What's everybody doing today?

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Another busy day of cleaning today we started off the morning with me folding up two loads of washing and putting mine away and left DH's on the bed to put away when he came in, heaven forbid I should muck with his system ;) (yep ex military). While I was doing that DH pressure cleaned the back veranda and around the outside of the house including screens and windows.

Moved onto deep cleaning the bedroom by damp dusting, vacuuming and polishing the furniture in there. I then tidied the spare dressing/ironing medical room and DH damp dusted in there earlier. While I was doing that DH went and whipper snipped and mowed the house paddock lawns and I damp dusted and DH polished the kitchen buffet unit.

Only one room to go being the kitchen tomorrow and a little of the floor grout in the bathroom to clean and DH will vacuum the hard floors and I will mop them and it should all sparkle again ready for our inspection on Monday.

I have the worst case of allergy at the moment with eyes that resemble goldfishes, as I think we stirred up a bit of dust during the process of it all but most of it should be gone hopefully and it does smell a lot fresher and cleaner in here now. Thank goodness for allergy tablets and I will hop in and have a nice shower and wash my hair to get all the dirt off me shortly after we have eaten our homemade pizza for dinner.
I got up at 0400 - two hours before the alarm was set for but I couldn't get comfortable to get back to sleep. After two hours in my hot bath yesterday my muscles were warmed and relaxed. I am never pain free but it was back down to my "normal". I do pretty good until I can't smile or distract myself from my pain. Sometimes I just have to let it take over, feel it hard and then I can put it back in its box and close the lid. I have a high pain threshold, and a high tolerance due to growing up with debilitating migraines. I have broken bones and not known it and even passed a kidney stone without a problem. Pain is normally a friend - it lets you know when you do too much and when you need to relax. This morning I needed to get up.
So after getting dressed I did my daily stretches and some isometrics. I have a silhouette shoot at 0900. Coffee is on - decaf because I never drink caffeine - then I made some breakfast, snacks and lunch. It amounts to boiled eggs, six slices of cheese, cauliflower, broccoli and six ounces of lean pork roast. (I would rather have a bowl of oatmeal with maple syrup and whole milk but the KETO diet excludes all of that) I am ready to shoot this morning. I have my ritual, my gun is sighted in, the ammo is accurate and I am expecting light winds at 10mph but variable with some gusts. I am planning to go from my AAA classification to the top level this year which is Master. I have to knock down over 31 of the 40 targets to get there. It may not happen today but that is my goal for this year.
I hope you all have a great day - I know I will.
Yesterday the power was out here for several hours. We have had a generator for about 7 or 8 months and though the power has been out before we had never bothered starting the genny. This time I did run it, more as a test than for any real need. It worked out fine.

After I manually switch from the grid power to the generator, I have no way to tell when the grid power comes back on again. But yesterday I discovered an easy way to check. The cell phone towers around here have no emergency back-up power so when the grid goes down there is no cell signal. So I can use the cell phone to check for grid power.

The power being down was a good test of our generator and it powered everything just fine. I ran it for maybe 45 minutes total. You can just barely hear it from inside the house. It powered the well pump and all household stuff just fine and we made supper and used many things at once with no issues. The generator passed the test just fine. I had just recently installed electric start on the generator so that made starting it even easier.
Just got back from town, bought 100 lbs of chicken feed and another 100 of dog food, then some beer for me. Oh and filled up the tank since gas prices will probably go up. Buying food (or ammo) seems to be the best fix for anxiety, though beer helps too.

Will get cloudy and rain tonight so I will finally transplant the peppers into the garden, and maybe a few other plants too (I started way more stuff than I have room for...ugh).
I just got back and unpacked from the range. It was a great morning for a silhouette shoot... it's too bad that the folks running it didn't bother to show up. Some of the folks traveled over 100 miles to shoot today only to find out that nothing was going on. I pulled out my target stand and got some others from around the range and set up paper targets of the silhouettes. We shot and had some fun in spite of the lack of interest shown by the organizers. There was no cancellation notice and the event was listed on the calendar. The club lost out on the entry fees and probably lost a couple of future members too. I did win the competition but since the range wasn't involved nothing gets recorded except on my personal record sheet. If they do this very often they are going to lose the shooters that I worked so hard to get interested or we will have our own shoots and the club will just lose the income for their laziness. I am going to get some metal targets made up so in the future we can act like it doesn't matter if the organizers show up or not.
I was told that they decided to cancel due to rain... NEVER has that EVER happened and the gentle mist had stopped before 0900 when the shoot was scheduled.
If they had canceled you would expect the web calendar to say so, but it still says it is a scheduled event. What ever they did they gave no notice. It was very unprofessional to say the least. Here is the listing from the calendar:

