What's everybody doing today?

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While we were looking at shoes yesterday.
And no we didn't find any I would wear more than once.
But while we were shopping, I experienced my first manicure, facial.
I am now wearing finger polish with sparkles, and new light makeup.
I think I might like this being treated like woman.
I am definitely not a girly girl cause I like stogies, bourbon, motorcycles.
But once in while it's nice to be treated like a woman.
Instead of one of the guys all the times.
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A relaxing day for me today spent 3 hours at the local spring show yesterday walking away with a couple of chocolate show bags on Friday after doing dishes, 1 lot of washing then chook/duck pool refilling i pulled out my 6x4 trailer and begun the arduous task of slipping a normally light weight 400 litre poly tank on to it but in this case its fairly heavy taking into account a 7.5 hp fire pump mounted on top

After some innovative problem solving propped up towbar end of trailer as high as possible then attached one end of my ratchet strap to the pump frame and after a quick tensioning was able to pull it up onto the trailer with ease before attaching tank-pump supply line again along with the 24 mm ozito brand canvas fire hose then did a quick flush of any left over water from the priming port using clean water

I'd normally do the loading up of my slip on in mid November roughly a week before fire season starts but due to my area having below average rainfall from April right through to this month pretty much a non existent winter the emergency management committee that oversees South Australia's natural disaster response in-conjunction with CFS decided to start the Lower South East fire season 3 weeks ahead of schedule so instead of usual start date being 22/11 it will start on the 01/11
While we were looking at shoes yesterday.
And no we didn't find any I would wear more than once.
But while we were shopping, I experienced my first manicure, facial.
I am now wearing finger polish with sparkles, and new light makeup.
I think I might like this being treated like woman.
I am definitely not a girly girl cause I like stogies, bourbon, motorcycles.
But once in while it's nice to be treated like a woman.
Instead of one of the guys all the times.

Rogers and Hamerstien

Work yesterday was different.

USNR fixed the communication issue with the sorter and my machine...so no more daily 9 hour stairmaster routine up n down to my machine to the sorter then to the trimsaw shack back down to my machine..
It's probably a few miles worth of walking a night plus it's 2 levels high to the sorter n trimsaw shack..then back down to my machine.

But anyway..it took 3 techy folks to fix but it's fixed. I stacked 3 units after cleaning for 2 hours before the maintenance guy shut us all down to help him remove a old carrier chain on our debarker conveyor and put the new one together and on.

These chain links are as wide as my thigh, and about almost a foot long and heavy. I think we put together like 80 feet. They come in like 10 foot rolls, the burlyist guy was enrolling them, me and the edger guys job was to put them together. There is a foot long pin where you link the sections, and after we wrestled them together, we painted where the pin was in the chain. The pins have to get secured somehow so they don't wiggle out the chain.

Anyway, then we used the gradeall boom to lift the chain up to the deck, attached it to the old chain and a operator slowly ran the new chain through while the burly guys ran the old chain out from underneath the deck untill it met up with the end of the new chain. Then we unpinned the old, that's now on the ground from the new..n put the new ends together.
It took 3 guys to lift up the end of the chain enough for me to put the pin in. But we got it done.

Today, I took my gal pal with me to get some supplies in Onterio. We had a nice lunch n I got some things I needed. I had not been down that way since I think March or May..
I might have to go one more time but with the truck next time for bigger stuff..I might just wait till after winter too..
feeling stressed a bit. Solar panels are all mounted on the wood frame husband and son built, but now husband tells me our charge controllers and inverters are not high enough amps for the new set up. Now he tells me....he then ( electrical engineer, I had ONE electric class in college and didn't like it LOL) explains to me for an hour about voltage and current and amps, and power equals voltage times current ( I think I vaguely remember that ) so I looked how much more amp controllers and inverters cost and they are a LOT. Our old ones came in a kit with everything. A 80 amp controller is like $600 and we need 2. Unless I buy one for $129 at Temu....very tempted but husband says don't do it....inverters are even more

So we are going to spend thousands of dollars ...but, considering our electric bill goes up and up and we get less and less since it is off a lot, we might make our investment back in a few years

