What's everybody doing today?

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Last night the wife looked at the hydroponic lettuce on the countertop, then she asked when did you start this? Then you could see her start doing the math... Next question, how many of these do you have growing? Now she is interested in what is growing down in the "Bat Cave".

Last night I completed a survey of the plants that are growing and the ones that did not sprout. I plan to replant any of the important ones plus the things my wife suggested that I add. I am sitting here looking at seed packets getting ready to start a new batch, only 5 plant types this time.

I am feeling much better, have a bad case of chapped lips. I read on line about how to care for a bone graft and noted that they say no HOT foods, I wish the dentist had included that in his list, I had 2 bowls of soup, now I will be second guessing myself, I hate incomplete information... Good news is I am losing a couple of pounds each day, and lord knows that I have plenty to spare!
Going to church this morning.
Glad wife is up to it.

Then we got to order and pick up lunch .... somewhere.
Today is the last day , for a while , I hope.
Restaurants are opening tomorrow again for inside dining tomorrow.

After that ...... Who knows.

Its cold..er today 40 deg.

I sure hope all here have a wonderful Sunday.

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28 degrees here right now, and a few inches of snow from last night. Still need to feed the chickens, being lazy. Husband cancelled his covid test appt because he doesn't want to go. Rapid tests aren't very accurate anyway. He said he'll let me know if he needs to go to ER, but looking at him this morning, I think he'll be allright. Plenty to do around here today. Dispatched 3 more roosters yesterday. Still plenty to go.
Ladies, Gentlemen, and babies,
It's cold outside.
I believe I shall stay inside.
Floors have been given lick and promise.
Same with the furniture.
Sipping coffee.
Crock pot died sometime yesterday.
Bummer- got 3 years out of it.
Will be using pressure/cooker canner to make up pot of soup.
At least till I can get to Wal*Mart to replace slow cooker/crock pot.
Making grocery list.
Window shopping.
Crocheting for next year's hats,scarfs sets for Christmas.
If this pattern works out will be making oldest grand daughter "Grinch" hat, scarf set.
Might make a few other sets too.
Ladies, Gentlemen, and babies,
It's cold outside.
I believe I shall stay inside.
Floors have been given lick and promise.
Same with the furniture.
Sipping coffee.
Crock pot died sometime yesterday.
Bummer- got 3 years out of it.
Will be using pressure/cooker canner to make up pot of soup.
At least till I can get to Wal*Mart to replace slow cooker/crock pot.
Making grocery list.
Window shopping.
Crocheting for next year's hats,scarfs sets for Christmas.
If this pattern works out will be making oldest grand daughter "Grinch" hat, scarf set.
Might make a few other sets too.
It is mighty cold here today as well. Have to do a little shoveling.

Is it possible that a new crockpot could go on your Christmas wish list?
Husband's breathing got bad, so I had to leave him at ER. He was not very happy about being left. Home, waiting for them to call, and they said it'd be a couple of hours. So, their policy is no visitors in ER, ICU or covid. But visitors allowed in regular hospital room if he doesn't have covid but needs to stay. Talked to our kids and gave them a heads up. Husband just texted and said covid test results in 45 min. Missing him.
Husband's breathing got bad, so I had to leave him at ER. He was not very happy about being left. Home, waiting for them to call, and they said it'd be a couple of hours. So, their policy is no visitors in ER, ICU or covid. But visitors allowed in regular hospital room if he doesn't have covid but needs to stay. Talked to our kids and gave them a heads up. Husband just texted and said covid test results in 45 min. Missing him.
Wishing him and you the best outcome! Prayers!
Thanks! He just texted and said they did two covid tests. One takes 5 days to get back. The quick test will know soon. They said positive on that test is positive. Negative has a 25% chance of being wrong. Hmm.

Amish do yall have a nurse thing in your area? Like Visting Angels or Hospice that is not just for the terminally ill? Hope your hubbyis ok and home soon.🙏
I'm the visiting angel. Been dealing with this man's health for 38 yrs. Have even administered sterile antibiotics to a pic line every 8 hrs, to allow him to be at home. Unless he needs to be intubated, we're good.
He texted. Has covid. Explains my sore throat and heavy chest the past few days. Thought I was overdoing the nicorette gum. Maybe we will both lose a few pounds when the taste and smell go away. Sending him home with regeneron, upping his steroids which he takes anyway, and he can have different antibiotics if he needs them, but he's on one anyway normally. I get to pick him up in about a half hour. Pharmacist daughter was ready to hop on a plane, told her to stay away. Little granddaughter just yelled at Levi the neighbor boy to stay away till Christmas. Closing the house down till Christmas. I guess I better order online stocking stuffers!
I'm the visiting angel. Been dealing with this man's health for 38 yrs. Have even administered sterile antibiotics to a pic line every 8 hrs, to allow him to be at home. Unless he needs to be intubated, we're good.
He texted. Has covid. Explains my sore throat and heavy chest the past few days. Thought I was overdoing the nicorette gum. Maybe we will both lose a few pounds when the taste and smell go away. Sending him home with regeneron, upping his steroids which he takes anyway, and he can have different antibiotics if he needs them, but he's on one anyway normally. I get to pick him up in about a half hour. Pharmacist daughter was ready to hop on a plane, told her to stay away. Little granddaughter just yelled at Levi the neighbor boy to stay away till Christmas. Closing the house down till Christmas. I guess I better order online stocking stuffers!

