What's everybody doing today?

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Finished organizing the utility room. Before we had a plastic shelving unit split in half to fit under the wall cabinet. I switched that unit with a shorter one we got recently. It fit perfectly so I bought a second. Now all the pet stuff is on one and the cleaning supplies on the other and the room is less cluttered. The laundry shelving unit was switched as well and now the unit from the utility room is in the laundry room and the one from the laundry room is in the garage. LOL! Confusing but they all have weight limits and I wanted the gorilla unit to be in the garage not the laundry room.

I shredded a bunch of papers for more bricks. I am using a large tote now and a bucket worth of shreds barely covers the bottom! I'm not sure I will be able to fill it but at least we will have a lot of pulp for tons of bricks! Great way to reduce our waste and recycling.

Our cat, Bailey, has another abscess on her back end. Same as before, base of the tail. It popped when I petted her before knowing it was there. I cleaned it and started a course of antibiotics. There is no skin on it now as she has been licking it but it is not bleeding or oozing. It has been closing slowly and I am keeping it clean. It is in a weird spot where she would need a cone but she would not be able to get in the littler boxes or in her bed under the couch with one. Seeing how she is being picked on by the other cats I'd rather her be comfortable and able to escape if needed. She will be 15 this fall so she may be getting close to passing and that is why she is getting infections while none of the other cats are. K and I are prepared to put her down if the time comes rather than let her suffer but for now she is eating well and being a bit social considering the wound.

I took the dogs for a walk this morning before the girls got up (K was home with them) and we got attacked by another dog. She jumped her fence and ran right at us. We have interacted with this dog before and had no issues but this time she attacked us. I screamed and yelled kicking the beast as she tried to get at Summer. I ended up stopping her when I grabbed her collar and yanked her off the ground. That dog weighted more than 100 lbs but I had to do something as kicking and hitting wasn't working. The owners came out and dragged their dog away and said nothing to me or made sure we were okay. I told K when we got home I will be carrying a large stick now and if that dog attacks again I will be calling animal control about the attack. It seemed clear to me the owners know their dog is aggressive and didn't want to deal with the ramifications of their dog's behavior. Not the type of people that should own a dog let alone any animal. Summer is fine just a bit clingy after the encounter. No injuries but still scary.
Some people cannot be logical when it comes to having dogs that are aggressive.

My neighbor's dog is/was their third Doberman, all females. On Saturday, daughter was coming over to help clear out the garage. I was out in the alley by the garage, preparing for her arrival when there was a commotion across the street. My neighbor came out of his alley gate, a little ahead of me as I headed out to see what was going on. It was his dog, barking and carrying on. She had gotten out when someone left the gate open. Dog ran across the street and bit a woman who was walking by and was menacing. Yesterday neighbor was in his yard when I got home from church. I asked him about how it went and if I see the gate open, should I close it? We don't always know what is going on with people. Woman was traumatized and went to Urgent Care. Neighbor told me the dog has to go. They have a child around 12 and cannot risk having her friends over with the dog. I believe dog was 3 years old. They have had lots of work with trainers with the dog and she has always been the most challenging of the 3 dogs they've had. Neighbor said he hadn't heard from animal control, but he knew that was just a matter of time. They expect to have bills for Urgent Care and perhaps a fine for the incident. They were researching where to surrender the dog and hoping that there would be someone who was in a place where they could give the dog what she needs, more training, more exercise and attention than they are able to. I haven't seen the dog since.

Not everyone can be this swift in their decisions. I know people who have had aggressive dogs, but want to keep giving them chances. Some people understand that you only need one incident or even a hint of aggression to make the right decision to surrender or put down some dogs, especially dogs of certain breeds.
We got a lot done in the garage on Saturday, but we are not finished. We started a few piles: give away, give to specific people, keep, trash bin and recycling bin. The most important pile was the large give away pile, which is in the drive way. I posted it in the neighborhood group. Much is gone now, but books remain. There are many books left in the garage to get rid of. I will take what doesn't go away to Goodwill. We will be adding to the pile as we continue to clean out the garage.

Daughter has many bins of CD's. They have plagued me for a while. Hopefully, they will be finally dealt with.
I worked on cleaning up the yard of the remodel place. It was hot and humid so I took a lot of breaks. Started piles of copper and aluminum. My recycling buddy has gone off the radar again so I am going to have to find another person (or resort to attending a county counsel meeting where he attends to harass them).

