What's everybody doing today?

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Got my oldest mostly set up for quarantine. Several of the people she works with tested positive, one is now in the hospital, but the GM didn't tell anyone. She sent me a list of what she needs, its a long one. Cat litter, dog food and cookies. Oh, some more milk to go with the cookies, of course.

I'm upset with the GM and have already sent an email to corporate but I'm actually pretty proud of her. She has always rolled her eyes at my prepping.
The drive this morning wasn’t pleasant, fog, at times there was heavy rain off the TStorm in the gulf. I stopped for a few groceries in the big town and got home by lunch. I had a quick bite and then a nap, feeling much refreshed. No plans but rest, tv and a load of laundry.

My vision is amazing, from my living rm recliner I can read the dates on a small calendar in the kitchen (16ft). I still have trouble seeing 3ft or less. I can barely make out the letters on my keyboard.

I was told by 2 people yesterday that glasses had been made for me, an astigmatism. Yet no one ever gave me the glasses. By the time the surgery and that ordeal was over they slipped my mind. I assume very close vision is the what they are for, we’ll see.

Before leaving the hotel this morning I called the clinic to ask about them but… It’s the 11th, all VA clinics were closed, got a recording. After I got home, I called my surgery coordinator, a civilian with Callahan eye hospital and very helpful lady. She said she’d find out about my glasses and have them mailed to me or otherwise update me.

Anyway, glad to be home...
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Awesome, @Peanut !
Having never had eye surgery, every time I go to the eye place they ask me if I have had eye surgery. Nobody will tell me why they ask that so inquisitively, as if they see something amiss. I wear contacts and one contact is for near and one for distance, both eyes have astigmatism and the contacts are made for that. Wearing glasses hurts my ears and nose but I know I need to get a pair as back up. They would probably also have to have bi- or tri-focals.
@Terri9630 sorry to hear about quarantining for your oldest.
People have rolled their eyes at my prepping and I don't even have a tenth of what most of you all have.
Just tell them that they are not part of the cool kids crowd if they roll their eyes at you, Patchouli. Ask them if they had to stand in line to buy groceries last spring...only to find out there were no eggs, milk, lunchmeat, sliced bread, or tp. And then stick out your tongue at them.
Glad you made it back home safe and sound Peanut.
We had a busy day kinda. Took husband to town for his bone loss shot. Picked up prescriptions and stocked up on random stuff at the Dollar Tree. Husband wanted Burger King for lunch, so we went to the drive through, then ate it at a scenic parking spot near the nature center in town. Been cleaning like a mad woman, and some more corners to do in the morning, I'm sure. Have a luncheon to serve tomorrow. Things have to be ***** and span. Little granddaughter went to school today after missing two days and boy did she come home with the make up work. She's been working for 3 hrs. Taking the other two to Bible study at the Menno church down the road.
Power was out for the neighborhood so no remodeling today.

Went directly to sorting Legos.

I have two more totes left to sort. The bins are filling up but I just might make it.

The pseudo-daughter-in-law called to let us know the visit by the g-daughters may not happen for maybe the first time in 12 years. She is a nurses aid in a small local hospital and the kung-flu has been moving through the staff. She only has a nasal condition and is feeling funky. She will be tested tomorrow.

Being one the threatened seniors...

Besides it will give me chance to finish the Lego sorting and really blow the minds of the girls. :peace:

Twas a very long day.
Up at 3am .checked into hospital about 4:45.

Went up for surgery about 6:30 am.
Went into surgery about 7am.
Out of surgery about 9am.
Recovery till about 10 am.
Then in holding ...
No beds available.
Her BP, Oxygen all over unstable for about 3 hrs. Plus much pain until I threatened to rip someone's head off and piss down their neck, then they gave her some morphine.
They basically kicked us out, due to no bed.
Got her dressed, went 1/2 mile to get the car , on a bad ankle, got her in the car. Got her home.
She ate some lunch , took a Norco. Been doing VERY good since.
No more deep excruciating pain, just the burning from surgery.

She seems to be relieved and happy so far.
As am I. Tomorrow will tell.

Long day , we're both exhausted.

Hope yall are doing well. Sleep good tonight.

