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- Dec 3, 2017
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Some people cannot be logical when it comes to having dogs that are aggressive.Finished organizing the utility room. Before we had a plastic shelving unit split in half to fit under the wall cabinet. I switched that unit with a shorter one we got recently. It fit perfectly so I bought a second. Now all the pet stuff is on one and the cleaning supplies on the other and the room is less cluttered. The laundry shelving unit was switched as well and now the unit from the utility room is in the laundry room and the one from the laundry room is in the garage. LOL! Confusing but they all have weight limits and I wanted the gorilla unit to be in the garage not the laundry room.
I shredded a bunch of papers for more bricks. I am using a large tote now and a bucket worth of shreds barely covers the bottom! I'm not sure I will be able to fill it but at least we will have a lot of pulp for tons of bricks! Great way to reduce our waste and recycling.
Our cat, Bailey, has another abscess on her back end. Same as before, base of the tail. It popped when I petted her before knowing it was there. I cleaned it and started a course of antibiotics. There is no skin on it now as she has been licking it but it is not bleeding or oozing. It has been closing slowly and I am keeping it clean. It is in a weird spot where she would need a cone but she would not be able to get in the littler boxes or in her bed under the couch with one. Seeing how she is being picked on by the other cats I'd rather her be comfortable and able to escape if needed. She will be 15 this fall so she may be getting close to passing and that is why she is getting infections while none of the other cats are. K and I are prepared to put her down if the time comes rather than let her suffer but for now she is eating well and being a bit social considering the wound.
I took the dogs for a walk this morning before the girls got up (K was home with them) and we got attacked by another dog. She jumped her fence and ran right at us. We have interacted with this dog before and had no issues but this time she attacked us. I screamed and yelled kicking the beast as she tried to get at Summer. I ended up stopping her when I grabbed her collar and yanked her off the ground. That dog weighted more than 100 lbs but I had to do something as kicking and hitting wasn't working. The owners came out and dragged their dog away and said nothing to me or made sure we were okay. I told K when we got home I will be carrying a large stick now and if that dog attacks again I will be calling animal control about the attack. It seemed clear to me the owners know their dog is aggressive and didn't want to deal with the ramifications of their dog's behavior. Not the type of people that should own a dog let alone any animal. Summer is fine just a bit clingy after the encounter. No injuries but still scary.
My neighbor's dog is/was their third Doberman, all females. On Saturday, daughter was coming over to help clear out the garage. I was out in the alley by the garage, preparing for her arrival when there was a commotion across the street. My neighbor came out of his alley gate, a little ahead of me as I headed out to see what was going on. It was his dog, barking and carrying on. She had gotten out when someone left the gate open. Dog ran across the street and bit a woman who was walking by and was menacing. Yesterday neighbor was in his yard when I got home from church. I asked him about how it went and if I see the gate open, should I close it? We don't always know what is going on with people. Woman was traumatized and went to Urgent Care. Neighbor told me the dog has to go. They have a child around 12 and cannot risk having her friends over with the dog. I believe dog was 3 years old. They have had lots of work with trainers with the dog and she has always been the most challenging of the 3 dogs they've had. Neighbor said he hadn't heard from animal control, but he knew that was just a matter of time. They expect to have bills for Urgent Care and perhaps a fine for the incident. They were researching where to surrender the dog and hoping that there would be someone who was in a place where they could give the dog what she needs, more training, more exercise and attention than they are able to. I haven't seen the dog since.
Not everyone can be this swift in their decisions. I know people who have had aggressive dogs, but want to keep giving them chances. Some people understand that you only need one incident or even a hint of aggression to make the right decision to surrender or put down some dogs, especially dogs of certain breeds.