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Well, that was a lesson. I used my entire 20 Gig in less than 24 hours.
I was afraid that was going to happen. When I read your post where you said you cut your DSL in favor of a cellular provider hotspot, I had to bite my tongue and not tell you that you'd have to take a second mortgage out on your house to pay for that. I didn't want to appear negative towards your new toy. I was going to PM you and quietly tell you about your sure-to-come increased costs, but you found out on your own before I got a chance.

I'm glad you found out and could cancel the service before you first month's bill for $1723 came rolling in...
I was afraid that was going to happen. When I read your post where you said you cut your DSL in favor of a cellular provider hotspot, I had to bite my tongue and not tell you that you'd have to take a second mortgage out on your house to pay for that. I didn't want to appear negative towards your new toy. I was going to PM you and quietly tell you about your sure-to-come increased costs, but you found out on your own before I got a chance.

I'm glad you found out and could cancel the service before you first month's bill for $1723 came rolling in...
I appreciate the heads up.
Looks good HashB. This house needs some upkeep too. And its only 15.

We just bought a 6000 ft home from a local Dr. it had never had a days worth of maintenance. It was built in the late 90s it’s amazing how fast things can get in disrepair. I try and keep some sort of project going on at our old place at all times. Luckily we can do most anything ourselves.
We just bought a 6000 ft home from a local Dr. it had never had a days worth of maintenance. It was built in the late 90s it’s amazing how fast things can get in disrepair. I try and keep some sort of project going on at our old place at all times. Luckily we can do most anything ourselves.

Thats a lot of house! And it is good that you can do most of the repairs. :thumbs:
Today I finished cleaning and sorting my old dremel kit and attachments. The 4 small attachment/tip cases were full of trash, dirt, broken tips and parts. I put the good parts/tips in a container a few days ago. I then soaked the main box and little cases for a few days in a horse trough with soapy water. Today I used goof-off and a brush and scrubbed everything. Once dry I re-sorted all the good tips and put every thing back together. Good to go for another few years!

Dremel old b (1) sm.JPG
Now you need that Alexa controlled automated snow shovel.

I knew a doctor in Kansas City who had a house built, and had heated coils added to his sidewalks as they were poured. When it snowed or the sidewalk was icy, he just flipped a switch and waited for it to all melt away.
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@Peanut I started working on the garage again.
Only twice a year does this area offer to take household products, paint, etc. Looks like I'll have to wait until April because I'm not going to pay to dump it.
Do I need to keep the box that the floor jack was brought home in? No? How many floor jacks does a girl need? One?
I have a set, maybe two, of wrenches and sockets, 3 drawers worth, and it is not withstanding the weight. It is a good name brand too. I have two "smaller" (HAHA) tool boxes, not sure what to do with them either. They were for a specific type of industrial job.
@Peanut I started working on the garage again.
Only twice a year does this area offer to take household products, paint, etc. Looks like I'll have to wait until April because I'm not going to pay to dump it.
Do I need to keep the box that the floor jack was brought home in? No? How many floor jacks does a girl need? One?
I have a set, maybe two, of wrenches and sockets, 3 drawers worth, and it is not withstanding the weight. It is a good name brand too. I have two "smaller" (HAHA) tool boxes, not sure what to do with them either. They were for a specific type of industrial job.
Don't ever throw away a tool thats not broken. Even then check and see, lots of tool have lifetime warranty. You could always trade or sell what you don't need
Don't ever throw away a tool thats not broken. Even then check and see, lots of tool have lifetime warranty. You could always trade or sell what you don't need


I found a broken Proto 18" Adjustable Wrench in a metal scrap bin at an old job I had.
I fished it out and took it to an industrial tool store and got a replacement. At the time, it was about $100.

I also picked up a rusted double bit axe at a swap meet for $5. Went to clean it up and saw it was a Craftsman, but there were stress cracks in the eye.
Took it to Sears to replace, but they didn't have double bit axes any more, so I got a new Craftsman Splitting Maul instead. The clerk even let me keep the double bit axe head! I could have repeated the process at a different store if I wanted to, but I didn't. I still have the old head in my tool box.
@Peanut I started working on the garage again.
Only twice a year does this area offer to take household products, paint, etc. Looks like I'll have to wait until April because I'm not going to pay to dump it.
Do I need to keep the box that the floor jack was brought home in? No? How many floor jacks does a girl need? One?
I have a set, maybe two, of wrenches and sockets, 3 drawers worth, and it is not withstanding the weight. It is a good name brand too. I have two "smaller" (HAHA) tool boxes, not sure what to do with them either. They were for a specific type of industrial job.
Might check with the paint store from where they were purchased. Not sure if it's state or federal, but if there is still paint in them, they can accept it back. If the can is empty, they cannot - how it is here at least.
@Peanut I started working on the garage again.
Only twice a year does this area offer to take household products, paint, etc. Looks like I'll have to wait until April because I'm not going to pay to dump it.
Do I need to keep the box that the floor jack was brought home in? No? How many floor jacks does a girl need? One?
I have a set, maybe two, of wrenches and sockets, 3 drawers worth, and it is not withstanding the weight. It is a good name brand too. I have two "smaller" (HAHA) tool boxes, not sure what to do with them either. They were for a specific type of industrial job.