Jim and your bride, Peanut, glad you all are back home and everything seems to be going well. You all need to rest up and get feeling better. Prayers answered.
Haertig, still praying all is going good with your wife.
Talked to mom today, she seems to be doing well after getting home last night. Said her and dad slept well. Sis took them supper tonight and sent me a test saying mom is moving around better than she has seen in a long while. I'm going up after work to take them supper tomorrow.
@Peanut, I'm so glad to hear your vision is great! I really need to get something done about mine. I keep needing larger print & even with reading glasses can't always read stuff on boxes & cans at stores. But I don't have insurance so it will have to wait.

@Jim, I'm glad your wife made it through & is doing well-- I'm also glad you advocated for her to get pain meds. I had to do the same for my mother when she was in the hospital.

Took Mom to her foot doctor appointment.
Stopped at the post office. They put a key in the box to get packages out of a larger box because they were closed for Veteran's Day.
Got to the office early but doctor didn't come in until over 30minutes past the appointment time. Mom was getting restless & wanted to leave but I entertained her with music on my phone. Took about 5 minutes for the doctor to Dremel her toenails down & trim them. Since she's diabetic & has fungus on some of her toenails they have to be taken care of by a professional.
Picked up my kitten from the vet's. They said she was "a sweetie". She was very happy to see me.
Swung by to visit a friend and give him a blanket that looks like a tortilla for his baby (we nicknamed his baby Burrito bc they have to swaddle him like a burrito to keep him from being fussy).
Went to Walmart to pick up prescriptions- had to wait 20min for them to be filled so I grabbed groceries & then had to wait in line another 10 minutes at checkout.
Got home, unloaded Temjin & the groceries. Namir was excited to see her and was reaching for her while she was still in the carrier. She was reaching out to him as well. I was going to take her to my room but she wanted to be with her brother so I let her back in with him & he started grooming her & they cuddled. Yasuke came by to see her as well.
Dissected a rotisserie chicken, heated up pre-made lobster bisque for Mom, watched the tail end of Wheel of Fortune, and am now back in my room trying to relax. Back is aching a bit, but I think some rest will help. I'm about to take a nap.
Internet is still barely working but it should reset to full speed at midnight.
Wife and I took a 2-mile walk today just because the weather was so nice. 66* and very light breeze.

Don't rub it in, cowboy! It got up to 32 degrees today. I have heated buckets for the critters, but the hoses froze up!

It's a chilly day here.
I'm tired, but it's my fault.
I think Sparky told me when I mentioned I was legally 3 times 21.
Well, that would make me four years older than you are; I'm 3 X 25! Dawn is eleven years younger and as excited about turning 65 as a kid is the night before Christmas. No, she's not crazy; just looking forward to Medicare!

I got a call to come in and sub at the local high school in the morning, then head to the elementary school for the afternoon. It was literally K-12 (well, actually 12, then K (and 2nd and 4th). It's such a neat job; it gets me away from all the chores for a day!

I got home just in time to help Dawn make two "blooming onions" We have them sometime at a local steak house in Twin Falls; it involves cutting the petals of a sweet onion, adding a flour-and-spice mix, then dunking them in a egg-and-milk, and deep frying them. Neither of us had ever done any deep-frying. probably we're scared of the 400 degree temps; but we did it and it turned out pretty good. It's a real pain cutting the onion just so and spreading out the petals without the whole thing falling apart!

We're going to do it again, but next time it'll be simply onion rings, using the same recipe. Now it's back to the kitchen to drain-and-strain the oil and clean up all the mess. Finally I'll be able to do my favorite chore, involving a reclining chair and a bottle of ice-cold Modelo Negra.

**Sheerz!** I mean cheers!!
Don't rub it in, cowboy! It got up to 32 degrees today. I have heated buckets for the critters, but the hoses froze up!

Well, that would make me four years older than you are; I'm 3 X 25! Dawn is eleven years younger and as excited about turning 65 as a kid is the night before Christmas. No, she's not crazy; just looking forward to Medicare!

I got a call to come in and sub at the local high school in the morning, then head to the elementary school for the afternoon. It was literally K-12 (well, actually 12, then K (and 2nd and 4th). It's such a neat job; it gets me away from all the chores for a day!