I had another task while there to get the milage of the truck for an insurance discount. Odometer has been hit n miss for a while now. It was definitely a miss today. So that earned me the right to listen to hold music for 45 minutes so I could ask what to do about the milage they want. The next time I notice the odometer working I will get another chance to wait on hold.

It was not all bad. I was able to watch a thunder storm pass north of us while on hold. No rain for us yet. I am hoping to get some this week.

We got a lot done in the garage on Saturday, but we are not finished. We started a few piles: give away, give to specific people, keep, trash bin and recycling bin. The most important pile was the large give away pile, which is in the drive way. I posted it in the neighborhood group. Much is gone now, but books remain. There are many books left in the garage to get rid of. I will take what doesn't go away to Goodwill. We will be adding to the pile as we continue to clean out the garage.

Daughter has many bins of CD's. They have plagued me for a while. Hopefully, they will be finally dealt with.
Libraries often take books for an annual book sale. What they don't sell usually goes to GW. At least our GW has very few books.
Libraries often take books for an annual book sale. What they don't sell usually goes to GW. At least our GW has very few books.
The Princess makes a point of hitting the library book sales when they happen. Any engineering books come home for me. I can't say there isn't a book she didn't like. One was an old book on witchcraft (that my son and I burned) and a psychology book that neither of us were interested in.

The Princess makes a point of hitting the library book sales when they happen. Any engineering books come home for me. I can't say there isn't a book she didn't like. One was an old book on witchcraft (that my son and I burned) and a psychology book that neither of us were interested in.

My mom would never go to thrift stores or get a library card. She and Pa read a lot! Finally convinced her to go in with me one day. She couldn't believe that books were 50c - $1. They now go somewhat often, and she has a library card. She started realizing how much $$$ was going towards books, and then she was stuck with them not wanting to read them again. Parents these days :rolleyes: ;)
Worn slap out worked here all morning then drove to richmond for my oldest daughters wedding in the afternoon. Fought my body all day and night, I do believe it my own worst enemy! Not sure I'll be able to do anything today. Really getting behind here.
Worn slap out worked here all morning then drove to richmond for my oldest daughters wedding in the afternoon. Fought my body all day and night, I do believe it my own worst enemy! Not sure I'll be able to do anything today. Really getting behind here.
Today I’ll go shopping as I invited friends over for dinner tomorrow and games of Yahtzee and Uno. I’m just making spaghetti with meat sauce, a salad and garlic bread. Chips, maybe M&Ms and lemonade snd iced tea.
I also need to tidy up a bit. My house is never something for Home and Gardens magazine so I’m always a bit self conscious. But I never feel judged when friends come over.
On beach since Friday. Rental had not been cleaned so waited on porch for crew to clean for an hour. Yesterday a scheduled electric outage that we were unaware of from 7:00 AM - 5:30 AM on Tuesday. Hurricane shutters were closed so no air flow except through front door. Moved 5 mattresses into living room. Babies were very uncomfortable and restless.
Printed out the protection order paperwork. Started a rough copy of a timeline. Can get the screamers information on the 7th from the sheriffs so have time to get it written up as best as possible. Sheriff suggested doing an anonymous tip to the county for him living in a run down outbuilding. Not sure if I should do that or not. Sheriff really was trying to help. Very tired. Waiting for hubby to get home. Another rough night. Far more frustrated now. At least I get to see beautiful sun rises.
Have a good day everyone ❤

If anything, I’m glad we’re here for you to vent because that’s a lot to deal with.

I’ll say a prayer for your circumstance & we hope you feel peace. The whole thing is in God’s hands. He makes perfect ways for us we never thought possible. Iv’e seen it time and time again.

Keep us updated 🙂
Slowly but surely getting a little done, mostly inside. Things that get neglected when you're busy outside. lol Trying to get an older battery to take a charge so I can attempt to set electric fencing back up. Pigs are a pain in the rump!
My friend gave me 14 pounds of green beans from his garden yesterday. Will make half of them Dilly Beans from the Ball book and the other half Pickled Garlic Green beans which have some sugar so should be a little sweet. They will have to wait until Friday as I have to make and PC dog food tomorrow evening and Thursday. Never tried that before.

