What's everybody doing today?

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Sounds like you were busy, Clem.

Watched a fictional thing about Agatha Christie on PBS (I recorded it on DVR). Interesting show. I liked that the main cop wasn't a moron and he had things figured out pretty quickly.

I'm tired but my brain doesn't want to let me sleep. LOL. Going to try though. Night all.
Well yesterday went sorta south, after work it rained cats and dogs..... I gave up on working outside. The wife is almost ready to hang her new curtains, but she found the the window frame needed to be sanded and painted, found some holes that needed patching, told her it needs to dry before she can paint it. 2 hours later, she is wanting me to paint it???? Then she said something that made me nervous, She thought that I had patched it a day before.. in other words she added a day to our week.....
Summer heat is here. It was in the 90's yesterday. Two of the dogs I care for are really bothered by the heat, as am I. I am always looking for shade. I prayed for relief from the heat when it came to the dogs and my prayers were answered. One owner knows her dog is really bothered by the heat and decided no dog park visits this week. It is for the best. Another client had an opportunity to take their black dog paddle boarding today. Another client got off work early yesterday so I wasn't out at 3 in the afternoon in the direct sun with her dog.
Does that question include the party lines when we should not listen when the call is not for us?

Oooh, I never listened in as a kid. 😇
My friend gave me 14 pounds of green beans from his garden yesterday. Will make half of them Dilly Beans from the Ball book and the other half Pickled Garlic Green beans which have some sugar so should be a little sweet. They will have to wait until Friday as I have to make and PC dog food tomorrow evening and Thursday. Never tried that before.

My Peanut Butter puppy is at the vet's. She had her teeth cleaned this morning and they pulled 11 teeth. They said she still has plenty left. We will see. I pick her up in a couple of hours.

Am doing more paperwork to do with little brother's passing.

Laundry today.

Still have to make taco salads for dinner.

Going to walk in a few minutes. It's hot so I should get my vitamin D for the day!

Nothing like hitting the ground running!
Dogs have 42 teeth. I had a little Papillon that had 7 teeth pulled during a cleaning. She was about 11 then. She ate okay but seemed to have a difficult time chewing hard treats.
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Our old heeler hates the heat, too. I make sure he's in the shade, and he likes to be hosed down a couple of times a day. Sometimes he'll sit in the little wading pool. Guineas arrived ok, one dead in the box. Another is struggling. Both are lavender. Hopefully not too many losses in the first week. Went to Home Depot and husband picked up his battery chain saw. I was on the lookout for peonies, but didn't find any. Did get 3 good sized echinacea in white and pink. Bought a bunch of fly bags that I'll be putting out today, and was looking for chicken wire to top off a big turkey run we're going to do next week, but they were out. I did find a 50 ft roll of a reinforced netting to use as a topper, for a buck a foot, so I'll use that. They had utility wire in stock that I use for the base so critters don't dig in. Twins just left for drivers training class, husband left for allergy shot and physical therapy, so little grandaughter and I will get some stuff done. After I eat some really good cookies.
Met with the design guy at Lowes. After working my way through a plethora of choices I was pleased with the simulated look.




Even with going with the granite counter tops it should be well within our budget. The Princess took one look and approved the design. She picked out the style of counter top. I will have to review the design with my brother to make sure I have the measurements right and then I can place the order.

Tomorrow is looking like a day of duct work.


It looks nice, Ben! I take it there are now Barton's Home or Surplus Warehouses in your area? They do the planning as well and have better quality cabinets and generally for better prices. You may want to have stepstool storage or have a folding stepstool for cleaning the inside of the microwave.

Power went out this morning and I fell back to sleep after calling power company's automated outage reporting #. Not sure when it came back on. Still feeling tired and kidney stone is kicking around. Probably going to nap again.

