What's everybody doing today?

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I walke up and down two flights of stairs a zillion times today to get the round duct run from the basement to the second floor. This what you would have seen if you were watching.


The hole through the wall in the basement is just a bit undersized. I recalled my oscillating tool that was on loan to a friend so I can increase the hole size by about a 1/2 inch.


I screwed a small board across the top end of the first 10" duct so can attach a rope to pull it up with a rope.


Pulled the section of duct up into the dead space then attached the second section of round duct.


Pulled the duct up to about where it will be attached to the custom plenum. It was about then that I started to question if I am going to be 1-2" short!


I have to add a 10x6x8 wye to the top of the stack that may fit but again it may be just a bit short.

So now it is time for me do some planning on what the exact sequence for final assembly should be and how to support the weight if the stack pipe and wye.

Yes I am having fun.

It rained some today ,so other than the usual taking care of the animals we didn't do much. Made grilled chicken legs for lunch and baked some bread for us.
I do have to go and give the last 4 lambs born this year their CDT shot. That's about it for today.
Garden is starting to look a little better after we weeded and it rained some.

I feel like going camping somewhere. We used to do it every year but since we moved here and live in such a beautiful location to begin with, I didn't feel the need to go anywhere but lately I feel like I would like a break for a few days. Our son can take care of the animals for a few days so now I am just waiting on good weather. If I am only going to camp for a few days, it needs to not rain. But our luck, the first rain free period we will probably get a call from our neighbor to come get some hay .....
Reading @sonya123 's post makes me dream about going backpacking. We used to go camping at this time of year or in the fall, just after the "regular" kids went back to school. As home-school-er's we were able to have empty campgrounds while the weather was nice.

We sure caught a lot of flack back then about doing distance learning and having classes at home.... When our oldest went off to the University the people who had put us down were stunned, then when the second one completed nursing school, they were bewildered, and when they found out the youngest was graduating from medical school it was like their hair was on fire.......
I feel like going camping somewhere. We used to do it every year but since we moved here and live in such a beautiful location to begin with, I didn't feel the need to go anywhere.....
The same thing happened to me after I purchased my (and pulled a groin muscle on a solo trek) own place and the adjacent woods. No need to go any farther than a 10 minute walk.

The eldest granddaughter is talking about camping out this year. That may be the first for me and mine for a long time.

Today I have to go get stabbed #2, I am off work, but there is work that needs to be done, am torn.... I hope the second shot doesn't kill my weekend, there is so much to do this time of the year. I hope to get irrigation supplies today or tomorrow and I want to start hooking up my rain barrels, before our drought arrives... It always comes around July and I want to be ready with barrels full....
The duct work project moved along after I devised a plan to avoid the tru k fall into the void. I had to schedule the cutting around Zoom meetings The Princess had scheduled since the office is on the other side of the wall from where I had to work. Completed that with minutes to spare. Then I moved upstairs to execute the plan to install supports for the trunk.


That showed that the duct would not clear the floor boards against the wall.


Oscillating saw cleared the barrier.


That allowed me to pull the stack up above the floor.


Strapping was secured to the sides of the stack and tacked down to the floor to take the weight off of the rope and remove the board used to lift the stack.


With the lifting board and rope out of the way I was able to fit the 10x6x8 wye and mock up the elbow that will serve the return vent going to the front porch.

Lowered the assembly back into the hole and secured the mounting straps. Then the moment of truth...


Turns out my concern about being short of reaching the plenum in the basement was right!

What did I do wrong?

I failed to take into account the overlap when the two sections of duct are assembled.

It is an easy enough problem to correct. We will make a short section of duct to make up the difference. Just seems silly to drive a couple hours to get another 5' duct of which I will need a few inches.

Tomorrow I most likely be laboring in the sun to start a clean-up the yard behind the house we are remodeling. It is a mess and I have start work on pretifying the yard to improve the curb appeal for renting it out.

That remodel project has been on hold waiting for the electrician who is swamped with work. He has not been able to hire helpers because people are making more money collecting unemployment.
So today was another day of fun. Tomorrow not so much.

Turns out my concern about being short of reaching the plenum in the basement was right!
What did I do wrong?
I failed to take into account the overlap when the two sections of duct are assembled.
It is an easy enough problem to correct. We will make a short section of duct to make up the difference. Just seems silly to drive a couple hours to get another 5' duct of which I will need a few inches.

That remodel project has been on hold waiting for the electrician who is swamped with work. He has not been able to hire helpers because people are making more money collecting unemployment.
So today was another day of fun. Tomorrow not so much.

@Neb , I'm ashamed of you, I figured you would have made a mock-up and measured the length against your plan, but it happens to us all....

I find it sad that people are not willing to work because of Government handouts, actually it makes me a little angry...

