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I dropped off our ballots this morning. I specifically held them until today. I want them in with plenty of time to be counted, but not so long as to give the opposing side any "extra" time to commit their fraud. There was an elderly man waiting to go in to mail a package who gave me a nod and a masked smile as I dropped them in the box. 🇱🇷

I am driving 2 hours to my folks place so I can vote since I am still registered there this weekend.
Cousins and I managed to fill up a truckfull of groceries from Aldi and Walmart. Surprised I found 90% rubbing alcohol in stock for a decent price. Brought Chic Fil A home for our family and theirs. Twins found out today their half sis in New Mexico died last night of a drug overdose. The sis isn't a relation to me. So, Granddaughter went with the ladies and I shopping. A lot of tears this morning. I'm feeling for them. 20 yrs old is too young for that. She was living with their mom who was just released from the hospital for a near overdose a few days ago. So the twins had to talk to their mom this morning, and they despise her. Heroin is terrible stuff. So, they've been excused from online school today, the sun just came out, and they are both feeling a little better.
Cousins and I managed to fill up a truckfull of groceries from Aldi and Walmart. Surprised I found 90% rubbing alcohol in stock for a decent price. Brought Chic Fil A home for our family and theirs. Twins found out today their half sis in New Mexico died last night of a drug overdose. The sis isn't a relation to me. So, Granddaughter went with the ladies and I shopping. A lot of tears this morning. I'm feeling for them. 20 yrs old is too young for that. She was living with their mom who was just released from the hospital for a near overdose a few days ago. So the twins had to talk to their mom this morning, and they despise her. Heroin is terrible stuff. So, they've been excused from online school today, the sun just came out, and they are both feeling a little better.
From what I have read, there have been significantly more overdoses since COVID.

This is so sad, but it can go one of two ways for them. Through the potential of being predisposed to being addicted (familial), they can become addicted, or they can see the damage and know they are better off never going near anything addictive.

Do you as a family talk about things like this? Daughter and I did from when she was a fairly young age. She sometimes initiated these conversations. "Mom, did you ever do drugs?" "No. There is nothing good in them." She also sees that one of her cousins, my nephew, has been addicted to meth since he was a teen, and he is around 45 now. Been in and out of prison. Before he went off to his last time in prison, he began reading the bible and is supposedly clean and sober now that he is back out. Daughter has no interest in seeing him. He was here a few years ago, and she could have seen him. No, she probably met someone else for coffee. She doesn't hang around people who make bad decisions about life.

She probably doesn't even realize that she has another cousin who has been in prison for drug charges as well. She has no memory of ever meeting him, because she was an infant when she did. She has 7 cousins on my side, and two of them have struggled with this. I believe at least another one has challenges with alcohol.
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From what I have read, there have been significantly more overdoses since COVID.

This is so sad, but it can go one of two ways for them. Through the potential of being predisposed to being addicted (familial), they can become addicted, or they can see the damage and know they are better off never going near anything addictive.

Do you as a family talk about things like this? Daughter and I did from when she was a fairly young age. She sometimes initiated these conversations. "Mom, did you ever do drugs?" "No. There is nothing good in them." She also sees that one of her cousins, my nephew, has been addicted to meth since he was a teen, and he is around 45 now. Been in and out of prison. Before he went off to his last time in prison, he began reading the bible and is supposedly clean and sober now that he is back out. Daughter has no interest in seeing him. He was here a few years ago, and she could have seen him. No, she probably met someone else for coffee. She doesn't hang around people who make bad decisions about life.

She probably doesn't even realize that she has another cousin who has been in prison for drug charges as well. She has no memory of ever meeting him, because she was an infant when she did. She has 7 cousins on my side, and two of them have struggled with this. I believe at least another one has challenges with alcohol.

K's birth father died back in 1990. He was a addict until the last year or so of his life when he finally got clean. On his way to a meeting he stepped off a curb and was hit by a bus. No joke. He never knew he had a son.
From what I have read, there have been significantly more overdoses since COVID.

This is so sad, but it can go one of two ways for them. Through the potential of being predisposed to being addicted (familial), they can become addicted, or they can see the damage and know they are better off never going near anything addictive.

