What's everybody doing today?

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Went to the big town, got there about lunch time. The best chinese restaurant in town is still only open for take-out, darn. So, I went the second best chinese restaurant since I planned to stop there anyway. The restaurant is part of the only asian market in town. They supply the large Asian community by the university and most asian restaurants.

Itā€™s the best place to buy rice with a large selection of types. They also sell in bulk and I needed 10lbs for my pantry. They have a nice selection of woks and other cookware, flatware etc. I got a set of small dipping bowls, nothing fancy, at $2 per bowl the price was right, restaurant grade.

Next, I stopped at the large electronics store to talk over changes I was considering for my desktop computer. Their guru was working today and gave me the real scoop on parts, prices and possibilities. Iā€™ve dealt with the guy before and he knows his stuff.

Not only are building supplies in short supply nationwide, so are computer components. Prices are triple what they were last year ā€œifā€ you can find the parts you need. Not good news but least I know what Iā€™m dealing with and can make informed choices. Fewer choices that I envisioned yesterday but better to know exactly what is possible than to start down a road not knowing the bridge is out.

No plans for the evening but tvā€¦
Got out a big cage and put utility wire over it in panels. So the stinky baby turkeys were moved out of the dining room and on to the covered porch. I had a very large pet blanket I put around the sides. Had to laugh, it's turned into barn cat tv. One cat on top of the big cage (that'd be Jayrod), and one laying on the porch looking in. (that'd be Kevin). I guess they'll keep away any rats or possums. Jayrod will fight anything.
Got me a Dillo about a half hour ago!!! Possum on a half shell! In a hayfield they are dangerous when they dig dens. I canā€™t count the number of times Iā€™ve almost been thrown from a tractor while cutting or raking hay. Livestock occasionally breaks a leg in a den.

If one starts feeding around my shop or barns they are less dangerous but down right annoying. Dadā€™s 87, if he steps in a small hole where a dillo has dug up a grub, he could easily break an ankle or even worse fall and break a hip.

There has been a dillo feeding around the barns/garden for the last couple of months. I haven't even been able to find one of his dens. They are difficult to trap because they have 3 to 5 dens, rarely stay in the same one two night in a row.

Tonight my big sheppard kept barking by my fig trees. I put on my headlamp and grabbed my 20guage and went to see what was going onā€¦

A dillo had started digging a den. He was far enough down that his whole body was in the hole. When I got there all I could see was his tail and butt. I gave him a 20guage enema. Went back out moments ago and heā€™d expired.

Good riddance!
This morning I got up at 04:00 got ready for the day, paid bills on-line. Went to Low's and HD got the last of the tubs that I wanted (don't actually need). I planted 1 tub with bush beans, replanted my okra patch that I lost to frost, watered the garden.

While working in the yard boxes some neighbors that I didn't know stopped to visit from the sidewalk, Muhammad from Pakistan (they have been in the US for 16 years) and his wife, they asked about the onions (they knew by the plant), then they asked me why I didn't put up my Christmas tree light this year.... Caught me by surprise, they said that their family looked forward to seeing it every year and missed it this year. I explained that the base failed and because of my kitchen remodel I didn't have time to make a new one...

It's funny how a little thing like a 35' Christmas tree can leave an impression.... ;)

Hope everyone has a great day.
I'm up, dressed of sorts. sipping water.
Seems according to my Primary Care Doctor, I'm little low on hydration.
Not quite dehydration but it wouldn't take much.
So I'm sipping water this morning.
Instead of coffee.
Bummer. Oh well.
I'm in comfortable clothes kicked back relaxing.
Nothing like going for a midnight walk in the rain, hail at midnight help looking for someone that is lost.
But we found them, water soaked ,crying because they were lost.
Their children thought the other one had her.
But no one had her, she just got lost.
She was my grand mother's friend.
For some reason she's calling me my brother's name.
But at least she knew me.
Me Just answered my brother's name.
He was out looking too.
You all have a nice day.
I'm going to read forums and sip water for awhile.
I'm up, dressed of sorts. sipping water.
Seems according to my Primary Care Doctor, I'm little low on hydration.
Not quite dehydration but it wouldn't take much.
So I'm sipping water this morning.
Instead of coffee.
Bummer. Oh well.
I'm in comfortable clothes kicked back relaxing.
Nothing like going for a midnight walk in the rain, hail at midnight help looking for someone that is lost.
But we found them, water soaked ,crying because they were lost.
Their children thought the other one had her.
But no one had her, she just got lost.
She was my grand mother's friend.
For some reason she's calling me my brother's name.
But at least she knew me.
Me Just answered my brother's name.
He was out looking too.
You all have a nice day.
I'm going to read forums and sip water for awhile.
Glad the lost is found!
Good morning!
A barn cat is still sitting on the top of the cage.

