What's everybody doing today?

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Woke up at 12:30am to find myself alone in bed but expecting a dental hygienist to be next to me. Got up and went to the living room to find the television on, the movie "Shrek" playing, a woman and her daughter wrapped in blankets sleeping on either end of the sofa, a huge box of Crumbl cookies on the coffee table, and a small pile of little handheld purses, keys, play programs, movies, and receipts laying on the counter. I made sure the door was locked, picked up the remote, pushed the off button on the TV, and went back to bed. I am sure there is a detail course of action for such events, but I defaulted to the simplest operational plan.

They were both still on the sofa when I got up this morning. So instead of my normal Saturday AM coffee and internet, I grabbed some clothes and bathroom items and went swimming. It's really kind of fun to swim in a heated pool when it's only 40 degrees outside. Then I cleaned up in the pool changing room, grabbed my sling bag, walked down to the fancy coffee place for some java and a "banana upside down muffin". The place was full of people on their iPads and laptops but I didn't think to bring mine. Eventually I came back to the apartment only to find them still sleeping. So now I am sitting here on my laptop in the big chair as the two of them sleep a few feet from me as I resist the urge to play revile through the very loud and bass filled smart speaker.
The ladies finally woke up about 9:30am, got up and walked to their respective bedrooms. I hope they are in there getting themselves ready for the day but it is equally as possible that they climbed into their beds and went to sleep again. We have a solid 4-5 hours before we to leave so I won't be concerned for another 15 minutes or so.
The ladies finally woke up about 9:30am, got up and walked to their respective bedrooms. I hope they are in there getting themselves ready for the day but it is equally as possible that they climbed into their beds and went to sleep again. We have a solid 4-5 hours before we to leave so I won't be concerned for another 15 minutes or so.
Congratulations....You have now entered the woman time zone !!....lol
Woke up at 12:30am to find myself alone in bed but expecting a dental hygienist to be next to me. Got up and went to the living room to find the television on, the movie "Shrek" playing, a woman and her daughter wrapped in blankets sleeping on either end of the sofa, a huge box of Crumbl cookies on the coffee table, and a small pile of little handheld purses, keys, play programs, movies, and receipts laying on the counter. I made sure the door was locked, picked up the remote, pushed the off button on the TV, and went back to bed. I am sure there is a detail course of action for such events, but I defaulted to the simplest operational plan.

They were both still on the sofa when I got up this morning. So instead of my normal Saturday AM coffee and internet, I grabbed some clothes and bathroom items and went swimming. It's really kind of fun to swim in a heated pool when it's only 40 degrees outside. Then I cleaned up in the pool changing room, grabbed my sling bag, walked down to the fancy coffee place for some java and a "banana upside down muffin". The place was full of people on their iPads and laptops but I didn't think to bring mine. Eventually I came back to the apartment only to find them still sleeping. So now I am sitting here on my laptop in the big chair as the two of them sleep a few feet from me as I resist the urge to play revile through the very loud and bass filled smart speaker.
Used to when we'd have company spend the night, the wife would everyone up to either Smoke on the Water or Cat Scratch Fever. Never failed once.
So much going on. Our towns first balloon festival! And the CornFest shindig tonight. Where you can pay $5 for an earn of corn with toppings. ;) Was going to Vegas for errands but we are waiting a week. I'm just not up to driving 5 hours r/t to go to Trader's today.
I'm up at 4:30 every morning 😉
You dont count....you are unicorn territory.....!!

[iˈniɡmə, eˈniɡmə]
  1. a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand:
    "Pearl was still an enigma to him and forum"
Got the animal chores done and a bucket of sweet potatoes dug. Neighbor came over to pick up a recliner I didn't want for her sister's kids. Her husband saw a tv my husband didn't want, so I gave him that for his shop. Less stuff in the storage now, woot woot. Turkey just out of the oven, need to strip that down. Going in to town for distilled water, the amish store. They usually have it. Little granddaughter and I have a closet to deal with.
Got my freezers organized, found some mystery items! I'm thawing them, should be interesting!! Got everything done I'm going to do for now! Hitting the pool float for a bit, then some critter brushing: Sammy cat, Buddy, and Bear. Today and tomorrow will be the last of the pool days for a while. Really windy Monday and Tuesday, like 40 mph, then the rainy spell starts! I have a lot of inside projects planned!!
@Neb i hope the Princess can relax a little and you two have big plans for a celebration!
The Princess avoids celebrations but I am going to try to talk her into something once we know when her last day will be.