"22 Silhouette
WhenSat, April 14, 9am – 11am
WhereEast End Rod & Gun Club, County 564 Road, Milton-Freewater, OR 97862, United States (map)
DescriptionAction range closed for this event."
I've been shooting all day, and making adjustments as necessary (Mostly because of the up coming time of the year). I'll need to work on the AR-10 with the 12.5" barrel. I have switched to summer bullets, and need to crank the front sight down a bunch, to bring the POI up a bunch.

58 degrees and zero breeze, and not a cloud in the sky. What pilots call "CAVU" (Clear Air Visibility Unlimited). I used my 50 yd. and 100 yd. and 200 yd. ranges. I'll need to fire up the Cat D-8 dozer and brush them sometime this summer.

I got four bears on the hills that I can watch from the cabin roof. No "Yard" Bears yet, they should be here next week.
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Spent my day smoking some brisket and killing weeds around the gardens. Also had to restock my supply of gas...the power went out earlier this week, so I ran the generator for a few hours and burned through a few gallons of gas. Didn't really need to run the gennie because the power outage only went a few hours, but she was due for her quarterly start-up anyway so I killed two birds with one stone.
we went to a yard sale this morning and i bought the boys a complete set of childcraft encyclopedia for 20 dollars. also in the same box there was 2 dictionaries. also bought a propane grill for 20 dollars,never been used. found some coloring books and activity books for the boys.[can you guess who i am always on the look for?] not that they are spoiled,but i can make it fun for them to learn. anyway we had a good time and will definitely go back to that one .
Is the buyer buying the little "precious"?

And, I am glad about the shot.

No, we are keeping her. They are interested in my buck. I have his sister and momma so I'm keeping the buckling that was born to a doe we bought that was bred to an outside buck.

The doeling isn't mean but she wants attention and is learning about patients.
No, we are keeping her. They are interested in my buck. I have his sister and momma so I'm keeping the buckling that was born to a doe we bought that was bred to an outside buck.

The doeling isn't mean but she wants attention and is learning about patients.

Hahahah.....maybe you can install a sign at the front gate "Beware! Man eating goat!".
You need a sign :)


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    Attack goat.jpg
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Ha. That would be a funny sign. Busy day here. The twins had a supervised visit with their mom, sister, and grandma so husband supervised it. I spent the time doing household chores...laundry, tending to the baby birds, ducks, etc...Stripped the sheets from the bed, washed blankets. We went to Tractor Supply and I bought some feed, other oddities, and 3 baby leghorns, and 8 Cornish fatties. Not that we don't have enough. Those eight will be ready to butcher in 6 weeks. We took the twins to the bookstore, bought overpriced drinks, and let them pick out a new book to read while the Common Core testing is going on. Of course, grandson came back with a "graphic novel" (cartoons), and then a gore book, and granddaughter picked out a dramatic suicidal teenage girl book. Said no to all of those. Grandson settled on, "Divergence", and granddaughter chose a couple of Agatha Cristies books. I love how comic books are now hardbound, longer, and called graphic novels. The dumbing down of our children. Tomorrow is move the ducks out on the front porch so we can have our house back. They are four weeks old and stinky as all get go. They are not yet old enough to go to the duck run, but seem old enough for cages on the porch with a heat lamp on at night if it gets cold. We've had horrible windy, cold weather, but today seemed better. So all cages need to be scrubbed out, and the atrium they've been in needs to be scrubbed out from head to toe. Our African grey parrot has been roommates in the atrium with the ducks. He is quacking now. We'll move some of the brooders with baby chicks in them. I have 7 brooders set up now in the family room. A little much. Spring is here.

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