I got home just in time to help Dawn make two "blooming onions" We have them sometime at a local steak house in Twin Falls; it involves cutting the petals of a sweet onion, adding a flour-and-spice mix, then dunking them in a egg-and-milk, and deep frying them. Neither of us had ever done any deep-frying. probably we're scared of the 400 degree temps; but we did it and it turned out pretty good. It's a real pain cutting the onion just so and spreading out the petals without the whole thing falling apart!

We're going to do it again, but next time it'll be simply onion rings, using the same recipe. Now it's back to the kitchen to drain-and-strain the oil and clean up all the mess. Finally I'll be able to do my favorite chore, involving a reclining chair and a bottle of ice-cold Modelo Negra.

**Sheerz!** I mean cheers!!
I have spent hours watching YouTube videos on blooming onions. Isn't there an overnighter involved?

Any time I bring the project up with The Princess she produces a bag of onion rings and I shut up.

dancing chicken

So to does The Princess.

But she is always keeping me honest on the time vs payoff.

She's a blessing

Ben, we bought an onion cutter, but it was too small for the two sweet onions we bought, so I just cut them on a cutting board. What I should've done (but didn't) was to core the onion first. Dawn had the dry coating made: flour, 3 Tbsp of paprika, a half-tsp of ground cayenne, and salt and pepper. I made the wet coating, which was milk, eggs, salt/pepper.

I cut into the top side of the onion about an inch below the top -- which had been cut off, of course -- almost halfway through. This would allow the petals to blossom out. I made about 16 cuts all around the onion, always starting at an inch from the top. By now the onion was pretty fragile, so I used a big slotted spoon to put it -- topside up -- into the dry coating mix, then into the wet coating mix, then back again to the dry coating and then wet coating mix - coating as best I could. By now the onion was pretty open with the petals exposed, and we carefully put it in a third bowl, repeated the process with the other onion, and put them -- one at a time -- into the peanut oil at 375 deg F. Three minutes in the oil, then I turned the onion over, gave it three more minutes, and took it out on a bed of paper towels.

Results? a B or maybe a B-. They didn't look as good as the restaurant's, and the coating had not penetrated all the way. But it tasted pretty good, although we agreed that it needed something more -- maybe a bit more cayenne -- in the wet coating mixture,

Both She-Who-Must-be-Obeyed and I agree with the Princess that onion rings are easier. I would use the same method and recipe, but would use sweet onion cut into rings. It'd still be sloppy, with all the bowls and dumping the onion back and forth, but we wouldn't have to worry about coating everything and have the onion fall apart.

They sure taste good, though. Just be prepared to have a big mess to clean up afterwards!
Absolutely nothing I don't have to do, the post op instructions I have seem trivial until applied to normal day to day chores. There are no chores that don't require bending over, picking up... So I'm going to sit here and do tv remote curls.

Don't forget that you need to do lots of the 12oz curls, and the Domono's Lifts to keep everything in balance ;)
Wife is moving better than she has in months.

Looking like this last surgery has did the trick.

Not getting too excited yet, but sure looking good.

Only surgery pain now, which is very light compared to what she's been having.

Gonna start tapering off the Norco tomorrow.

We're doing nothing today.

Hope everybody has a very happy day.

So glad for your wife, Jim and for you, Peanut! Hope you all follow instructions and take it slow and easy!

Walked first and fed dogs.
Made rice for dogs.
Cut up Cheese and Ham into bits for dogs.
Definitely sensing a theme here. LOL
Wrote 3 eBay drafts for women's jackets.
Next, I will look at or attack the bedroom closet and change out some clothing.
I may pick some greens for my neighbors.
We decided to go for lunch .

Great pork chops.

Couple fellers on here , should recognize this place , about 1 mile from my shooting range.

Don't rub it in, cowboy! It got up to 32 degrees today. I have heated buckets for the critters, but the hoses froze up!

Well, that would make me four years older than you are; I'm 3 X 25! Dawn is eleven years younger and as excited about turning 65 as a kid is the night before Christmas. No, she's not crazy; just looking forward to Medicare!

I got a call to come in and sub at the local high school in the morning, then head to the elementary school for the afternoon. It was literally K-12 (well, actually 12, then K (and 2nd and 4th). It's such a neat job; it gets me away from all the chores for a day!