Do you as a family talk about things like this? Daughter and I did from when she was a fairly young age. She sometimes initiated these conversations. "Mom, did you ever do drugs?" "No. There is nothing good in them." She also sees that one of her cousins, my nephew, has been addicted to meth since he was a teen, and he is around 45 now. Been in and out of prison. Before he went off to his last time in prison, he began reading the bible and is supposedly clean and sober now that he is back out. Daughter has no interest in seeing him. He was here a few years ago, and she could have seen him. No, she probably met someone else for coffee. She doesn't hang around people who make bad decisions about life.

She probably doesn't even realize that she has another cousin who has been in prison for drug charges as well. She has no memory of ever meeting him, because she was an infant when she did. She has 7 cousins on my side, and two of them have struggled with this. I believe at least another one has challenges with alcohol.
drugs are the plaque on any nation they enter. Too many peopel making money of them for it to stop. If Americans cared enough to get off their aptheti butts our youth would not be addicted nationwide.
The drug war would end in less than a week.
drugs are the plague on any nation they enter. Too many people making money of them for it to stop. If Americans cared enough to get off their apathetic butts, our youth would not be addicted nationwide.
The drug war would end in less than a week.
The drug war is baloney. Who is getting wealthy from drug use in America? There are some elected officials in Washington, DC who are. I believe the Clintons, just to name one, profit from drugs. How many elected in DC are addicted?
I saw a discussion about a shooting. Someone commented, "Probably just a friendly little spat between salesmen to determine who should have the rights to sell chemical products in the local area. "
The drug war is baloney. Who is getting wealthy from drug use in America? There are some elected officials in Washington, DC who are. I believe the Clintons, just to name one, profit from drugs. How many elected in DC are addicted?
I saw a discussion about a shooting. Someone commented, "Probably just a friendly little spat between salesmen to determine who should have the rights to sell chemical products in the local area. "

Totally agree. Imagine the kickbacks from all the prisons too. Should not have private prisons just another candy jar for crooked politicians.
Bring back the chain gangs and we won't need non American wworkers doing " jobs nobody else will do" which is BS of course. Cut off free stuff and let em work or starve.
Bring back government food.
This morning, I went to Walmart first. They were well stocked for the most part. A few cases of jars and they had lids (I got some). Only 3 big bags of baking soda (Pool size), I got one. Everything else seemed pretty full. I did notice things fronted up with some bare spots in the back. Went to the bread store, then one thrift store. I found a bunch of Lula Roe tops and leggings. About $2 each. I believe they will sell well.

Came home, put away Walmart and went for my walk. Stopped at local drug store and picked up sleeping med. Got home and found that my doc had lowered my thyroid meds for a seventh time. Yay! Will pick that up tomorrow when I walk.
Made big salads for DH and me. That's about it.
@Amish Heart so very sorry for your gkids' having to go through such things. It will be on their minds a lot. You are so supportive and loving. Anger, blame, shame, I hope you can help them find the relief and goodness, even though it was a bad situation for her. We can hope she is free from her misery.
While it is true we know what a drug is when we pick it up for the first time, no one is ever prepared for possible addiction and everything that will happen as a result of a poor first choice and the continual actions of addictions.
Thanks, guys. We do talk about drug addiction all the time, and are very open about it. I think we've had to be since little granddaughter's mom is an alcoholic, and the twins mom is a heroin addict; and of course, their dad, our son is an addict. The twins mom's mom, their other grandma died a few years ago. She was only a couple years older than I am, but had been an addict so long, that even when she sobered up, her body was a wreck. So much addiction, it's very sad. They have been doing their own thing today, and look a bit better. I told them that they can take the day off tomorrow from school, but so far, they want to go. They only get to go in person two days a week, and have made friends that they want to see. Now, you would think their mom would sober up after losing a 20 year old daughter, but I doubt it. And it falls on her to do the arrangements. Gatherings of more than five people in New Mexico is not allowed, so there won't be a service.
Abuse of drugs by some people is never good.
Good people have a large majority in any population.