The lawyers for her company usually insist on immediate termination of resigning employees due to security risks. She has all of the passwords and privileges for all of the computer systems in the Carnegie Library system and could be a threat if she was disgruntled. But it was her dream job to work in a library and doing so for decades she is actually gruntled.

We will learn more on Tuesday.

Quoting from an Indiana Jones movie...

"Hang on lady, we going for a ride!"

Today was kind of a kick back day because I'm celebrating yesterday's doctor visit. After going over the numbers it sounds like he would be willing to place a small bet on me finishing out the year & maybe even longer. Also my back has been screwed up (still is) so I haven't been doing much "low" work. Allergies are of course killing me & I can't wait for Thanksgiving when they will be 2 to 3 times worse (mountain cedar). So just so I could say that I did "something" today I washed 2 loads of laundry, the 2nd one is in the dryer now. All in all it was a very nice day for me. I hope everyone else had a good one.
The Princess avoids celebrations but I am going to try to talk her into something once we know when her last day will be.

The lawyers for her company usually insist on immediate termination of resigning employees due to security risks. She has all of the passwords and privileges for all of the computer systems in the Carnegie Library system and could be a threat if she was disgruntled. But it was her dream job to work in a library and doing so for decades she is actually gruntled.

We will learn more on Tuesday.

Quoting from an Indiana Jones movie...

"Hang on lady, we going for a ride!"

Congrats to the Princess. Procter and Gamble cut my access to everything the day before I retired.

It was kinda funny when my manager called and wanted me to do something. Sorry, access denied.
Congrats to the Princess. Procter and Gamble cut my access to everything the day before I retired.

It was kinda funny when my manager called and wanted me to do something. Sorry, access denied.
A week prior to my last day my boss tried hand me an 1.5 inch thick spec for a new project. I looked at the stack then looked at my calendar then asked " Do you really want to get me involved in a new project?" He walked away.

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UPDATE for today. My AFT approval for my new silencer came in today! Woot-woot! Now just waiting for the sheriff notification, then I get my can. Maybe before Thanksgiving. Started on July 17th so 3 months and 9 days, so far.
Saturday October 26th 2024

File classification organizing papers and records :rolleyes:
most of the day
Did burn some things/papers was good for nothing
..wondering why I did keep it :dunno:
maybe I am too careful for the *just in case* thing

Ate some left over from the freezer
*chicken fried rice and some mint jelly*
and Earl Grey Black tea bergamot honey

Besides all is good but still tired from the week
My farmer sister phoned me taking some time to chat a bit
she is very very busy and did enter all wood she does need for Winter

Only 8 pm ... so not going to bed so soon ..later

So good morning ---good afternoon ---good evening ---good night
whenever 😉😘🥱😴

Who spends time looking at their keys? (aside from coming home too drunk to find the right one 🤣)
LOL. I got the different keys so we can differentiate them from standard keys and know what key belongs to whom and also to know what locks they open. Never actually got the fancy keys like that before.

Cut up some mushrooms for the chuck roast soup stuff my bro made. It turned out pretty good even with the green kale. Can't taste the kale bc it absorbed the flavors of everything else. I think the zucchinis disintegrated.

Trying to stay cool bc the AC isn't working.
Exhausted but had a wonderful day playing bluegrass on the mtn. Made it back safe n sound. Found out there's another event on 9nov, guess I need to start planning. Indoors so the weather wont be a concern.

Sitting in my chair watching a ball game... no other plans for the night.
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I'm completely exhausted from all my domestic duties today. Basically because I was on my feet all day, and my back is not used to that. Guess its a good thing, and should do more of it.

Just finished dinner, and will pour myself a libation, and sit in front of the boob tube for the evening.

Y'all have a great night!

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