What's everybody doing today?

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@Weedygarden I went to high school with three kids who had a biker type father, he was also a drug dealer and a wife beater. He probably beat the kids too. Got word on a mother's day that oldest son had had enough of dad's abuse towards mom. Dad was beating on her and son shot and killed him.
On a more cheerful note, I forgot I'm supposed to be doing something else today.
See ya!
Sad. In spite of him having enough of his father's abuse, he is likely to be an abuser as an adult. It has to do with problem solving techniques learned as children.
I'm glad people care about me.
You guys, the boys I help raised.
The "Other brothers", I didn't care if you were pink with purple hair, black with orange hair{school colors},
if you didn't have a place to stay you could with me for a short period of time.
Myself and several NCO's had "Foster care" going at one my duty stations.
If you got sent to us by Military Family court you screwed up.
Time to pay the piper.
So this evening I have an unexpected visitor.
One of the "Other brothers {there was 10 at one time at my house and several of them were brothers}.
He came by to check on me.
You know make sure I had food, TP, coffee etc.
He opened the refrig.
It looks pretty bare to him.
He's contacted the "Brothers all of the brothers.
I'll have food tomorrow.
Whether I need it or not.
And I don't need it.
I probably have enough food stashed here there and yonder for a couple of years.
But it's nice to know they care enough to get me some food.
Just so you know these boys came to me in Middle school.
And they all graduated high school with my sons.
They're in their mid 30's now.
It's nice to know that if I needed actual help they would step up to the plate.
I finally got all the food stashed,put away.
Also made up four boxes for Veterans who are having a harder time than normal right now.
I probably received about 50 pounds of varieties of food.
Quite a bit of mixes,ie .. rice a roni, mashed potatoes,scalloped potatoes etc.
Quite of bit of canned meats: tuna, chicken,spam etc.
About 15 pounds of pasta etc.
Some has been already been made into food saver bags meals.
Am truly blessed.
Good day today.

Got the floors cleaned .
Those robots are hard workers.

Cleaned the garage up a little.

Took the Vette out for about an hour of exercise. Fun. Only had one customized PU truck to challenge me. He's probably still crying. It's scary fast.

Blew the leaves off back decks .

Y'all set your clocks back .

Good day today.

Got the floors cleaned .
Those robots are hard workers.

Cleaned the garage up a little.

Took the Vette out for about an hour of exercise. Fun. Only had one customized PU truck to challenge me. He's probably still crying. It's scary fast.

Blew the leaves off back decks .

Y'all set your clocks back .


Good to hear your having a good day. I'd liked to have seen that Vett vs truck,lol. What was he thinking?
My little ghost left awhile ago to go Treating Granny.
Treating Granny.
She stopped at family friends house, he didn't understand her.
So she got extra for Granny too.
She doesn't understand about the tricking part yet.
And this Granny would like it keep it that way for a bit longer.
Strawberry is sprawled out in her chair.
Strawberry and Estelle(grand daughter) had a little disagreement over Strawberry's pillow.
So Granny got the pillow for most of the afternoon.
Sitting here catching up on the forums.
Thinking bout bed sooner than later.
It's suppose to be a pretty good frost tonight and low 30/upper 20's Monday morning, so I picked all of our peppers. I got 2 5 gallon buckets of bell peppers from them. Also got a nice bunch of banana and jalapenos. After that I pulled all the plants, 3 of which 2 bells and 1 jalapeno I pruned down and planted in pots to try and over winter. I have been reading and saw that the peppers are or can be perinial so I'm gonna give these a shot and maybe get a jump on spring. After that I cut up several fig shoots to try and propogate new starts for spring to start a new area to grow figs in. I'm planning to do the same with a couple of blueberries as well.
When I finished that I started rotating some of my 100% fuel. I try and do that every fall. I'll have it all rotated by next weekend. Gotta go on my way home from work this week and start refilling. One station I go to has 100% fuel for $2.19 a gallon.
I tried to grow figs, but my tree didn't last long.
My peppers did not pepper this year. I've had it! I'm moving!

I finally had a productive Saturday.
Finished all of my assignments.
Moved junk around in the garage. Got the storage unit completely emptied, including making two runs to the place. The manager is always so kind to me. A Vietnam vet.
Plus regular work.
Good morning! Already did video, going to feed dogs, walk dogs and go to Church. Will go to Sunday School if we are having it this afternoon. Otherwise, it is a free day for me. Might pick mustard greens or not. Won't PC until tomorrow.

