What's everybody doing today?

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It’s fun and wholesome- all ages. Hubby is making jalapeño poppers. More folks this year. Modified the cider press so should be a little easier, function better. Some good folks and the weather is supposed to be about mid 70s 😍
He was at One Time, so Teach/Train him Right...!!! 🫡
I didn't train him.
He had had been moved several times within the company.
Trying to find him a home, so he wouldn't be dishonorable discharged.
But he knew more than his supervisors, commanders.
He also didn't have the security clearance to be in my area.
So for his troubles, he was dishonorable discharged.
OUCH...!!! That will never be changed...!!
I didn't train him.
He had had been moved several times within the company.
Trying to find him a home, so he wouldn't be dishonorable discharged.
But he knew more than his supervisors, commanders.
He also didn't have the security clearance to be in my area.
So for his troubles, he was dishonorable discharged.
And just for the record I protested the punishment.
I thought maybe retraining brigade, even jail time.
But that is what the Brigade Commander decided.
Mo, sounds like he wasn't a good fit for military if he couldn't follow the rules. He's lucky it was dishonorable discharge and not death. My dad wrote in his memoirs about a platoon leader who thought he knew better than everyone else. Got himself and his unit killed by not listening to others.

I cooked for Mom and pre-loaded an insulin cartridge for her pump as her current cartridge is almost empty. Also trying to figure out what to eat.
Today is a range day, so I have been making sure that the wife can see the church broadcast on her computer and checking our internet connection before I leave.
Yesterday I connected a hotspot to our network from the wife's phone and that seemed to settle things downs a bit. I also checked the exterior box and noticed that the weather seals were not properly located in the slots, I corrected that, reseated all the connectors and closed it all back up. We have had rain and heavy fog for the last week so I am thinking that moisture could have been adding to our problems.
today I really need to go shopping for some groceries, haven't gone since before the storm. We always have food to eat but I want some bananas and milk. Milk goat is definitely done for the year, and we are about to breed the goats anyway
Husband is going to clean out the gutter of the shop building so we can use future rain water for storage for animals or plants. It's full of leaves right now.
Today is a day without a schedule, or real plans. Car has a full tank of gas we just got paid :). Trip north to BOL, drop off some boxes, change some camera batteries there, Lori wants to block some squares.

Then we will go on "walkabout" and see what happens. Lori found another place she might want to volunteer, and I found a new diner to check out :)
It’s fun and wholesome- all ages. Hubby is making jalapeño poppers. More folks this year. Modified the cider press so should be a little easier, function better. Some good folks and the weather is supposed to be about mid 70s 😍
What kind of cider press do you have? I'm looking at buying one soon.
Today is a range day, so I have been making sure that the wife can see the church broadcast on her computer and checking our internet connection before I leave.
Yesterday I connected a hotspot to our network from the wife's phone and that seemed to settle things downs a bit. I also checked the exterior box and noticed that the weather seals were not properly located in the slots, I corrected that, reseated all the connectors and closed it all back up. We have had rain and heavy fog for the last week so I am thinking that moisture could have been adding to our problems.
Prepping Never Ends...!!! :thumbs:
Got up, made some coffee, lounged around, lady woke up and recalled me to the bedroom, got cleaned up, and started making brunch. I had some leftover croissants so I am making breakfast sandwiches. Croissant, scrambled and folded eggs, deluxe American cheese, thin sliced ham, white American cheese, peppered thick cut bacon, salt and pepper. Then I brushed melted butter on the outside and will put them in the oven for 7-8 minutes as soon as I have a 2 more people in the living space. We will also be having some raspberries and blackberries. Not sure what the afternoon will hold other than a long walk, but I do know we are going to start watching horror films every weekend as we lead up to Halloween. Tonight's film is "The Quiet Place".
Going to walk the pups, run a errands and get a few things done..been a busy week of get up , do chores , get box's n stuff n posters made, go to work, sleep.. repeat. I'd like to chill today.

Yesterday, walked pups, set up another donation box, came home, finished setting up side stall I cleaned out last weekend as a turkey n chicken winter feed station n hangout.

In winter that area has become a enclosed hangout other than the coop for the birds. During the day when it's comming down sideways, the birds will head into that area. It was in dire need of cleaning and repairing the greenhouse paneling that finally blew out n was broken . So I put up new paneling, shored up the supporting 2x4's n whatnot and closed off the gate part to enclose everything. So now it can't snow or rain sideways in there, I can store feed cans and set up a feeders in there too and the birds have a better spot to hang out in.

I still need to do friday 5s too..

The weather has been beautiful tho! Love it
went shopping and spent more on dog food than human food ...
Otto the spoiled GSD needs to eat well, so gets expensive dog food he likes ( Purina one turkey and venison)
One of the things that I learned over the years is, dogs and people, will eat anything you give them, when they get hungry enough. With that being said, we feed our mutt Taste of the Wild. It's about the most expensive dry dog food we can find. He doesn't like raw eggs, so the wife boils or fries eggs for him. Spoiled mutt.
Absolutely no energy today but I fed and watered the calf. Left him penned in the corral until I repair the fence, hot day but he has shade. Yesterday I only glanced at the downed fence where he escaped. Went out this morning for a closer inspection. It’s a much bigger job than I originally thought, about 50ft of fence needs major work. It’s covered in vines and brush, needs new barbwire and a couple posts. I’ll leave the calf penned up and split the job into 2 days. Hopefully I’ll get a little energy late this afternoon and do the chainsaw work. Get the area cleaned off so I can do the actual repair tomorrow.
I broke a nail vacuuming!!😮 Since I'm cleaning my own house I just can't say, " broke a nail, gotta leave"!! So I took a nail file/Internet break 😃 and now I'm getting back on that horse!! The cats are smart to hide when the vacuum comes out!! Kinda dangerous!!

Medic! Medic! We need a medic over here!

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