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I found it! It was pushed underneath the computer and hidden. I never thought I'd be so excited to find my hair tie!!!

My wife made me grow my hair out during the covid thing - now I have a pony tail. And it sucks when those things un-pony and fall all in your face (this happens when you lose your hair tie).

I found it! It was pushed underneath the computer and hidden. I never thought I'd be so excited to find my hair tie!!!

My wife made me grow my hair out during the covid thing - now I have a pony tail. And it sucks when those things un-pony and fall all in your face (this happens when you lose your hair tie).

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Welcome to the crowd.
I found it! It was pushed underneath the computer and hidden. I never thought I'd be so excited to find my hair tie!!!

My wife made me grow my hair out during the covid thing - now I have a pony tail. And it sucks when those things un-pony and fall all in your face (this happens when you lose your hair tie).

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I cut all mine off,now its short but still long enough to get in my eyes,its shoulder short now.Can't wait till bangs grow out then I can pen it back again.Bangs were a dumb idea.
Hope your wife improves with the antibiotics @Bacpacker .

Well I'll never tackle that job again.
Pulling all the control rod, gearmotor and parts that connect the blades. Installing the new bushings on both rods and motor was a real pia.
Buuuut. Reinstalling the whole assembly back into firewall/dash was way too hard.

I have wipers now, working as they should.

Wife did the mowing while I fought the wiper situation.

We did take a break and went for lunch.

I'm pooped.

Watching Voice.
It ain't very good anymore.

Hope your wife improves with the antibiotics @Bacpacker .

Well I'll never tackle that job again.
Pulling all the control rod, gearmotor and parts that connect the blades. Installing the new bushings on both rods and motor was a real pia.
Buuuut. Reinstalling the whole assembly back into firewall/dash was way too hard.

I have wipers now, working as they should.

Wife did the mowing while I fought the wiper situation.

We did take a break and went for lunch.

I'm pooped.

Watching Voice.
It ain't very good anymore.


Its good to know the wife is out and doing again she sure had a bad year last year,both of yall did. :thumbs:
@Haertig I guess I missed that your mom passed. So sorry. She was sure lucky to have you - I don't know of very many fellas who could do that many Hallmark movies with no escape for 2 weeks. I hope you and your family have many many happy memories.
@Peanut I can put a laughy face because I've been in the process of sorting out 30 years of photos - both hard copy and on computer. My goal is to take as few pictures as possible for the rest of my life and maybe I'll get them done 😂
@Tank-Girl Does it have an idler belt?
Its good to know the wife is out and doing again she sure had a bad year last year,both of yall did. :thumbs:

Thanks @Meerkat , it's a real blessing to have her back to being active and feeling good.
I am am doing ok .
Still gotta keep my eye on my heart. Had an issue couple weeks ago , thought I was having another bad tachycardia attack, but it settled down on it's own.

I'm just happy to be active every day. But happier for my wife.😊

Wrote the check for federal taxes and drove to town to drop it off at the post office. I hope they get it this year, last year it got lost in the mail and 2 months later I got a late notice including the penalty and interest. There was no way to contact them with the pictures I took of the check and envelope on the day it was mailed, not that they would give a damn anyways.
When I started the GMC Acadia to head to town it was slow turning over, first time for that but the battery is 5 years old. Shut it off and started it 2 more times, still a bit slow cranking over but started each time. Turned it off again and started it a forth time and it cranked like normal, but a battery was added to the shopping list. Mailed the payment at the post office, leaving the car running, then went to the Chiropractor. 30 minutes later it started no problem. Stopped at Target, 20 minutes later the engine wouldn't crank over. Jump start and headed to NAPA. Year, make and model provided and the computer showed 2 size options. ????? THERE IS ONLY ONE ENGINE OPTION FOR THIS YEAR AND MODEL!!!!!! Plus, the battery is mounted in the floor behind the passenger seat and there is just enough room for the small size battery so why would the computer offer the larger battery? I HATE COMPUTERS!!! Decided against borrowing tools to change it in the parking lot so took it home for an easy change, except there is a breather tube that connects to the battery and leads through a hole in the floor pan to vent any possible battery gases outside of the vehicle and the new battery vent was 1" further away and the rubber hose was too short to connect. :cry: The small town Napa north of here was already closed and I didn't want to 30 miles south back to the big town so I have to wait until tomorrow to get a longer hose. But, started the car and turned on everything electronic to high and the gauge showed good voltage and showed the alternator was charging properly, so that was a good thing in this big mess.