@Bacpacker said it right, never throw away good tools. It seems you have more than is needed for basic automotive/home repairs but that should be your first decision.

1) Decide what you need tools for. 2) go through the tools and pick out the best tools you need to meet those purposes. 3) pick out the best storage containers/tool boxes to store said tools.

Average folks need 2 sets of tools. One for basic home repairs and another to keep in your car for basic automotive repairs.

I would add a 3rd category - electrical repairs.

I keep 4 canvas bags for portable tools. The bags come it different colors which allows me to keep tools separate and allows me to know which bag to grab for a specific task.

tools sets b (2) sm.JPG
Sitting here sipping coffee.
Strawberry has been outside to take care of her business.
She will be walked in the afternoon as long as it's cold, bitter cold.
We slept in again this morning, until 0730 hours.
I was ready to go to bed at 630 pm last night, but made myself stay up till 10 pm.
May go back to our normal schedule whether or not she's walked at 0600 hours or not.
Got to go to Wal*Mart for few things in a bit.
Monthly supplies.
Then will see if I can finish my Christmas shopping next week.
Then will wrap it up, stash it in the closet all ready to go.
Started on the repeat of baby Reign's Christmas blanket.
Will have to substitue a couple of colors probably.
I'll just take them out of Estelle's yarn basket.
That will kill several birds with one fatal swoop.
As I untangle, re roll her balls of leftover project yarn they will find their way into baby Reign's Christmas blanket.
And I won't have to re roll, untangle her jumbled mess for 3 hours anymore.
Will have to cook something today.
Roast I had cooked was fork tender.
Another long boring post.
Such as life.
No walk today. First, shot eBay photos, then fed dogs and walked them.

In the mail yesterday, I received an envelope marked "voter" with my address. Inside there was a similar ballot, but saying I should vote at a different location. I took it to the courthouse today and they kept it. I told them I felt like it was sent to confuse voters. No real comment from them. Hopefully, they didn't just throw it away as soon as I left.

Later, washed sheets and comforter, cleaned bathrooms and dusted house.

Tomorrow morning early, I will go to Walmart for monthly stocking. Don't want to wait until Friday or the first of Nov. Just get it done!
Finished up mowhoggin the rest of the farm

Stop for burgers on the grill for lunch.

Pulled the mowhog off tractor, put scraper blade back on , for winter , in case it snows.

Started raining a little by 2:30, suppose to get 5" by tomorrow.

Gonna hunker down till Friday ...my birthday.

May go get a big ole steak.😊

Since they put me on Synthroid last week , starting to feel better.
I'm totally ready for winter.

Might check with the paint store from where they were purchased. Not sure if it's state or federal, but if there is still paint in them, they can accept it back. If the can is empty, they cannot - how it is here at least.
They are aerosol cans of spray paint (for a motorcycle) and I don't know where it was purchased. I've read that a hole has to be punctured in the can for them to safely go into the refuse, something I am not going to do. Are you talking about liquid latex paint? I don't think I have any of that. But I like the idea of being able to return stuff.
What I have thrown away were little things, random screws, nails, metal this and that but not worth saving to recycle.
Last time I recycled at the metal scrappers, only got $19 for four big items.
They are aerosol cans of spray paint (for a motorcycle) and I don't know where it was purchased. I've read that a hole has to be punctured in the can for them to safely go into the refuse, something I am not going to do. Are you talking about liquid latex paint? I don't think I have any of that. But I like the idea of being able to return stuff.
What I have thrown away were little things, random screws, nails, metal this and that but not worth saving to recycle.
Last time I recycled at the metal scrappers, only got $19 for four big items.
Yep, I was thinking regular paint cans not rattle cans - bugger!
Make sure the rattle cans are empty. My g-daughter dropped a can and pictured the can. It was quite entertaining watching it roll down the drive way.


My brother used a four letter word when tell The Princess what we did today. He said "We are done with the walls." I like done.

Tomorrow I will try to goof-off a bit if The Princess will let me. I have 2 more palettes of concrete being delivered on Friday to be used for the floors.

