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You asked about my seed collecting

My heirloom radishes worked well and now that I am keeping them a non-frost free freezer they have lasted more than one year. I did not see any germination rate difference between fresh seeds and the ones I collected in 2017.


The high-brid onions were miserable. Poor germination, some where red others yellow. Will not bother trying that again.

I had thought I was going to try about 11 heirloom onions this year but I was too distracted by high priority work so I never got around to bagging up the flower heads to prevent cross pollination ... That is a wasted 2 year experiment. The Princess defined priorities say " turn that liability real- estate into an asset ASAP".

If had not turned the garden into a nursery I would have to call the backyard a disaster. About 80-90% of the trees grape vines and bushes are hanging in there. The neighbor retired chef offered to make Elderberry pie for us before the deer demonstrated they like elderberry. Regardless they are now chest high and may get relocated to The Ridge next spring.

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Made it to the big city, checked into my hotel. Lots of places to eat nearby, some within walking distance. I\The wing place across the street has great reviews.

Talked to my surgery coordinator, my surgery isn't until noon so I'll sleep in then stroll the 2 blocks and check in...

Got one more quick errand to run before dark this evening, so...

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Went to Trader Joe's to get gluten free stuffing mix, gf cornbread mix, and a few other items. They were sold out of gf stuffing mix and a clerk told me there would not be any more this year in their store. I asked if he knew if any of their other stores had it. He suggested a store which is 16 miles from my house, the slowest Trader Joes in the area. I called and asked if they had any. Yes, and still had a couple cases in the back. I asked them to hold a couple boxes for me and I would head their way. Drove there, got gf stuffing mix and 5 advent calendars for little ones we know for $.99 each. Advent calendars are a tradition for us, and I was thinking there are probably some really nice ones out there, or nicer than these somewhere, maybe at World Market, but will look another time.

Saw a Nantucket cranberry pie in someone's cart and asked her about it. A store employee heard us talking and told us if there was anything that we saw that was holiday related and were at all interested, get it now, as they are going to be short of all things this year. So I grabbed one and it is in the freezer. I have read that they are traditionally a Christmas pie.
Funny bit is it only affected our washers. We complained about the electrical many times but the landlord didn't want to do anything about it.
Anymore the grid can be pretty spikey, we live down line from a plywood mill and a friend, that used to live on our east side, hooked up an oscilloscope to the grid a few years ago said the power was very spikey, spikes are where the voltages go way over normal. Back when I was working for the local school district, a couple of times the mill had large transformers blow up on them, the second time that happened a spike went through the power lines and blew out an 8 hp. fan motor, a power company boss I talked to said that a spike couldn't travel down the power line and do that, but I knew a linesman that said that happens frequently. Now days there is so many electronic controls on everything that equipment, like washers and dryers can easily have problems due to dirty electric power.
Got the wife's Covid test done.

Met the guy and sold him a bunch of AK47 mags.

Went thru country side just enjoying the scenery.

Thought about looking at a few house for sale....but we have decided to put that on hold , along with a new car purchase.

Had burgers for lunch.

Just been watching Andy Griffith.

Tomorrow is stay in , wife is quarantined till after surgery Wednesday.

Whatcha get for the AK mags, Phideaux?
Weedy...I get those chocolate advent calendars for our grown kids and grandkids every year. I give them out Thanksgiving.
Wow. The Rose Law Firm. Sorry, Peanut. Glad they don't have a big Hillary poster on it.

Thank you for reminding me to get our advent calendars. I didn't see any at Target today.
Ran to Target after picking up Roo's school pictures. Target has a 1 year guarantee on their Cat & Jack kids clothes and Roo has holes in a pair of her jeans I got last year. Got my refund for the jeans and picked up some pantry preps. I will be running out for more from the grocery store on Wednesday.
Anymore the grid can be pretty spikey, we live down line from a plywood mill and a friend, that used to live on our east side, hooked up an oscilloscope to the grid a few years ago said the power was very spikey, spikes are where the voltages go way over normal. Back when I was working for the local school district, a couple of times the mill had large transformers blow up on them, the second time that happened a spike went through the power lines and blew out an 8 hp. fan motor, a power company boss I talked to said that a spike couldn't travel down the power line and do that, but I knew a linesman that said that happens frequently. Now days there is so many electronic controls on everything that equipment, like washers and dryers can easily have problems due to dirty electric power.
When a transformer blows the energy in the magnetic fiekd has to be dissipated ... some how. Think a hydraulic ram.

When I had my service entrance upgraded the electrician looked at the half dozen servers The Princess had running and asked if he should install hole house surge protection. I can't recall any electrical devices ever failing since then.

For what it is worth.

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Yesterday I spent catching up on laundry. We had company come over so I had to clean the living room and kitchen so as not to embarrass the wife.... The company came over mostly because they have retired and are moving to a very democratic stronghold to be close to their Grand-kids. They had an old Sears rifle they just wanted to get rid of, so they dropped it off with a 30 year old box of ammo... It will need a good cleaning before it can be used...

This morning I went out and made a couple of slug traps using small cans and some beer, first beer I've opened in 40 years and I'm giving it to slugs....

The only beer I have ever bought, opened or used, was for an anxious first time labouring (700 lb.) sow. She slurped a six pack, lost her aggression and got on with birthing. 14 piglets born and survived to squeal the tale. After that I gave every sow 2 beers at first sign of labour. I have never tried one myself.
Weedy, pretty sure I have read that daddy long legs spiders can't open their mouths wide enough to bite humans and otherwise would be poisonous to us.
I hope your friend finds grandmother black widow and all the other ladies hiding in her home. From what I have seen, they prefer up high, hidden under, tucked back away, not generally in your face kind of webs. Sounds like Amish and Peanut might have difference experiences. I have read they can be found in all 50 states.
That's what we were hoping for, @Bacpacker !!! Prayers answered, so far so good. Keep the faith.

