What's everybody doing today?

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What are the bibs for Ben?
Good philosophical question.

They are

download (2).jpeg

the mens version of a mumu.

As long as you have your skivvies on, put on bibs you are dressed.

Q answered?

Planted beets and Swiss chard. Went to a plant sale and got a couple plants for a young lady who just got two parakeets. Something safe for her birds to munch on and a couple baby spider plants for myself. Also a red canna.
I put some houseplants outside to bask in the rain. Better than watering them with chlorinated water.
I made half pound hamburgers for dinner with French fries andmustard greens. We had shrimp cocktail before dinner.
Emptied the dishwasher. Started a batch of 10 cups of yogurt that will ferment overnight. Fed the stray porch kitties.
Im having a shot of Sambuca then going to bed.
I took First Responder course back in college. Didn't go on to EMT because it involved inserting IVs and I can't stand needles. All of the students in my class had to do ride-alongs. It was pretty uneventful sitting at the fire station. As an aside, there was a firefighter who was just worn down & seemed depressed. He talked about how he used to be a boxer. About a year later he beat his wife to death, killed their kids, and then offed himself. This was after his wife had tried to get a restraining order against him for her own safety (bc he was beating her) but the judge refused. We only rode in the ambulance once to transfer a patient from one hospital to another. Guy had a bowel obstruction and was miserable. One of my classmates got someone who was in cardiac arrest. Did CPR, got a weak rhythm, took the patient to GMH where the doctors saw the patient didn't have insurance & declared him dead (even though he wasn't) & just left him to die. There's a reason people said the initials stood for Get Murdered Here.

I did some mild cleaning. Cooked. Slept a lot because of the weather. I briefly went in to get mail and the heat outside sapped my energy. The stall mat I put in front of the barn to help my cows get in has sunk into the mud. Poor cow comes out about up to her knees in mud but I don't know how to fix it. I suppose I could try to dig the mud away but that would leave a pit. Need to put something solid there that won't get all mucky but won't hurt the cow's hooves.
Poor cow comes out about up to her knees in mud but I don't know how to fix it. I suppose I could try to dig the mud away but that would leave a pit. Need to put something solid there that won't get all mucky but won't hurt the cow's hooves.

Can you put some gravel there or can cows not walk on that? I don't have any cows but we have problems with mud where the goats hang out sometimes also. Like right in front of the gate where we put them in the pasture or in front of the barn. I try to pick up the poop as much as I can when it is dry but the clay dirt still turns into mud when it rains a lot ( right now it's just hard as a rock). I am trying to get a load of gravel and try that . We have gravel in front of one area where the sheep are and it works ok IF I pick up the poop there regularly, but I suppose it would be way too much work for cow poop Not sure , let me know if you find something
So I am not in a good mood already. Have to take blood pressure meds from now on ( high when I am stressed) . I feel like I now have officially reached old age, and my husband making fun of me sort of and reminding me of his dad before he died ( at age 90) with his suitcase ( literally) full of medication.....
So far it's not even working, has not lowered it one bit.

Plus husband got his second Covid shot yesterday, so if he is like me, today he will feel sick and I have to do everything by myself. Plus we are out of bedding for the barn, and haven't had time or a rain free day to pick up some sawdust. I want it to be tomorrow
Baby chicks are hatching a day early. Woke up to three hatched already.
Have no idea what we're doing today. It's either a go into town day today or a stay home day, depending on what husband wants to do. It is possible that the giant mountain of dirt in our front yard will be moved today. But I will not hold my breath. If we are home, I need to plant a bunch of berry bushes.
So I am not in a good mood already. Have to take blood pressure meds from now on ( high when I am stressed) . I feel like I now have officially reached old age, and my husband making fun of me sort of and reminding me of his dad before he died ( at age 90) with his suitcase ( literally) full of medication.....
So far it's not even working, has not lowered it one bit.

