What's everybody doing today?

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Baby Reign,
She's trying to sit up, rollover.
She's found her feet.
Yep, they're in her mouth.
Pretty precious
View attachment 54768
Love the picture and update.

It reminded of the time I was watching my son wave his arms wildly and smacked himself in the face. He stopped looked at his hand and I could here him think

"Did I just do that?"

Today the wife gave me her Baker Seed list, after I ordered them I think I may never need to order seeds again.......

The son came in and set the Christmas tree up today... it looks nice.

I took a long lunch (actually I started work at 03:00 so it wasn't that long) and took a load to the land fill, mostly sorted metal for recycling, as I walked out to the truck it snowed on me, not a lot but just enough to feel like real winter...

After work I took the wife to the beauty shop, I was allowed to escort her in (actually carry all her gear in) and then had to go wait in the car....
Well, I just got off the phone with the hatchery.

We did a comprise and agreed that 4 of the ducklings are crosses and they are going to replace them when I put in a order for meat chicks when it gets a bit cooler.
I can't do meat chicks atm. We've got killing heat and it'll steadily get worse until mid Feb.
So yesterday I spent 5-6 hrs on the phone with quick books trying to figure out why one client is listed and taxed in two different counties (only has one address). Turns out to be a glitch on there end that is being worked on but in the process, I spoke with 2 different people who sounded "young." Both were nice, but the first was a young man. At one point I asked if I needed to inquire with Dept of Rev. He said "What?" So I repeated myself. He said, "What is inquire?" I kid you not! I was appalled. I wasn't trying to use big words. I was just trying find a solution. The second was a gal who actually finally discovered there was an issue, again nice. But she said "Here's the investigation number." I wrote it down as she was saying it, but then asked what it was for. Her reply was "Well, you know." That was it. I actually said No I don't know. What do I need to do. She said they would email me. So again I said so why do I need this number? She said so I could check on it. I was done at that point. I was busy today so will look into it again tomorrow. I usually like to have taxes done by the 10th so will see what happens.
Gorgeous day here today which was a pleasant break from the fog and cold we've had lately.
I was up late. Uninstalled & reinstalled Sketchup to re-set the free trial so I could play with it some more. I'm still having trouble trying to make the weird sink but at least I've got an oval shape basin now. I can't even remember how I made it months ago. I followed some Youtube tutorial.
I played some World of Warcraft until friend's fiance asked me to take her to the courthouse to get the forms from the DA to get the local PD to relinquish her phone. Local PD was initially telling her she can never have it back but DA's office told her that was pure BS. The prosecutor personally filled out the paperwork & had her sign it and told her what to say to them to get her phone back.
Took her to the PD & they claimed their property clerk was out for the rest of the week & to come back Monday. She had called earlier & they said the clerk was there but as soon as she said she had the forms to get her phone they suddenly claimed the clerk was not there. I suspect they misplaced her phone & need time to look for it. Evidence often goes missing from this PD. The former chief of police (who has since been indicted) had been caught with some of the property stolen from evidence.

I picked up mail. The form to change the billing for our power company arrived. Just have to make sure mom fills it out so I can return it & have it arrive by the 20th. Mom is having to move all of her stuff over to a different bank bc her main bank closed it's local branch so we'd have to drive an hour to find the nearest one. Plus they suck & she should have shifted away from them years ago.

Went to the grocery store. Brought food to friend's house & we ate. I got him some groceries bc I know he needs them. Left my brother over there & came home & cooked for Mom.

Found a nice faucet for the guest bathroom that I'm hoping to order. It's a Delta Porter faucet- nice high arc.

Meanwhile, I've tried to no avail to find a neurologist that will take my friend's form of Medicaid. His insurance told him there isn't a single one in the state that takes it though. So, he may have to go in as a charity case somewhere. Maybe one of the university hospitals. Will have to try Shreveport.

