What's everybody doing today?

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Got up, worked out, went for a swim in the heated pool, cleaned myself up, locked up all the guns and valuables, started my laundry, received the grocery order and put it all away, watched the cleaning crew do their thing, finished my laundry, and now I am sitting here watching a Marvel movie with the girl. We started a few weeks back and intend to watch all of them in the proper order before we move into a house.
Last tomatoes from my garden
Last tomatoes from my garden
View attachment 164977
Looks great! Been awhile since I last grew some ... was 2009 ... searched high and low for heirloom seeds for the best taste ... grew them on the deck ... I think neighbors and cops must have thought they were pot plants!!!! lol

Talked to my Irishman this morning.
Seem some little person shared her head cold with me.
We had a Granny's Sleepover on Saturday evening.
My little cooking buddy learned how to make dumplings.
So we made chicken and dumplings.
She learned how to make chicken salad.
Those recipes are going in Granny's Favorite recipes cookbooks.
Puttering today.
Either my allergeries are kicking up with fall weather?
Or fall harvests are upon us with allegeries?
Or some little person shared her head cold with me?
Or both?
I feel like crap.
Staying home
Hopefully I feel better in 3-5 days.
Just been sleeping off and on all day.
Ate some soup.
Burnt my right wrist pretty good.
My Irishman told me go back to bed, I sound like crap.
He also told me to drink hot tea with honey.
Just sleep for several days, he'll be back soon to take care of me.
I miss my Irishman.
Had a little rain this morning. We covered up the wood pile and the log splitter. A few minutes ago I ordered a pair of lined elk skin gloves from Sullivan Glove company. Going out now with the tractor to finish filling in the washout on our road. Got our first fire going in the wood stove this morning. Nothing beats wood heat.
Did as little as possible today… which turned out to be a shopping trip to town, carp. Got groceries. Also bought an eye wash kit and lubricating drops. Realized I didn’t have anything in the house when I scratched my eye yesterday. Not serious but lubricating drops would have been helpful.

Then I stopped at the hardware store and bought new loppers since I have more fencing to clear. I got the large pricey ones. 3 to 1 power advantage and most importantly they won’t smash my fingers between the handles when I cut something big. Cursed the old ones everyday last week clearing the fence line, hated those things. The part that was supposed to prevent finger smashing broke a decade ago. Thought I lost them off the tractor, looked for them several times. Wouldn’t you know it? I was putting the new loppers in the shop when I got home. Dad was out there feeding his cats so I showed him my new purchase. While talking to him I saw the old ones! Evidently he’d put them on the acetylene torch cart for some unfathomable reason and forgot. He’s always moving my tools and putting them in odd places. I didn’t let on that I saw them. Just waited til he left the shop then tossed them in the trash barrel. Good riddance to a 20yr old piece of worn out junk! 🤣

Picked up dinner on the way out of town. No plans but tv tonight.
Woke about 4AM when the coffee started. Listened to the beautiful sound of rain while the coffee brewed. We could use more, but ever thankful for what we got = .1" :) Have been sleeping with the windows open which is wonderful.
Finished washing windows today, made a loaf of pumpkin raisin scones, did a load of laundry and continued to find my desk. Feels good to get some of the little nagging things off of it and put to right.
A beautiful day~
We left home this morning at 4am in order to get to the chicken processor by 6.30. After doing a few things around here when we got home I took a nap listening to the sound of rain. High temp today was 47 degs. Supposed to get more rain or snow over the next few days. I woke up from my nap feeling like I'm coming down with a cold. Even sitting next to the wood stove I'm feeling cold.
Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with our insurance girl to go over Medicare options, then we pick up the butchered chickens.
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I ran into one of my old slide rules today! Not my good one (a Pickett that I don't know where it is now). I found my backup cheap plastic Sterling Precision (figures!) But it's got the basic C, D, CI, A, B, K, L, S and T scales.

So I had to see what I remembered about how to use a slide rule. That turned out to be "not much", but I found an instruction sheet online and I've been practicing today.