There are nations that drugs don't aaffect at all, you got one shot at it,then your history. Of course these nations aren't good either in other ways.
Make drug pushing a automatic death sentence and users on chain gangs under guards.
Ever notice how we can' lock up gangs on our streets but we can go into a compound and kill hundreds of men women and children for not having a tag on the vehicle?
Something ain't right.
Atlanta now has over 39 known gangs involved in all kinds of crime. Most states same way.
Thanks, guys. We do talk about drug addiction all the time, and are very open about it. I think we've had to be since little granddaughter's mom is an alcoholic, and the twins mom is a heroin addict; and of course, their dad, our son is an addict. The twins mom's mom, their other grandma died a few years ago. She was only a couple years older than I am, but had been an addict so long, that even when she sobered up, her body was a wreck. So much addiction, it's very sad. They have been doing their own thing today, and look a bit better. I told them that they can take the day off tomorrow from school, but so far, they want to go. They only get to go in person two days a week, and have made friends that they want to see. Now, you would think their mom would sober up after losing a 20 year old daughter, but I doubt it. And it falls on her to do the arrangements. Gatherings of more than five people in New Mexico is not allowed, so there won't be a service.

I just told one ofmy neices last week, she is on the elevator to hell,which floor does she want to get off on.She has a new baby and got addicted to pain pills then heroin.
We need a control on these dr.s pain meds pushing.Get them on meds then they get to need more than dr can give so its next best thing,herion.
I hope big pharma gets its butt sued off.
I just told one ofmy neices last week, she is on the elevator to hell,which floor does she want to get off on.She has a new baby and got addicted to pain pills then heroin.
We need a control on these dr.s pain meds pushing.Get them on meds then they get to need more than dr can give so its next best thing,herion.
I hope big pharma gets its butt sued off.
Drs. push drugs because drug companies push them at drs. and reward them for prescribing them. The flu shot is a good example of the big push.
Pain Meds are the worst... Growing up I had an adult friend (I actually work with him) who had several back surgeries and got hooked on the meds, he could work on them like nothing was going on. Eventually with was taking them with Vodka, he would get mean. Eventually, after close to a decade, the doctors decided he was addicted and cut him off cold turkey…. He was like a crazy person looking of other sources… eventually he ate a 357. It really messed up his kids.

We try to limit what we take to over-the-counter stuff. The wife gets offered “whatever” from the doctors all the time, but we have seen too many people pay the price of feeling no pain. I can handle a lot more pain than I would have ever thought possible, aspirin and Tylenol are going to have to do.
Pain Meds are the worst... Growing up I had an adult friend (I actually work with him) who had several back surgeries and got hooked on the meds, he could work on them like nothing was going on. Eventually with was taking them with Vodka, he would get mean. Eventually, after close to a decade, the doctors decided he was addicted and cut him off cold turkey…. He was like a crazy person looking of other sources… eventually he ate a 357. It really messed up his kids.

We try to limit what we take to over-the-counter stuff. The wife gets offered “whatever” from the doctors all the time, but we have seen too many people pay the price of feeling no pain. I can handle a lot more pain than I would have ever thought possible, aspirin and Tylenol are going to have to do.

Use to not be able to take opiates unless in a hospital. I had 3 kids by c Section the old fashioned major surgery way 22 metal claps and they sent me home with nothing! A newborn as time went on toddler and 1 yr old to care for,dr back then worried about addiction.No fun but I made it.
Cousins and I managed to fill up a truckfull of groceries from Aldi and Walmart. Surprised I found 90% rubbing alcohol in stock for a decent price. Brought Chic Fil A home for our family and theirs. Twins found out today their half sis in New Mexico died last night of a drug overdose. The sis isn't a relation to me. So, Granddaughter went with the ladies and I shopping. A lot of tears this morning. I'm feeling for them. 20 yrs old is too young for that. She was living with their mom who was just released from the hospital for a near overdose a few days ago. So the twins had to talk to their mom this morning, and they despise her. Heroin is terrible stuff. So, they've been excused from online school today, the sun just came out, and they are both feeling a little better.

Poor kids. Sorry Amish and hope all heal as well as possible soon.
Our dog started having seizures yesterday. Took her instead night and got her called down. Then had another this morning. Vet said she likely has a mass on her brain. Fixin to take her to the vet for the last time. Not a good day over here.

My goodness that will be hard on yall. So sorry ,pets are like second families for many of us.
Last time we let vet take care of it was about 15 yr ago. I thought I was having a heart attack while hubby and vet was in parking lot his name was Fred. So when 19 yr old Alice got sick from old age we just watched her and she passed in the yard, but she wasn'r sufferign or having problems just could not walk. It really hurts hubby because he has to bury them.