Mom wants me to order a new door to replace the one that the dogs tore a hole in (on my bedroom). Going to get a composite solid core but it won't arrive until late July. I'm going to get a new doorknob as well. Current style keeps catching my pants pockets. Going to go with Schlage Siena (oval). They are easier to turn and harder to catch on things.
Today started at 0400 for me which is far from normal. It may have to become normal for me though. By 10:30 I was on my third shirt and had done a fair piece of fence building, for me these days. Nothing compared to what I'd have gotten done 20-30 years ago. lol I will say 36 inch deep post holes are a pain in the rear to tamp posts TIGHT in! Used every bit of dirt that came out of the holes and had 5 inch (average) post size. Then I cut a few more posts was planning to set them about now but we had 2-3 hours of torrential rain early afternoon. That's gonna be a mess when I get back to it. But not today I'm just not up for 30 pounds a boot today or walking on mud stilts! lmao I did burn a decent size brush pile after the rain. Decided to clean that up and finish it another day too. I'm pooped! Still have to feed the critters at dark.
Biggkidd, that sounds like a lot of work. It's been over a decade since I worked on fencing. I don't think I'd have the energy. It's not an easy job. I have a 6" auger now that I can use for drilling holes. Pounding in metal fence posts sucks though. I hope you get some rest today and that things will be dried up more by tomorrow.
Hauled brush from a dead tree I dropped in the yard a week ago or so. Had about a dozen chunks I couldn't split by hand so borrowed a splitter to get that finished. All of the wood has been stacked for future use and the mess of bark, sawdust, and sticks has been gathered and delivered to the local yard-waste center to become part of the massive "mulch pile". We will take a couple loads from there soon to mulch the trees and flowerbeds. Yep, not 20 anymore.
Biggkidd, that sounds like a lot of work. It's been over a decade since I worked on fencing. I don't think I'd have the energy. It's not an easy job. I have a 6" auger now that I can use for drilling holes. Pounding in metal fence posts sucks though. I hope you get some rest today and that things will be dried up more by tomorrow.
I've got an auger thankfully so I only have to clean out lose dirt with post hole diggers. It's tamping the posts tight that kills me. That 17 pound digging bar / tamper gets heavy quick! I'm cutting and using cedar trees off the land for posts now. Metal posts and pigs don't go well together here. They push them over everytime it gets good and wet.
Biggkidd, Do you mean the hollow metal tube with handles that you put on top of the metal posts to pound them in? I remember having to use one-- although, I had to bring a stepstool to get high enough to get enough leverage. I mostly helped with the ties and hog rings. When I was younger I could get the lower spots more easily. Never had the hogs push fence posts over at least- but the horse could figure out how to unlock the gate and he'd open it and let the hogs in to the garden.

hashbrown, sorry to hear about your phone. I keep mine off most of the time to avoid constant ringing. Too bad that can't work for the landline. Spam and Scam central.
Biggkidd, Do you mean the hollow metal tube with handles that you put on top of the metal posts to pound them in? I remember having to use one-- although, I had to bring a stepstool to get high enough to get enough leverage. I mostly helped with the ties and hog rings. When I was younger I could get the lower spots more easily. Never had the hogs push fence posts over at least- but the horse could figure out how to unlock the gate and he'd open it and let the hogs in to the garden.

hashbrown, sorry to hear about your phone. I keep mine off most of the time to avoid constant ringing. Too bad that can't work for the landline. Spam and Scam central.

No that's a metal post driver, got one of those too. lol What I'm talking about is beating the dirt back in the holes around the wood posts to make them tight and not move. They are also set 3 feet deep in the ground.
Came home early from work today planted some flowers and decided to bush hog and I guess my I phone fell out of my pocket and I ran over it with the tractor. It's actually been nice without that damn thing ringing all evening.
I could go back to just a landline. At one point Hubby said I need to have my phone on my person at all times. I refused and said he was lucky I carried it at all. I can't stand the wretched thing.
I found a plant today I’ve never seen before. I know, big whoop! But for me it is… been driving back roads around here for more than a decade. I know every little plant that grows.

What I saw today was a wild native rose. The ones around here are pink, have 6 petals, little things. Decades ago there were 8 or so species. Until today I thought there was only one left, Rosa carolina. Now I know there is another one, a white rose. I almost missed it, caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye as I drove slowly by. One single solitary bloom slightly larger than a nickle.

It rained off and on all day. I took a couple hours this afternoon to go plant hunting. I saw the new wild rose. I saw another plant I haven’t seen in 6, maybe 7 years, in the Verbina family and a medicine. It was down in the grass at what was a loading ground for a logging crew 2 years ago. It’s another little thing, almost stepped on it. It has purple blooms.

All in all a good day, nice and relaxing…

Long rd (38)a.JPG

Long rd ( 9)a.JPG
Walked, walked dogs, cleaned 2 baths, swept and dusted house, finished paperwork to do with little brother to mail today and then made dog food to cook overnight. That was all yesterday.

Today will walk and walk dogs.
Take jeep in for oil change.
PC dog food.
Call eye docs for appt to get glasses soon.
Take eBay photos.
Wash and snap the 13 pounds or so of green beans.
REST is my plan for the day. We got inches of rain and flash floods yesterday then a long slow rain last night and this morning. I think it's to late to save what had been seeded so once it dries I'll probably till it under and try again. Unless I get lucky and things sprout, but that should have happened long ago... The mud is INSANE and between it and the humidity I'm not even going to go out there and abuse myself. It's only taken near 50 years but I am learning when to say when...
REST is my plan for the day. We got inches of rain and flash floods yesterday then a long slow rain last night and this morning. I think it's to late to save what had been seeded so once it dries I'll probably till it under and try again. Unless I get lucky and things sprout, but that should have happened long ago... The mud is INSANE and between it and the humidity I'm not even going to go out there and abuse myself. It's only taken near 50 years but I am learning when to say when...
I'm west of Ft. Worth Tx and I could have written what you did word for word. 😓
Humidity on my front porch is 95% . Dewpoint near 80.

Wife and I are just starting to feel better.
Not gonna be doing anything outside , until almost dark.

Gonna go get my Doctor friend and take him to lunch.

May stack more firewood LATE this evening.

Y'all stay safe.

Hot and sticky here too. I'd rather it be 105° and dry, humidity is bad!

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