What's everybody doing today?

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Today is a cooking day. I am cooking extra meat for K's lunches for the week. I am making chicken and dumplings for dinner and added 2 extra thighs for K's chicken salads. I am testing out some of our favorite recipes with cheaper cuts of meat like legs and thighs instead of leftover whole chicken or breasts. Prices are still high here but I am making due with the cheap stuff ;)

I mentioned to K I want to get a second freezer. I figure a chest freezer would be good for our milk, bread and veggies and the upright can be for meat. Not sure what size I want but right now it is a toss up between the 19.8 cu ft or the 24 cu ft. I figure it would be a good Black Friday buy either way. Suggestions?

I cleaned my upright vacuum and ordered new filters. Amazon is great! They should be here tomorrow and then I can vacuum the house and not smell dirty filters!

Almost finished washing and packing up my summer/hot weather clothing. I have a few things left that just got washed. I took out the unworn/don't want summer clothes and they are now in a donation box for Goodwill. My winter wardrobe in hanging up and ready to go.

We had our first fire in the hearth today. The storm that blew through really made the house cold! All the beds got thick quilts added to them. I didn't want to crawl out of my cocoon this morning.
A local Volunteer Fireman stopped Saturday. They are having a Professional Photographer taking family pictures Sunday (today). VFD gets a percentage as a fund raiser. Wife took the info and told me would be going.

Sunday. Wife says she changed her mind, we will NOT be getting our picture taken. She read the info the VF gave her, there is a 800 number she was to call to reserve a time slot.

I made my breakfast and made the bed. When I stepped out of the shower the wife had some of my clothes laid out. She call the 800 number and reserved a photo time slot for us.

Church then lunch at a resturant of the wife's choosing. Funeral viewing for a former childhood neighbor of the wife's. On the way home stop at the Firestation to get our mug shots taken. Nap during most of a football game before making myself a sandwich for supper.
Former colleague, friend, found black widows in her house last night. She is widowed, doesn't drive, but does have children who could help her. I bought some diatomaceous earth and dropped it off for her today. She and her husband were low wage earners and never owned a car. They always took the bus. They did buy a house years ago. I'm glad she has a home, but the spiders need to go away. Good to see her. She was always a gem.
Black widows are scary but not aggressive. We used to notice every new-to-us critter and bug when we first moved here and black widows were one of the first 5. Arachnophobia anyone?
Get the torch, I see a black widow!!!
(We caught a few and put them in jars, just so we'd know positive ID in the future. Lol Yep, that's a red hourglass). Never saw any in the house but it is time for critters to start moving in). What I don't like is when you can't see the dozens of babies on furry spider mama's back and squish, they all start running! Ok I'll stop. I used to let out a gutteral scream when squishing spiders but I think I'm ok now.
Yesterday our plans changed on us so we decided to hitch up and head to our favorite little camping spot about an hour away. It was wonderful with one exception. There was only one other trailer there and we heard them the whole time. At first it was their “pornographic nursery rhymes” (rap music) and then their loud generator about 6-8 hrs. I did go ask them if they would be shutting it off. The fella said when they were done with their movie. Why would you go to the woods and just listen to (c) rap and watch movies? Stay home. Anyhoo aside from that Hubby fell asleep about 3:30 woke about 8:15 then went to bed about 9 and slept until about 5AM! He needed it. Also he loves fishing in the snow and caught a steelhead on a fly he tied this morning so he was thrilled. We stopped in where our hog will be processed and got a pound of bacon so we could sample it so had it for breakfast with eggs. It was good so that was a relief. Overall a good low key weekend. Tomorrow is back to the grindstone.
Oh, one more thing. @UrbanHunter there were a couple of books that came to mind when reading your posts. Both are free on Gutenberg.org. One is “My Handkerchief Garden” about small urban gardening and the other is “10 Acres Enough”. Both are old (like yr 1900) but loaded with good info. I actually ended up buying a hard copy of MHG so I have it as a reference. 10AE delves deeply into efficiency, productivity etc. I think you might appreciate them (says someone who’s never met you 😁).
Book recommendations are funny things.
Going to the big city tomorrow, a couple of night at the Hilton. No worries, they have very discounted rates for folks having medical procedures etc at one of the 3 major hospitals nearby. Tuesday morning I'm having cataract surgery, the other eye. It was a breeze last time, should go as smoothly this time. I'll have my laptop with me so I can check in with you good folks.

Tonight I'm doing laundry, cleaned the kitchen etc. packing the bag, dotting the I's and crossing the T's. Making sure I have everything ready to toss in the truck tomorrow. I'm in no hurry, just intend to get to the big city before afternoon traffic picks up at 3pm.