Those turkeys are gonna grow up with a complex! LOL

So far today, I've walked and walked dogs.
Going to juice the apples.
Attempt to do a pedicure.
That's about it. Very easy day.

Yesterday, I tried to pack everything in my backpack and discovered it is not big enough. Going to use a smaller carry on and put my throw and pillow in the backpack. I've been told I will freeze on the train!
Noticed a 5# bag of potatoes in the pantry yesterday, so I boiled, mashed and froze them. Trying to tie up loose ends the rest of the week.

Tomorrow, I have to take DH to Rheumatologist appt. and stop at Walmart on the way back. Have a good day, folks!
It was nice of the dillo to bury himself. Gonna get a couple of big rocks to toss in the hole then cover it up with dirt.

The size of the den is why they are so dangerous. Hit a hole this size with a tractor in 5th or 6th gear can definitely throw someone off.

The bright spot of sunlight to the left of the arrow is the dillo's butt. The second pic is a couple feet away, for some unknown reason he stopped digging there and went back to the same spot he'd dug a den 2 years ago.

It's a relief to finally get him. He's been an annoyance for couple of years. I had traps out occasionally. He never so much as tripped one.

dillo hole (1) sma.JPG
dillo hole (3) sm.JPG
I forgot to report we lost an ally in the garden this week end. The girls named him/her Greg. He was a garter snake that lived in the garden keeping mice and other critters under control. Best guess he nabbed a mouse but got tangled up in a snarl of deer netting that the mouse could not fit through.

Lets hope a brother moves in.

Stuffy nose & sore throat today. Most likely allergies, but I double-masked when I went to the pharmacy to pick up my meds (I was out) and grabbed some groceries and picked up mail.
New employee at the post office told me if I put Box and my box number in line 2 of the address line instead of PO Box and the number that it would make things easier for new people to know which box was for thing addressed to my physical address. I'd told her in the past when I tried PO box on line two it automatically rejected the address. She apparently researched it and found that leaving PO off would make it work.

Got a Serter bumper pad (to stop toddlers from rolling off beds) to use to stop my pillows from falling between my headboard and mattress. Getting a 2 pack was cheaper than buying 1 of the official things specifically for stopping stuff from falling there. I gave one to my brother (he has no headboard so stuff falls between his mattress and the wall). Got mine in place and it's working great.
Nerve wracking day (last 2 weeks actually) with my guys doing tower work. Got this part done and everyone was safe. One guy that went to the top, 100', started out too fast and got to 60' really quick. Burnt his arms out and had a hard time with the last 40, doing the work up there, and then coming back down. He was wiped out when he got down. I felt bad for him. Had him relaxing in the AC the rest of the day and drinking plenty of water.
Had a long supervisors meeting this afternoon to discuss where we want to go for next FY. New hire needs, reorganizing our current groups, ect.
After work wife and i stopped and picked up some supper and then went to pick up some fishing lures for one of the kids she has been nanny for for 15 years. The boy loves to fish.
It was nice of the dillo to bury himself. Gonna get a couple of big rocks to toss in the hole then cover it up with dirt.

The size of the den is why they are so dangerous. Hit a hole this size with a tractor in 5th or 6th gear can definitely throw someone off.

The bright spot of sunlight to the left of the arrow is the dillo's butt. The second pic is a couple feet away, for some unknown reason he stopped digging there and went back to the same spot he'd dug a den 2 years ago.

