What's everybody doing today?

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Walked out the back door last night to see what was in the driveway.

Yeah , it was dark , except for the solar LED lights on garage.

It was a very small possum , just sitting there looking a a cat.
Well I started down the steps , my left foot halfway missed the last step.

Yep I took a tumble into the yard. Thankful it didn't hurt the yard or the step.
But , it did twist my left ankle pretty bad. Its swollen , and ice pack is getting a workout.
Hope I can walk on it tomorrow.
Just got a call from surgeon's office , they moved my wife's surgery to 5am.
May not be worth going to bed.😁.

Y'all keep on trucking.


The concrete floor is done!

That marks the end of the"dig out the basement project. I don't plan on taking on another project like that again.


We have to do 2 small footers at the ends of the main beam that is supporting the center of the house and also finish up the concrete opening where the inside door will be installed. Then we can put away the mixer and the skip hoist.

After that we move on to carpentry work. That will require we jack up the 2 front corners of the house to replace the beams that had termite damage. But i am now looking too far ahead to qualify for this thread. ;)

Thank God!
Walked out the back door last night to see what was in the driveway.

Yeah , it was dark , except for the solar LED lights on garage.

It was a very small possum , just sitting there looking a a cat.
Well I started down the steps , my left foot halfway missed the last step.

Yep I took a tumble into the yard. Thankful it didn't hurt the yard or the step.
But , it did twist my left ankle pretty bad. Its swollen , and ice pack is getting a workout.
Hope I can walk on it tomorrow.
Just got a call from surgeon's office , they moved my wife's surgery to 5am.
May not be worth going to bed.😁.

Y'all keep on trucking.

Hope you alright in the morning.
Prayers for you and Mrs Jim with her surgery.
It was a busy day. We got the last of the garden pulled up, tilled and covered with a blanket of leaves. I also pulled out one of my .22 cal target pistols, disassembled it, cleaned and lubed and put it away for the season. I replaced the non-functioning motion sensor light on the back deck with a new one from Ace Hardware… put two 60 watt LED spot lights in it, tested it just after dark, seems to be working fine. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy and quite a bit cooler, so we’ll probably stay inside and prep the guest room for holiday visitors (better known as our wandering children).
Well tonight just got real.... the governor is pushing back with further restrictions as COVID-19 worst since June.... Not Good... He told care facilities to stock up for the winter... worse....
Yes folks the beast is not dead yet..

I will be hitting the store tomorrow with a short list for the weekend meals.

I got 2 more hydroponic containers up and running tonight.

Made 6 slug traps and put them in 2 of the winter raised beds.

It is expected to rain tomorrow so I will not be getting much done in the yard, might make some progress on the basement growing station.
The wife can't understand why I am buying lettuce when I have some growing in 2 places, I tried to explain that it needs to be more than 3 inches high before you start eating it. ;)
Walked out the back door last night to see what was in the driveway.

Yeah , it was dark , except for the solar LED lights on garage.

It was a very small possum , just sitting there looking a a cat.
Well I started down the steps , my left foot halfway missed the last step.

Yep I took a tumble into the yard. Thankful it didn't hurt the yard or the step.
But , it did twist my left ankle pretty bad. Its swollen , and ice pack is getting a workout.
Hope I can walk on it tomorrow.
Just got a call from surgeon's office , they moved my wife's surgery to 5am.
May not be worth going to bed.😁.

Y'all keep on trucking.


I know how that feels, we have to move slow, and watch every step. Glad you didn't get hurt worse, stay safe.👍
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A very long day.... Highlights - My eye surgery went off without a hitch. An hour after my surgery my VA eye Doc tested me... 20/20 vision at 10ft. At 2ft I can't count my fingers which made dinner interesting. On my way home tomorrow...

Glad it went well Peanut, and if you don't mind me asking, what kind of eye surgery did you have?
Jim you must not listen very well. I thought I told you no more of those shenanigans 🙄 For reals do be careful, get some rest, and prayers to you both through tomorrow and the days that follow.
BP, I would guess he might be in Utah based on what I've heard today.
Peanut, glad all went well! Hope you are okay to drive 😳
Overall today was a pretty good day. Chilly, but Autumn is beautiful. Just worked.
Ordered the new freezer today. Delivery will be Friday. I mentioned wanting a new freezer and started shopping around. When I told K what I found he jumped on it. He even opted for the larger one than I thought he'd be okay with. I figured out the storage layout of the freezers and figured that we could make a lightweight pvc pipe shelf to go over the milk in the bottom of the freezer to store bread and veggies. K liked that Idea and wants to make one for the upright as well to make use of the dead space above the top shelf.