Plus husband got his second Covid shot yesterday, so if he is like me, today he will feel sick and I have to do everything by myself. Plus we are out of bedding for the barn, and haven't had time or a rain free day to pick up some sawdust. I want it to be tomorrow
Family friends who are like my second parents are truly ying and yang. He would blow his top and be done with it, she (like me) is a bottler - bottled it all up inside. She went to the dr. and had high BP - this was years ago. He said "See, you just need to blow up and get mad. Then your BP comes right back down." He said that's why he got mad so he didn't have high BP 😂
And here you go to get your day going in a little better direction :)
So I am not in a good mood already. Have to take blood pressure meds from now on ( high when I am stressed) . I feel like I now have officially reached old age, and my husband making fun of me sort of and reminding me of his dad before he died ( at age 90) with his suitcase ( literally) full of medication.....
So far it's not even working, has not lowered it one bit.

Plus husband got his second Covid shot yesterday, so if he is like me, today he will feel sick and I have to do everything by myself. Plus we are out of bedding for the barn, and haven't had time or a rain free day to pick up some sawdust. I want it to be tomorrow
BP meds take a while to start working. My Dad had high blood pressure and he was prescribed high blood pressure meds. He refused to take them because he didn’t want to take any meds every day. He was about 65 and wasn’t in any meds. Consequently, he had a stroke. It was all downhill from there. Stubborn man. He often was his own worst enemy.
I’m on a high blood pressure Med, 3 different asthma meds, 3 different type II diabetes meds. I don’t whine about it. I’m thankful those meds are available to me so I can keep on keeping on.
I wish your husband wouldn’t make fun of you. ☹️
BP meds take a while to start working.
I wish your husband wouldn’t make fun of you. ☹

He was just joking, I didn't take it personal. He has to take allergy meds every year during certain high pollen times.

BP meds started working, it now dropped so low I just called the doctor's office....I feel ok, just a slight headache
Yesterday I had to drive half way across the state to get a septic tank 🙄 oh yay right! Anyhoo, a friend had told me about a little gem I’d been on the hunt for for some time. I’m not on FB so there was a little confusion in trying to arrange it, but in the end, I was able to bring home this beauty. This is the picture from the ad. I don’t have her cleaned up yet.
Walked first and walked dogs this morning.
DH ordered a fuel pump for his jeep, so he will go get that this afternoon for the mechanic to install.
Made sugar free pudding and jello for desserts.
Took eBay photos.
Still need to oven dehydrate sweet potato slices for dog treats.

Hoping to have a car to drive again tomorrow!
Sonya, sorry about the high bp. It's best to keep that in check. Also means you have to limit what sort of cold & allergy meds you use because some of it causes high bp. I've been taking several medications for a few years now. I've also started some vitamins/supplements to help. The Magnesium helps a bit with my back pain, the krill oil helps with my cholesterol, and the multivitamins are supposed to help with overall health. I take the ones my doctor recommended that include potassium. No more charlie horses lately.

Trying to get myself to be productive but feel so tired. I wanted my brother to help me clean but he wouldn't get off the video games. Just cooked for Mom. Need to figure out what to make for dinner. She got mad last night because she called after I went to sleep and wanted me to get up and cook something. I was having trouble getting up (physically had difficulty moving) and she thought that I was complaining/refusing. She told my brother that I "refused" to cook last night. What happened was, she heard me groan as I was trying to get up & shouted "Nevermind! Don't bother!" and hung up. So I went back to sleep. She likes to play fast and loose with the truth. There have been times when I said "give me a minute to go to the bathroom first" and she will claim I refused to do something. She's never been very patient.
The drill index was delivered today.


Add to the Dremel tool box.


I enjoy augmenting the set of tools.

Moved to cleaning up the sugar maple trees, added some mushroom manure and added straw mulch.


Then moved to the elder bushes to do the same for them.


I will be putting up a chicken wire fence around them to keep rhe deer out. The deer are devastating on the elder. They killed 2 of the bushes and I have to stop that.



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