I hope your weekend goes well. I am trying to act like I'm fine, but to be honest my arm is sore.... The manifolds for the irrigation didn't show up, but the car said it wants an oil change (yes it talks to me, just like my mother the car), if I do one I will do both.... that way I only have to haul oil away once.
@Neb , I'm ashamed of you, I figured you would have made a mock-up and measured the length against your plan, but it happens to us all....

I find it sad that people are not willing to work because of Government handouts, actually it makes me a little angry...

I hope your weekend goes well. I am trying to act like I'm fine, but to be honest my arm is sore.... The manifolds for the irrigation didn't show up, but the car said it wants an oil change (yes it talks to me, just like my mother the car), if I do one I will do both.... that way I only have to haul oil away once.
The lessons I learn from my mistakes stick with e the longest...

When re-plumbed my place I had to branch off in a limiter space to serve the bathroom, kitchen and laundry room. After soldering all of the fitting I turned on the water and discovered one joint that did not sweat correctly. Couldn't clear the water in the line to resolder it. Had to cut it all out and rebuild it all again from scratch. Threw away a lot of copper and learned I can never be too thorough when soldering pipes.

Got the girls enrolled for school next year with our co-op and all of Roo's end of the year reports finished and turned in. Now I just need to finish planning Roo's year and I will be set for August.

Sorting through my CDs. Just importing them to my old laptop and then to my ipod for the car. Roo was monkeying with it when K took them on an errand in my car. She deleted several playlists from my ipod. Not happy about that but it allows me to update the playlists.

Listed more junk for sale.
Just importing them to my old laptop and then to my ipod for the car. Roo was monkeying with it when K took them on an errand in my car. She deleted several playlists from my ipod. Not happy about that but it allows me to update the playlists.

I had 133 albums on my phone, then the app quit working... really ticked me off. I ended up going back to my old MP3 Player. I really missed my play lists because I had a dozen of them to match what I was doing or my mood. I had a bunch of really soft stuff gathered from different genres for when I was traveling on a plane or train..... Then again I can remember a couple of lecturers who were just as effective.....
The lessons I learn from my mistakes stick with e the longest...

When re-plumbed my place I had to branch off in a limiter space to serve the bathroom, kitchen and laundry room. After soldering all of the fitting I turned on the water and discovered one joint that did not sweat correctly. Couldn't clear the water in the line to resolder it. Had to cut it all out and rebuild it all again from scratch. Threw away a lot of copper and learned I can never be too thorough when soldering pipes.

An old old trick for that provided you can sweat the problem joint back apart is bread, plain old white sandwich bread stuffed in the pipe. It will soak up the moisture long enough to make the joint then it just washes away after you run the tap a couple minutes. My grandfather taught me that when I was about 9 so 40 years ago. lol
One of the trees I had dropped they left a stump 8 feet in height. Opening in the stump a small child could walk in, gave me an idea!

Spent this afternoon building a small roof for the stump. Used scraps I had. Tomorrow I’ll add a chimney. The opening I’m thinking about covering with plywood with a door and windows painted on, Hobbit Hotel.
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I made a wise decision staying inside resting today. About 2 hours tonight was plenty enough. I am soaked through. All I really did was feed the critters and get out a bale of hay. But let me tell ya there was a lot of walking back and forth move this move that move the other. Get the tractor get the deuce unload the hay get it in place and move everything back. Ugh I really need a better setup. Have to go all the way around maybe 400 yards when I could have crossed the fields in a few hundred feet. Thankfully I only have to set out about a bale a month, odd size bales 4x6 but they last a long time with three small cows and five small goats eating it. The pigs tend to make beds in it after everyone else eats. SO I try to only feed enough twice a day so not to much gets wasted. They are all loving the produce they are getting in place of grain. I have to wonder if it's good for them not getting any grain when they eat all that produce. I fed 50lbs of squash and 70 lbs of rutabaga and ten pounds of radishes tonight.

So cool there is stuff sprouting just about everywhere you look.
I got the lawn mowed - only 1 lawn this week, no more up the mountain wahoo! Cleaned under Hucklebunny's hutch - added that to compost which is good stuff. Did 2 loads of laundry. Had to go meet some folks at work. Made 4 stops coming home :rolleyes:. Had to do some computer work. Got parsley planted and tomatoes mostly weeded. Planted more pole beans and put netting over so will see if they get to grow. Tomorrow Hubby is going riding (single track trail) and I am heading out with MIL and Cousin-I-L - not sure what that will entail. Cousin-I-L is visiting from CO. If you don't hear from me, send bail money 😂
Started a new project today. I luv using my little smokey joe grills… but! They sit very close to the ground. If the ground is damp or cold it’ll pull heat from my grills, affects cooking time etc. A down spout from the roof gutter is about 3ft from where I set my grills, the ground stays damp for days at that spot after a rain, a giant heat sink in electronic terms.

