What's everybody doing today?

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Went shopping for a recliner today. I learned the "overstock places". all get their stuff from the same supplier, and it's all deficient in at least one area. Won't stay open, won't close, back to short, bad fabric/ffake leather upholstery, etc etc. Ikea has a candidate, we will look at that one tomorrow and see how it fares.

Yes we have to look these gift horses in the mouth.
I can't eat grapefruit as it conflicts with some of my medication. I used to love Pomello (which is related to grapefruit) but it contains the same things that conflict with my statins.

My brother picked up some fried chicken from a local small restaurant/take out place last night. I ate a bunch of it and my stomach regrets it. I was in bed sick most of the day and still having issues. I may need to take more Pepto Bismol soon. Not sure if it was the chicken or if it's my stomach bc I was having nausea and stomach pain the day before too. I had arrhythmia last night and had trouble sleeping. Finally got to sleep and didn't wake up until after doctor's office closed. My cat, Bethesda zerged into the bathroom when I got up and kept meowing at me for attention so I had to hold her and pet her to keep her from climbing up on stuff and knocking things down.

I'm waiting for my friend to send me a picture of the front door now that it's installed. Already received some of before it was installed. It's an exterior door but there is no header at all. Just open space. There was some sort of Smirnoff bottle cap crammed up above the old door (which was put in 30+ years ago). It's a 32x80 door and his storm door broke so I need to figure out what size storm door to get (one that will fit inside the brickmold).
Good morning! Already did exercise video.
One load of laundry done.
Going to Walmart for monthly stock up plus?
Going to a couple of thrift stores.
Calls to make.
Cheese to cut for pups.
Set up DH's pills for 2 weeks.
Figure out how to set my newer phone camera to shutter speed priority.
Transfer foods between freezers to rotate.
Some of this may wait until tomorrow!
Good Morning people of the forum.
It is a wonderful snowy day here in my part of Missouri.
And if the weatherman is even slightly right.
It will be snowing for the next 5 days.
Cleaned out the refrigerator yesterday.
Rotated meat, fruits and vegetables from chest freezer to refrig. freezer.
Didn't get laundry done, but it is sorted.
Made Wal*Mart grocery order will pick up at 1100 hours.
Got a dab of dishes to do up.
Strawberry was walked this morning.
Waiting on telephone doctor appointment.
Hence why I'm picking up grocery order at 1100 hours.
Instead of my normal time of 0900 hours.
Cooked up a bunch chicken drumsticks in the air fryer yesterday.
So have enough cooked for several meals.
Same thing with the chunky chicken chunks have enough cooked up for several meals.
Thinking about making stuffed pork loin for the weekend.
Might out to section up that pork loin, maybe into 4 generous portions.
That will probably give me 12 meals when all said and done.
Pork loin was gifted to me for Christmas from family I sewn for this last year.
They set meat aside for me when they butcher in the fall for services rendered.
Everybody have a wonderful day.
Sipping coffee watching it snow.
Telephone doctor appoint has been cancelled by Dr.
It's been rescheduled for 7 Jan 2021 @0830 hours.
What do want to bet that one gets cancelled too.
Cause I won't cooperate about that waste of time test.
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Today is the only day I don't have appointments (other than Friday, of course), so we're going to de-frock the house of its Christmas vestments.

Took some chicken leg quarters out of the freezer for dinner. Not quite sure what I'll do with them yet.

Working from home has been extremely quiet this week so far.

Knee permitting, I may go for a walk this afternoon.
Be taking down all the Christmas decorations and tree inside.
Nothing to take down outside.😁

Wife's first day out of covid jail.
May go out for late lunch.

Sure nough cold outside.

Gotta get the Vette out and ready for a 150 mile trip to TN .
Yep grandson ask for it to go spend the weekend with his dad's family Thurs thru Sunday.

Nobody else would get it.

He's my best friend in the whole wide world. He's 19, and has been since he was born.

Y'all stay safe, be healthy, and have a great day.

