Hello everyone and I hope you are all having a wonderful day

Started off the morning with putting on 2 loads of washing and both DH and I hanging one load each and then DH and I doing 1 load each of hand watering of grey water onto the lawns to water them. We have had rain on and off for the last couple of hours so the washing will have to stay out until tomorrow.
DH then swept all the floors and I deep cleaned the bathroom and toilet. We then went into town to pick up some more apples on special to make some more apple pie filling with for the freezer. At the incredibly low prices they are at at the moment we would be silly not to take advantage of making our apple pie filling far cheaper than buying the tinned apples at the moment.
About to start making some more apple pie filling for the freezer and we had guests last night for dinner and used one bag already to make dessert with. With what we are making tonight that will give us 9 bags or enough to make 9 pies with for the cold winter coming up and some left for eating too.
Tonight's dinner will be pancakes and or cream and butter for something a little easier after more meal preps in the kitchen.