What's everybody doing today?

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@Haertig thanks for the reminder about getting a title and all the riggamaroll I'm going to go through to get a vehicle in my name. I've been carrying the insurance for a vehicle not in my name because someone was being stubborn, I won't say who. Sounds like you had a fun day, not. Here I've already gotten the inspection completed, had to send off proof to DPS (nice acronym). Had to have stickers mailed to owner since I'm not the owner. Owner dillydallied about sending me the stickers and the title. Now my insurance rate will go down...I hope.
Off to fix late dinner.
We have Asian stir fry in honor of Halloween. We don't have to call it Chinese anymore!
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Sewing, I'm so glad the surgery went well for your husband.
Last night it got down to 51° & Fippy popped my door open. I eventually let him in to Mom's room so he could stay with her (bc he whines and bugs me to go let him into her room). The cats got in & so did Princess (which is fine bc she's allowed in). I had 7 cats plus the dog sleeping on me. When I wanted to roll over I had a hard time & had to shift slowly and let the cats adjust. Otherwise they dig in claws. At least I was warm.
I've mostly been staying at home but had to take Mom for a doctor's appointment today. Called the power company to find out they never put in the repair request for my security light. Lady on the phone was rude & gave me attitude. I told her I'd already reported it 3x. 1st time I couldn't even get through to someone from their company but left a note that my security light was down. 2nd they refused to take a note bc they were only handling outages. 3rd they told me they would put in a repair request for me. That was well over a week ago. Lady said someone would have to be at my house in order for them to do anything & acted like they were sending them today, but no one ever showed up.
Went to Walmart for Mom's RX and then got some groceries. I'm going to nap & see when she wants dinner.
That is what I was hoping for, Bacpacker! My mom had a dog that was on meds for seizures for a few years. Otherwise, he got along fine. Thunderstorms would seem to be the worst time for him, electrical stuff, it's really weird how that works.
Oh, yes, LadyLocust, there was something else with that, full moon, Halloween, and something else...I forget what but everyone thinks that's the reset button for 2020. I'd say oh great, here we go again.
I didn't realize time change was this weekend too. What? We're still doing that? I thought we all decided to leave the clocks alone this year.

@dademoss Good new pix 😄

I wish. I hate losing an hour in the evenings. I don't get home from work normally until 430. Darkness by 6 don't leave me much time to do anything.
What I did today:
I found out that I am not 35 and my son is over 45.
I helped him, his wife two adorable girls move into their first home!
The move was only about 6 miles and they had already made a couple of pickup truck loads. Today we loaded up a 26 foot U-haul, a car trailer, two pickups and my car and delivered it all to their fantastic home. They closed on the house on Wednesday so this was a "throw it in a box or take it to the dump" move. My son got back from the dump about 15 minutes after I arrived and it was load it up time! It took us just 6 hours to move all the gear and furniture to the new house. We were standing there trying to figure out what we forgot while his wife and the girls were putting it all together in the new house. We did what men do, and I really needed, we opened a couple of beers. My back was not at all happy with me but I felt good that I could be there for them. The beer was a good muscle relaxer - just one. When he went to return the truck and pick up pizza I gave him a hug and then his wife and kids all got a hug and I climbed into my car and came home. I'm starting to feel better although my back is still complaining a bit but it was a good day spent with people I love. We will see how my back feels tomorrow. I think I will soak in a hot bath either tonight or tomorrow. I took a couple of aspirin. so I will just relax for the rest of my night.
What I did today:
I found out that I am not 35 and my son is over 45.
I helped him, his wife two adorable girls move into their first home!
The move was only about 6 miles and they had already made a couple of pickup truck loads. Today we loaded up a 26 foot U-haul, a car trailer, two pickups and my car and delivered it all to their fantastic home. They closed on the house on Wednesday so this was a "throw it in a box or take it to the dump" move. My son got back from the dump about 15 minutes after I arrived and it was load it up time! It took us just 6 hours to move all the gear and furniture to the new house. We were standing there trying to figure out what we forgot while his wife and the girls were putting it all together in the new house. We did what men do, and I really needed, we opened a couple of beers. My back was not at all happy with me but I felt good that I could be there for them. The beer was a good muscle relaxer - just one. When he went to return the truck and pick up pizza I gave him a hug and then his wife and kids all got a hug and I climbed into my car and came home. I'm starting to feel better although my back is still complaining a bit but it was a good day spent with people I love. We will see how my back feels tomorrow. I think I will soak in a hot bath either tonight or tomorrow. I took a couple of aspirin. so I will just relax for the rest of my night.
That was an excellent post that I can relate to. Feels good to help with a pivotal transition.