Right now I'm waiting to hear from my brother on when he wants me to pick him up. Some new video game came out & he's playing it over at our friend's house.
K got a phone call tonight from his 'boss' saying he has to quarantine for 14 days at no pay. Seems he was in a room for a meeting with someone that tested positive for covid today. He was told he had to stay out the full 14 days negative test or not. Fun.

I did some quick research and they have to pay him for the time he is not at work under the FFCRA (Families First Covid Response Act). He is going to be making some calls tomorrow to make sure they pay him. I guess this could be a blessing. We could get a lot done with him home. It will also give him time to put out some feelers with other companies.
I was planning on going down to our old place to pick up our Christmas stuff and see my sister. Well, its supposed to start showing in a few hrs and my sister just called. Her boyfriend is sick. He's going to get tested tomorrow. I my just stay up here on my mountain.....
If he is otherwise reasonably healthy, why get tested? One of my neice's tested positive. A day later second neice started getting sick so just stayed home and got better. They live together but second neice wasn't going to be a statistic. They were better within a couple days but stayed home the duration. Unless I had severe health issues, I wouldn't get tested. (Just me)
If he is otherwise reasonably healthy, why get tested? One of my neice's tested positive. A day later second neice started getting sick so just stayed home and got better. They live together but second neice wasn't going to be a statistic. They were better within a couple days but stayed home the duration. Unless I had severe health issues, I wouldn't get tested. (Just me)

He works in a grocery store and they require it and my sister is diabetic with thyroid issues so they want to know.

Oh, and she's worried about being around me with the kids heart issues.
I’m behind on this part of the forum, just noticed I’ve got 8/9 pages to catch up on…

I’ve had several quiet days in a row, several trips to town for various errands. Ran into another uneducated checkout girl at the grocery store. I gave her a $20, two $1’s and 3 pennies for a bill of $12.03, she just stood there looking dumbfounded. I actually had to tell her to give me back a ten. Somehow this doesn’t surprise me anymore…

A quiet time here on the farm, winter isn’t here yet but all the fall chores are done. I need to prune the elderberry bushes and 2 of the fig trees, now’s the time. Night before last I shot at coyotes, didn’t hit anything but it makes them shut up their yapping.

Dad actually tried to run the pole saw today. I’m thankful he’s regained enough strength to try but shouldn’t do it unless I’m around. He managed to run the new chain I’d put on it into the brick wall of the shop. I think I’m going to get him an electric chain sharpener for Christmas, somehow, I think this will happen again. He’ll be 87 in another month, this time last year I didn’t think he’d see 86.

The puppy is still growing like a weed. I had to cut the choke chain off of him with the bolt cutters the other day. When I put it on him it’d slip off his head when he ate, 5 weeks later I had to cut it. He’s growing so fast I’m starting to worry about him around dad. The pup hates the barn cats and is big enough to run over dad trying to get at one. I weighed him Monday at 56lbs… and still growing. Seems like yesterday he was tiny.

(I only use a choke chain on young pups at 3 months or so… Until they learn to behave on a lead line or leash. As soon as they learn I stop using one, just a temporary training aid.)
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Going to run to town later. Found a meat grinder accessory kit for my kitchen aid for $25 on a facebook group. Also, need a few things from Kroger.

New phone works fine so I just ordered a case for it.

Will walk sometime today and then work on organizing freezers!

Since it will be 73 today, I will harvest radishes to pickle another day.
Today the wife gave me her Baker Seed list, after I ordered them I think I may never need to order seeds again.......

The son came in and set the Christmas tree up today... it looks nice.

I took a long lunch (actually I started work at 03:00 so it wasn't that long) and took a load to the land fill, mostly sorted metal for recycling, as I walked out to the truck it snowed on me, not a lot but just enough to feel like real winter...

