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Brother and split with him applying stain to the fence and I planted more pacha Sandra.



The color contrasts with the cedar siding well and I am happy with the results.

Before I started planting the area to the right hat looks like bare dirt after the weeds were stripped back.


At the end of the planting


Give it some time to fill in.


After all the testing the Doc said the kids heart is fine. (Now if we could just get the rhythm right.) Said it's built right and strong so he doesn't know why she is having chest pains. He even sent her for x-rays to check her lungs and those are good too.
Inflamed diaphragm?
Could be gall bladder. Gall bladder pain can be wide spread. How old is your daughter?
Have my nephew and his wife for the weekend...here from OK for a wedding they're going to. He's a prepper, so we're comparing notes and sharing lots.
I live just outside of Tulsa. Where in OK does your nephew live? Where are you located, Amish?
Roo helped me make some more paper bricks. Used up all the shredded paper I had. I need to shred more for next weekends brick making. LOL! Great way to get rid of junk mail!

Roo's recipe for the week was funnel cake. I helped her make the batter and then K and I tag teamed making them. We only made half the batter as it was a LOT of funnel cake! I didn't eat my own. I just picked a few small nuggets and ate those. Not bad. Next time I'll cut the batter recipe in half. We did have a ball together in the kitchen making them.

Roo has been doing chores so she can buy her own bike. She has been riding the little one with out the training wheels but she is waaaaaaay to big for it so I gave her until Juju turns 5 (September) to earn her own bike. She has very little motivation to do anything to earn the money but I refuse to just buy her the bike and let her trash it.
After all the testing the Doc said the kids heart is fine. (Now if we could just get the rhythm right.) Said it's built right and strong so he doesn't know why she is having chest pains. He even sent her for x-rays to check her lungs and those are good too.....
She's 20. Her cardiologist and primary Drs talked and we are going to a GI to have her esophagus scoped, her gall bladder checked and to be tested for gastropariesis.
I'm not a doctor and don't even pretend to be, but have gone to the ER only twice for terrible chest pains.
They run an EKG - all normal. After hours it subsides enough they basically tell me it is nothing major, give me some pain meds and send me home.
After the second time, it dawned on me what it was.
Very seldom I have muscle spasms in my back and if I don't take a muscle-relaxer soon (that I keep on hand), the pain can become unbearable/crippling by the next day. I can't even bend over to put on my pants.
Last time the chest pain showed up I tossed down a methocarbamol and the pain was gone in an hour.
I'm not saying that this is her problem, but it sure as hell had all of my doctors baffled both times.
The big clue for me, is the pain starts between the shoulder-blades and then spreads around the chest.
*This is not medical advice, only past personal experience.
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I'm not a doctor and don't even pretend to be, but have gone to the ER only twice for terrible chest pains.
They run an EKG - all normal. After hours it subsides enough they basically tell me it is nothing major, give me some pain meds and send me home.
After the second time, it dawned on me what it was.
Very seldom I have muscle spasms in my back and if I don't take a muscle-relaxer (that I keep on hand) quick, the pain can become unbearable/crippling by the next day. I can't even bend over to put on my pants.
Last time the chest pain showed up I tossed down a methocarbamol and the pain was gone in an hour.
I'm not saying that this is her problem, but it sure as hell had all of my doctors baffled both times.
The big clue for me, is the pain starts between the shoulder-blades and then spreads around the chest.
*This is not medical advice, only past personal experience.

