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Didn't get to do much, am short on some of the lights for then new growing area. I was able to make a sort-of French Shower Curtain around the outside of the shelves using a bunch of 1/2" copper pipe and fittings, it is supported with a pipe going down inside each of 3 legs on the shelves. Now the plants can get a full window of sun and we still have privacy...
Glad your out of hospital and improving.
Never heard of that either.

Well well, took the wife to big town today . To let her buy her Christmas presents from me😁.
She picked out 2 necklaces, one is diamond the other is pearl..
I could a bought 2-3 guns for what I spent, and they don't shoot, or do anything. 😆😆.

Then went and drove that SUV , Explorer ST. OMG.
What a machine.

Almost did the deal , we're about $1500 apart.
Gonna see who caves first.

Wife held up very well, just very tired.
Glad she got out today.

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This just looked like a fun toy, so I made one yesterday. It works as advertised, and there is method to the madness. You always have a fire starter and tinder for everyday carry.
A couple of other fire starter tips:

Get you some of those trick can't-blow-'em-out birthday candles. They are great in the wind. Even in the wind, a wooden match head will usually burn long enough to get one of those candles lit, if you're quick and have everything ready in advance. The matches themselves are pretty useless for starting a fire in the wind, but you can use them to light your fail-safe mega-match ... the can't-blow-'em-out candle! Then the wind can blow like crazy, and those silly candles just keep re-lighting themselves. They are great for getting a fire started in adverse conditions.

Another good thing to have is a simple pencil sharpener. Those little rectangular things you see in school kids supply containers with their pencils. In the wild, find yourself a stick about the diameter of a pencil and "sharpen it". The shavings that come off are great tinder. Plus, if the stick is wet from the rain, you can sharpen off the outer wet wood and get to the center dry wood, unless the stick is totally saturated.

And I do use those cotton balls with vaseline on them. I take jumbo diameter plastic drinking straws and cut them to a length that will fit into whatever container I want my fire starting supplies to be in. I pinch one end of the straw closed with a pair of hemostats, and use a BIC lighter to melt the end together, sealing it. Then I roll my vasoline cotton balls into long thin strings and shove as many as I can into the straw. Then I clamp and melt the other end. I end up with a handy waterproof way to carry emergency fire starter (use your pocket knife to cut it open for use - you have to fluff the cotton balls).

Grab some of the polysporin/neosporin ointment from your first aid kit if you don't have vasoline handy. It works just like vasoline for fire starting. And it obviously doubles as a first aid item as well.
@dademoss So happy to hear you escaped! You'll rest and heal better at home. I've never heard of that either but hope you recover quickly.
@MoBookworm1957 Bet baby Reign is growing like a weed!
Jim good you 2 got out and enjoyed your day.
Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer by about 10 degrees- yay! I've been frozen for about a month now. ❄️
We went out for donuts late morning, and I ate a huge apple fritter. Husband got a haircut, and then he wanted mexican food. So we did that, and I felt bleech all afternoon. Too much sugar, too much fat and hot stuff. I know better. Found a black blouse on sale for granddaughter's band performance that she needed. Didn't find a black dress shirt for grandson, so ordered one on line. The floor to the bedroom add on is on the basement, so it's starting to come together. We had to sit down this evening and draw out precisely the bedroom space, windows, closet, handicapped bathroom, and down stairwell from the 650 sq ft square we have to work with. Needed to make the bathroom extra large to allow for a 6 ft walk in shower, pedestal sink that a wheel chair can get under, a taller toilet with grab rails, and enough floorspace for a full turn around with a wheelchair. The shower barely has a lip to the edge so I can roll him to the shower seat if need be. Hopefully this will be finished by the end of the month. We get greeted early morning with lots of hammering noises. I won't complain until the wall comes out to make a door way to it from our existing little cave of a bedroom. Then I better get up earlier.
A couple of other fire starter tips:

Get you some of those trick can't-blow-'em-out birthday candles. They are great in the wind. Even in the wind, a wooden match head will usually burn long enough to get one of those candles lit, if you're quick and have everything ready in advance. The matches themselves are pretty useless for starting a fire in the wind, but you can use them to light your fail-safe mega-match ... the can't-blow-'em-out candle! Then the wind can blow like crazy, and those silly candles just keep re-lighting themselves. They are great for getting a fire started in adverse conditions.

Another good thing to have is a simple pencil sharpener. Those little rectangular things you see in school kids supply containers with their pencils. In the wild, find yourself a stick about the diameter of a pencil and "sharpen it". The shavings that come off are great tinder. Plus, if the stick is wet from the rain, you can sharpen off the outer wet wood and get to the center dry wood, unless the stick is totally saturated.

And I do use those cotton balls with vaseline on them. I take jumbo diameter plastic drinking straws and cut them to a length that will fit into whatever container I want my fire starting supplies to be in. I pinch one end of the straw closed with a pair of hemostats, and use a BIC lighter to melt the end together, sealing it. Then I roll my vasoline cotton balls into long thin strings and shove as many as I can into the straw. Then I clamp and melt the other end. I end up with a handy waterproof way to carry emergency fire starter (use your pocket knife to cut it open for use - you have to fluff the cotton balls).

Grab some of the polysporin/neosporin ointment from your first aid kit if you don't have vasoline handy. It works just like vasoline for fire starting. And it obviously doubles as a first aid item as well.

I keep both the trick candles and the pencil sharpener in my fire kits. I also keep about a 10" square piece of aluminum foil. It can be used to hold tinder if the ground is wet and in a pinch it will ignite if you hold it on the ends of a battery. This video even starts out with the guy using a pencil sharpener and a stick.

Hope things workout for you. Hope your friend can get off the bum rap....

