believe they were around $15 a pair. I know some people really itch from wool, but these have never bothered me.
Just get in from blowing/mowing the leaves off the yards and into my surrounding woods. This is third time I thought it was the last time before winter.

We had High Winds all night, south side of the house now has lots of leaves, North side is clean..... Temperature fell a lot, today's high will not reach last week's lows....
Beach trip in your future, Meer?
Just got home from the big city. Husband had an appt there to get a shot in his spine. Twins are home doing chromebook school, and little one is at school. Needing coffee then I'll get some stuff done. Will be baking granola to go with the homemade yogurt I have. Have more butter to do. Have some baking mixes to put in glass half gallon jars. Made a quart of salt free taco seasoning for husband. Don't feel like painting, but maybe tomorrow.

Yes there is a beach trip in the near future I hope. Have totake a test drivr first to maake sure it will make it. But at least it won't be too hot or too cold now that fall is finally approaching.

I took a walk and w took golf cart around the trail on the property ,looked good haven't been in the woods in awhile.Then watched a movie a true story ,gave us something to think about.
Fed dogs first this morning, picked all remaining mustard greens and washed in washer. Took my walk while the greens finished draining. Came home and wilted the greens and PC'd them. Got 7 quarts which doesn't seem near enough for all I picked. LOL
Washed dog blankets and our towels, made salads. Done for today!
Are you getting any sleep yet? (Hope so.)
Mo, you're funny. I hope you and your gaming buddy help each other out.
I'm tired too.
Go to work in a couple hours. Bright sunny day. It was 45 but it's warming up quickly.
I've been dealing with seizures since I received head injury on TDY assignment in Sept.2009.
He's been dealing with seizures for 1.5 years.
My seizures have been downgraded from Grand Malls to Petite Grand Malls.
But hopefully they will be downgraded again in Nov.
His is still Grand Malls.
Like I said, we play on Doctor's website, so he can monitor both of us.
And this little buddy lives in my town, even though he doesn't know this.
But his grand father is my second cousin.
I take Strawberry out to visit my cousin while his grandson is there.
At the suggestion of the Doctor's advice.
So he has been placed on Service Dog List for Seizures.
I've been dealing with seizures since I received head injury on TDY assignment in Sept.2009.
He's been dealing with seizures for 1.5 years.
My seizures have been downgraded from Grand Malls to Petite Grand Malls.
But hopefully they will be downgraded again in Nov.
His is still Grand Malls.
Like I said, we play on Doctor's website, so he can monitor both of us.
And this little buddy lives in my town, even though he doesn't know this.
But his grand father is my second cousin.
I take Strawberry out to visit my cousin while his grandson is there.
At the suggestion of the Doctor's advice.
So he has been placed on Service Dog List for Seizures.

I'm glad they were down graded and hope they go away forever.
Yesterday I bit the bullet and asked a friend if I could borrow his wheel barrow and then this morning at sunrise I shifted 2 metric tons of firewood before the drugged up drop kicks next door woke up and realized what I was about.

It seems that when I was in hospital and the house was unattended they came into the yard AGAIN and helped themselves to my firewood AGAIN.
The cheeky SOB's rubbed my nose in it by stacking it against their side of our common fence.
The run is three blocks high and 6 to 8 foot long.
Now, the rub is that I can't prove that it was wood they stole the first time I caught them and had the police attend or if this is new wood that's been taken.
I know that this is a fresh theft I just can't darn well prove it .......SO......I shifted it again for the third time to the other side of the house in the new duck pen where they can't see it AND it's behind a 6 foot chain link fence.....not that the 6 foot fence stopped them or even slowed them down while I was in hospital.

I got my exercise in for the day and I spent the rest of the day on the couch.
I don't really like your information! Stealing firewood from you while you were in the hospital! What a bunch of filthy livers. And stacking it where you could plainly see it. I'm glad they didn't "catch" you taking it back.
Where you said, "now the rub is..." made me laugh because a friend here says that and I thought it an odd expression not used much.
Please, rest easy, Tank-Girl
As for me....it is late and I'm starting to not like the way things are rolling around here, which is sure to put me in a bad mood. Later y'all

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