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I don't really like your information! Stealing firewood from you while you were in the hospital! What a bunch of filthy livers. And stacking it where you could plainly see it. I'm glad they didn't "catch" you taking it back.
Where you said, "now the rub is..." made me laugh because a friend here says that and I thought it an odd expression not used much.
Please, rest easy, Tank-Girl
As for me....it is late and I'm starting to not like the way things are rolling around here, which is sure to put me in a bad mood. Later y'all

I didn't take back the wood they had stacked against their side of the fence.
I don't trespass.
I took the remainder of what was left and move it.
I decided after a lot of gritt teeth , white knuckled talks with God and decided that they can keep it and choke on it.
I will hand retribution to the Lord. I figure he has infinite resources and knows how and where to hit them where they hurt most.
I'm putting my faith in the fact I have faith that the Lord has my back even though it's costing me.
I'll leave room for the Lord's vengeance.
Tank-Girl, your neighbors remind me of my neighbors. It took a major heart attack & getting Parkinson's for my neighbor to stop stealing from me. Now he has colon cancer to boot. Almost makes me believe in karma.

It was so cold this morning it was giving me abdominal cramps. I had to drive in to get blood drawn for a routine checkup & was doubled over the whole way. Heated seats finally kicked in a couple miles from the doctor's office. Nurse was super nice & I barely felt it. She hates getting blood drawn too so she's sympathetic & doesn't make me feel bad about being a wuss about it. I couldn't sleep the night before so I caught up on my sleep when I got home. Slept til 7pm and then made dinner. It's pretty cold right now but I have cats as personal heaters.

I'm still working on my plans for the shaving station in the guest bathroom. I need to do some measurements so I can figure out what size to make the shelves, where exactly to put the electrical outlet (which I will make GFCI just in case since it's within a few feet of the shower. I'm also trying to figure out what type of drawer slides to get for the 3" spacer that will be next to the vanity. I wonder if the 18" Rockler ones can be mounted top and bottom in the center...
I didn't take back the wood they had stacked against their side of the fence.
I don't trespass.
I took the remainder of what was left and move it.
I decided after a lot of gritt teeth , white knuckled talks with God and decided that they can keep it and choke on it.
I will hand retribution to the Lord. I figure he has infinite resources and knows how and where to hit them where they hurt most.
I'm putting my faith in the fact I have faith that the Lord has my back even though it's costing me.
I'll leave room for the Lord's vengeance.

It's God's wood. And the wood that the neighbors took from what God gave you, yep God will deal with them either in this life or on Judgment day!
I didn't take back the wood they had stacked against their side of the fence.
I don't trespass.
I took the remainder of what was left and move it.
I decided after a lot of grit teeth , white knuckled talks with God and decided that they can keep it and choke on it.
I will hand retribution to the Lord. I figure he has infinite resources and knows how and where to hit them where they hurt most.
I'm putting my faith in the fact I have faith that the Lord has my back even though it's costing me.
I'll leave room for the Lord's vengeance.
This is so upsetting, even if God is in control,when someone steals from us. Praise him, in good and bad. He will deal with these people.
You cannot verify that this is your wood because there is no way to identify it. I wonder if a small mark sprayed on each end would be toxic when it is burned? A spot of pink paint on each end, sprayed on? A can of spray paint could go a long way, if you are using a little here and there. I started spraying all of my yard tools and even my hand tools with pink spray paint. It helps identify that it is mine. What man wants pink painted tools? My daughter had a great collection of tools and lost them in her last breakup. Now she is rebuilding her collection. I suggested she get a can of spray paint and spray some color on each of her tools. She doesn't want pink, she wants turquoise. The color doesn't matter. The identification mark is what matters. And the whole thing doesn't have to be sprayed, just a little, enough to add an identification mark.
Yesterday I bit the bullet and asked a friend if I could borrow his wheel barrow and then this morning at sunrise I shifted 2 metric tons of firewood before the drugged up drop kicks next door woke up and realized what I was about.

