What's everybody doing today?

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Yikes! That’s a lot of rain
I’ve been up and down all night breeding cows. Headed back to bed for a nap for a few hours till the next ones. All going pretty darn smooth considering.
Been raining a bit. Nothing even close to what your getting @phideaux. Hubby sent a video from work early this morning. It was snowing on him. I wanted so bad to drive up and see it. Poor guy got soaked before he left for work when we had a shorted out Hotwire spot that was playing hard to find in the rain. Then he got snowed on at work. It was cold here but the rain was kind enough to give me breaks every time I had to go breed. Very much appreciated that as there’s no cover over our chute. We’re expecting hard freeze tonight. Not looking forward to that.
Night one of our little invader that made a mess of my pantry fell to the mouse. The trap was set where to rod got stuck partially open underneath where it was set. Oops. Night two I was in and out of that room most of the night and figured that would keep it away. Haha!!!! VICTORY!!!!! Took a nap and got up to find the little bugger in the trap! Going to leave a trap set back there from now on I think. Now I can clean up the mess and get to reorganizing. The “good” news is it made me go through stuff and get rid of expired things we really don’t eat anymore. Found some things that bugs had hatched in. Thought I’d kept up on that pretty well...........not really in the dry goods department. Working on ways to prevent bugs and rodents from winning now. Haven’t had much of a problem before so I guess we were due.
Have a great day forum family! I’m off for a nap I hope.:huggs:

Happy trails DoubleR,:huggs:sweet dreams, whoops,guess what,yep.
I'm still just having fun till the realist kicks back in and I turn back into the other one, :D
Did alot of work too on top of playing music and posting. Now need to get cleaned up from playing in the dirt and water. Finally have my little dining room back and table and chairs out of the way in living room and kitchen.:woo hoo:
Cold and wet day, 30 degrees. Husband had two doc appts in the bigger town, so we've been gone most of the day. Need to go get little granddaughter from school and walk some dogs (quickly). Stopped at Dollar Tree in the big town. Bought a balloon bouquet for my favorite cousin's daughter. She'll be 39 tomorrow and we have a big "coffee break" party planned for her first thing in the morning. I'll be bringing the yogurt, berries, and the large basket of chocolate goodies.
Today in SW Ohio it is a cold gray drizzly bucket of suck.
Earlier I was thinking this is a good day to work in the basement, lol (I don't like to do that when the weather is nice, the sunshine is too hard to come by)

But... I don't know about your neck of the woods, but on our side the region in the past hour the trees are now covered in ice and it's really pretty.
Cold and wet day, 30 degrees. Husband had two doc appts in the bigger town, so we've been gone most of the day. Need to go get little granddaughter from school and walk some dogs (quickly). Stopped at Dollar Tree in the big town. Bought a balloon bouquet for my favorite cousin's daughter. She'll be 39 tomorrow and we have a big "coffee break" party planned for her first thing in the morning. I'll be bringing the yogurt, berries, and the large basket of chocolate goodies.

Sounds fun may let the kids visit us soon. Long as nobody has the flu.But I think Covid killed the flu.
I put Destructo Dog in my spare bathroom for the night and put a baby gate up at the door.
I made sure EVERYTHING was removed and outta there. she had her blanket, her toys, pig ear chews and a large bowl of water.
Sounds like an awesome plan right?
Now you see there's a toilet in that bathroom and I made sure the lid was down. Check.
The toilet has a exposed flush pipe at the back of it that runs from the cistern to the toilet.
It also has a flexible black rubber sleeve that attaches the pipe to the actual toilet and it has a screw fitting attacking the pipe to the cistern.
Destructo Dog pulled the flush pipe off the back of the toilet, chewed up the black rubber sleeve and the only reason why the whole house isn't flooded is because the tile floor is heavily sloped towards a very large drain in the middle of the bathroom floor.
I don't have a crate but I'm getting one TODAY after I swing buy the hardware store to buy toilet fittings.
It's going to be heavy duty and so help me, land shark proof.
Oh my gosh. You do have a land shark, Tank

Yeah..I do.