@GrannyG your story is hilarious. I would suffer a rat snake being around, but in the oven...nah.

Never heard of chocolate advent calendars.
Got lots to do and will try to stay away. lol
They even have them at the grocery store. Krogers has them for around $1.50. Sams had advent calendars for dogs with a dog treat a day. Dogs don't have a clue, so that idea was dumb.
I used to be all freaked about black widows, but we saw them alot in New Mexico, so oh well. I'd kill them all the time. It's the web, though, that gives them away when they are hiding. And they do hide, and don't seem to come after you. Rat snakes are common here, and they are hard to get used to but I'm trying. Never baked one, but my nephew and his wife had a prepper group weekend on their property a few weeks ago and showed photos of catching a young copperhead and cooking it up and eating it. No thanks.
Put an offer on the school yesterday. Deadline comes and goes and no one can get in contact with the seller. His agent drove out to see what's up because they weren't the type to do the ignore thing. Turns out the guy is in the hospital because he cut off two fingers early this morning and is under going reattachment surgery. They asked for more time to decide. As excuses go, its a good one, so now I wait for a few more days.
Strawberry is confused today.
Maybe because I got up at 0430 hours.
So should be long day, productive, but long.
Strawberry has been walked several times.
I have for 15 minutes already this morning.
Exercised this morning.
Got one chicken breast simmering in crock pot to make soup with.
Threw in carrot, leek, peppers in with it to make up my broth.
Later will add other vegetables, make up small batch of noodles for chicken vegetable soup.
But the vegetables that need longer cooking time are in crock pot are going now.
Working on Reign's Christmas blanket.
Sipping my second pot of coffee.
Might get a nap later, hopefully.
Got my nap.
Internet was out about 3 hours.
So Strawberry laid across my lap while working on Baby Reign's Christmas blanket.
We slept for 2 hours this afternoon.
Soup was good.
Hopefully will sleep tonight.
Put an offer on the school yesterday. Deadline comes and goes and no one can get in contact with the seller. His agent drove out to see what's up because they weren't the type to do the ignore thing. Turns out the guy is in the hospital because he cut off two fingers early this morning and is under going reattachment surgery. They asked for more time to decide. As excuses go, its a good one, so now I wait for a few more days.
Good luck Clem on the school.
Put an offer on the school yesterday. Deadline comes and goes and no one can get in contact with the seller. His agent drove out to see what's up because they weren't the type to do the ignore thing. Turns out the guy is in the hospital because he cut off two fingers early this morning and is under going reattachment surgery. They asked for more time to decide. As excuses go, its a good one, so now I wait for a few more days.
Wow! Hopefully, he'll be able to sign off!
Hope you get it, Clem! Does it come with a chalkboard, or playground equipment?

The class room that is currently being used as a combo living room, dining room office (30'X30') has a magnetic chalk board about 2/3 the length of one wall. Over the top of the black board and down both sides, the wall sports a type of pin board that is textured like cloth. Pin holes don't show up. I like it. One wall perpendicular
to this wall has the original cabinets with the kiddy coat hooks and lunch box shelves along with a sink. I would move this set up to the back class room which has black boards as well.

This room doubled as an in door rec room and the light fixtures and windows all have wire mesh protectors. This room can swallow a lot of storage and leave plenty of room for rec-creating. There is a large janitor's closet behind this class room that can hold enough canning to cover the apocalypse. The door will be easy to hide and no one will guess it is even there.

The outdoor basketball court tucked into a staggered corner on the back of the school was roofed and walled in to make a shop. Don't even have to go outside to work on stuff to renovate the place.

Another class room has renos started to turn it into 3 bedrooms and a large bathroom. This area will be first in line for a make over. Then there is the office, the 10'x18' kitchen, the same size side boot room, with sink and boot racks, the front boot room and a 10'x27' hallway down the middle complete with drinking fountain. The school is approximately 4250 sq. ft.

The play ground was removed but the baseball diamond and backstop is still there. The septic tank is huge and well was spared no expense. Then there is the parking lot and the school bus drop area. Three sides are galvanized fence the fourth bordering on the neighbor's hay field is barbed wire.

This place is not for most people, I am the only one to make an offer in five months so it will be a tough sell again, but I intend to stay there until I croak if I get it. Nothing but cows and hay fields for miles and the bridge washed out in 2017 and won't be replaced for 2 more years. Access is by 30 km of a nasty logging road detour and another 30 km to get to town. Perfect.
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Sounds like a great place @ClemKadiddlehopper ! I hope it is yours!!!

This morning, I will walk first and feed dogs.
Take Peanut Butter to beauty parlor.
Walmart, thrift store
Pick up Peanut and go for appointment with health insurance lady.

Maybe wash those windows that didn't get done yesterday and water the garden.
Strawberry got wet this morning while being walked.
Her and dog walker got drenched.
But she enjoyed her walk just the same.
In between rain showers, I went and filled up the car.
While out picked up some lottery scratchers tickets including my favorite ones "BINGO".
Won enough on "Bingo" scratchers to be able to play next week too.
Half of the winnings will go in savings account.
The other half I can still play on.
Sitting here listening to the rain, sipping on my second pot of coffee.

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