Hers starts in the middle of her chest and is a stabbing pain that last between 30 seconds and an hour. She has tried my inhaler when it happens with no results. I'm not giving her anything else without the Drs ok incase it reacts to one of her other meds.
I got a lot done today, major house cleaning throughout the day. I got a couple wood working projects well underway. Of course computer/photo work continued. I finally went below 103,000, didn't think that would happen but I deleted 900 images today. I'm down to 102,576 plant/garden/farm and home life photos. Over 80K are of medicinal, edible or otherwise useful plants. I'm finally down to manageable numbers and with a new filing system it should be a breeze going forward.
Finished organizing the utility room. Before we had a plastic shelving unit split in half to fit under the wall cabinet. I switched that unit with a shorter one we got recently. It fit perfectly so I bought a second. Now all the pet stuff is on one and the cleaning supplies on the other and the room is less cluttered. The laundry shelving unit was switched as well and now the unit from the utility room is in the laundry room and the one from the laundry room is in the garage. LOL! Confusing but they all have weight limits and I wanted the gorilla unit to be in the garage not the laundry room.

I shredded a bunch of papers for more bricks. I am using a large tote now and a bucket worth of shreds barely covers the bottom! I'm not sure I will be able to fill it but at least we will have a lot of pulp for tons of bricks! Great way to reduce our waste and recycling.

Our cat, Bailey, has another abscess on her back end. Same as before, base of the tail. It popped when I petted her before knowing it was there. I cleaned it and started a course of antibiotics. There is no skin on it now as she has been licking it but it is not bleeding or oozing. It has been closing slowly and I am keeping it clean. It is in a weird spot where she would need a cone but she would not be able to get in the littler boxes or in her bed under the couch with one. Seeing how she is being picked on by the other cats I'd rather her be comfortable and able to escape if needed. She will be 15 this fall so she may be getting close to passing and that is why she is getting infections while none of the other cats are. K and I are prepared to put her down if the time comes rather than let her suffer but for now she is eating well and being a bit social considering the wound.

I took the dogs for a walk this morning before the girls got up (K was home with them) and we got attacked by another dog. She jumped her fence and ran right at us. We have interacted with this dog before and had no issues but this time she attacked us. I screamed and yelled kicking the beast as she tried to get at Summer. I ended up stopping her when I grabbed her collar and yanked her off the ground. That dog weighted more than 100 lbs but I had to do something as kicking and hitting wasn't working. The owners came out and dragged their dog away and said nothing to me or made sure we were okay. I told K when we got home I will be carrying a large stick now and if that dog attacks again I will be calling animal control about the attack. It seemed clear to me the owners know their dog is aggressive and didn't want to deal with the ramifications of their dog's behavior. Not the type of people that should own a dog let alone any animal. Summer is fine just a bit clingy after the encounter. No injuries but still scary.
Got up at 06:00 watered the garden, continued to work in the garden till 09:00, then church. This afternoon it's warm out so I have been doing about 15 minutes outside, the 30 inside. I got the lights off one of my growing stations and hope to have a place prepared for it outdoors this evening. I noticed that the spinach that gets full sun is wilting, so I plan to move all those plants into the shade.
Jake and I mowed and weedeated the shoulders of our road and cleaned culverts. The Ups driver had ran over the end of a culvert and mashed it we got it straightened up. We spent the rest of the day cleaning the shop. Just set down after a shower watching old cold case files.

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You should call and file a damage claim with UPS. They have insurance that covers the damages their drivers do when delivering packages.

I had to do this when the Amazon delivery guy kicked over 3 of our path lights and broke the posts. They cut me a check for the cost of replacements after I sent them pictures of the damage.
You should call and file a damage claim with UPS. They have insurance that covers the damages their drivers do when delivering packages.

I had to do this when the Amazon delivery guy kicked over 3 of our path lights and broke the posts. They cut me a check for the cost of replacements after I sent them pictures of the damage.

