What's everybody doing today?

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Yeah..I do.

Hand to God ALMIGHTY I have never had a pup that has been this bad before and I've had a lot of different breeds from Danes, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, cattle dogs and English Staffordshire terriers.
The closest was a male english staffie who destroyed a line of hedging plants 3 times and didn't even leave me a root ball to replant. I brought an electric fencing unit and some braided wire and set up an electric fence around the new hedge.
He got bit by the fence within mins.....shot up to the patio and refused to leave it for 2 weeks.

So what kind of dog is it anyway?
Funny about the fence. I was tring to teach my German Shepherd to herd sheep, and she accidentally touched the electric fence. She will NOT ever go anywhere near any sort of fence like that now. This was a problem when we went to my daughters wedding last fall and a neighbor let the house dogs out while we were gone ( only 1 night) . I put electric fencing up in the yard so the dogs didn't run off and play for hours like they do here. Well, the shepherd pretty much refused to go out in the yard after she saw the fence, and actually pooped in the house while we were gone. She has never done that except when she was sick once and couldn't hold it. ( she is 8)
Found out first thing this morning that the man who is like my second dad passed away yesterday. He wasn't well so not entirely unexpected but hit me pretty hard for some reason. Might lay low for a few days and just do some maintenance on the heart. Just wanted to let y'all know I'm okay - love you folks.

Sending you warm big hugs and prayers.
Found out first thing this morning that the man who is like my second dad passed away yesterday. He wasn't well so not entirely unexpected but hit me pretty hard for some reason. Might lay low for a few days and just do some maintenance on the heart. Just wanted to let y'all know I'm okay - love you folks.
My sympathies on your loss, we are always here is you need us :)
I bet it keeps you in shape, Sourdough.
We had a birthday party ladies coffee break this morning, caught up on all the amish gossip, ate lots of good food. Had a meeting with our construction guy on why we are way over estimate, and when it was going to be finished. I think he was angry we were asking. He needs to come back with an estimation of finishing costs and a time frame for finishing. Frustrating, since he's the son of my favorite cousin. It is in the 20's and has been all day. Will get lower this evening. Kids will be at the highschool for pep band to play at the basketball game tonight. We're in for cold weather the next few days, but not as cold as yours, Sourdough.
@Firepolice271. and I have been busy with house rebuild. We tested out the carbide blade for the oscillating tool and we aprove. After a good number of cuts it still looks new. I will be ordering another batch of three blades.

While I did join in on some of the demolition my brother has been doing the Lions share and it is all I can do to keep up with handing him tools and hauling the debris out to pack in the pickup.

Some images for y'all to see the progress


It is hard to see but the beams along the far wall have been replaced. The floor I was standing on to take that picture is gone.


The whacky floor joists scream "What were you thinking man?". Those joists are also gone now.


The new beams under the back wall went in without my brother swearing which is a good thing.

@ThePrincess has been making do with my old 11 year old laptop but realised it's poor performance has been getting in her way. The new laptop arrived today so it is reasonable that I can expect even more from her now ( Ben covers his head) dancing chicken

I have a lot more debris removal ahead of me but may be installing joist hangers tomorrow.


Sitting here in front of the computer and looking out the window behind it seeing all the snow falling and the white coating on the ground, wondering just how deep it may be at the tops of the mountains around us, this is what we've been praying for, this will probably take care of our water needs for this coming year. The way the snow is coming down, we may well have a couple of feet at the top of the mountain behind us.
I use water pump pliers :p
Generally I can get things to open by running hot water over the lid, when I worked for the local school district I had an oversized water pump plier, which I always call a channel lock plier as well, that thing would take care of large pipe fittings about as good as a pipe wrench, thing is, you can clamp down so hard that it's possible to break the glass threads, it may be that a filter wrench would be a bit safer.
I was exhausted after being up all night with the storms. Made up an excuse to go to town so I could eat without cooking. Sitting here now thinking of what I have in the house to eat that requires no effort. No plans for the evening.

Only six more weeks of hard winter, then three weeks of late "easy" winter. Then "WOOPIE".

I found this in my yard a couple days ago... spring is knocking on the door...

Dandelion sm.JPG
Found out first thing this morning that the man who is like my second dad passed away yesterday. He wasn't well so not entirely unexpected but hit me pretty hard for some reason. Might lay low for a few days and just do some maintenance on the heart. Just wanted to let y'all know I'm okay - love you folks.

LayL I'm sorry for your loss, some step dad are just as good as real dads.:huggs:
Getting ready to take wife to see the RA doctor, in big town, , he doesn't know she has fractured another vertebrae.
Hope it goes well.

Hope to have a nice lunch today , just depends on how she feels.

Finally stopped raining late yesterday.
Looks like 4 1/2" total.

Now if we can just see the sun again.

Hope y'all have a blessed day.


You and the wife have a blessed day too .
@Firepolice271. and I have been busy with house rebuild. We tested out the carbide blade for the oscillating tool and we aprove. After a good number of cuts it still looks new. I will be ordering another batch of three blades.

While I did join in on some of the demolition my brother has been doing the Lions share and it is all I can do to keep up with handing him tools and hauling the debris out to pack in the pickup.