The weather is teasing rain, but aside from a few sprinkles while I was working on the car (of course) it has evaded us so far. Here's hoping for some rain.
Thanks @Meerkat , it's a real blessing to have her back to being active and feeling good.
I am am doing ok .
Still gotta keep my eye on my heart. Had an issue couple weeks ago , thought I was having another bad tachycardia attack, but it settled down on it's own.

I'm just happy to be active every day. But happier for my wife.😊


Gladit wasn't another attck Jim we have to be more careful these days.I get busy too and don't realize how tired I am till I stop. :thumbs:
Finally got to go to an NHL game again! Playoffs! We've had season tickets to the Avalanche since they came here in '96, and season tickets to the old IHL team before the NHL came to town. Even though they limited attendance due to covid, I don't think those precautions did much. The arena holds close to 20,000 and there were 6000 - 8000 (?) there tonight I'd guess. This was the first game where they let a significant number of people attend. Things are starting to feel normal again!




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@Haertig Looks like loads of fun. I loved going to Sabres games when I lived in Buffalo. I was even at the longest overtime game in franchise history. The game ended at 1:52am! Sabres won 1-0 in the 4th overtime. I read somewhere there were 130 shots on goal that night.

Post us some pics from time to time. Hockey is one of those games I would never watch on tv but greatly enjoy attending in person.
A few years back I took a ream of documents into the State Motor Vehicle office to update my Driver's License to the Federal approved "REAL" license. Future plans of flying overseas to meet family required a passport which in turn necessitated updating my Driver's License to a "REAL" one. Overall the experience went rather well.

Evidently because I updated my Diver's License a year before it expired, my trip to the Motor Vehicle office didn't count as a trip to the Motor Vehicle office because now I can't renew online. Can't renew online because the last "renewal" had to occur at a Driver's License office...today I'm headed to town!

Renew my Driver's License.
Appointment for my Johnson & Johnson one jab (per oldest daughter's desire).
Unscented chorine bleach to disinfect the RV's water tank (winter is over!!!!!!!!).
Distilled water for RV battery maintenance.
String for the weed wacker.
Black ink cartridge for the printer.
Visit mom.
I found it! It was pushed underneath the computer and hidden. I never thought I'd be so excited to find my hair tie!!!

My wife made me grow my hair out during the covid thing - now I have a pony tail. And it sucks when those things un-pony and fall all in your face (this happens when you lose your hair tie).

View attachment 66760
I have covid hair, the longest its been in decades, and I am considering getting a hair cut today. As a person who normally got a hair cut every 2 months, it has been at least a year and a half since my last professional cut. Pony tail holders are so important. I buy them in packages because they do eventually lose their elasticity and/or break. Glad you found your missing hair tie, but the day is coming when it will break. Ask me how I know!
Finally got to go to an NHL game again! Playoffs! We've had season tickets to the Avalanche since they came here in '96, and season tickets to the old IHL team before the NHL came to town. Even though they limited attendance due to covid, I don't think those precautions did much. The arena holds close to 20,000 and there were 6000 - 8000 (?) there tonight I'd guess. This was the first game where they let a significant number of people attend. Things are starting to feel normal again!