The puppy will be sad, he already knows something is up, funny how animals can sense things. I bought him an igloo dog house and a new run out line today. He's going to stay outside on the porch tonight for the first time. My big sheppard sleeps in another igloo house 6ft away so the puppy won't be to bummed. He has his yard buddy within sight.

@Bacpacker I'll be thinking of your mom!

@Weedygarden Funny you should bring up Black Widow spiders... I killed two on my porch this afternoon, killed another one a few days ago. They always make an appearance in early fall. I never see them any other time.
@Weedygarden Funny you should bring up Black Widow spiders... I killed two on my porch this afternoon, killed another one a few days ago. They always make an appearance in early fall. I never see them any other time.

What do you recommend to rid her property of black widows? I told her to sprinkle the d.e. around the edges of her rooms along the base boards, and after the snow storm we are supposed to get tomorrow is gone, the sprinkle around the edge of her home.

I brought in several pots of mint a couple months ago when we were getting a big snow storm. No sign of spiders since. Maybe I can make that recommendation to my friend as well. I know she struggles financially, so I could divide some of mine for her.
@Weedygarden I don't know, sorry. I've never tried to run them off. I never see more than 2 or 3 and then not every year. If I see one then I'm on alert for others. Then I simply squash them with what ever is handy.

On the bright side their web is pretty distinctive, nothing uniform or pretty about them. They are ratty, haphazard looking, usually have bits of trash, bits of leaves or anything that blows on the wind stuck in their web. These widows are lousy housekeepers..

Are these in her house? If so I'd put on leather gloves and go on a spider hunt. I'd search every nook and cranny until I was sure there were none left alive in my house.
Going to the big city tomorrow, a couple of night at the Hilton. No worries, they have very discounted rates for folks having medical procedures etc at one of the 3 major hospitals nearby. Tuesday morning I'm having cataract surgery, the other eye. It was a breeze last time, should go as smoothly this time. I'll have my laptop with me so I can check in with you good folks.

Tonight I'm doing laundry, cleaned the kitchen etc. packing the bag, dotting the I's and crossing the T's. Making sure I have everything ready to toss in the truck tomorrow. I'm in no hurry, just intend to get to the big city before afternoon traffic picks up at 3pm.

The puppy will be sad, he already knows something is up, funny how animals can sense things. I bought him an igloo dog house and a new run out line today. He's going to stay outside on the porch tonight for the first time. My big sheppard sleeps in another igloo house 6ft away so the puppy won't be to bummed. He has his yard buddy within sight.

@Bacpacker I'll be thinking of your mom!

@Weedygarden Funny you should bring up Black Widow spiders... I killed two on my porch this afternoon, killed another one a few days ago. They always make an appearance in early fall. I never see them any other time.
Prayers going up for you Peanut that all goes well.

Many thanks to all for your prayers for Mom
Yesterday I spent catching up on laundry. We had company come over so I had to clean the living room and kitchen so as not to embarrass the wife.... The company came over mostly because they have retired and are moving to a very democratic stronghold to be close to their Grand-kids. They had an old Sears rifle they just wanted to get rid of, so they dropped it off with a 30 year old box of ammo... It will need a good cleaning before it can be used...

This morning I went out and made a couple of slug traps using small cans and some beer, first beer I've opened in 40 years and I'm giving it to slugs....
Strawberry is confused today.
Maybe because I got up at 0430 hours.
So should be long day, productive, but long.
Strawberry has been walked several times.
I have for 15 minutes already this morning.
Exercised this morning.
Got one chicken breast simmering in crock pot to make soup with.
Threw in carrot, leek, peppers in with it to make up my broth.
Later will add other vegetables, make up small batch of noodles for chicken vegetable soup.
But the vegetables that need longer cooking time are in crock pot are going now.
Working on Reign's Christmas blanket.
Sipping my second pot of coffee.
Might get a nap later, hopefully.
Today is a cooking day. I am cooking extra meat for K's lunches for the week. I am making chicken and dumplings for dinner and added 2 extra thighs for K's chicken salads. I am testing out some of our favorite recipes with cheaper cuts of meat like legs and thighs instead of leftover whole chicken or breasts. Prices are still high here but I am making due with the cheap stuff ;)

I mentioned to K I want to get a second freezer. I figure a chest freezer would be good for our milk, bread and veggies and the upright can be for meat. Not sure what size I want but right now it is a toss up between the 19.8 cu ft or the 24 cu ft. I figure it would be a good Black Friday buy either way. Suggestions?