Multiplication and division - I could still remember that

Squaring and cubing - that knowledge was still resident in my brain too

Square roots and cube roots - I had to review a bit (I had forgotten the rule that tells you which part of repeating scales to use)
I am still confused by the rule for cube roots. I need more practice! (Or maybe I should just not try to do cube roots!)

Logarithm (base 10) - I remembered that mostly (I had to think for a second about adding "1" for each power of ten - brain fart)
e.g., log(5) = 0.699, therefore log(50) = 1+0.699, log(500) = 2+0.699, log(5000) = 3+0.699

Sine - direct read (had to think for just a minute to remember "complementary angles" rule to get cosine)
e.g., cos(X) = sin(90-X)

Tangent - had to look this one up (I had forgotten how to get tangent of > 45 degrees when you go off scale)
e.g., tan(X) = 1 / tan(90-X)
Since my tangent scale goes from 5.8 to 45 degrees, I still don't know how you get the tangent of an angle less than 5.8 degrees or greater than 84.2 degrees

My mind has gotten very weak it appears. "Use it or lose it", ... and I haven't used it! Good thing I only found my backup slide rule that has very few scales on it. No way could I even come close to remembering how to use all the scales on my Pickett (wherever it is).

I have to go and relearn how and why you use the "C inverted" scale. I think it's so you don't have to move the slide so much, but my brain farted again when I tried to remember how to do that.

If was fun doing all this today. Embarrassing with the mathematics and slide rule techniques I had forgotten ... but fun. I figure if I set aside a slide rule for dead-calculator-battery post-SHTF cipherin' (as Jethro would say), maybe I ought to set aside an instruction manual too! On the bright side, I can't come up with many post-SHTF needs for finding a cube root of something. Or the logarithm either. But using the tangent - now that might be useful for post-SHTF construction projects.
Looks great! Been awhile since I last grew some ... was 2009 ... searched high and low for heirloom seeds for the best taste ... grew them on the deck ... I think neighbors and cops must have thought they were pot plants!!!! lol

Interesting that back in the 1970s in California, a friend of mine was growing pot plants in his mom's backyard. His mom was paranoid because it was in the pathway of the Los Angeles Airport, so she bought a bunch of plastic tomatoes and hung them on the plants.
Plan on picking buckets of green tomatoes today, our light morning freeze yesterday did a job on the plants. Our lows this week won't be bad though. There are so many cherry tomatoes out there, this is going to take all week.
Doc appt this afternoon, and husband wants to get a haircut afterwards and get a few things from Walmart. Aldi was out of a number of things yesterday, wasn't real impressed with their stock of anything. I did get a couple of roasts for the freezer, but I wasn't impressed with the price on them.
not going anywhere today. I do have one shopping trip left to do , it's further away but I need to go to Sams to get peanut butter and paper towels mostly. Plus dog food and looking at 6 v marine batteries

House is a total mess, maybe I need to clean today. Greenhouse is about done but I didn't get enough plastic so the guys reused some from the old one. The plastic I got was cheap so I might just get another roll and put it over top.
Still freezing out

edit: now that I am thinking about it, I think this is my first TEMU fail! I measured and figured the area of plastic I needed for the greenhouse! I think maybe the Chinese can't measure, or maybe they can't convert to inches LOL
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Busy day outside mainly, as its been muggy here and we are due a storm his weekend. After morning checking emails and scheduling next week, planted 3 bags of onions, red and white (150) in the polytunnel and have one bag left-have to find a spot outside. Also planted the garlic I bought, still have my own to plant. I normally don't do it until Dec 21st but I need to do what I can when I can, and I'm afraid of them going moldy. Watered everything still in the poly, potatoes, cabbage and leek. Strawberries still going ! Processed the last of the wonky carrots, need to decide soup or cake. In the oven are the last peppers and tomatoes for soup.
Fed hens and pulled cabbages for husbands new pheasants- did some outside tidying up. The plan was to power wash this weekend, but we'll see if the storm swings elsewhere first.
Got an appointment with our insurance girl this morning to go over the changes in Medicare. Then we'll pick up the chickens that were butchered yesterday. Right now it's snowing hard and everything is covered in white. We can start burning our brush piles now.

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