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Don't they play at the Pepsi Center? I've only been in there once. Daughter is an avid sport's fan has been there many, many times. She is a graduate of DU, and has attended the DU Pioneers hockey games as well.
Last weekend Chris & Michelle were down and had a guy come buy a turkey. (They have a camper on our property and now rent a cabin down the road they also keep turkeys here which we take care of for them.) Now he wants to come back with his wife and look the place over. He's interested in copying a few things and wants to learn why I did some things how I did. I am NOT a people person but this guy seems okay and he wants to learn. I'd guess he's a bit older than I am and he's retired Navy. Praying it doesn't come back to bite me! I told them they could come anytime after lunch today. In twelve years living here I bet I haven't had twelve people here I didn't already know very well.
Be careful what you show, Biggkidd. Watch what they ask. If it were me, I'd be wearing a holster, but I'm weird that way on my property.
LOL I'm not dressed without my 1911 Living in this area a sidearm is a must have. Between the snakes, coyotes and bears. Not much trouble with 2 leg critters around here so far.
Already walked and walked dogs, this morning.
Went to get DH some bananas from the local grocery.
Took eBay photos.
Next, will scramble eggs and freeze for DH to give dogs while I am gone North. He doesn't use the stove or oven because of hand tremors.
Going to juice and freeze juice from a couple of bags of apples. Don't want them going bad while I am gone.
I'm sure to find more to do today, inside. It's rainy again!
I have covid hair, the longest its been in decades, and I am considering getting a hair cut today. As a person who normally got a hair cut every 2 months, it has been at least a year and a half since my last professional cut. Pony tail holders are so important. I buy them in packages because they do eventually lose their elasticity and/or break. Glad you found your missing hair tie, but the day is coming when it will break. Ask me how I know!
My hair ties end up under the fridge😺 thanks to my cats. They love to watch me fish stuff out from under there!
Sipping coffee, reading forums.
Not much else, my left arm and hand ache.
So will be resting that today.
Have taken a small walk in the rain this morning already.
Will walk again later, hopefully not in the rain.
Got the knitting machine completely back together except for one latch.
But beings my left hand hurts even that's on hold.
Stepped on the scales this morning...........
Have lost 4 pounds this week.
They came they saw & learned and left. After bringing a full truck bed load of bagged produce left over from the food bank for the critters and inviting us to a cookout at some future time. I liked them both which was a shock. They also want us to come to their place and pass along a few more ideas and such. Showed him how to copy my inground troughs with float valves for his critters. Told him how to make a creek pump like mine to pump water this far. He has the same issue with water access it's so far and so much lift required. But these pumps work to do it reasonably. His wife also used some of her Apps to show me a few plants I couldn't identify myself. One being an American Black elderberry plant and wild muscadines. Seems like every year more and more new to me species of plants are popping up around here.

Other than meeting with them all I've managed so far today has been watering the apple trees I planted recently. Surprisingly all 7 are still alive even after I ran one over multiple times with the tractor. Garlic is sprouting not much else though. Couple blooms on the mater plants.

ETA: I do believe after only knowing them a short time they would be a good fit on this forum.
Went back into ditch digging today. I have been doing a lot of light duty activities ever since we finished the concrete in the basement. I had remind my body that knows how to dig. I got about half of the ditch excavated before I ran out of ice water.


After getting home and checking the garden I found what I hope are walnuts. Adding nuts to my fruit trees and bushes have been a goal for many years.

I am a happy prepper!

Today is getting everything prepped for butcher day tomorrow. Putting another 1/2 in the freezer and filling the folks freezer. This one is grain fed per what the folks want. Still got to wash the truck (it’s very dusty), clean the truck bed, take off the cover so it’s easy to load the carcass (we put it back on to cover the carcass for the long drive) and wash the fabric wraps. Also need to run hoses and get meat bins for the extras out and cleaned. Probably should move some more stuff around in the freezers too. Have one more turkey to pull and cook which will clear out even more space. Going to be a tight squeeze but I’m determined.
Still got some pruning to do in the garden.
But first! Coffee ☕
Got a mild sinus headache, post-nasal drip, sore throat, etc. Not feeling horrible, but not feeling great either. I slept in again and am trying to wake myself up. Weather wasn't as bad as predicted today, but it was still cloudy. Sky is looking nicer right now. I need to hit the store again to get more stuff I forgot yesterday. I wish I didn't forget things.

Need to see if I can get my brother to cook something since we have some meat that will go bad if he doesn't cook.

Also need to call my dentist bc more of my back molar chipped off.

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