I'm awake but feeling crappy. Headache, nausea, chest pain all the way through to my back (mostly on the right side-- it's likely gastritis), general feeling of bleh. Feeling lachrymose for no apparent reason too. At least I have my pets to snuggle with. The dog seems to understand the word "cuddle". She also shows me her teeth when I say "smile". I wish I knew what her name was before we found her and I wish I knew what happened to her former family but I'm happy she is with me now-- even if she did just steal my new pillow.
I'll have to see if my brother is willing to pick up mail today. Mom ordered me a bunch of cereal for some reason (I think it was a lightning deal on Amazon).
You might have covid, zannej.
Glad your wife is free at last, Phideaux. Our daughter was supposed to fly in this afternoon, but woke up with chest pain. She's at the hospital now, they're doing an xray for a possible pe (she has a blood clot in her arm that is being treated), and of course, covid test because of the chest pain.
It's a rainy, cold day here today. We are going into town after lunch to get the kid's haircuts done, and to locate the chicken livers.
Today at lunch time I went to the W-mart as we had our list for filling holes ready, everyone and their brother was there and they were buying the same things I was looking for; staples like eggs, butter, sugar and flour: canned goods like beans, meat, and soups; boxed stuff like oatmeal, brownie, and cake mixes.... Didn't see hardly any "fluff" and I overheard couples talking about how they could use this or that to streach their meals. If I didn't know any better I would think they were all digging in.

Most stuff was in good supply, some of the name brand canned meats and stews were lacking (except in gallon size), they were low on powdered sugar, and no canned pineapple of any kind (strange).

I did get some canned fruit as I love fruit and fresh is only good for a couple of weeks.
Sorry to hear about the illnesses and hope all are well soon.
Our daughter just left ER with her 4y.o. grandkid. She has pain in righ side and hurts to walk. They said maybe URI but she nor I agree. No other symptoms and no blood or urine confirmation.I told her if it were me I wouldn't fill that BACTRIN DS script till they test her urine and that takes a couple days for culture to come back. She said she agrees and wasn't going to. They did a stomach xray and checked for apendicitis.
They also said if any alergic signs from antibiotic get her back asap!
Amish_Heart, I hope your daughter doesn't have Covid and that she will be OK.

My brother got mail and brought me a chocolate milkshake from McDonalds. He popped in to see our friend & the friend was feeling better. He said he's starting to get a little vision back in his left eye.

If I'm still feeling crappy tomorrow I'll call my doctor and ask about getting a Covid test. I think it's been about a week since I was exposed. If I actually do have Covid I will call the tire place and let them know and see if the employee knows the name of the bint who exposed us (hopefully the employee didn't get Covid from her, but there is a high chance she did bc the bint kept getting close to her and babbling at her.

The cat I rescued around my birthday a couple years ago is demanding cuddles right now.

I hope everyone else is doing well.
Sorry to hear about the illnesses and hope all are well soon.
Our daughter just left ER with her 4y.o. grandkid. She has pain in righ side and hurts to walk. They said maybe URI but she nor I agree. No other symptoms and no blood or urine confirmation.I told her if it were me I wouldn't fill that BACTRIN DS script till they test her urine and that takes a couple days for culture to come back. She said she agrees and wasn't going to. They did a stomach xray and checked for apendicitis.
They also said if any alergic signs from antibiotic get her back asap!
Why not fill the script and cache it away?

If conditions change and she thinks it is UTI she will have the script. If not she will have the script if she does get UTI in the future. My pseudo daughter in law appreciated the fact I did similar after some oral surgery had she developed a bad tooth during the early days of covid shutdown.

Why not fill the script and cache it away?

If conditions change and she thinks it is UTI she will have the script. If not she will have the script if she does get UTI in the future. My pseudo daughter in law appreciated the fact I did similar after some oral surgery had she developed a bad tooth during the early days of covid shutdown.

Thats a good idea I didn't think of that. Although if taken when not needed can caause super infection,it happend to me in 1985.
The Princess and I have been busy working on our goal of running that new return duct to the second floor. She has attacked my closet to clear it out so I can work. All matters associated with fabric are under her control. That project was due regardless of the duct because I don't need 10 pairs of black dress slacks, 15 white button down shirts and 10 sports coats now that I am required.

The Salvation Army is going to well stocked in my size clothing for those going to a job interview! But not everything is going to the Salvation Army. She reported I have 10 pairs of bib-overalls and many sets of shoes work boots etc... She said she will never have to buy me any clothes again.


For my part I have developed a design for the custom ducts.


And then drew up scale drawings.



Since there is very limited access I will have to finish off securing the ducts from inside the duct I included an access panel that I can add when everything is connected.

Since I am not an expert at sheet metal, I built a full sized prototype out of recycled beer cases that serves as a proof of concept before I purchase the sheet metal and ducts.





That last image shows the bottom and the access panel.

Tomorrow I will test the fit and start figuring what is needed on the other side of the wall where it will have to connect to the main return duct.

Otherwise my brother and his family are still stricken with the kung-flu. He is thinking he has the antibody since he is not showing symptoms while everyone else in the house is. His wife has lost her sense of taste and smell. It is going on 3 weeks since I was working with him so I may have dodged the bullet for now.