Amish I know you will but let me say 'take care anyway'. 🙏 :huggs:.
Looks like some here are already set up pretty good for home care,thats a real plus,imo. We are trying to work on home care for when the day comes we will need it.
Phone ususally rings when I'm commenting so lose thought.:confused2:.
I put up a thread on the subject here a couple years ago.
Thanks! He's home now, had a sandwich and coffee. Can't taste it. Just emailed Mennonite Manor to put mom on quarantine because we took her to get her eyeglasses Wednesday. So we'll be off quarantine on the 21st, and she will be on the 23rd. Grandkids had a special Christmas deal at the Menno church Bible study group on the 23rd, so they are happy they can go. Now I need to call mom and let her know she can't leave her place, and she's going to be mad. We'll have her for Christmas, so we'll make it up to her.
So for husband's covid meds: he goes in tomorrow to the ER infusion clinic for a 2 hr infusion of a special drug to help with covid. Doc says it can get bad between day 10 and 14, and this helps. He is on day 5. They upped his predisolone, but he's been on almost 20 mg a day for 40 yrs, so now he's on more. He takes azithromycin 3 times a week all the time anyway, so they said they would of prescribed it anyway. And I have a feeling he'll be ok, too, so thanks Phideaux. So far I have a sore throat and keep sneezing. But I could taste the cherry platz I just ate.
Well, I'm sneezing and coughing and a sore throat. Our parrot is sneezing and coughing, too. Then he yells, "Sh*t". He needs to stop.
Making dinner, then we'll gather round the tv for a Christmas movie and eat on tv trays. Such is the life for the kids when you live with grandparents.
Thanks! He's home now, had a sandwich and coffee. Can't taste it. Just emailed Mennonite Manor to put mom on quarantine because we took her to get her eyeglasses Wednesday. So we'll be off quarantine on the 21st, and she will be on the 23rd. Grandkids had a special Christmas deal at the Menno church Bible study group on the 23rd, so they are happy they can go. Now I need to call mom and let her know she can't leave her place, and she's going to be mad. We'll have her for Christmas, so we'll make it up to her.
So for husband's covid meds: he goes in tomorrow to the ER infusion clinic for a 2 hr infusion of a special drug to help with covid. Doc says it can get bad between day 10 and 14, and this helps. He is on day 5. They upped his predisolone, but he's been on almost 20 mg a day for 40 yrs, so now he's on more. He takes azithromycin 3 times a week all the time anyway, so they said they would of prescribed it anyway. And I have a feeling he'll be ok, too, so thanks Phideaux. So far I have a sore throat and keep sneezing. But I could taste the cherry platz I just ate.
They say laying on your stomach is better than even the ventiltors.:dunno:
It is hard to not worry about all the boardies here and their loved ones, especially when they're compromised with questionable health and maybe have others living with them. Sorry about your mom having to stay in.
You're awesome, Amish, you guys will get through it.
Hmmm. Lately he's been sleeping some on the recliner, and some on a fold out bed next to it. The oxygen works better when he's on the bed, even elevated with a few pillows, but then his back hurts. Couldn't be on his stomach with the bipap mask and oxygen unless he slept on a massage table thingy. Ha Ha. I'll be happy when the build on is finished in a few weeks because it's custom built for his comfort. Hoping he'll sleep better and move around better.
Thanks Patch. Talked to my favorite cousin, and hey, I guess we get to see each other. That's a bonus. MIL is freaking out and one of my sisters because of exposing mom. We've been branded the ones that didn't stay in and follow the hiding out rules. Honestly, we haven't gone to parties or anything. Nine days to go, and we'll be clear. Then no mask necessary. We'll be immune if we can get this over with.
Do you gain immunity if you've had it? I didn't get that impression. I hope you don't get any sicker and can stay on track with moving your husband into his new area when it is time. And the kids! I hope they don't get sick. Your parrot sounds like a bad boy. Cursing after sneezing. lol
I taught my parakeet to say meow and here kitty kitty. We didn't have a cat though.
First @Amish Heart huge prayers for hubby and your family! What a time 🙏
It snowed this morning ❄️ Absolutely beautiful! We went and got a Christmas tree 🎄 in the mountains 🏔. Again beautiful- they are all Christmas trees when covered with snow. I wanted a spruce this year and hubby found a cute one with a crooked trunk. It’s great! He cut it and we walked about 8’ and there was a picture perfect one. Hubby said “That is perfect, but I like my crooked tree.” 😂. It’s up and decorated and we think looks nice crooked trunk and all.
@snappy1 hubby is interested in both your pickled radishes and your popper meatballs. If you share recipes would you be willing to PM them to me?
There's a lot of good things about being a experienced and licenced reptile keeper.

You learn tricks of the trade about how to track snakes ....and that translates to the 2 legged variety.

I'm going to the big smoke tomorrow for specialist appointments.
I'm leaving the house unattended and even though I have cameras I'll be using a reptile keepers trick...
I'll be using a sieve and laying down a super fine layer of flour on the path to the front door and in front of double gates that lead to my back yard.
Any one walking up to the door or the gates will have their foot prints show...if they try to rub them out..it'll show.
It's a low tech way of keeping tabs on the place.

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