May God smile on you and yours!

Friday I walked and picked up new thyroid meds at drug store. Doc lowered my meds a 7th time in the last 2 and a half years! There is only one dosage lower than what I have now. Sure hope to start sleeping better--last night 3 hours and 7 minutes.
Also yesterday, I walked dogs, paid bills, made rice for dogs food and then gave away some greens from the garden.
At 2:30 took two small dogs to vet for 3 year rabies shots. That went fast and well--they are much better behaved than Oreo-corgi. One could use a dental visit, otherwise good for 3 years!

Today, I woke up at 3:30 am. Will do video in a bit, do month ending books, call my sister for her Birthday and run to Dollar General for Halloween candy since our next door neighbor will probably bring her grand daughter.
After going to the store, I will pick a lot of greens and PC what I don't eat. Could be a long day. I'm hoping that if I don't cut them too short, they will keep growing.
And set clocks back.

@Bacpacker , I am so glad about your dog. I had a schnauzer who had seizures and the doc put him on primadone. He was fine until DH decided he was well and took him off them. Lost him a few months later to a seizure that he couldn't come out of. My avatar (Peanut Butter) gets smaller seizures every once in a while. So far, I have kept them from becoming frequent through diet. No processed foods, chemicals or preservatives--you know- like we should eat. LOL
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Waiting for the outside temperature to get above freezing so I can drag the leaves off the roof valleys. Blow the leaves away from the house. Mower the leaves into the tree lines one more time this season.

Move the RV and utility trailer away from the shop so I can relocate the fallen tree leaves there too.

Pull the pump from the water fountain/pond for the winter.
It was about 40 deg this morning.
Opening day for youth bow season on deer.

Got a knock on the back door about 8am.

My good buddy said ..he (Tucker ) has got one down .
Got him with a bow , on the move.
I'm sure proud of him.
Been deer hunting 2 times..got a 4 point last year and a 6 point this morning.
His camera has been up by the pond for 1 week. Had 35 different deer on it , some big bucks.
That's my back yard.😊


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Tucker just turned 9 years old.

I'm taking it easy . Just having trouble getting adjusted to when , where and how to take all new meds.

It's a juggling act, and with the wife down , it's become a struggle for us.

Maybe after Nov 11th , things will settle down some.

Today , I've got to take the Vette out for it's monthly exercise. That's fun.

Rest of today will be planning lunch , cleaning house a bit.

Our dog started having seizures yesterday. Took her to vet last night and got her calmed down. Then had another this morning. Vet said she likely has a mass on her brain. Fixin to take her to the vet for the last time. Not a good day over here.
I still cry about Crosby and she has been gone for more than a year. Hugs to you! Nope, not a good day at all.
My son's best friend when he was in HS had lost his wife and sister-in-law to an overdose. That left him as a single parent of two young girls. My son and him fell apart soon after that just because they were both busy being parents. About two months ago my son learned that his friend had died of an over dose in a homeless shelter. The news shock him up quite a bit.

Today was rain day so we did not load the concrete into the basement as planned. Maybe Monday for that task. I stayed productive by breaking down the forms we used to finish the concrete walls.

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There is plenty of room for improvement but nobody is going to see it unless they are down there to fix a furnace or water heater. "Good Enough!"