It's a relief to finally get him. He's been an annoyance for couple of years. I had traps out occasionally. He never so much as tripped one.

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We have badger holes that are dangerous just like you say and for all the same reasons.
Had to go to 3 gas stations until we found one that had gas in West Virginia. Wow, and these were big ones, not little 2 pump ones

Finally figured out what the exotic sounding bird that sings at night is, a Whip poor will
Husband found it on youtube :)

We do have some really lovely birds around here, blue ones, yellow ones, hummingbirds, lots of Cardinals and woodpeckers

Today felt like summer, watered the garden and transplanted some stuff I still had in the greenhouse outside ( eggplants, more tomatoes , peppers).

Did something I truly don't like doing but see no way around it and needed to be done this evening, banded the boys , poor little guys ....we kept 4 goat boys intact. They will have to go live in a different room in the barn soon and be seperated from their moms before they get any of the little ones pregnant. We usually keep the nicest ones intact to either sell, or keep for us.

Got a fitbit type watch that measures heartrate, steps, O2, blood pressure and temperature. Pretty cool, but now I got to figure out how to use it....
Made Hubby a bucket of homemade icecream. It was cold last night so I didn't sleep well. There's a blanket at the end of the bed, but you know when your mostly asleep and can't wake enough to pull a blanket up? Finally about 3-3:30 I pulled it up and was just beginning to warm up a little when I heard the coffee - about 4ish. Sooo I'm tired this evening. I need to darn some socks (again) but will see how far I get.
This morning I ran errands, by 07:30 tried to start work, meetings went long, we have deadlines and we kept going till 7 PM. I noticed that HD has the wood I need to finish up my water barrel stand, ordered it tonight will pick it up tomorrow morning.

By the time I finished work the wife was worn out and stuck in the kitchen, then she was mad because I wasn't available earlier, dinner turned into a mess because of hurt feelings.

When we get off our schedules things really spiral out of control.
One of my lifelong duties is free on call mechanic for my parents and their 20+ year old vehicles.

Yesterday I replaced the rear brakes because the pads where totally gone on side. Only took me an hour.

Then at about 0700 I had a sudden bad feeling that woke me up with the thought of...."I wonder if the piston is sticking on that side"

Test drove their car today, sure enough after a mile one side was 54Āŗ, the other was 240Āŗ

Sticky piston. Swapped it out with one from the spare subaru farm behind the woodshed and all is well, but it took all afternoon of screwing around.
Today, I need to unload supplies off the truck and then make a run to pick up lumber. I need to rotate the vehicles and then I need to do the last harvest of over-winter spinach for this year, then we will blanch, shock, and freeze it for later use. I want to replant that space with bush beans before the day is over. I have till noon to get things done today.
Weatherman is guessing that today is going to be a beautiful warm day . Good day to work outside.
Draining the water from the garden pond. Overdue for a good cleaning.
Sanitize the RV water tank.
Top off the RV batteries with distilled water as needed.

Isn't it scary when the Weatherman's news is more accurate than the News Media "news"?
I was supposed to be off tomorrow, lost that due to meetings, I can take off half of today, but meetings start a noon... can't break free of the grip... I have too many people scheduling my time and helping me out!

Wish I had never started posting on the CMI thread... like parking your car on the street in NYC or down town Detroit.... Nothing good can come from it. ;)

Have the wood here for the last stage of my water barrel stand, need to get the garden picked and then ready for work.

It would be nice if I could be working on plumbing and distribution network this weekend. Gotta hope...
Finally figured out what the exotic sounding bird that sings at night is, a Whip poor will
We had them in FL when I was young. Haven't heard them in years. I always thought they sounded lonely.

Already walked this morning.
Taking DH to doc appt this morning.
Then stop at Walmart for a couple of things for my trip this weekend.
Stop at Thrift store.
Stop at Salvage grocery store.
Set up DH's meds for the next month.
Finish making and freezing decaf so he has it for the next couple of weeks.
Make a couple of calls.

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