Yesterday I cut all my collard greens--only 6 plants-- cooked them and made Hot Water Cornbread (still no oven). That was dinner and it was great!
The wife was able to make dinner. She made 2 shepherd’s pies, we ate about 1/3 of one for supper, and froze the other pie for future eating.

We were happy go give away most of the cookies and Popcorn balls, kept 3 just to see how they tasted.... Wife doesn't like the scary stuff, so she is watching Fiddler on the Roof....

I was able to get my rack case made for storing onions, it just fits on the top shelf of the food storage shelves. The setup holds 6 large cooling racks with verticle spacing between 3 and 6 inches, top, bottom, and front are open to allow air movement (it actually looks a lot like one of those square food dehydrators).

I kind of feel sorry for the kids this year, in the past about 1/3 of the houses gave out treats, this year it is more like 1 house per block, if you're lucky. We honestly don't want to have that much contact with strangers.....

K took the girls trick or treating. They hit every house with a porch light on in our neighborhood and got buckets of candy. Come to find out everyone has candy for trick or treaters but the kids here only go to houses with the over the top decor. I gave candy to 12 kids last night but there were at least 60+ out in the streets. I guess my pet cemetary and dozen carved pumpkins wasn't enough to tell them I was handing out candy.
It's suppose to be a pretty good frost tonight and low 30/upper 20's Monday morning, so I picked all of our peppers. I got 2 5 gallon buckets of bell peppers from them. Also got a nice bunch of banana and jalapenos. After that I pulled all the plants, 3 of which 2 bells and 1 jalapeno I pruned down and planted in pots to try and over winter. I have been reading and saw that the peppers are or can be perennial so I'm gonna give these a shot and maybe get a jump on spring. After that I cut up several fig shoots to try and propogate new starts for spring to start a new area to grow figs in. I'm planning to do the same with a couple of blueberries as well.
When I finished that I started rotating some of my 100% fuel. I try and do that every fall. I'll have it all rotated by next weekend. Gotta go on my way home from work this week and start refilling. One station I go to has 100% fuel for $2.19 a gallon.
I planted a cayenne pepper in a 5 gallon bucket this spring and brought it in when we had snow in early September. It is doing well. Daughter took her potted jalapenos in and so far so good. It would be great if she could continue to get jalapenos to grow all winter. She eats a lot of them.
I tried to grow figs, but my tree didn't last long.
My peppers did not pepper this year. I've had it! I'm moving!

I finally had a productive Saturday.
Finished all of my assignments.
Moved junk around in the garage. Got the storage unit completely emptied, including making two runs to the place. The manager is always so kind to me. A Vietnam vet.
Plus regular work.
Are you moving? I saw another comment and tried to back track to see what I missed and never could find it.

Relative to the grow shelf I finally have put together, I am using one shelf for supplies: seeds, markers, etc. I have had too many seeds and one group I didn't even see for a while so threw out a bunch. Now I'm reorganizing what I have. I write the date on the front with a sharpie so I can actually see it easily, then veggies in one group, herbs in another, and then flowers. I have a 4 drawered cabinet that I am going to use for them, with index cards, and put them in alphabetical order. I've always tried to use my oldest seeds first, and was surprised at what grew this year, such as tomatoes from 2015.

I've been considering what I should order for next year, in case all heck breaks loose.
After the girls went trick or treating we checked their candy. I confiscated the hershey's bars for 'baking'. I figure they are the right size for stove top smores in the colder months.

We are going to my folks house for the rest of the weekend so I can vote. K and I have moved around alot so I never changed my registration. Being that this is a very important election I am making a point to go vote which means my mom is watching the kids. The goal is to vote and be home before the polls close Tuesday.