I downloaded some bible study outlines for next year (for me) and looked at getting a new large print study bible to go with it.
Can't remember if it let me post-- internet was barely working bc my brother used up our bandwidth & got us throttled. It resets tomorrow.
Monday I went to the post office & to my doctor's appointment. My thyroid was too low so that's why I've been so tired. They changed the brand of medication I was taking at the pharmacy so I guess the new stuff isn't as effective. I'm currently taking a pill and a half until I run out & get the new higher dose pills. My "good" cholesterol was too low & my "bad" cholesterol was too high. Sugars were also too high but I'd been stress-eating & stuffing my face with pie & candy. I need to cut back on carbs & sugars & I need to get more exercise (easier said than done bc I'm always tired-- but if my thyroid meds help me not be exhausted I can be more active).

Tuesday I took my youngest kitty Temjin to be spayed. She & her brother have never been apart for more than a few minutes so she was frightened to be alone in a carrier. Traffic sucked (people driving under speed limit in the middle of the road to block). Then the staff ignored me & took people who came in after me at the vet's office (they knew the other people & it was my first time in there). When I told them I'd been waiting 15 minutes to drop off my cat for spaying they apologized. Signed paperwork & they took her away. They called later to say it went fine & she's doing well. I pick her up tomorrow (technically today). I'm taking Mom for a foot doctor appointment. She was crabby that I didn't want to drive back in to go to the post office (I went Monday) when we can go on Wednesday. I don't know what her deal is with stuff like that. It wastes gas & I don't like to go out around people unless I have to. I always avoid people this time of year bc I get sick easily.

Namir (Temjin's brother) was losing his mind because he was separated from Temjin. He was howling & trying to find her. I'm going to let him see her when I bring her in, but will probably take her to my room for a bit as she will be sore from surgery & need to recover.

Jim, I hope your wife is doing better & that surgery will go well. It sucks to be in hospitals.
Prayers for you today, Jim.
Knowing how you feel, Spike. I get up at 6 because I have to make sure the kids are getting ready for the schoolbus. Little granddaughter has been home for the last two days because of a sick stomach. I think she's good to go today, but had to get her to agree. She is already asking what to do if she feels sick at school. I think she's fine. Wanting another day of tea, crackers, and cartoons. Husband was cringing....we have two days in the week where they all go to school and he enjoys those days. This is one of them. Doubtful that the post office is open today, Zannej. I think we have some errands in town and then out to lunch with husband.
Praying that your wife's surgery went/ is going well! Also that you stay off your ankle as much as you can, Jim!

Already walked, next feed dogs and walk them.
Will wash outside of windows today. Really this time!!!!
Write some eBay drafts.
Look at closet to clean out and switch summer/ winter clothes--doubt I will get any farther than looking at it.

New range is here at the house. Electrician and DH went to Lowes for stuff. Hoping to bake butternut squash this evening. Some of them went bad waiting for new range.
Just had a telemedicine meeting with my ARNP over Zoom. That's a first for me, and it's a little weird. The meeting was for UTI like symptoms, which I'm prone to. I guess it's not terribly unusual for middle age diabetic men. The Zoom call did have some advantages in this instance - typically the doc would do a prostate exam for this, but it's pretty difficult to do a prostate exam over Zoom so I was able to dodge that bullet! :LOL:
Just had a telemedicine meeting with my ARNP over Zoom. That's a first for me, and it's a little weird. The meeting was for UTI like symptoms, which I'm prone to. I guess it's not terribly unusual for middle age diabetic men. The Zoom call did have some advantages in this instance - typically the doc would do a prostate exam for this, but it's pretty difficult to do a prostate exam over Zoom so I was able to dodge that bullet! :LOL:
Glad you dodge that bullet Spikedriver.
Today is a day off, did a big grocery trip got some meat and staples along with a few special things the wife wanted for something. Followed the list almost to the T and in the end was sad at the price...

Have a dentist appointment is morning, it will be much more expensive than the groceries were...

After that I think I will go out some place and just burn some money, that seems to be what I am doing today....

I hope that I am up to working around the house this afternoon, but after they work on 3 teeth I may not be abe to do much of anything...
Prayers for you and your wife, Jim. It will be a long day for you.

Three dog appointments today, two dog parks, one walk.
Started peeling tomatillos yesterday. This is my first experience with using them. Hopefully I will get them finished today.
Hopefully will get more cleaning and organizing done today. Working on kitchen and dining room.

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