That is about it for now.

Self medication can be a bad thing, but I remember a time when my friends would go into Mexico to by Meds for infections because they didn't have health care and you could buy them over-the-counter, if you knew what you needed.

Abuse of anything can have negative outcomes.

But I think that antibiotics like amoxicillin may be a candidate for a pharmacist to dispense without a prescription.

Sounds like you did dodge the bullet. It's no fun, and am still amazed my husband got over it.
Daughter didn't have covid or pe. She has pneumonia. Imagine that. So, antibiotics, neb treatment, prednisone for her. Maybe she'll try to come out when she's better.
Found chicken livers at the Kroger Store, and bought extra for the freezer. And found calf liver that I put in the freezer for liver and onions. Husband craving that and homemade dark chocolate pudding. You'd think he was anemic or something. Old man cat has found my lap, and it's still raining. Grandson has a friend over, and they are "jamming" away on guitar.
We have a cabinet full of meds , pain killers, antibiotics and many others that we filled , knowing we weren't going to take them .
But if shtf and we can't get them ..we gottem.

Pneumonia , best treatment , along with proper meds, is the personal hot vapor face fit machine .
Works wonders for moisturizing the lungs.

$36 at Walmart

Saved my life .
Wife had a constant dry cough, after using 2 days, 4 times a day ,10 minutes, the cough was 75% improved, 10 days later it's 100% gone.
Dry lungs are a bad thing.
I do 1 or 2 treatment everyday just for healthy lungs.

Got all the Christmas stuff down and put away .

Nice late lunch .
Resting now.

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Wal-Mart was a zoo today. First time I have seen shortages here. No butter or honey or creamed corn. Low on flour. Didn't expect so many people before the first of the month.
This matches what I saw today, I wonder if privately people have no confidence in the incoming administration and they are getting ready for the s-storm.
Wal-Mart was a zoo today. First time I have seen shortages here. No butter or honey or creamed corn. Low on flour. Didn't expect so many people before the first of the month.

Creamed corn? Eww lol. Here though butter and honey are in good supply at this point. I am wondering with everything going on if the entitlements / benefits / etc came early. Nothing new here and spent the typical 10 hours at work. At least I have tomorrow off. Some projects lined up and then work from Thursday on for multiple days.
Creamed corn? Eww lol. Here though butter and honey are in good supply at this point. I am wondering with everything going on if the entitlements / benefits / etc came early. Nothing new here and spent the typical 10 hours at work. At least I have tomorrow off. Some projects lined up and then work from Thursday on for multiple days.

VA disability did not come early. Creamed corn goes in my spoon bread. I take it to potluck type dinners so I keep it in stock. Actually, I don't use it for anything else that I can think of. Lol
We have a cabinet full of meds , pain killers, antibiotics and many others that we filled , knowing we weren't going to take them .
But if shtf and we can't get them ..we gottem.

Pneumonia , best treatment , along with proper meds, is the personal hot vapor face fit machine .
Works wonders for moisturizing the lungs.
View attachment 55909
$36 at Walmart

Saved my life .
Wife had a constant dry cough, after using 2 days, 4 times a day ,10 minutes, the cough was 75% improved, 10 days later it's 100% gone.
Dry lungs are a bad thing.
I do 1 or 2 treatment everyday just for healthy lungs.

Got all the Christmas stuff down and put away .

Nice late lunch .
Resting now.


Jim do yall use the vicks rub or just steam?
Creamed corn goes in my canned casserole, so I can relate. The Kroger store today was very well stocked. But all the prices were high. $16.99 a lb for steak. Lots of toilet paper, but at prices I wouldn't pay. Most were at least $2 a roll. A 4pk of tp at $7.99 is not a good price, even if the packaging says 1 roll is a double roll and equals 2 rolls.
For double pneumonia, at a point I was not gonna make it. Couldn't see a doctor.
My friend gave me Biaxin, prescription cough syrup with decongestant, Mucinex, and the steam vapor for 5 minutes every hour for 8 hrs , then every 2 hrs for 4, then every 4 hrs for 10 minutes.
Next day I felt better in 3 days I was doing good, in 6 days I was almost completely recovered.
He said if I had waited 8 more hours I would have been in ICU on a ventilator.

He also told me that too many people get prescribed the wrong antibiotics for pneumonia that destroys the wrong bacteria and doesn't kill the bad bacteria.

He's been doing it for 55 years.

He's pulled me thru several times.

I'm believe he saved my wife a month ago with his therapy.
