That sucks.
Grimm,Went to a different Costco this morning. Got the items I couldn't find yesterday along with a second turkey and ham. The Costco I went to is out by Palm Springs and mostly seniors. When I went to get toilet paper an older man grabbed every last package they had. This pissed everyone off that wanted just one package. I told him there was a one package limit and he threw a tantrum like a child that that was 6 months ago. Once he got belligerent I just looked at him and said, "I'm not going to fight with you. Enjoy your toilet paper fort." I walked away while everyone else jumped in to give the guy a hard time. Sucks to be him because the cashier gave him crap when he rolled up with his cart loaded with toilet paper. "Limit of one per membership!" That is when I got my one package- the employees took all of his t.p. but one and I snagged a package from their restocking area (I was told it was okay).
After the girls and I got home I made my normal call to my mom to give her the heads up on how picked over the stores are. We live in the sticks so if we are hit hard my folks have it worst living in a metro hub. I reminded her to get her turkey this week if not today.
I still need to find a Hobby Lobby that has the craft plywood in stock. I am revamping a doll bed for Roo's American Girl doll for Christmas. Not really an American Girl doll but an 18" Gotz doll I got used and cleaned up. I never had an American Girl doll growing up but got myself a small collection of them used when I worked at a doll hospital. I spent my paychecks restoring those dolls. Roo and Juju have never seen them. I am afraid they will get trashed if I take them out of storage. Same with my Chatty Cathy collection and my Gene dolls (not to mention my vintage Barbies that are older than I am). I have been thinking of selling a few off to add to our raw land fund.
Nevermind. I'm rambling.
Oh, that won't work. But thank you for the information anyway.The coffee pot, Mo. Just use vinegar.
Had an old biker come take a ride on the Harley. He's thinking about it. He's thinking his brother is thinking about it because his brother has a sportster and it's kinda small. Not fun for a passenger anyway.
That sucks.
If you should happen to decide to sell some of your toys.
Be sure to get Auctioneer or Auction House that deals in toys .
Sotherby's comes to mind and they have offices, auction houses in California, New York, London.
Sotherby's New York is who sold some of my toys when I sold them.
Just a thought.
Such good news, Jim! With the holidays coming, this will make things so much better.Tomorrow will be one week since wife's surgery.
I can report that the 4 days that she was in very bad shape seems to be behind us.
I believe I'm seeing her rounding the curve.
Today was a good day . She is near normal, eating and drinking .
She is still very weak, and some slight pain , mostly just uncomfortable in her lower back.
Seems the severe pain that she has had since August 6th is gone.
Looks like we will get back to a normal life, as much as we can , in this covid crap.
Thank all of you for your prayers and kind words.
It is quite a load off my mind .
Such good news, Jim! With the holidays coming, this will make things so much better.
The time does come to pass the torch or mantle of responsibility. This might be a good year to let others start being more responsible. I know a family where Grannie always hosted all the holiday meals. When she died, the holiday meals stopped happening. I thought it was a shame that the 93 year old grannie was still doing all the cooking and hosting.We are discussing now whether to have Thanksgiving dinner for family at our house or the daughters .
May be easier on wife just to go to daughters , if she's strong enough.
We're supplying the 25lb bbq ham and yams , maybe a few other sides.
Yes, @phideaux going to daughter's will mean you guys can leave when you need to. From what I heard, the word in the woods, you might be taking a ham and yams. They are adults and can handle all the rest of it themselves.
Congratulations @Bacpacker I hope you got a significant raise
@Amish Heart @Grimm my aunt made ceramic dolls and gave me cast-offs that she could never sell. My kids didn't want them. A friend makes them too so I gave them to her. She was happy to receive them. I priced them on ebay and nobody was selling that kind of stuff for a good price.
@UrbanHunter @Bacpacker other gardeners: do you put in cover crops on your gardens to over-winter? Rye, alfalfa, etc?