What's everybody doing today?

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I watched the radar this morning to see if severe weather would be here, or just rain and thunderstorms. Figured it would just be rain/thunderstorms and not tornadoes, etc. I had some fabric therapy at a sewing store. Such nice fabrics there. Visited with an Aunt and Uncle that moved back here from N. California. Then went and bought an air frier that has a dehydrator and other oven like aspects. (I do like gadgets, too). I did get some bacon to try dehydrating with some "ginger sauce" brushed on it. And then hopefully other things from farmers market, etc this summer.
Surprised my wife with a new car today.




Hello everyone :) .

We had a lovely morning at church and then came home and tried to order our bulk groceries for Tuesday but the grocery manager had gone home so we will have to do that tomorrow morning instead and shop on Wednesday.

DH then vacuumed the hard floor areas of the house and then I cleaned some of the dirty grout on the floor tiles in the bathroom and mopped and then we went to the 3 bay garage and swept and organised in there and now it looks a lot tidier in there. Just the dish washing up to do tonight and a couple of belt rails to damp dust and clean a laundry tub and we will be ready for tomorrow's rental inspection.

Tonight's dinner is a mince and vegetable stir fry.
Still laid over in Seattle....
Dont anyone do normal beers anymore? All these weird ipa double bock mokka frappe beer crap...!
Its still a million times better than O'Hare!
My mother said Michigan is iced over so ill probably get delayed in Detroit if it dont melt...

Miss my wife n son

And when did everyone get so dammed fat?!

Sorry for the rant
Im bored...
@Dutchs That's what dealt with yesterday an last night...

The house sits back into a hill and on a wet weather spring. There is a nice sump pump in the toolroom. Yesterday by midnight I got 3 inches of rain. I try to help the pump along when on such occasions to keep water from building up in the entire cinderblock wall. From 10pm until 2am I ran the pump every 12 minutes. The cavity the pump sits in will hold about 5 gallons of water.

At 2:30 this morning I could barely keep my eyes open but water flow had finally slowed. That’s when the electricity went off. So, I had drag the generator out, get everything set up to power the sump pump. At 3am I woke dad so he could take over the pump watch.

Today I have done absolutely nothing but watch tv.
I just replaced the drive belt on a John Deere LA145 lawn mower. I'm convinced the folks putting those things together have the hand size of a 1st grader. It truly is a miracle how some of these bolts are installed in the tight places. HOWEVER...... I sure get a great feeling of accomplishment when I finish a job like this. The mower runs like a sew'n machine now, and I have learned the tricks needed to do it again in half the time.
I spent the day cleaning my wood shop.
Not completely done but it is 100 % better than it was.
I did find some thing that have been missing.
A cluttered, messy wood shop is a hazard.
Some stuff to the trash trailer and some stuff to the storage shed.
Next weekend I'll attack the storage shed and make a dump run.
I started up the incubator yesterday,going to try again to hatch some duck eggs for the neighbor that lost all his ducks to a weasel last fall. I'll be checking it from time to time,other than that no real plans today. After 3 or 4 tries over the last year or so I've still not had an egg hatch. I'm thinking it might be time to try another incubator since I can't keep the humidity up on this 1,or my hygrometers aren't working right. I'm going to get a couple different ones and see if that helps but I think it's mainly been too much variance in the temperature and maybe leaving the incubator in the styrofoam case will help,we'll see.
Got notice from the IRS that we apparently owe them something from 2014. Sent to collection after 4 years without so much as a single letter? Ok, i'll bite and check on the website. Nope, thats broke. Nope cant call, demand is too high; click. Umm ok. So went into the phone tag system again since I am locked out of IRS. Crap..... So now on hold, lovely music btw, for 15 to 30 minutes using a workaround (healthcare question), so lets see where that takes us.

Living the American dream! um yeah. :huh:
Got notice from the IRS that we apparently owe them something from 2014. Sent to collection after 4 years without so much as a single letter? Ok, i'll bite and check on the website. Nope, thats broke. Nope cant call, demand is too high; click. Umm ok. So went into the phone tag system again since I am locked out of IRS. Crap..... So now on hold, lovely music btw, for 15 to 30 minutes using a workaround (healthcare question), so lets see where that takes us.

Living the American dream! um yeah. :huh:
Might have better luck next week, its tax day so I bet they are swamped by people waiting until the last second.
Might have better luck next week, its tax day so I bet they are swamped by people waiting until the last second.

Yeah, finally got through. Missing payment in 2014, ok but no letter, communication, smoke signals, or otherwise sent. Sending me records while I pull cancelled check records. Interesting that in the 40 years or so paying taxes one goes missing, during the obummer leadership time, they have no explanation what happened. Thats alright, lawyers need jobs too right? Should be interesting. Funny how the letter came the day before taxes are due.
Started off the morning with doing half of our 2 monthly grocery shopping and found a few good specials on both 4.45kg of apples @ $1.99kg and oranges for $3.49 on clearance for 3kg. The apples are usually at the moment $3.50kg and 3kg of oranges in other stores anywhere from $6 - $6.60 per bag so I am happy with this. We will use the apples to make apple pie filling for the freezer and what we purchased should make enough for about 4 or 5 pies. When we got home we dated all the groceries and put them away.

After that we went and saw a friend whose husband pulled apart her sewing machine and then had spare parts left so she asked us to see if we could fix it while her husband wasn't there (we suspect he has the start of Alzheimer's). Turns out it was only a quilting attachment that didn't need to be put on anyway but always good for her to check before she uses it and her husband did a good job of cleaning and servicing it himself.

This afternoon we supplement hand watered the newly planted broad bean seeds and capsicum seeds in the gardens with rain water from our tanks.

Tonight's tea was the other half of our mince and garden vegetable stir fry.
Had a bright idea and kicking myself for not thinking of it sooner.

Heavy rain causes the foundation perimeter sump pump to run. Found a WiFi high water monitor. Sump pump loses power, water level raises in the pit and the water monitor send me a text message. Except with no power my DSL connection goes down too. Batteries, solar, run cables to the south side of the two story roof, mount a solar panel, I live in a woods with limited sun light...I'm a idiot! Placed a over sized UPS in the basement. Plug the power strip into the UPS that provides power to the DSL, Ham radio, scanner and AA battery charger. Now if I lose power not only do I have warning that the sump pump is down but I can power all of my electronics too! I don't have to climb the roof (I'm too old for that) and I have plenty of notice to fire up the generator to put the sump pump back on line.
After that we went and saw a friend whose husband pulled apart her sewing machine and then had spare parts left so she asked us to see if we could fix it while her husband wasn't there (we suspect he has the start of Alzheimer's). Turns out it was only a quilting attachment that didn't need to be put on anyway but always good for her to check before she uses it and her husband did a good job of cleaning and servicing it himself...

Another example of where the husband was right but the wife refused to acknowledge it! :D

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