Finished cleaning the livingroom yesterday, only dirt room left now is the kitchen. But I never let the kitchen get really bad, so it's not that bad
While we were looking at shoes yesterday.
And no we didn't find any I would wear more than once.
But while we were shopping, I experienced my first manicure, facial.
I am now wearing finger polish with sparkles, and new light makeup.
I think I might like this being treated like woman.
I am definitely not a girly girl cause I like stogies, bourbon, motorcycles.
But once in while it's nice to be treated like a woman.
Instead of one of the guys all the times.
Send us a pic!
Good morning family and friends in the world of Homesteading forum.
It is crisp fall morning in my part of Missouri.
Coffee is fresh brewed.
My Irishman and I are enjoying a cup of not Army strong coffee.
We are learning to compromise on strength of coffee.
I no longer make it Army Strong.
And he makes it strong enough where I don't see through it to see the bottom of the cup.
And that is progress let me tell you what.
He drinks his coffee with "Cream", I drink mine straight up black.
Have a wonderful day.
So Robin' Sheets, princess of blanket thieves, tried to make me freeze to death last night, so I both didn't sleep well and learned a valuable lesson about keeping an emergency blanket nearby. Always be prepared as they say. Anyway got up, hit the latrine, zombie walked to the coffee pot, brewed some dark roast, climbed in the blanket fort the lady has on the sofa and as soon as I could just start to feel my fingers and toes again I decided to get online. I don't know what these blankets are made of but they are softer than a soy latte drinking 30 year old liberal male with a degree in gender studies who still lives with his mother & father. Don't where I go from here, other than I am supposed to make brunch here at some point. Thinking french toast, bacon and berries.
Things have been going well for me and this morning I started looking at my finances. I have all my bills under control and have a little in savings, the checking account is on the fat side (from a poor boy perspective), and it dawned on me. If I took the surplus (anything more than 2X monthly minimum bills) and applied that to the truck payment the interest saved is more than 3X what the bank pays. Then again there are other bank offerings that pay much more than my old school checking and savings accounts. Heck some CDs are now north of 4%, so figuring out how to get the most out of things can get complicated.

I even suggested that we set aside some money to give the GKs a little when/if they graduate high school (my thinking was $500), the wife promptly shot that down. She doesn't like the choices the kids make and making "gifts" to them would just make them more irresponsible... I don't agree with that thinking, but I know my place...
Got up early and enjoyed the sunrise with a nice cup of coffee.
Fed everyone and took the pups for a walk. Ran into a guy on the trail walking his pooch and we ended up walking the pups together so they could romp n play.
What a totally interesting guy he is too..been in the military, was a CO in California for 19 years after that. I wouldn't have guessed CO because his energy was so relaxed and chill.
Really cool guy to chat n walk with and the pups had fun.
I really like those spontaneous meet n greets that feel like long lost friends .

Then I hit the store for a few items I forgot yesterday..got lunch in the crackpot, deformed the goats n now going to clean subues windshield..
I found some awesome rocks..
I think mahogany obsidian or some kind of jasper..the light brown is super smooth and glass like just like obsidian
it has drusy crystals all over parts of it..the pics don't do it justice but it's beautiful!
This I'd the dog washing station ..for now it will go on the porch in case the fat one has another skunk encounter..
She got sprayed in the mouth again last week..
Oho!!!! FIRE AGATE !!!! You've got a winner there - wherever the location is that you found that, you need to go back to the same vicinity and look for more. And don't tell anyone where you found it if you plan to try to sell any quality pieces of it or word will get around and the location will get swarmed and picked clean and the location ruined by rock hounds with big dollar signs $ in their eyes before you can say "Jack Robinson".

I'm a rock and gemstone collector too. I know that going just by the photos you provided isn't adequate because really it needs to be physically examined to look for all the tells, but I'm still about 99% sure from just the photos and your description of texture, that it is rough fire agate. Found in the western mountains, pushed up from volcanic and tectonic activity. Rather rare and very valuable to lapidarists and jewelers who have the right tools to cut them open properly to get at the incredibly beautiful iridescent opalescent raw bubbled jewels contained inside. A good gem quality specimen of properly cut and polished fire agate the size of a pea can be worth around $150 or more these days. The larger the gem specimen the greater the value in increments into the many thousands of dollars. See examples below of specimens of rough fire agate like yours, and of finished gem quality pieces in jewelry. The beauty of the gems will blow you away and you'll see the finished pieces can be worth a very pretty penny for being just agates.