I even packed up Roo's school work so she doesn't miss any days. I got her some books on how voting and elections work so she can understand why we are doing this. She is learning American history right now. The Revolutionary War to be exact. Since I have her read the history lessons out loud I normally stop her and relate what did happen with something that is currently happening. She seems to understand but she is only 9.
@Weedygarden I will move eventually, I was just figuratively throwing in the towel on growing stuff.
@Grimm We quit participating in handing out candy because people come from miles around to trick or treat here. Can't really afford that much candy. Someone told me they spent over $100 on candy one year and it was all gone in the first 30 minutes.
@Amish Heart yes, it was good to get that done finally. You're amazing for everything you accomplish each day.
Busy exciting day in store today! Doing three loads of laundry for myself this morning, followed by cleaning out the three chicken-coops. I'm scheduled to work all next week at the high school, but I do plan to stay up late Tuesday night. Don't go away, the fun's just starting!
Kids will be parroting what their parents said. I found it interesting in New Mexico when the twins were in middle school and when Trump won the election. It was the goal of most of those teachers to find out what kids came from republican households (not many) and make their school year a living hell. Three teachers in particular I had to report to the principal. They cried for weeks in class, (the teachers), refused to teach anything. Their band teacher even wore the pink cat hat to school and let them all know what it meant.
Now they're in HS in a red state. I have no idea who will win this election. I am curious to see how it is handled here. I am hoping the teachers will stick to academics, no matter how it goes. The twins have spent the last few years in New Mexico schools learning absolutely nothing. We spent alot of time tutoring at home.
Hope the schools/teachers are better in Idaho, Duncan.
I planted a cayenne pepper in a 5 gallon bucket this spring and brought it in when we had snow in early September. It is doing well. Daughter took her potted jalapenos in and so far so good. It would be great if she could continue to get jalapenos to grow all winter. She eats a lot of them.
I didn't save these to produce thru the winter. But want to have some good strong plants ready to start off in the spring and get some early produce.
I didn't save these to produce thru the winter. But want to have some good strong plants ready to start off in the spring and get some early produce.
As I have talked about with daughter, any of these things are experiments, and fun. I planted two green bell peppers. Something ate one and the other just didn't grow. Next year, I think I will plant more peppers in buckets.
Hello everyone just touching base to let you know I am okay and thank you all for your prayers and well wishes :) .

DH will get discharged later this afternoon and we will take off home tomorrow morning.

He is still very disorientated/confused and could be 3 - 6 months before he comes right again and I will have to watch out for seizures for up to 6 months. Think caring will be rather demanding at the moment for a while but will pop in when I have the time to chat.

Just to give you an idea he has tried to escape the hospital because he thought I was coming to visit at night but the nursing staff stopped him, one day he had 3 showers, and yesterday had to rescue him after he climbed into through adjustable barriers a construction zone at the hospital because he saw a seat.

Hopefully not much mischief he can get up to on the farm when we get home. Will have a 3 hour drive ahead of us tomorrow to get home and will stop for breaks.
I spent the weekend cleaning out as much as possible. Still have a lot of debris, tools, and building supplies that need to be organized and put away... I ended up with 4 boxes of boxes that will need to be recycled and about a pickup load of rubbish.

I am creating a new work space and need to run some CAT5/6 cable to it, Skynet…

I was able to get my exercise space cleaned off and I finished making a rowing station, so I can try to get back on the wagon. This week I have a number of meetings with folks in the EU, so will be up very early and calling it a night with the chickens.
Kids will be parroting what their parents said. I found it interesting in New Mexico when the twins were in middle school and when Trump won the election. It was the goal of most of those teachers to find out what kids came from republican households (not many) and make their school year a living hell. Three teachers in particular I had to report to the principal. They cried for weeks in class, (the teachers), refused to teach anything. Their band teacher even wore the pink cat hat to school and let them all know what it meant.
Now they're in HS in a red state. I have no idea who will win this election. I am curious to see how it is handled here. I am hoping the teachers will stick to academics, no matter how it goes. The twins have spent the last few years in New Mexico schools learning absolutely nothing. We spent alot of time tutoring at home.
Hope the schools/teachers are better in Idaho, Duncan.

Roo came home from the public school 2 years ago saying that Trump was evil and Obama was the best president we ever had. You can imagine how upset we were to here the teacher saying these things to a class of second graders!
We got down to my folks house before lunch. Not long after the pleasantries were said my mom told me she still had to vote and grabbed me to go with her. We were in and out in less than 15 minutes. So I cast my vote for the Don as did my mom. My dad still needs to go vote. I think his plan was to go tomorrow after BSF leaders meeting.

Tonight is the joint family birthday dinner and cake. 5 of us have fall birthdays and my dad's is in January. My mom had Roo set the table and decorate for the 'party'. She made party placemats, napkins and tablecloth for these home birthdays a few years ago. Truly handy with this covid/stay at home orders. I might work on my own set for down the road when my folks aren't with us anymore. (I'll save the set my mom made to be passed down when either of the girls get married and give me grandbabies.)