Talked for a couple hours to daughter and best friend today on phone.Daughter is all broke out with exzema so went to er got steroid shot so she will be jacked up for awhile. Plus she tries not to take them but her eyes were affected this time. She said she feels much better but hates tslking steroid shots or pills.
Will see what gets done today, not saying since my get up aand go ha got up and went. I need to get the hell out of this house or go the rest of the way nutsQ.Don't know how I hit the big q but the little orange thing is at it agin so nocorrecting till it stops.
I am trying to get some work done around the house this weekend; I plan to get drawers built under my bench that will help organize the area. I have the parts made for my drying racks to store onions and stuff. I plan to clean off the front flower bed and plant bulbs.

I had two orders of seeds come in, I am going to store them in a 50cal ammo can with decant bags, in the basement fridge... I know it sounds a little early (or late) to be ordering seeds But…. Because of the tops on my raised beds, I usually am starting plants in early February and moving them to the raised beds towards the end of March. This means that I am in the middle of my growing season before HD puts up their seed display.

I need to do some more work on my hydroponics, by next weekend I should need to have about 6 more containers ready to go….

Follow-up to the old seeds vs new one, I have 20 plants from the new (2019) seeds, the 2016 seeds are still waiting….. So I am going to change how I store all my seeds going forward (I will keep them in a cold, dark, and air-tight dry container).

If it stay's dry I may try to mow the leaves and put them in my over-winter bin for use a compost next spring...
My son's best friend when he was in HS had lost his wife and sister-in-law to an overdose. That left him as a single parent of two young girls. My son and him fell apart soon after that just because they were both busy being parents. About two months ago my son learned that his friend had died of an over dose in a homeless shelter. The news shock him up quite a bit.

Today was rain day so we did not load the concrete into the basement as planned. Maybe Monday for that task. I stayed productive by breaking down the forms we used to finish the concrete walls.


There is plenty of room for improvement but nobody is going to see it unless they are down there to fix a furnace or water heater. "Good Enough!"

G-daughters will be here tonight for a sleep over. That is always fun for Grampa since they are more interested in Gramma.



Follow-up to the old seeds vs new one, I have 20 plants from the new (2019) seeds, the 2016 seeds are still waiting….. So I am going to change how I store all my seeds going forward (I will keep them in a cold, dark, and air-tight dry container).

If it stay's dry I may try to mow the leaves and put them in my over-winter bin for use a compost next spring...

When I was cavalier about my seed storage, it was radishes that seemed to go bad first. I am now keeping the seeds in their original envelopes or stamp envelopes in a zip lock bag stored in a non-frost free freezer. I still have to wait to be sure but I have been able to sprout two year old radish seeds.

Got my daughter's car titled over to us, and got it registered in the State of Colorado. What an ordeal! We needed: Title, VIN verification, emissions inspection, and proof of insurance. And some money too.

The car was licensed and registered in Washington state, where my daughter used to live in 2019. The title to the car was up in Ft. Collins (northern Colorado) at my daughter's husband's family's house. The car itself was here with me in central Colorado.

My insurance company didn't want to insure the car on our policy, because we didn't own it. But in order for us to own it, we needed proof of insurance. Catch-22. But the insurance finally added it to our policy after a conference call with my daughter in Hawaii on the line. Check.

We got the title mailed to us. It wasn't signed appropriately, but that was a simple matter to rectify at the Department of Motor Vehicles (below). They let me sign it myself without the seller signature. Check.

Took the car over to the emissions inspection place and got it certified as clean. They didn't inspect anything except for the gas cap seal. They also plugged a cable into some place under the dash (I assume to access the on-board computer). Evidently the computer told them that they car was not putting out any bad gasses. How trusting of them to believe that. But we got the clean air certification. Check.

Went to the police station to get a "VIN verification". They needed proof of ownership, but the title was sitting up at my house at the moment. They said the registration paperwork would be sufficient. I pointed out that the registration paperwork was from Washington state, was in my daughters name (until I could get the car registered in Colorado), and the current registration didn't mention my name or my address anywhere on it. So how does that give me "proof of ownership" of the vehicle? That's still a mystery to me, but the police said it was fine. They gave me my VIN verification.

Next stop was the Department of Motor Vehicles, lugging along 2-1/2lbs of paperwork at this point. This is where they pointed out that there was a missing signature in one spot on the title, but then they said I could sign it myself. I think after finding out I could sign a title over to myself, and the police will accept a registration with someone else's name on it, from out of state even, as proof of my ownership, I just might have to get into the car theft business. Seems rather trivial to put a car in your name without having to bother dealing with the pesky previous owner.