After work I took the wife to the beauty shop, I was allowed to escort her in (actually carry all her gear in) and then had to go wait in the car....

dID she tip you?:)
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I’m behind on this part of the forum, just noticed I’ve got 8/9 pages to catch up on…

I’ve had several quiet days in a row, several trips to town for various errands. Ran into another uneducated checkout girl at the grocery store. I gave her a $20, two $1’s and 3 pennies for a bill of $12.03, she just stood there looking dumbfounded. I actually had to tell her to give me back a ten. Somehow this doesn’t surprise me anymore…
LOL! I have done this, handed money to round up so I get one bill in return and the person has told me I gave them too much money. Yes, and please give me a 1, 5 or 10 back. Common Crap has contributed to this. I didn't have to use it when I was teaching because I was using Montessori math but when I had it to augment and to prep for testing, I never saw any money work.
I'm not sure if there's a better place for this - if so, feel free to move it. But wanted to let you all know - I deleted my Facebook account completely since I never used it and only had it to check up on my daughter when she was younger. Since deleting it, my email spam box has been empty and I have not been receiving naughty content texts from unknown numbers. Probably not a coincidence.
Today, is a day off so I am doing thing like transplanting sprouts and returning building material. When we did the kitchen a number of shipments from Ikea were delayed, we drove 2 states over to get key parts for the from stores that were not closed for COVID-19, as we completed the build the parts we had ordered started arriving.... So I have been sitting with flat pack boxes in the living room for 2 months because I hate doing returns and those things are heavy. The son is here today for a couple of hours so now seems like a good time to do the returns.

The indoor garden is going nuts so I have to start transplanting into growing containers even if I don't have the lights for the shelves yet. I am using 3' window boxes, #10 cans, and 3 & 5 gallon buckets in addition to my hydroponic salad tubs... lots to do and so little time.
Today, is a day off so I am doing thing like transplanting sprouts and returning building material. When we did the kitchen a number of shipments from Ikea were delayed, we drove 2 states over to get key parts for the from stores that were not closed for COVID-19, as we completed the build the parts we had ordered started arriving.... So I have been sitting with flat pack boxes in the living room for 2 months because I hate doing returns and those things are heavy. The son is here today for a couple of hours so now seems like a good time to do the returns.

The indoor garden is going nuts so I have to start transplanting into growing containers even if I don't have the lights for the shelves yet. I am using 3' window boxes, #10 cans, and 3 & 5 gallon buckets in addition to my hydroponic salad tubs... lots to do and so little time.

Sounds great .I miss our gardening.
I'm not sure if there's a better place for this - if so, feel free to move it. But wanted to let you all know - I deleted my Facebook account completely since I never used it and only had it to check up on my daughter when she was younger. Since deleting it, my email spam box has been empty and I have not been receiving naughty content texts from unknown numbers. Probably not a coincidence.

FB disabled my account for changing my BDay.Good riddence.
Went to the coffee shop this morning and just farted around home til lunch. This afternoon I'll go to the gym for a while. This evening I'll get one of my daughter's Christmas presents. She wants an Under Armour type of hoodie with her school's Bulldog logo. There's a little main street shop in town that sells gifts and knick knacks, and they make custom printed t-shirts and hoodies with our school's mascot on them. I'll see if they have those or can make one. If not, she'll get a regular hoodie with the Bulldog on it. Due to Covid-19 the store is only open Thursday evening and Saturdays so I guess I have to do it tonight...
Went to the coffee shop this morning and just farted around home til lunch. This afternoon I'll go to the gym for a while. This evening I'll get one of my daughter's Christmas presents. She wants an Under Armour type of hoodie with her school's Bulldog logo. There's a little main street shop in town that sells gifts and knick knacks, and they make custom printed t-shirts and hoodies with our school's mascot on them. I'll see if they have those or can make one. If not, she'll get a regular hoodie with the Bulldog on it. Due to Covid-19 the store is only open Thursday evening and Saturdays so I guess I have to do it tonight...

I didn't know you had two daughters.

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