I cleaned my upright vacuum and ordered new filters. Amazon is great! They should be here tomorrow and then I can vacuum the house and not smell dirty filters!

Almost finished washing and packing up my summer/hot weather clothing. I have a few things left that just got washed. I took out the unworn/don't want summer clothes and they are now in a donation box for Goodwill. My winter wardrobe in hanging up and ready to go.

We had our first fire in the hearth today. The storm that blew through really made the house cold! All the beds got thick quilts added to them. I didn't want to crawl out of my cocoon this morning.
I actually like the chicken thighs instead of chicken breast when cooking.
I think it has better flavor.
Anyhow that's what I think anyhoo.
Looking at the old blog today and this really made me laugh..
Dear Lord, I Cooked the Snake !
This has not been a good morning....I am still shaking and upset with myself. I came in from work, started out to feed the animals, backtracked, decided I needed to get a roast on to cook for supper tonight, turned on the skillet to braise the meat, went out to turn on the stove, and as I opened the door, I saw a movement.......I took a quick look, mice are invading our place, but it was a small snake. I do not even remember turning on the oven, I was looking for the snake catcher to rescue it, make a quick call to Senior Citizen's Center for Benny to get home immediately.......I found the snake catcher, grabbed a container to put it in, and as I opened the door to the oven, I realized I had turned it on and the snake was in a coiled position looking at me....Benny came in the door, I am crying, "I BAKED THE SNAKE !". He is now laughing at me as I pulled out the racks, reached in with the snake catcher, and tried to pick up it's head, he is saying "Just pick it up in the fattest part" at this point. I managed to hook it and he, the gentleman that he is, announces........"Let me get the door for you !" as I take it outside. I threw it onto the road to get a better look at it, think it was a rat snake, but I hate snakes. I am shaking all over at this point. I told Benny that I knew God has a great sense of humor and is laughing at me, Benny is getting in his truck, laughing, "I can't wait to get down there (Senior Citizen's) to tell them what your emergency was"....and he is still laughing at me as he backs out of the driveway. I have looked all over that oven inside, I cannot see where that snake got in , he was small in size, I am puzzled, but feel sad that I cooked him ! Maybe I should go back outside and find it and serve it to Benny on a nice layer of salad tonight for his supper. Ray, our neighbor, got a big kick out of watching me coming out of the house with the snake in tow, he told me I could have walked straighter....told me I zigzagged all over...NO DOUBT !
Many thanks to all for your prayers for Mom
I'm glad your mom came through the surgery well! Praying for a complete recovery!

Tuesday morning I'm having cataract surgery, the other eye. It was a breeze last time, should go as smoothly this time
Praying your cataract surgery goes well!

Dear Lord, I Cooked the Snake !
Wow! There's something I've never done!

Walked first this morning, fed and walked dogs, did 3 loads of laundry, house is clean! I may wash outside windows this afternoon and still need to make s/f jello for me.

This is a pattern---I get one good night's sleep then wear myself out the next day. Maybe I don't sleep well sometimes so I don't feel like I have to do so much. LOL
We finished off the concrete floor of the crawl space today.


Then turned our attention to prepping the last part of the basement floor so we try and finish the concrete tomorrow.


And installed a drain pipe to route the condensate from the HVAC to the cistern/sump pump.


Unless my brother gets distracted with a water heater replacement project we may finish the concrete floor done tomorrow.


I will finish off today sorting more Legos. The sorting I had done last week was a big hit with g-daughters. They don't have to settle for just finding the right part and can now include color schemes as they build.

@Weedygarden I don't know, sorry. I've never tried to run them off. I never see more than 2 or 3 and then not every year. If I see one then I'm on alert for others. Then I simply squash them with what ever is handy.

On the bright side their web is pretty distinctive, nothing uniform or pretty about them. They are ratty, haphazard looking, usually have bits of trash, bits of leaves or anything that blows on the wind stuck in their web. These widows are lousy housekeepers..

Are these in her house? If so I'd put on leather gloves and go on a spider hunt. I'd search every nook and cranny until I was sure there were none left alive in my house.
They were on a bedroom wall, which is scary. I always wonder if you see one, how many more are there that you haven't seen?

We had daddy long legs in my bedroom when I was a kid and I remember getting spider bites when I was sleeping. They could have been another type of spider, but I have no idea.

When I was moving a bunch of stuff in my yard this past summer, there were many black spiders. They were not black widows, but there were many. When I realized I had a couple bites, I wondered if it was from them. I don't know.

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