I got home just in time to help Dawn make two "blooming onions" We have them sometime at a local steak house in Twin Falls; it involves cutting the petals of a sweet onion, adding a flour-and-spice mix, then dunking them in a egg-and-milk, and deep frying them. Neither of us had ever done any deep-frying. probably we're scared of the 400 degree temps; but we did it and it turned out pretty good. It's a real pain cutting the onion just so and spreading out the petals without the whole thing falling apart!

We're going to do it again, but next time it'll be simply onion rings, using the same recipe. Now it's back to the kitchen to drain-and-strain the oil and clean up all the mess. Finally I'll be able to do my favorite chore, involving a reclining chair and a bottle of ice-cold Modelo Negra.

**Sheerz!** I mean cheers!!
3 times 21 = 63.
I'm 63 years old.
Strawberry has been walked several times.
I've walked several times too.
My perpetual dab of dishes are done up for today.
Sitting in the recliner resting.
Don't feel well.
Don't feel real bad, just don't feel good.
Woke up to head cold or sinus this morning.
Decided to clean everything possible with vinegar this morning.
Including the coffee pot.
Vinegar went through the coffee pot 4 times this morning.
Now sipping on my second pot of coffee.
May watch something on Science or History channels today.
Or might just sleep for a while in the recliner.
Strawberry is snoozing away in her chair.
Peanut, you be careful.
Jim, glad Mrs. Jim is better.
Oh my nosy neighbor wanted to know if I was making pickles this morning because of the vinegar smell.
I can't smell anything, my nose is stuffed up.
Working on crochet projects.
That's all.
So glad for your wife, Jim and for you, Peanut! Hope you all follow instructions and take it slow and easy!

Walked first and fed dogs.
Made rice for dogs.
Cut up Cheese and Ham into bits for dogs.
Definitely sensing a theme here. LOL
Wrote 3 eBay drafts for women's jackets.
Next, I will look at or attack the bedroom closet and change out some clothing.
I may pick some greens for my neighbors.
How is the new stove/range?
I am at the beginnings of a seasonal cold. Just a stuffy nose and minor sore throat. I am taking elderberry tea, honey/ginger/lemon syrup and noodle soup. I feel better than I did this morning but I am trying to rest so I can nip this before it gets bad. So far the neti pot and everything else is helping.

What cold remedies do ya'll recommend or use? I want to fill my medicine chest with things that work in case we get locked down again.

FYI Newsom is being sued for the lock downs and business closures here in California. Finally!
Strawberry has been walked several times.
I've walked several times too.
My perpetual dab of dishes are done up for today.
Sitting in the recliner resting.
Don't feel well.
Don't feel real bad, just don't feel good.
Woke up to head cold or sinus this morning.
Decided to clean everything possible with vinegar this morning.
Including the coffee pot.
Vinegar went through the coffee pot 4 times this morning.
Now sipping on my second pot of coffee.
May watch something on Science or History channels today.
Or might just sleep for a while in the recliner.
Strawberry is snoozing away in her chair.
Peanut, you be careful.
Jim, glad Mrs. Jim is better.
Oh my nosy neighbor wanted to know if I was making pickles this morning because of the vinegar smell.
I can't smell anything, my nose is stuffed up.
Working on crochet projects.
That's all.

Maybe do a vinegar cleanse whenever the neighbor gets your goat! Great way to passively annoy them.
Had the cousins over for lunch and had a good time. Showed off the new chickens, gave away a rooster (have about 40 more), showed the greenhouse and stuff growing, and the milkhouse reno. Need to pick up little granddaughter from school soon. Will be meeting a non Amish cousin and his wife in town this evening for dinner and catchup.
I am at the beginnings of a seasonal cold. Just a stuffy nose and minor sore throat. I am taking elderberry tea, honey/ginger/lemon syrup and noodle soup. I feel better than I did this morning but I am trying to rest so I can nip this before it gets bad. So far the neti pot and everything else is helping.

What cold remedies do ya'll recommend or use? I want to fill my medicine chest with things that work in case we get locked down again.

FYI Newsom is being sued for the lock downs and business closures here in California. Finally!
Was going to say as AH did - bone broth! Packed with nourishment & rest which is counter-culture but required if your system is already stressed.

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