My Peanut Butter puppy is at the vet's. She had her teeth cleaned this morning and they pulled 11 teeth. They said she still has plenty left. We will see. I pick her up in a couple of hours.

Am doing more paperwork to do with little brother's passing.

Laundry today.

Still have to make taco salads for dinner.

Going to walk in a few minutes. It's hot so I should get my vitamin D for the day!

Nothing like hitting the ground running!
Realized that the mower was not working properly last time I mowed, went out at lunch and made the necessary repairs (had the machine on it's side), when I finished I turned it upright and tried to start it.. Flooded, pulled the plug, cleaned it, got the mower started and lunch was over......
Urban eats small engine repairs for lunch.

Husband is being a brave soul and taking the twins out, one at a time, for driving time/practice in our old beater truck. Little granddaughter is visiting with her mom and the boyfriend at the moment, and their time is up, and am hoping husband is the bad guy this week to tell them time to go. I got last week. 13 baby chicks hatched. Lots of laundry and housework today. I have some berry bushes I need to get in the ground, but it's hot out, so I'm whining.
I was off to Lowes to talk to a kitchen design consultant and pick up 10 5-gal food grade buckets to support The Priness's habit. One of their designers was off on vacation and the other was booked for the day. I made an appointment for tomorrow and grabbed the buckets.

Indulged myself and the way home with a chocolate milkshake.

After getting home The Princess reminded me that I have reconfigure the duct work for summer mode of operation because she has been freezing in the office. Completed that task.

Not planning much more today.

That's always my in town treat...a milkshake. There's a place here called Bogies with over 100 types of milkshakes. Have to have the german chocolate one.
I have no idea what I intended to do today, but I did alot. Worked with food storage organization, and had the twins move a bunch of mylared main meal totes. They get pretty heavy. Organized my "baking shelves" for food storage. Planted the berries, watered in the greenhouse, did a ton of laundry, and am on cooking the third meal of the day. Ten minutes till the timer goes off.
Survived the Grand daughter's sleepover.
Putting my house back together.
Been walking several miles in the morning.
Also in the evening.
Been eating black sugar free jellybeans.
Finished up the leftovers at noon.
So will have to fix something for tonight.
Start fresh tomorrow.
Threw away several pairs of shoes, sandals.
They hurt my feet.
My feet are swollen from the walking.
Trying new walking schedule 5- 15 minutes brisk walk to help lose some more weight.
Grand daughter and I planted some more beans in the raised beds.
Been watering faithfully every other day.
Grandkids are coming for a visit. Finished the “HOBBIT HOTEL” today to fire their imagination. Materials and paint used was leftovers from other projects. Yellow is the door and gray rectangles the windows. Unfortunately rain washed off the permanent marker details off.

Internet has been slow as molasses going uphill in January.
Purchased a serger via FB marketplace. Nice 80yr old lady named Melba was selling an old Pfaf Hobbylock 774 along with a bunch of thread, some books, instruction manual, and vhs video instruction.
Been learning about sewing and it's inspiring me to get the front room set up as a craft room (which is what my mom has been wanting). Only her art desk sucks and she needs a proper sewing desk. She gave hers (along with one of her sewing machines that was bolted to it) to my sister. My sister doesn't even sew. LOL. I liked the machines with lifts and decided on a redneck lift method that doesn't cost $240 for just the mechanism. Scissor jack + wood supports + cnc guide slides w/ glides + a broken paper towel holder & handle from broken serving spoon as a hand wheel crank. Dowel of holder came out. Base can be the wheel. New hole can be drilled for the dowel. Dowel already has an end to hold on the metal sleeve (from serving spoon). Sleeve can spin on the dowel to make turning easier. Obviously the dowel and metal need to be trimmed down some.
I just need to figure out how to connect it.

Lady who sold the serger was very nice. Well informed and seemed to be good with the internet. We met in a public place- she wanted it to be more convenient for me and I was concerned she might not feel safe giving out her home address to a stranger. So we met at a smoked meat shop. Had some boudin balls with cheese in them. Only one left so I was nice and got it for my brother.

Got some salad for mom and cooked for her, but I think the nonstick butter spray has gone bad because the food tasted off.

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