I know and grew up with the driver, I’d hate to get him in trouble.
Well had my day planned with outside work. Woke up to needed rain showers. Off to Plan B.
Check the online forums.
Make a few contacts with the radios.
Hopefully I get an answer to my inquiry about the availability of a stack of pallets I saw Saturday. I'm looking for free wood to finish a Hobbit Hotel.
Maybe take a morning and an afternoon nap.
Well had my day planned with outside work. Woke up to needed rain showers. Off to Plan B.
Check the online forums.
Make a few contacts with the radios.
Hopefully I get an answer to my inquiry about the availability of a stack of pallets I saw Saturday. I'm looking for free wood to finish a Hobbit Hotel.
Maybe take a morning and an afternoon nap.
Definitely NAP🙂
Good morning! I did a video this morning and have to go to a friend's to help today as I did Saturday. Sunday was a busy day, too. Went to Walmart in the morning and it was raining really hard (had 6.5" yesterday), but needed to go in the morning to have items to work with in the afternoon. Made rice and sweet potatoes for dogs, cooked bell peppers and onions with turkey sausage for my breakfasts, cut up carrots for dog treats and then for dog food, cut sweet potatoes for dog food as well as treats, set up vitamins for the month for me, made a couple of calls. Way too much to do
to catch up from vacation!
Vacation was good! Brought home photos and memories! Playing with great grandkids is great! I had horrible allergies up there, but I think it was her sharpei dogs as it was bad in the house and would improve when we left.
I did plenty of walking so didn't gain weight. Yay!
Sure hoping to slow down in a few days. I need rest!

She jumped her fence and ran right at us.
I carry a hand held little stun gun when I walk (dogs or otherwise). The sound alone will make other dogs run the other way!

Have a good day! I'll get caught up reading eventually!
I think I do more breaks than work! lol Just finished cutting some small trees down inside the pasture area. Left them lay to let the cows and goats chow down. Pigs don't seem interested. Whole lot of small stuff in there that needs to go. So I'll cut some now and again for them to browse on and eventually I'll get that section cleaned up as I do other things. Got the auger on the tractor now I need to go cut some cedar for fence posts. either that or start pulling old fence and posts down and out. Either way I'm working toward getting that last section of crappy fence replaced. Making progress but dang it's slow.
Good morning! I did a video this morning and have to go to a friend's to help today as I did Saturday. Sunday was a busy day, too. Went to Walmart in the morning and it was raining really hard (had 6.5" yesterday), but needed to go in the morning to have items to work with in the afternoon. Made rice and sweet potatoes for dogs, cooked bell peppers and onions with turkey sausage for my breakfasts, cut up carrots for dog treats and then for dog food, cut sweet potatoes for dog food as well as treats, set up vitamins for the month for me, made a couple of calls. Way too much to do
to catch up from vacation!
Vacation was good! Brought home photos and memories! Playing with great grandkids is great! I had horrible allergies up there, but I think it was her sharpei dogs as it was bad in the house and would improve when we left.
I did plenty of walking so didn't gain weight. Yay!
Sure hoping to slow down in a few days. I need rest!

I carry a hand held little stun gun when I walk (dogs or otherwise). The sound alone will make other dogs run the other way!

Have a good day! I'll get caught up reading eventually!
Hey Snap~ was just thinking we should be seeing you back. Welcome home! Glad you had a nice visit w/ exception of allergies.
Just now having lunch, got up at 05:00 did 2 loads of laundry, watered the garden and watched a video on pruning tomatoes, I think with my layered beds I need to do more (like I ever did any) pruning on my plants this year, mostly at the base and any wild suckers. Trying to catch up on some training but ran into some software compatibility issues.... someone must have fixed something. Well lunch is almost over...
Sold one of our antique coolers last night on ebay. Took it to the post office this morning. That is one more item out of our garage. I do have 2 newer coolers so the antique ones were more for their looks than for use. Hopefully I can sell the other one and the luggage I have listed.

The weather turned cool on us. From high 90s to high 60s! My nose is going nuts!

Roo is on a chore kick trying to get the money for her new bike asap!
Taking a break from hand digging a corn garden. If I keep procrastinating, it'll be a fall veg garden. A cousin came by this morning, got our large burn pile going, chainsawed a bunch of dead limbs, and stayed for lunch. He farms our back 15 acres, and was starting to cut, but the rain came for 20 minutes out of no where.

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