Lived in a place with no hot water or gas for the stove for a while, had to heat a 5 gallon bucket with a space heater to take a luke warm spit-bath.... that sucked. I was really thankful for electric blankets and space heaters.

It makes me so thankful for all the things I have today....
He has the worst luck of anyone I've ever met. I tend to have some bad luck as well, but not as bad as his. People just keep taking from him & screwing him over & life just keeps repeatedly kicking him in the balls. Every time he seems to be getting back on track something disastrous happens. I managed to pull some $ out of my bank to cover his bills for this month but I can't afford to do it again.
He found out he's got multiple blood clots in his head (he'd had one large one that broke up). At least one of them is interfering with signal from his eye. They could go into his heart or something vital at any moment & kill him. It's making him a bit dizzy. He got woozy on the courthouse steps. He's also blacked out a few times. Unfortunately, no neurologists will take him as a patient bc he has Medicaid & not a single damn one in the entire frickin' state will take Medicaid patients. I guess they just expect those people to die. His condition is life-threatening. He told his boss & the boss told him "Hey, you still driving out to Texas next week? If not, we have to replace you". Like, dude had a stroke, is blind in his left eye, & can't safely drive... WTF? He said the company he works for is the type that will post a new job listing before his obituary is up.

Took his fiance to the court and, as I suspected, her attorney was only interested in pushing a plea deal & refused to even attempt to defend her. He actually accepted a plea without her permission & announced to the judge that she'd accepted it & she was too scared to argue. The prosecution's witnesses didn't even show up & they didn't bring her phone (which they confiscated over a year ago) to turn back over to her. I bet they won't even bring it. We overheard the prosecutor saying that if they "read between the lines" it was clear the "other girl was the real problem" but they still refused to dismiss charges. They did lower it to disturbing the peace & said the charge would pretty much go away after awhile once court fees & fine are paid. Still total BS. Although, I felt really sorry for the guy who showed up for his trial & his attorney didn't even bother to show up. They didn't offer him a new attorney or anything. He asked for dismissal & they laughed at him. Bunch of clowns. My friend's fiance hasn't been able to get a job bc of the pending charge & with my friend about to get laid off, they won't be able to pay unless the fiance gets a job asap. Walmart wouldn't hire her bc of the background check thing-- and Walmart hires people who shoplifted from them.

I took Mom for her eye doctor appointment. Her eyes are doing well for her age & no signs of any damage caused by her Diabetes. I think her eyes are better than mine at this point. My vision has declined in the last few months but I can't afford to go to an eye doctor. Went to Samsclub to grab groceries & then to the Chinese buffet. Owner is taking the pandemic seriously-- only allows a few people in at a time, has plastic barriers between booths, requires people to wear masks & provides gloves, hand sanitizer on the tables, constantly has staff cleaning up, & has customers spaced out inside the restaurant so we aren't all crammed together. Owner told me he won't go to doctors unless absolutely necessary now bc he's afraid someone in the waiting room will have Covid. We stopped by to see my friend on the way home. They were trying to get his fat baby to crawl but it wasn't happening. Man, that baby is so fat! His legs & arms are like overstuffed sausages. His cheeks are huge. I suspect the pediatrician will say they need to reduce his feedings & give him some water instead of formula.
We went to Bass Pro before lunch so the girls could see Santa. Not happy that the pictures are distant and not cropped but I got a digital copy and I can edit it myself later. Can you see the glass between Santa and the girls?!

Picked up my leaf blower.
Blowed all my leafs, it worked great.
Went to post office to buy stamps.
Went to dump with a bag of non burnable garbage.
Went to Wal Mart , wait while wife went in to pick up a few things.
Came home unloaded and put away the stuff she bought.
Went to our favorite eatery, ordered and eat outside, as it was 64 deg today .
Once every 4-6 weeks , I drive the Ram truck, the Caddy and Vette.
Took the truck to Walmart, took the Caddy to eat, came home, got the Vette out and clean some carbon.
Good for another 6 weeks.

Then graded in the renters driveway .
Put more corn out for the deer ...muzzle load season starts Saturday.

Resting now.

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Took mom to pick up her new glasses. She picked out new frames before Thanksgiving, forgot what she picked out, and gave the lady a bit of a hard time. For some reason, she had it in her head that her new frames were itty bitty. I have no idea what she was talking about. But she sees well out of them, and they look good.
Did a big shopping trip at Aldi. Found some more instant (dehydrated) sweet potatoes for medium term storage. They were cleaned out of their frozen foods. Still had the limit four of each kind of canned food. In the habit of getting four of everything everytime I go. Found some good german Christmas cookies and treats I'll hold back till next week. Got a Chic fil a peppermint milkshake to enjoy while in town. Just got groceries dates and put away. Grandson just went up to do his (weekly) shave before Bible study. The lovely Amanda goes to Bible Study, too, and he usually tries to look spiffy Wednesday nights.
Got some decent hay today, very tired now and just wanted to watch some Netflix but the internet is either just slow or we are out of data again...soooo....

Tomorrow will be shopping , need milk ( both milk goats are currently dried up, waiting for the first one to have her kids , she should be due soon) , need a few other things. I am debating what town to shop in, the 2 nearest ones are about the same distance, one walmart is slightly larger than the other one, and has more cashiers, but there is always way more people in that one also which I don't like
@dademoss So happy to hear you escaped! You'll rest and heal better at home. I've never heard of that either but hope you recover quickly.
@MoBookworm1957 Bet baby Reign is growing like a weed!
Jim good you 2 got out and enjoyed your day.
Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer by about 10 degrees- yay! I've been frozen for about a month now. ❄
Baby Reign,
She's trying to sit up, rollover.
She's found her feet.
Yep, they're in her mouth.
Pretty precious

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