I complimented the lady at the Motor Vehicle place, regarding the thoroughness of the process, and was on my way with a new registration, a new title, and new license plates. It had taken me half the day, but that's actually better than I initially estimated.

Took the car over to the emissions inspection place and got it certified as clean. They didn't inspect anything except for the gas cap seal. They also plugged a cable into some place under the dash (I assume to access the on-board computer). Evidently the computer told them that they car was not putting out any bad gasses. How trusting of them to believe that. But we got the clean air certification. Check.

That is how it is done with modern cars. The cars check themselves and tattle on themselves if there is even a small issue. I purchased a code reader from Harbor Freight so that I can check the codes myself and reset them. My Jeep throws a "P0456 very small leak" about once a month. My mechanics tried everything and simply could not find any leaks. That error would fail passing the emitson inspection if that error showed up.

Got my daughter's car titled over to us, and got it registered in the State of Colorado. What an ordeal! We needed: Title, VIN verification, emissions inspection, and proof of insurance. And some money too.

The car was licensed and registered in Washington state, where my daughter used to live in 2019. The title to the car was up in Ft. Collins (northern Colorado) at my daughter's husband's family's house. The car itself was here with me in central Colorado.

My insurance company didn't want to insure the car on our policy, because we didn't own it. But in order for us to own it, we needed proof of insurance. Catch-22. But the insurance finally added it to our policy after a conference call with my daughter in Hawaii on the line. Check.

We got the title mailed to us. It wasn't signed appropriately, but that was a simple matter to rectify at the Department of Motor Vehicles (below). They let me sign it myself without the seller signature. Check.

Took the car over to the emissions inspection place and got it certified as clean. They didn't inspect anything except for the gas cap seal. They also plugged a cable into some place under the dash (I assume to access the on-board computer). Evidently the computer told them that they car was not putting out any bad gasses. How trusting of them to believe that. But we got the clean air certification. Check.

Went to the police station to get a "VIN verification". They needed proof of ownership, but the title was sitting up at my house at the moment. They said the registration paperwork would be sufficient. I pointed out that the registration paperwork was from Washington state, was in my daughters name (until I could get the car registered in Colorado), and the current registration didn't mention my name or my address anywhere on it. So how does that give me "proof of ownership" of the vehicle? That's still a mystery to me, but the police said it was fine. They gave me my VIN verification.

Next stop was the Department of Motor Vehicles, lugging along 2-1/2lbs of paperwork at this point. This is where they pointed out that there was a missing signature in one spot on the title, but then they said I could sign it myself. I think after finding out I could sign a title over to myself, and the police will accept a registration with someone else's name on it, from out of state even, as proof of my ownership, I just might have to get into the car theft business. Seems rather trivial to put a car in your name without having to bother dealing with the pesky previous owner.

I complimented the lady at the Motor Vehicle place, regarding the thoroughness of the process, and was on my way with a new registration, a new title, and new license plates. It had taken me half the day, but that's actually better than I initially estimated.
DMV irkes me. And you went through all of that why? Oh yea, so you could give them money.
@Amish Heart So sorry for the twins. Prayers.
Windy here today. I have a laundry list of things I need to take care of this weekend. Will see how far past "drink coffee" I make it 😂
Went to Sams club in the city today. All of their freezer section of food was cleared out to nothing with notes on the doors that their freezers went out. That's three aisles of freezers that went out? Lots of empty shelves. Beef prices were super high. A lady was bringing out a pallet of POM toilet paper boxes and paper towel boxes and allowing one per customer. Took me awhile to get everything put away. Surprising that I didn't see any holiday foods out except for canned pumpkin and a bag of sweet potatoes. Usually there's at least turkeys. No canned chicken. Weird brands that I've not seen before out. So we brought my cousin's daughter and her husband with us to shop. It was jaw dropping for him to see the price hikes and lack of stuff since the last time he came with us a month ago. The cleaning section was wiped out, too. Stopped back at their house, and picked up 5 gallons of raw milk he said to take or he'd dump, so I took it to separate the cream and make butter. I bring the butter milk back to my cousin because it's not my favorite, but she loves it. Cousin's daughter made me a huge bowl of yogurt from raw milk to bring home. It's super good. Granddaughter's boss at the burger place sent a sympathy bouquet of flowers to her, which was sweet. She is off to work this evening.