It seems that when I was in hospital and the house was unattended they came into the yard AGAIN and helped themselves to my firewood AGAIN.
The cheeky SOB's rubbed my nose in it by stacking it against their side of our common fence.
The run is three blocks high and 6 to 8 foot long.
Now, the rub is that I can't prove that it was wood they stole the first time I caught them and had the police attend or if this is new wood that's been taken.
I know that this is a fresh theft I just can't darn well prove it .......SO......I shifted it again for the third time to the other side of the house in the new duck pen where they can't see it AND it's behind a 6 foot chain link fence.....not that the 6 foot fence stopped them or even slowed them down while I was in hospital.

I got my exercise in for the day and I spent the rest of the day on the couch.

Thats terrible Tank, too bad you can't protect whats yours anymore.
I didn't take back the wood they had stacked against their side of the fence.
I don't trespass.
I took the remainder of what was left and move it.
I decided after a lot of gritt teeth , white knuckled talks with God and decided that they can keep it and choke on it.
I will hand retribution to the Lord. I figure he has infinite resources and knows how and where to hit them where they hurt most.
I'm putting my faith in the fact I have faith that the Lord has my back even though it's costing me.
I'll leave room for the Lord's vengeance.

I wish I had your grace and patience. My mother is like you. Graceful and gentle in spirit.
This is so upsetting, even if God is in control,when someone steals from us. Praise him, in good and bad. He will deal with these people.
You cannot verify that this is your wood because there is no way to identify it. I wonder if a small mark sprayed on each end would be toxic when it is burned? A spot of pink paint on each end, sprayed on? A can of spray paint could go a long way, if you are using a little here and there. I started spraying all of my yard tools and even my hand tools with pink spray paint. It helps identify that it is mine. What man wants pink painted tools? My daughter had a great collection of tools and lost them in her last breakup. Now she is rebuilding her collection. I suggested she get a can of spray paint and spray some color on each of her tools. She doesn't want pink, she wants turquoise. The color doesn't matter. The identification mark is what matters. And the whole thing doesn't have to be sprayed, just a little, enough to add an identification mark.

K did this for years with his work tools. It did not stop the jerks on the site from still stealing tools. I told him to etch his initials on the tools. THAT worked. He even found tools years later that were stolen he had etched. When asked why he was taking the tools he pointed out the aged etching of his initials and the jerk who took them did not have the same initials. (KMC). Now he just has to worry about the company tools as the superintendent.

I also need to point out it never stopped K from stealing my grandfather's tools my dad gave me before we met. He lost a lot of them on job sites (or had them stolen).
I'm up, dressed, had coffee, had breakfast of sorts.
While Strawberry was being walked, loaded car for laundry mat run.
While out doing laundry,hobbled into Wal*Mart to pick up few things I had forgotten.
Washed, dried, hung up, and put away 2 loads of laundry.
While out voted.
Simmered supper in crock pot all night long.
House smells heavenly today.
Strawberry seems to think she needs to go back outside again.
Been hustling my bustle, got everything done before noon.
And I'm done for the day too.
Will elevate and ice left foot when Strawberry and I come back inside.
Sipping on second pot of coffee.
Enjoying the quite.
Thinking about getting crutches out to try to keep weight of left foot.
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K did this for years with his work tools. It did not stop the jerks on the site from still stealing tools. I told him to etch his initials on the tools. THAT worked. He even found tools years later that were stolen he had etched. When asked why he was taking the tools he pointed out the aged etching of his initials and the jerk who took them did not have the same initials. (KMC). Now he just has to worry about the company tools as the superintendent.