G-daughters will be here tonight for a sleep over. That is always fun for Grampa since they are more interested in Gramma.


There was a family in my school with three children, all elementary age. One day, early school year, word came the mother had died. Then the story was that the family was sitting at the dinner table and mother went to the bathroom and died, word was from an overdose. Later that school year, dad died, word was, overdose. That left 3 children orphaned. A few years later I talked to former colleagues, a married couple who had had all three children over the years. They had more information. When the mother died, they believe she had taken a bad batch of whatever she took. He had taken the same thing, but it didn't kill him outright, but it had messed him up and he never recovered from it. Not the only family that I knew whose children lived with drug addicted parents. These are the kind of people who even when they are alive, think that society should or will take up the slack for their children, and with children, they also benefit from societies freebies.
Today is going well, I still am having a terrible kink in the neck after falling last Friday.... I decided to order one of those foam neck braces, if I could get a good night's sleep it would really help.

I have made 3 small shelving units with 8 drawers last night and this morning. Had to stop to help the wife make popcorn balls for some of our friend's kids, she made 30 balls for 3 kids..... That will go well.

Went to the flower bed and picked a big basket full of flowers, we made 3 large vase arrangements. My wife really loves flowers, but she can't get out to see them, bringing them in helps her mood. Besides, it looks like we will have a couple nights of hard freeze and that would have ended the plants anyhow.

I've got a couple of cuts that I need to make outdoors before it starts to rain, then I can finish up a couple of projects, once they are done I can focus on organizing and sorting stuff, plan to make a run to the landfill next Friday.

The wife was planning to make shepherd’s pie today, but she is already worn, may be forced to eat leftover pizza and spaghetti for supper tonight.... She can make the other meal tomorrow... Besides, there are a dozen deviled eggs, some cooked bacon, and salad makings in the fridge if I need a snack. ;)
@Weedygarden I went to high school with three kids who had a biker type father, he was also a drug dealer and a wife beater. He probably beat the kids too. Got word on a mother's day that oldest son had had enough of dad's abuse towards mom. Dad was beating on her and son shot and killed him.
On a more cheerful note, I forgot I'm supposed to be doing something else today.
See ya!
I've got a list a mile long, too. But....
Did get basic chores done plus 3 loads of laundry done and hung. Went into our little town and bought pumpkins for carving, checked mail, and got chicken feed. Grandkids carved pumpkins. Went into bigger town for pharmacy pickup, 5 gallons of paint for the milkhouse second room, and got the kids a pumpkin frappacino. We took the kids through a graveyard on the way home, a real old graveyard. Threw a bunch of candy bars around in the barn, and when Levi the neighbor kid came over, him and little granddaughter went in to the barn to play and found chocolate. The rest of the candy bars I threw on their beds. Except a few. For husband and I. The little ones now are riding bikes all over the farm since the wind let up. The "neighbor" 3 farms up came by with some clothes her older granddaughter outgrew. It's all socks and ancient looking bras. She's kind of losing her mind. Sweet, but not all there. There's no trick or treat stuff around here on a normal basis, even before covid. Little granddaughter can watch some Halloween movies. The twins have each been invited to friend's houses, so we'll be out driving later for drop offs and pickups.
The wife was able to make dinner. She made 2 shepherd’s pies, we ate about 1/3 of one for supper, and froze the other pie for future eating.

We were happy go give away most of the cookies and Popcorn balls, kept 3 just to see how they tasted.... Wife doesn't like the scary stuff, so she is watching Fiddler on the Roof....

I was able to get my rack case made for storing onions, it just fits on the top shelf of the food storage shelves. The setup holds 6 large cooling racks with verticle spacing between 3 and 6 inches, top, bottom, and front are open to allow air movement (it actually looks a lot like one of those square food dehydrators).

I kind of feel sorry for the kids this year, in the past about 1/3 of the houses gave out treats, this year it is more like 1 house per block, if you're lucky. We honestly don't want to have that much contact with strangers.....

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