Today is Roo's 9th birthday. She got her school work done and we ran out to Target so she could pick out a small toy. We picked up her free birthday rice krispie treat from Barnes and Noble first then went to Target. I got a cart full of frozen veggies, another box of Chai tea and some toilet cleaner on top of her toy. Juju got a small mystery bag toy since Roo did when it was Juju's birthday.
They are aerosol cans of spray paint (for a motorcycle) and I don't know where it was purchased. I've read that a hole has to be punctured in the can for them to safely go into the refuse, something I am not going to do. Are you talking about liquid latex paint? I don't think I have any of that. But I like the idea of being able to return stuff.
What I have thrown away were little things, random screws, nails, metal this and that but not worth saving to recycle.
Last time I recycled at the metal scrappers, only got $19 for four big items.
I must not be good. I go through spray paint and just put the cans in the trash.
Happy birthday, Roo! She is the age of our little granddaughter that lives with us.
We had new insulation blown in to our attic first thing this morning. Then went to my cousins house where we made raw milk mozzarella cheese, and yogurt. Had lunch there and some great pumpkin pie afterwards. Kids had a day where they all went to school, so we got back into for bus to arrive. Have a million loads of laundry to do...little granddaughter says she had lice, so everything in the wash or sprayed down. Just spent an hour on her head, and now she's in the shower. The little lice comb is a pain when she has hair down to her waist. Anyway, doesn't look like lice at all, but tiny little black bugs here and there. She is always hugging the barn cats to her face, and they eat mice, so maybe a flea. Anyway, I'll do my head tonight with my shower because now I'm scratching in sympathy, and the cats will get flea collars on them tomorrow. The Rid kills about everything. Glad I had two boxes of stuff in my medical. Tomorrow is bringing my cousins and her daughter shopping to Aldi and Walmart for last week stockup (and Friday will be Sams Club). Will be replacing the Rid. Stocking up on fresh stuff. I don't expect any election trouble out here in the sticks next week, but you never know.
I'm glad people care about me.
You guys, the boys I help raised.
The "Other brothers", I didn't care if you were pink with purple hair, black with orange hair{school colors},
if you didn't have a place to stay you could with me for a short period of time.
Myself and several NCO's had "Foster care" going at one my duty stations.
If you got sent to us by Military Family court you screwed up.
Time to pay the piper.
So this evening I have an unexpected visitor.
One of the "Other brothers {there was 10 at one time at my house and several of them were brothers}.
He came by to check on me.
You know make sure I had food, TP, coffee etc.
He opened the refrig.
It looks pretty bare to him.
He's contacted the "Brothers all of the brothers.
I'll have food tomorrow.
Whether I need it or not.
And I don't need it.
I probably have enough food stashed here there and yonder for a couple of years.
But it's nice to know they care enough to get me some food.
Just so you know these boys came to me in Middle school.
And they all graduated high school with my sons.
They're in their mid 30's now.
It's nice to know that if I needed actual help they would step up to the plate.
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Today after work, I took the wife to the beauty shop, she can't drive so it's a big deal to her.
Afterwards we went to the grocery store (She waited in the car, too much gear to carry to the cart and she was already bushed). I was pleased, I stayed mostly on the list and kept it under $110. Considering junk food (soda, chips, and ice cream accounted for $35) that wasn't bad. We got ground turkey, italian sausage, eggs, milk, some pasta, cheese, potatoes, and a few veggies. That should cover us till next weekend.

Driving home I gave her the receipt and the list... She said,"YOU got ice-cream, that wasn't on the list!" After dinner she called to me, "Can I please have some of my ice-cream..... "
@Bacpacker said it right, never throw away good tools. It seems you have more than is needed for basic automotive/home repairs but that should be your first decision.

1) Decide what you need tools for. 2) go through the tools and pick out the best tools you need to meet those purposes. 3) pick out the best storage containers/tool boxes to store said tools.

Average folks need 2 sets of tools. One for basic home repairs and another to keep in your car for basic automotive repairs.

I would add a 3rd category - electrical repairs.

I keep 4 canvas bags for portable tools. The bags come it different colors which allows me to keep tools separate and allows me to know which bag to grab for a specific task.

View attachment 52532
I have couple of those bags. I have one that I keep for my drill and all drill bits, etc.
I dropped off our ballots this morning. I specifically held them until today. I want them in with plenty of time to be counted, but not so long as to give the opposing side any "extra" time to commit their fraud. There was an elderly man waiting to go in to mail a package who gave me a nod and a masked smile as I dropped them in the box. 🇱🇷
I forgot to mention yesterday that when we were at Barnes and Noble I bought 2 books to add to my hard bound collection. One was the Scarlet Letter. I love this book. And the other was a leather bound copy of the Constitution. Roo was excited when she saw it since she is learning about the American Revolution.

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