Yesterday I went to the big electronics store in the big town. They didn’t have several things I needed for adding another hard drive to my desktop. Then the “geek squad” guys couldn’t even answer all my questions. (sort of feels good knowing I can still stump the kid at the computer shop).
Got some time… The geek squad’s real computer guru doesn’t return to work until Tuesday. He’s the guy who can answer my questions. I’m making major changes to both my desktop and my laptop… several different ways to go about things, put a new engine in the old pc or build a new system or a combination of both etc. I need to talk to someone who knows both old and current hardware.
Last night I downloaded several linux operating systems (3), ran all the checksums. Downloaded a neat little program for burning ISO’s on thumb drives (balena etcher).
Today I’ve been sorting thumb drives, consolidating backup data so I can free up several small thumb drives for burning ISO’s. I've also been reading installation procedures, weighing the options...
I’ll get the rest of the disks and thumb drives burned tonight. No plans but pc work and watching tv.