Hand to God ALMIGHTY I have never had a pup that has been this bad before and I've had a lot of different breeds from Danes, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, cattle dogs and English Staffordshire terriers.
The closest was a male english staffie who destroyed a line of hedging plants 3 times and didn't even leave me a root ball to replant. I brought an electric fencing unit and some braided wire and set up an electric fence around the new hedge.
He got bit by the fence within mins.....shot up to the patio and refused to leave it for 2 weeks.
I thought I'd ruined him. I couldn't drag him off the patio.
He did eventually get brave again and the good news was that the hard head never touched the hedge again.
After that if I planted new plants I just strung the braid around the plants without even connecting it to the charger and it worked a treat.
It snowed early this morning after K left for work. There was snow on the ground but it melted off before noon. The girls were upset they didn't get to play in it but it wasn't enough to even make a snowball. The roads were iced and our neighbor went sliding down the short hill backwards this morning. Once he hit the level part he stopped sliding. The rest of the snow storm is moving in now and we might end up getting dumped on before morning. Roo is studying earth science and weather this quarter. She is excited with our recent storm because she can watch the rain gauge fill up and check humidity and outside temperatures with our new weather station from Bass Pro. I might have to take the girls to the apple orchards so they can play in the snow before it melts off.

I did a pantry purge and ended up with very little expired foods and one bag of grains we would never have eaten if I hadn't decluttered the pantry. The expired foods were things I got in a pinch when the lock downs started. Everything we now have are only things we eat regularly. I don't keep a lot of tinned food in the house but what we do have I have been rotating through. That was a big issue when we moved after Juju was born. We had loads of tinned foods but much of it ended up being expired. Live and learn.
Today is laundry day.

Walk myself and then dogs.

Do some computer stuff.

Lastly, check on train tickets to visit DH's family in IL. There are 3 great grandchildren I haven't met and haven't seen grandkids since they were 10 and 11 years old. Won't go until the latter part of June, but excited now!
& @dademoss

Monday is the traditional laundry day. I do mine on Thurs. I had some friends who did theirs on Mon. because that's the day his mom always did. I asked one time why they did laundry on Mondays and the reply was "Because if I don't, the sun won't rise on Tuesday." 😂
I put Destructo Dog in my spare bathroom for the night and put a baby gate up at the door.
I made sure EVERYTHING was removed and outta there. she had her blanket, her toys, pig ear chews and a large bowl of water.
Sounds like an awesome plan right?
Now you see there's a toilet in that bathroom and I made sure the lid was down. Check.
The toilet has a exposed flush pipe at the back of it that runs from the cistern to the toilet.
It also has a flexible black rubber sleeve that attaches the pipe to the actual toilet and it has a screw fitting attacking the pipe to the cistern.
Destructo Dog pulled the flush pipe off the back of the toilet, chewed up the black rubber sleeve and the only reason why the whole house isn't flooded is because the tile floor is heavily sloped towards a very large drain in the middle of the bathroom floor.
I don't have a crate but I'm getting one TODAY after I swing buy the hardware store to buy toilet fittings.
It's going to be heavy duty and so help me, land shark proof.

Don't leave water with her overnight. Take the water away an hr or so before bed and take her out right before bed. It will help prevent her peeing in the house overnight.
Here is Megs. The pic is deceptive because it just doesn't show how broad her head is. It's hard to believe that such a sweet face could belong to an agent of terror.
Awww...you must have a puppy! We have had dogs eat furniture, homework from the kids, chew up the bottom of the couch, beds, and shred rolls of toilet paper and one very expensive calculus book. I got this stuff to put on things you don't want chewed, and they hate it ( I think it was called sour apple). House training: get a dog crate and make sure you let the puppy out about half hour after she eats and give her a treat if he goes outside. Only leave puppy in house in crate if not supervised. I trained all of ours in a few days.

I love puppies and kittens but always had two so they could have company and play pals and no way can we care for 2 cats and 2 dogs now.
Here is Megs. The pic is deceptive because it just doesn't show how broad her head is. It's hard to believe that such a sweet face could belong to an agent of terror.View attachment 57703
When you took picture, you got it right at the top of her head so we can't see her halo 😇 She's a nice looking pup.
Aww....that tongue hanging out of monster Meg's mouth is adorable! Patchouli was around last night. Patchouli.....where are you????? She is probably wiped out from work. We miss you lady.