Some images for y'all to see the progress

View attachment 57759

It is hard to see but the beams along the far wall have been replaced. The floor I was standing on to take that picture is gone.

View attachment 57760

The whacky floor joists scream "What were you thinking man?". Those joists are also gone now.

View attachment 57761

The new beams under the back wall went in without my brother swearing which is a good thing.

@ThePrincess has been making do with my old 11 year old laptop but realised it's poor performance has been getting in her way. The new laptop arrived today so it is reasonable that I can expect even more from her now ( Ben covers his head) dancing chicken

I have a lot more debris removal ahead of me but may be installing joist hangers tomorrow.


The door looks good from there
We got the last of the income tax you-gotta-have-all-these-forms-to-file in the mail today, and we did our 2020 income tax, courtesy or Mr. TurboTax, in about an hour and 15 minutes, paid the $30 fee to Mr. Turbo, and relaxed with a glass of wine. I don't know about you all, but I dread the Income Tax bit and try to get it off as soon as I can. The IRS should accept it by around 2/14 and we should get it back March 1. OTOH, who knows how bad the pandemic as screwed up the mail and IRS thieves workers, but at least I'm not going to lose any sleep over that for the rest of the year.

I finished doing the first 12' X 4' raised bed and am going out tomorrow to buy the materials for the next one. I hope to have four of them in by planting (six if I get ambitious enough and Dawn gives me the money).
We got the last of the income tax you-gotta-have-all-these-forms-to-file in the mail today, and we did our 2020 income tax, courtesy or Mr. TurboTax, in about an hour and 15 minutes, paid the $30 fee to Mr. Turbo, and relaxed with a glass of wine. I don't know about you all, but I dread the Income Tax bit and try to get it off as soon as I can. The IRS should accept it by around 2/14 and we should get it back March 1. OTOH, who knows how bad the pandemic as screwed up the mail and IRS thieves workers, but at least I'm not going to lose any sleep over that for the rest of the year.

I finished doing the first 12' X 4' raised bed and am going out tomorrow to buy the materials for the next one. I hope to have four of them in by planting (six if I get ambitious enough and Dawn gives me the money).

Good for you DadeM.:thumbs:
Just caught the late local news. Last nights tornado was up graded to an EF3, the funnel winds were 150mph. The funnel was 500 yards wide and it stayed on the ground through a populated area for 9.5 miles. To say "it tore up more crap than I could shake a stick at" is an understatement.

The news was just showing dozens of photo's, ground level and the air. This storm was powerful enough to turn houses into kindling and did so over and over again. It wiped out entire neighborhoods and subdivisions. It crossed an interstate hwy on the ground and demolished a couple of hotels with people in bed.

Miraculously only one person was killed, around 40 were injured, some hospitalized.

We get storms this powerful in December and January but thankfully only about once every 10 years or so.

Last night I posted in the weather section at about 9:50pm. The last big storm was passing my house, the worst was over for me. It was the same big storm that spawned the tornado 40min later.

Thankfully I was spared.
@Peanut Im so glad you were spared.

We’re dealing with pretty bad winds here right now. The worst is still coming so I’m told. Going to be a long stressful night. It’s very cold and we’re having stronger winds than I can remember coming from the wrong direction. Just came in after seeing our repair roof tin that was wired up to the barn come off and try and blow into the horse pasture. I ran out and jumped on the pile and called family for help. I was in PJ’s already and crocs. I’m wet and frozen to the bone. Got some bruised ribs it seems from a huge gust taking a piece of tin and me and putting me into a creep feeder stored in the barn. Got at least another inch and a half of rain tonight. Guess it’s a good thing we got the chainsaws going a few weeks ago.
We're expecting a big one coming in tomorrow from northern Washington/southern B.C. Given Idaho Power, I don't know if I'll have internet, 'phone, or even electricity. I tested the genset Monday, tested the handpump the day before (they both work); made sure I had lotsa propane added a couple ice-blocks to the freezer to keep the food a bit longer, made sure we had enough wine, and ... what else is there?
Oh, yeah, layer pellets for our 27 "ladies", food and treats for Satan the cat and Leila the dog
@Peanut Im so glad you were spared.
We’re dealing with pretty bad winds here right now. The worst is still coming so I’m told. Going to be a long stressful night. It’s very cold and we’re having stronger winds than I can remember coming from the wrong direction. Just came in after seeing our repair roof tin that was wired up to the barn come off and try and blow into the horse pasture. I ran out and jumped on the pile and called family for help. I was in PJ’s already and crocs. I’m wet and frozen to the bone. Got some bruised ribs it seems from a huge gust taking a piece of tin and me and putting me into a creep feeder stored in the barn. Got at least another inch and a half of rain tonight. Guess it’s a good thing we got the chainsaws going a few weeks ago.
Remind me not to complain about my little micro-farm and the "work" I do around here.
Your regular day would have me in the cardiac ward by 8:30 in the morning!
Usually the winds don’t bother me. This is a first. Going to be a long night. Plus I’m worried about my hubby. He’s out in this at work and it’s worse where he’s at. Higher up expecting even higher winds in a bunch of trees hiking around.
Power just went out. Surprised it took so long. Gotta give the power company credit. It used to go out when someone sneezed. Now it takes a lot for it to go out. Gunna be a very cold night.
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