I also need to point out it never stopped K from stealing my grandfather's tools my dad gave me before we met. He lost a lot of them on job sites (or had them stolen).
There is an engraving tool that could be used to etch in initials or even name. I would imagine that would be very important on a job site where tools are so important. I like this idea, but a splash of color also helps with identification.
Picked up favorite cousin's husband to bring him into town for a blood test. Husband has his done, too. Then off to the Amish restaurant for lunch with them. Back at their place we went over some new cheese recipes to try with my cousin's daughter. Looks like we'll make a list to go to the bulk store for some of the cheese ingredients, like more rennet and calcium carbonate. She's got the mozzarella down pretty well. We have three cream cheese recipes to try. Would like to try a sharp cheddar and then wax it. Will need to pick up little granddaughter from school soon and then husband has a dr appt in town late afternoon. Brought home a few more gallons of raw milk. Looks like the twins got out a live trap to set tonight for Mr Possum on the porch.
I was going to go to the post office to get mail but my brother got it after going to do some tutoring for a program he's doing. He took a course on teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) & he's on the phase where he's getting teaching experience. One of the teachers, a lady in her 70s, is very encouraging & really likes him. They bonded over their mutual love of language and food. She's been recommending restaurants to him.
It's over in Lafayette which is about 2 hours away. I saw on FB Marketplace there's a store there selling 4'x8' formica sheets for $15 a sheet. They have 100 sheets to look through & I'm going to go with him tomorrow to sit in on his tutoring session (quietly & at a distance) and then go to the store to see if they have anything I can use for projects at that store.
Hopefully it won't take a long time & we can be back in time to go to the store to get stuff for Mom.
Listening to the Louder with Crowder live stream. I have it on the tv verses my laptop.

Yesterday was my birthday and we devoured the cake my folks got in 2 days! Last time they got a birthday cake it was from Costco and took over a week to finish. Yuck!
Happy birthday @Grimm 🎂
Had to drive to Looneyville today. Hopefully the last trip for a while. Got the call I’ve been dreading. My grandmother passed away this morning. She was 96 and I knew it was to be soon but as much as we prepare ourselves, it still stings. I will sure miss her.
On a little lighter note, the trees were absolutely beautiful and it was raining buckets so that should put a damper on any riots that were planned.
Happy birthday @Grimm 🎂
Had to drive to Looneyville today. Hopefully the last trip for a while. Got the call I’ve been dreading. My grandmother passed away this morning. She was 96 and I knew it was to be soon but as much as we prepare ourselves, it still stings. I will sure miss her.
On a little lighter note, the trees were absolutely beautiful and it was raining buckets so that should put a damper on any riots that were planned.

I'm so sorry to hear that LadyL. Makes me think about losing my mamaw. Been 18 years now. and it still hurts. My prayers are with you
Happy birthday @Grimm 🎂
Had to drive to Looneyville today. Hopefully the last trip for a while. Got the call I’ve been dreading. My grandmother passed away this morning. She was 96 and I knew it was to be soon but as much as we prepare ourselves, it still stings. I will sure miss her.
On a little lighter note, the trees were absolutely beautiful and it was raining buckets so that should put a damper on any riots that were planned.

Grandmothers are speccial to most so sorry for the loss of your grandmother LadyL.:huggs:
@phideaux hope things are still better for you two.

We're ok. Just can't keep up with everything going on.

Monday wife went for pre-op, that takes most of the day ...35 miles each way.
Tuesday she had to go to RA clinic for release from the trial clinic , due to the blood clot in her lungs. 35 miles each way.Then we met with the Rheumatologist, he is going to continue her care , not for free.

I got to go pickup Grocery order this morning. Then we go to my Cardiologist, 35 miles each way, for post hospital check-up.

Tomorrow wife goes to primary care doctor for referral to the Rheumatologist, and check up.

Waiting for call to go for covid test , 35 miles each way, before back surgery next Wednesday on L2, L3, and L5. 35 miles each way.

We just take it day by day.

Oh, btw, I ordered a new coffee maker, an old fashion percolator...love it...great cup a coffee.

Y'all carry on.

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Happy birthday @Grimm 🎂
Had to drive to Looneyville today. Hopefully the last trip for a while. Got the call I’ve been dreading. My grandmother passed away this morning. She was 96 and I knew it was to be soon but as much as we prepare ourselves, it still stings. I will sure miss her.
On a little lighter note, the trees were absolutely beautiful and it was raining buckets so that should put a damper on any riots that were planned.

I lost my grandma 50 years ago...to this day I cry Everytime I think about her.
Bout killed me.

Prayers for you to be comforted @LadyLocust .

Took the next 2 days off work, today due to the election. Gonna work around here on some stuff since weather is good. Got a eye Dr appt tomorrow and generally have a bad headache after getting eyes dialated.
Jim I am still the same thinking about my mamaw. Buried her on my birthday. Never been the same since then.

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