Hey Lady L...anyday here is laundry day, and with big families, sometimes every day is laundry day. The exception is on Sunday. No laundry is done on Sunday.
I guess I should put this here... A major tornado hit Fultondale AL about 10:30 last night. 20+ people injured.

This area is about 8 miles north of downtown Birmingham.

One of our members lives very close if not in fultondale. I don't know his street address, just the general area.

Stupidly I can't remember his user name... I remembered, its Fundy...

he doesn't log in but once every few months, not a regular. I know he likes Cajun cooking, he's posted about it before.

Me, about to crash. I lost power about 11pm last night, it finally came back on about 0345. I spent the whole night checking the generator and sump pump. Had to shut down and refuel once.

Storms are over... finally.

Edited... I remembered...
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Yesterday afternoon the snow came in, still snowing a little, it is expected to change over to freezing rain and freezing fog as the sun comes up.... Good day to not go out....

Was talking with someone yesterday and he said something very profound, "the most efficient trip is the one you don't take"

It makes me realize that our ancestors were very efficient, they only went to town once or twice a month (if that much) and they took care of everything that they needed to do in the one trip.... I guess if you want to save the planet, the best way is to become self reliant and move away from a distributed society.

Sorry, just thinking with my fingers....

Getting ready to take wife to see the RA doctor, in big town, , he doesn't know she has fractured another vertebrae.
Hope it goes well.

Hope to have a nice lunch today , just depends on how she feels.

Finally stopped raining late yesterday.
Looks like 4 1/2" total.

Now if we can just see the sun again.

Hope y'all have a blessed day.

Sheesh @phideaux! That’s a lot of rain! Safe travels today Jim and the Mrs. Hopefully this all gets resolved quickly and Mrs Studly is back at it again very soon. She’s gotta be at her strongest to keep ya in line :huggs: :huggs:

We got a 1/2 inch rain last round. We’re expecting more today. They’ve issued a flash flood warning for our area which usually means nothing. Froze fairly hard last night. Sure was cold breeding this morning. Hoping breeding season is done for the year.
@Peanut Glad you are safe. Hang in there and keep us posted on how y’all are doing.
Praying for all effected 🙏🏼
@Double R , my biggestest problem is trying to keep her positive.
She's been in pain , except a couple weeks in Dec, since Aug 6th, she keeps saying she's so tired of it.

I try to keep her looking forward to the end of all this.

Y'all just say a prayer for her.


Remind her how loved she is by so many she doesn’t even know. You WILL get her fixed up and feeling better. I have absolutely no doubt about that. It is very hard to live in such pain.
@phideaux, will be thinking of and praying for you and Mrs. Jim today. Pain is bad enough, but never-ending pain really messes with one's mind. So hard on the individual and care-taker alike. (With my son's situation, the term we used was "relentless" re. treatment, pain - and it sounds like you and Mrs. Jim have been dealing with relentless on steroids.)

I believe today will be a good day for you and Mrs. Jim - help for her pain, and movement in the right direction for her healing. And not only a nice lunch, but maybe a stop at Dairy Queen, too. :)

Hugs to you both.:huggs:
@phideaux, will be thinking of and praying for you and Mrs. Jim today. Pain is bad enough, but never-ending pain really messes with one's mind. So hard on the individual and care-taker alike. (With my son's situation, the term we used was "relentless" re. treatment, pain - and it sounds like you and Mrs. Jim have been dealing with relentless on steroids.)

I believe today will be a good day for you and Mrs. Jim - help for her pain, and movement in the right direction for her healing. And not only a nice lunch, but maybe a stop at Dairy Queen, too. :)

Hugs to you both.:huggs:

Thank you.
We just finished with RA doctor, good 45 min visit. We really like this guy. He's about 40 and very good and very good at peon talk.

He is taking labs now to check her D level.
Will be looking into 3 different bone density meds to put her on.
As prolia did nothing.

He's happy with her RA at this point.
But not the fragile bones.

Thursday we get an MRI , then schedule surgery.

Hopefully this will be the end of surgeries.

Lunch , maybe.


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