And just for your trivia information, for anyone who is into lore about healing crystals and their powerful vibrational energies and other mystical healing properties. Fire agate is one of most desirable stones for shamans and natural healers who work with stones, considered to be a shaman's or healer's manifestation stone, capable of making things happen magically by holding the stone in the hand and thinking about the thing or event that you want to become manifest. Does it work? Yes, somehow it does work, but it shouldn't be messed around with by people who are insincere and not pure of heart with good intentions. Otherwise the manifestation can rebound on the insincere user.

Good luck will come to those who sincerely treat it with respect, wonder and caution.

rough specimens: https://www.google.com/search?sca_e...HS2mLTwQtKgLegQIExAB&biw=1119&bih=609&dpr=1.5

gems found in the rough: https://www.google.com/search?sca_e...HW-mA4IQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=1119&bih=609&dpr=1.5

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Oho!!!! FIRE AGATE !!!! You've got a winner there - wherever the location is that you found that, you need to go back to the same vicinity and look for more. And don't tell anyone where you found it if you plan to try to sell any quality pieces of it or word will get around and the location will get swarmed and picked clean and the location ruined by rock hounds with big dollar signs $ in their eyes before you can say "Jack Robinson".

I'm a rock and gemstone collector too. I know that going just by the photos you provided isn't adequate because really it needs to be physically examined to look for all the tells, but I'm still about 99% sure from just the photos and your description of texture, that it is rough fire agate. Found in the western mountains, pushed up from volcanic and tectonic activity. Rather rare and very valuable to lapidarists and jewelers who have the right tools to cut them open properly to get at the incredibly beautiful iridescent opalescent raw bubbled jewels contained inside. A good gem quality specimen of properly cut and polished fire agate the size of a pea can be worth around $150 or more these days. The larger the gem specimen the greater the value in increments into the many thousands of dollars. See examples below of specimens of rough fire agate like yours, and of finished gem quality pieces in jewelry. The beauty of the gems will blow you away and you'll see the finished pieces can be worth a very pretty penny for being just agates.

And just for your trivia information, for anyone who is into lore about healing crystals and their powerful vibrational energies and other mystical healing properties. Fire agate is one of most desirable stones for shamans and natural healers who work with stones, considered to be a shaman's or healer's manifestation stone, capable of making things happen magically by holding the stone in the hand and thinking about the thing or event that you want to become manifest. Does it work? Yes, somehow it does work, but it shouldn't be messed around with by people who are insincere and not pure of heart with good intentions. Otherwise the manifestation can rebound on the insincere user.

Good luck will come to those who sincerely treat it with respect, wonder and caution.

rough specimens: https://www.google.com/search?sca_e...HS2mLTwQtKgLegQIExAB&biw=1119&bih=609&dpr=1.5

gems found in the rough: https://www.google.com/search?sca_e...HW-mA4IQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=1119&bih=609&dpr=1.5

Oooh!! It's a sign!! Synchronicity..oooh!!
Thank you..I've gotta clean it up morre
Got up early and enjoyed the sunrise with a nice cup of coffee.
Fed everyone and took the pups for a walk. Ran into a guy on the trail walking his pooch and we ended up walking the pups together so they could romp n play.
What a totally interesting guy he is too..been in the military, was a CO in California for 19 years after that. I wouldn't have guessed CO because his energy was so relaxed and chill.
Really cool guy to chat n walk with and the pups had fun.
I really like those spontaneous meet n greets that feel like long lost friends .

Then I hit the store for a few items I forgot yesterday..got lunch in the crackpot, deformed the goats n now going to clean subues windshield..
Go for it.
I am sitting here chuckling while I read this.
My Irishman is giving me glances and smiling at me.
So I try to explain my chuckles to him.
Hooch meets military man on hiking trail walking the dog.
Marsh was military man dating a civilian woman.
And then there us: I'm the military woman and he is dang good looking Irishman civilian.
Just struck me as funny.
But seriously go for it.
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