I intend to make a small platform for my grills to get them off the ground a few inches. I dug up a several large clumps of monkey grass at the corner of my porch (slab). Underneath there were jumbled bricks my grandfather must have left decades ago. Anyway I got all the monkey grass and bricks out, got soil back in and fairly smooth.

Made good progress overall. I’d like to get the ground level and well packed. I was thinking of putting down a layer of brick (no mortar), covered by a layer sand then a layer of firebrick. After checking the price of firebrick $$$$, not so sure now.

It occurred to me this afternoon that a layer of pumice a couple of inches thick would be better. The pumice (marble sized) would allow water to drain through and away. It’d also act like a layer of insulation. Properly drained and ventilated the pumice would stay closer to the temperature of the air than the ground or brick underneath. An increase of 20+ degrees in the evening, a big difference in cooking times.

A simple concrete or brick slab under my grills would still be close to ground temperature. I need a way in insulate my grills and pumice would do that. I don't want a tall grill or to build a rack for them. I like to sit in a low chair and do my cooking. Just spit balling ideas…
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Watched videos on how to sew. I'm thinking of taking it up since it's something my mom used to do. I want to get the front room cleaned up enough that we can set up a craft area and work on stuff. I checked the prices of tables for sewing machines and they were insanely high. $700 for one that had an adjustable lift for the machine. The lift itself is over $200. Saw some pics of how to make DIY versions and saw someone using an automotive scissor jack. If I can figure out how to have an extension handle and arm for rotating it could work.

Ran out of cat food so had to go to Sams to get more (along with more water and some groceries). Internet has been awful all day. Keeps going out and giving me trouble. Not sure if it's the modem/ISP or the router.
Watched videos on how to sew. I'm thinking of taking it up since it's something my mom used to do. I want to get the front room cleaned up enough that we can set up a craft area and work on stuff. I checked the prices of tables for sewing machines and they were insanely high. $700 for one that had an adjustable lift for the machine. The lift itself is over $200. Saw some pics of how to make DIY versions and saw someone using an automotive scissor jack. If I can figure out how to have an extension handle and arm for rotating it could work.
My wife has been using a military style metal desk for decades, she has a lot of equipment and supplies. We have found that finding a large table to cut the fabric on can be challenging. I got her one of the great big green cutting mats and she likes that. If you are precise and sewing gets into your blood you can do a lot with it.... She has several dressers with just patterns. One big deal is that patterns come in and out of style so she holds on to them forever, the trick is folding them back up and keeping them together in the original envelope.. Her sewing projects come and go, when she gets into a project EVERYTHING else gets put on hold until it's done..... She has 4 book shelves with 2 shelves each that I added bracing to, we stack bolts of fabric like they do in the store.... My wife never met a bolt of fabric she didn't like (I only have 5 bolts of different camo and orange), actually she does not care for the wild patterns or character stuff... 25 years ago she made me a fleece hunting shirt with 4 pockets, lined with fleece lining, I still wear it when it gets cold in the woods... I bought the fabric I wanted (a pattern the I thought was great) in early fall one year... got home couldn't find my fabric.... Asked the wife and she lied, said I don't know where did you put it? I went nuts looking for it... Then she gave me the shirt for Christmas, it was perfect, I love it.... But she lied (it's the only time)...... ;)

Right now she is making curtains for the MB - 6 panels 84" long about 3' wide, lined.
I know I talk a lot and people say Urban your'e full of $hi55, no one could do all the crap... So on the sewing front (don't tell monkey I took pictures of a messy room)....
Cutting table (Used to be the kitchen table)

Denim Fabric:

More Fabric:

Sewing Area: "Their very expensive, I'm not allowed to play with them" Lady and the Tramp line sorta of... Notice the treadle control on the desktop, wife has to control using her hand:

The wife makes lots of Girly Dresses and useless stuff like that, even a couple of wedding dresses, like this one the DIL is wearing;


And finally my 25 year old hunting shirt

Yep, if sewing gets in your blood you can stay busy for a lifetime...
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After all the testing the Doc said the kids heart is fine. (Now if we could just get the rhythm right.) Said it's built right and strong so he doesn't know why she is having chest pains. He even sent her for x-rays to check her lungs and those are good too.
The reports are good but not knowing is troubling.

After all the testing the Doc said the kids heart is fine. (Now if we could just get the rhythm right.) Said it's built right and strong so he doesn't know why she is having chest pains. He even sent her for x-rays to check her lungs and those are good too.

Inflamed diaphragm?
Glad that testing was all good Terri.

Went to CoOp this morning. Refilled my empty diesel cans, bought 50lbs of 33-0-0. Urea, and 50 lbs of buckwheat. Found a meat truck on the way home and got about 30 more lbs of beef.
Trying to finish mowing and gonna plant some stuff for the wife later. She picked our first Boysen berries I planted 2 years ago. Got more snow peas and blueberries ready to pick as well.

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